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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1904)
VOLUME XXI. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1904 NUMBER 33 Professional Cards R. J. NIGHTINGALE LOUP GITY, NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, REBR8SK8. ■ •II. H. •IIIWID Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Ouly set of Abstract boobs in county j. h7long Office Opposite St. Elmo TELEPHONE CONNECTION S. A. ALLEN, ' DEJYTIST, LOUP CITY. - - NEB. OFFICE —One door east of St. Elmo Hotel. My equippment is modern and my prices will be as low as can be ex pected for «rood work. I would be pleased to have you call. Open evenings. In a dental operation the main consider ation is the,result. The pain is greatly modified by modern equippment. Dr. A. R NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon and HORSE DENTIST. OFFICE—At tny new residence second door east, ot opera house. LOUI* OITV. : . - NEBR ASKA. St. Elmo Hotel A. ERAZIM, Fropr. LOUP CITY, - NEBRASKA Farmers’ Table a Specialty Farmers of Sherman eounty are specially invited to make the St. Elmo their headquarters when at the county seat. Wesley McComos, H F lobirt McCOMBS % PEDLER Livery ft Feed Stable Loup City, Nebraska, Our teams are all good drivers and we are able to give you the best ot turnouts. Our prices are reason able and we can give satisfaction to all who wisQ our services. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED INSURE YOUR PROPERTY I am handling first-class In surance, and can give you the best of security against FIRE, LIGHTNING, WIND STORMS and TORNADOES in the St. Paul Fire Marine, Continental, Springfield, or National Ins. Co. ’s Will also insure against HAIL in j the St. Paul Fire Marine. Losses paid in full. Office with T. S. Nigbt • ingale, Loup City, Neb. F. E. Brewer eofJGfp’s City Dray anfl Transfer line J. W. & A. T. Conger, Props. All'klndsof hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty o( moving household good. Ice delivered in any part of town. Yonr patronage solicited, LOUP CITY. - - - NEBRASKA. philo Spydef Contractor and Builder Estimates Furnished • \ On Short Notice Loup City, Nebraska. PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. Photographs, Farm views, stock pictures etc. Finest instrument west of the Missouri river. All work stricly guaranteed. ^ • The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY PRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. TERMS:—*1.00 PKB TEAR. IF PAID IH ADVANC1 Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for tran& mission through the mails as second class matter1 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ell. and Pub. will be celebrated at Jeppej^s Park AMUSEMENTS Dancing in Pavillion First Class Floor and Good Mu sic. Bring you dinners and have a good time. ADMISSION FREE How does Roosevelt and Fairbanks strike you ? While the new revenue and the assessor is so much in evidence it seems an.oportune time for discuss ing the subject of fair and equitable taxations. In Germany they have a revenue law which provides that a property owner must accept ten per cent more from a purchaser for his property than the amount at w hich he gives it in to the assessor. That makes the tax payer more than will ing to put a fair valuation on his property; otherwise he may lose it by some one buying it at much less than its real value. This seems to the writer to be an exelient and just plan of raising revenue.— Mason City. Star. Here is farmer’s receipt for rid ding the premises of rats and mice. !f you sprinkle sulphur on the barn floor and -through your corn as you gather it there will not be a rat or mouse to bother. I have some old corn in a crib and not a rat or a mouse can be found. In stacking hay and oats sprinkle a little on the ground and through each load, and take my word for it, rats and mice can’t stay there. A pound of sul phur will be snfficieut to preserve a large crib of corn and it is good for stock and will not hurt the corn for bread. Schuyler 9, Loup City 2. The local ball team met defeat at the hands of the Schuyler aggregation last Thursday on the Loup City diamond. Owing to the raiDS, the diamond was in poor shape tor good ball, yet the game was brilliant from start to finish. Only in field work did the visitors outclass the home team, which was the main reason for the unevenness of the score 9 to 2. Emory Knight and Albert Johnson demonstrated that they have few amateur equals in the state, since the ratio of fans was 13 to 2 in favor of the Lonp City battery. The Schuyler boys are loud in their praises of the hospitable treatment they receive*! from the lovers of the game in this city and are a unit in their esteem of Um pire Mellor, Clear Creek Chat Burkner’s house is completed. Ned Harper lost a horse by light ning. A. Kohl’s new house is nearing completion. A Zaho says*lie will move to Cal ifornia this fall. A much needed road is about to be opened up north of R. Baker’s. 'l'he barley needs dry weather or it will lodge and be hard to save. The weather is fine, with plenty of rain. Last Friday gave us 2£ inches. A. J. Wilson sold his half sec tion of land to parties in Butler county Corn looks fine, with the excep tion of a few fields. It is well tend ed and promises a big ciop. Recorder. UNCLAIMED LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Loup City, Nebraska, month ending Jane 30,1904. Mrs E Butler, Mrs Joshle O’BIare Mrs C W Davis, Mrs Melta Williams. O H Dennett, F M Drigg, E J Elsberry. R D Ford, A W Gass, John Owen, L B Rooker, R O Ring. H Heed, C Taylor. L Saddler, T H Warner, Ignac Kuffel. Persons claiming the above will please say “advertised” and give date of this »i®f. W. T. Owens, P, M. / ’ '« V'-V- vV.v - ... Public School Election, Etc. The annual school meeting of this district convened at the school house on Monday afternoon of this week at 2 o’clock, with S. N. Sweetland acting as moderator and j. S. Pedler director. On motion it was ordered that the 11th and 12th grades be added to our school. A cement sidewalk was ordered to run along the east, south and one-half wav on the west of the school house block. The auditing committee appointed were E. A. Draper, E. G. Taylor and W.R.Mellor, and J.W.Long, D.C. Leach and It. J. Nightingale were appointed as ajcoramittee to recommend a levy. The auditing committee reported the treasurer’s books and vonchers correct and that the amount of cash on hand corresponded with the amount reported by the director. The committee on levy recommended that 20 mills be levied lor general pur poses and 2 mills for bond. Some of the patrons of the district urged the cleaning of certain portions of the school house and the re-seating of the grammar room, which was or dered done. The election of trustees for the ensu ing three years resulted as follows. J. P. Leininger.43 S. N. Sweetland.33 D. P. Leach.25 A. B. Outhouse.22 The first two were declared elected. Nine months of school the comihg year was ordered. A Well Ordered Institution. Ed. Northwestern: Being on busi ness at the institution tor feeble minded at Beatrice, last week, I took the op portunity to see how it was run, hav ing read a great deal about the manage ment of four years ago—or as you may call “mismanagement” at that time. The institution is now’ under the man agement of Dr. A. Johnston, who un derstands the business and attends to it. I found the strictest discipline and best of training in all the departments. He has the best of assistants you may find in any institution. The physician, Dr. F. K. Osborn, in whom all have confidence, is a very pleasant gentleman and has strictly up to-date methods. Mrs. Armstrong, principal of the school department, is the proper person for that place She guided me through all the rooms during school hours, and I can say the managemedtis something we all may be proud of If you go to the State Fair, seethe exhibit from this institution. They have a brush factory, their own electric light plant and a brass hand of fourteen pieces, which is about as good as any you may find. They haye dances where every teacher has to dance w ith the inm ates, which duty is a part of their contract. They have an adminis tration building occupied by tlu* offi cers and employes, some thirty-five |in number The first floor of this is used as a dining room for the inmates, some 335 tn number There are twTo build ings for the boys, one for the girls and one for a hospital. There is a farm of 222 acres, under finest cultivation. The institution has the milk from 20 to 25 cows. It will pay any one to visit this excellently managed institution at Beatrice. Jacob Albers. Bad Blood Boiling. Ashton had another lawsuit on its haDds last Thursday. It seems that Robert Watke arrived in town on Wednesday evening and was followed from place to place, threatened and abused and ordered out of town by certain parties. Fi nally he went out to sleep at Bert Leukazewski’s. About midnight the parties came with a warrant, arrest ed Watke and put him in the vil lage jail and kept him there till morning. In the trial R. P. Starr represented Mr. Nick Kosmicki, one of the parties who had threatened Mr. Watke, while H. M. Mathew looked after his side of the case. The case was compromised, Mr. Kosmicki paying the costs and other consideration. We have since heard that Watke has caused tbe ar rest of Kosmicki in Judge Ahgier’s court. There seems to be plenty of bad blood running riot in and arqpnd our lovely little sister town. ■ -. * A Stabbing Affray. Sunday night, the 19th, John.Goc the valliatit constable of Ashton township, assisted by a posse, went out several miles north of Ashton ar.d after the exercise of consider able strategy, captured one of the Sonnerifeldboys, on charge of stab bing with intent to kill a citizen, named Vincent, of Howard county. The doctor, who examined the in juries of the wounded man, says that if one of the cuts had been a half inch higher, it would have been fatal. We are informed that the wounded man’s arm hangs limply at his side siuce he received the stabs in bis shoulder and back. Oounty Attorney J.S. Pedler was summoned before tbe justice court.of Mr. John F.Smitb to prosecute for the offense. We understand the defendant was fined $50 and costs, som $80 in all. Extra quality gallon Peaches.... 50e Good Prunes, per pound. 5c 7 Bars Silver Leaf Soap.25c ' Choice Salmon, per can.10c Buy Loup City Flour, per sack. $1.30 CHASE’S ---1 A. P. GULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. FIRST NAtIIaL BANK of Loup city. General Banking Business Transacted. PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000.00. CORRESPONDENTS: . . Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. . Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. DRAPER SADDLERY COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF LIGHT and HEAVY HARNESS SADDLES and BRIDLES BLANKKT8, ROBES, WHIPS, PLY NETS, BRUSHES, CURRY COMBS. Repairing Neatly Executed. All Work Warranted. HAND MADE HARNESS A SPECIALTY. Bargains in Buies aid Swing Wapns LOUP CITYr - - - NEBRASKA gnmononm wnryffnwwk A Model Lunch Room. : MSHLiS HLU HOURS. . — I I -* QPEE FROM 6=30 A- M- TO 11=30 P. M, w- | ■4¥r OY STERS ANY STYLE ; FRESH BREED END BUNS FROM THE \ ; CELEBRETED CESS BROS BEKERY OF EURORE. ! j Also Pies and Cades for sale tore. ; ; Two Doors West of Post Office. . • BAYNE & JONES) Loup City, Nebraska. Wrarn-.. rffr-n-7-..g W. R.MELLOR LOUP CITY,*NEBRASKA. Buys, Sells and Rents# RESIDENT AGENT FOR B. & M. LANDS AND LINCOLN LAND CO. TOWN LOTS. STMTiis BOUGHT AT THE B. & M Elevators MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Ctal to Salt al Lta; City ail Ashtti. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G- TAYLOR. John Solmes ^DEALER IN** HARDWARE FTJRITIT'CrRE Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves, Tinware, Screen Doors, Hammocks, Lawn Mowers Guns and Ammunition. Carry a full line of guaranteed Paints, - Linseed and Machine Oils. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR binding twine now " . '' i ■ ■■ 1 — —■■in. — rOetll an.d See ^B W .T. CHASE 1 —THE— Popular Druggist FOR THE PUREST AND BEST Djrigs, Paipts, Oils, CIGARS, FRUITS IN SEASON, ETC. -LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA SEE t. m. n FOR FARM MACHINERY, WAGONS, BUG GIES, WINDMILLS, PUMPS, HAY RAKES, STACKERS, SWEEPS. Xjoultd Oityv IN‘e'bras!k:a r. I. EPEW^- I i\ Wagon Maker,! I «s ?i,iM5SOT I I MTJ^19IS ARE REASONABLE and prompt I |_ATTENTI0N GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. I T-h— ' rT. f