Loup City Northwestern VOLUME XXI. ILOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1904 NUMBER 31 Professional Cards R. J. NIGHTINGALE Mtoraey and Cousselcr>at>Law LOUP 0ITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law .LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA J/. H. .1IE.M Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Ouly set of Abstract boobs in county J. H. LONG Office Opposite St. Elmo TELEPHONE CONNECTION S. A. ALLEN, DENTIST, r.orp CITY. - - NEB. OFFICE —One door east of St. Elmo Hotel. My equippment is modern and my prices will be as low as can be ex pected for ^ood work. I would be pleased to have you call. Open evenings. In a dental operation the main consider ation is the result. The pain is greatly modified by modern equlppment. Dr. A. R. NORTON, Yeterinary Surgeon and HORSE DENTIST. OFFICE.—At my new residence second door east ot opera honse. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. Wesley McCombs, H F Hobart McCOMBS % HOBART Livery § Feed Stable Loup City, Nebraska, Our teams are all good drivers and we are ab|o to give von the best' ot turnouts. Our prices are reason able and we can give satisfaction to , all who wisu our services. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED INSURE YOUR PROPERTY I am handling first-class in surance, and can give you the best of security against FIRE, LIGHTNING, WIND STORMS and TORNADOES in the St. Paul Fire Marine, Continental, Springfield, or National Ins. >Co. ’s Will also insure against HAIL in the St. Paul Fire Mariae. Losses paid in full. Office with T. S. Night ingale, Loup City, Neb. F. E. Brewer GOfJGEP’S City Dray anfl Transfer line .T. W. & A. T. Conger, Props. All kinds of hauttng will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty of moving household good, ice delivered in any part of town. Your patronage solicited, LOUP CITY. - - ■ N E BRASH A. philo Spydey Contractor and Builder Estimates Furnished On Short Notice Loup City, Nebraska. PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. =*►**•#3 Photographs, Farm views, Stock pictures etc. Finest instrument west of the Missouri river. A11 work stricly guaranteed. THIS YEAR’S TAXES If you are interested in knowing how the farmers, merchants, manufacturers and railroads are being assessed this year, send 25 cents for a month's trial subscription to the Lincoln Evening News. This will give you the reports of the state conventions, and an all round live newspaper. One month's trial will probably make a regular sub scriber out of you. The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. TERMS:—*1.00 PER TEAR. IT PAID IN ADVANCI Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans mission through the mails as second class matter* J. W, BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub Fill If Jill will be celebrated at Jeppey’s Payk AMUSEMENTS Dancing in Pavillion First Class Floor and Good Mu sic. Bring you dinners and have a good time. ADMISSION FREE A big fight is being made by Tom Dennison, the Omaha gambler, to keep from going to Iowa. If he is inno cent, what is he afraid of. ■ The pops annually pass resolu tions against the pass system, and then as greedily take ever}’ pass offered. Oh, consistency thou art a jewell, indeed. The attempt of the opposition to ljiake political capital out of the new’ revenue law will end about as did their political buncombe on im perialism in the Philippines. The Holt County Independent, published by a beefy pup and edited by the great Nebraska populist, Mike Harrington, is about the era/-; lest political sheet in the state. One would think the thing was sub ject to the rabbies. The Ord Quiz man, who has just returned from Los Angeies, where he has been in attendance on the Methodist general conference, gives this quiet roast of that country:' “Anyone who will leave Nebraska to seek out a living in Southern Cal ifornia would prefer wind puddiDg to beef stake. Eifteenth Wedding Anniversary ‘A very pleasant gathering was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Conklin of Ashton, June 14th, it being their fifteenth wed ding anniveisary. They received many valuable presents, consisting of cut glass, chinaware and pictures. An elegant 7 o’clock dinner was served in four courses. The evon ing was spent in social entertain ment until the wee hours of morn ing, when the guests departed, wish ing for Mr. and Mrs. Conklin many happy returns of their wedding day. The following were the invited guests: Judge J. A. Angitr and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Angler, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Taylor and Miss Nellie Hawk, Loup City; Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Brown, Farwell; Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. B. Vandecar, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Kendall, St. Paul; Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Lang staff, Dr. and Mrs. L. I. Bogen, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Polskiand the Misses Josie and Katy Polski, Mr. C. F. Beuchausen, Mr. and Mrs J. P. Try jor and Mr. and Mys. j. E. Conklin, .c\shtqn. Loup City 4, North Loup 2. 1 be Loup City-North Loup game W ednesday was one of the prettiest exhibitions yet this season. From start to finish it was anybody’s game, but finally ended in favor of Loup City by a score of 4 to 2. Space will not allow of extended mention, yet it was more worthy of it than any game so far played on the home grounds. The North Loup boys are a very gentlemanly lot of fellows, and are first class players. The score; 123456489 Loup City.,.2 0100001 0—4 North Loup.1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0—2 Batteries—Loup City, Knight and Johnson; North Loup, Hill and How ard. Umpire— Mellor. PROGRAMME Of Commencement Exercises of Loup City High School. Saturday evening of this week will be held the Commencement exercises of the graduating clr.ss of the Loup City high school. The class is composed of ten young ladies and five young gentle men as follows: Misses Lillian Mae Conhiser, Irene Clara Gipson. Etta Ma bel Lof holm, Meroe Jaynes Outhouse, Katherine Coralene Leininger, Jose phine Emeline John, Bertha Mead. Jes sica Margaret Leininger, Vivian Mabel Nightingale and EllaN. Foster, and the Messrs. Leslie M. Sweetland, Theodore b rank Pilger, Ottis £. Hiser. Raymond V. Kearns and Clarence R. Sweetland. The exercises will be held at the opera house, with the following program: March.Ernestine Odkndahl Invocation.Rev. F. D, Kennedy Trio.Selected Etta Lof holm Coralene Leininger Vivian Nightingale Oration.“ Progress” Raymond N. Kearns Quartette.“Old Friends” Clarence R. Sweetland Leslie F, Sweetland Ottis E. Hiser Theodore F. Pllger Class History. Bertha Mead Piano Solo.“ Moonlight on the Mississippi ’ Meroe J. Outhouse Sextette.Selected Coralene Leininger Jessica Leininger Ella N. Foster Josephine John Irene Gibson Lillian Conhiser Address.State Sdpt. W. k Fowler Class Song. Presentation of Diplomas. . .. .State Superintendent Benediction...Rev John Madely As will be noticed, the class has been singularly fortunate in securing State Superintendent Fowler for an address betore the class on that evening and who will also present the diplomas to the graduates. The baccalaureate sermon will be de livered the following (Sunday) evening, and a rich literary treat may confident ly be expected. An interesting musical program has also been provided, the se lections tc be given by Misses Beth Zim merman, Beatrice Nightingale, Laura Benschoter, Winnie Leach and Edith Angier, and Messrs Douglas, Leinin ger, Zimmerman and Johnson, with Mts. R. P. Starr as accompanist. Surprise Party. A surprise party was given Miss Frances Sweetland last Friday even ing at the pleasant home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. X. Sweetland, by a number of her young friends The young people met at the home of Miss Edna Daddow and went from therein a body to the home of their young hostess. Those present were: Misses Mary Gibson. Jessie Culley, Etts Lof holin, Ada Smith, Vergie Crown, Iya Henry, Bertha Mead, Edna Daddow, Lottie Gibson, Elva Zimmerman, Ade line Leininger, Meroe Outhouse. Ida Draper, Lula Lee, Emma Outhouse, Rosa Snyder and Zura Reed, and the Messrs. Verne llulbert, Ottis Hiser* Theodore Pilger, Leslie and Clarence Sweetland, Ben Swanson, Floyd Gib aon, Arthur Brown, Willie Rowe, Eu gene Ilenry, Arthur Reed, George Sharp Dwight McCombs and Romeo Conger. Knot Tied in Romantic Manner Marxiea—Sunday, June 12th, by the Rev. F. D. Kennedy, Mr. Cbas. E. Gil lespie and Miss Mabel Owen. The young couple drcve up to the parson age, called the reverend forth, had the matrimonial knot tied without leaving the buggy and drove away again with out alighting. Mr. Gillespie, w’e un derstand, is in the employ of Lawrence Smith on the farm, while his bride has been for some time a dressmaker in Loup City, coming here from Danne brog last January. We wish the young couple pleasant sailing on the matrimo nial seas Might llave Cost Dear. Arthur Gilbert, employed at the St. Elmo barn, received what might have been a seriors injury, last Thursday morning. He and a number of others were engaged in jumping, when he hurt himself inwardly, and was conlin ed to his home for several days in con seqnence. Fortunately no dangerous complications followed. To Treat Sightless Socket. The 13-year-old son of Chas. Walk a. mentioned in these columns as losing an eye from the explosiop of a shell, last Wednesday, wras taken to Omaha for treatment the f illoweng day. - Obituary. James Wilber Hughes was born June 14, 1880, in Fairfield, Clay county, Ne braska, where he resided until two years ago, with his parents, brothers and sisters. Two years ago, he removed with his family from Clay sounty to this place, where he resided until death, June (>. 1904, aged 23 years, 11 months and 24 days. When 13 years of age he was converted and after baptism united with the United] Brethren church. He was a most devoted son and brother. His father, mother, five sisters and two brothers are left to mourn their loss. They mourn that have no hope. Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes and family de sire to extend their heartfelt thanks to friends and neighbors for their kind ness during this trying period. “Inas much as you do it unto the least of these you do it unto me.” Extra quality gallon Peaches_50c Good Prunes, per pound. 5e 7 Bars Silver Leaf Soap.25c Choice Salmon, per can.10c Buy Loup City Flour, per sack. $1.30 CHASE’S A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL of Loup city. General Banking Business Transacted, PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000.00. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y, Omaha National $ank, Omaha, Nebraska. DRAPER SADDLERY COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF LIGHT and HEAVY HARNESS SADDLES and BRIDLES BLANKETS, ROBES, WHIPS, PLY NETS, BRUSHES, C^RRY OOMBS. Repairing Neatly Executed. All Work Warranted. HAND MADE HARNESS A SPECIALTY. Bargains in Baggies and Soring Wagons LOUP CITY NEBRASKA A Model Lunch Room.; M6flIiS AT .Hlili HOURS, i OPEB FROM 6:30 A- M- TO 11:30 P, M, » OYSTERS ANY STYLE FRESH BREED END BUNS. FROM CELEBRETED CESS BROS BEKERf OF EURORE. Also Pi# 3B(| Cttes for sale lere. Two Doors West of Post Office.'; BAYNE & JONES? Loup City, Nebraska. W. R. MELLOR LOUP CITY.2NEBRASKA. Buys, Sells and Rents* RESIDENT AGENT FOR B. & M. LANDS AND LINCOLN LAND CO. TOWN LOTS. !M1 MID 1 m BOUGHT AT THE B. & M, Elevators MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FAR WELL. Goal Fir Sial loop cm sol Aslli. will Bo? HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our coal and get prices on grain. _ E. G. TAYLOR. ■*DEALEK IN» HARDWARE Furniture, Stoves and Tinware My stock of shelf hardware, tinware, guns, cutlery and furniture is complete and our prices cannot fail to please. Get our prices on steel ranges, cook stoves, heaters etc., before you buy. We can save you mon ey on these articles. Your pat ronage solicited. .LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. W .T. CHASE —THE— Popular Druggist FOR THE PUREST AND BEST Drugs, Paijits, Gils, CIGARS, FRUITS IN SEASON, ETC. .LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA, SEE T. M. MED pi Q FARM MACHINERY, WAGONS, BUG GIES, WINDMILLS, PUMPS, HAY RAKES, STACKERS, SWEEPS. Lom/p Oity, 2sTebraska I. DEPEWS^ Blacksmith s Wagon Maker, I fm?^wJLhLl&1rR„e8tw-M,“1 beat ®q«iPP«» north of the Platte Hirer chinIrT *na * oomplete line of the latest improred, ma turn out Wh° k“OW b°W 10 0perat6 U and MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. fhe ^ofthwesterp$1 per Yf.