Loup City Northwes ern VOLUME XXI. ILOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1904 , NUMBER 80 Professional Cards AARON WALL Lawy er Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law< LOUP CITY. NEBRSSKS. tir. h. jfiEdtn Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Ouly set of Abstract books in county J. H. LONG * Office Opposite St. Elmo TELEPHONE CONNECTION S. A. ALLEN, DENTIST, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. OFFICE.—One door east of 8t. Elmo Hotel. My equippment 19 modern and my prices will be as low as can be ex pected for wood work. I would be pleased to have you call. Open evenings. In a dental operation the main consider ation is the result. The pain is greatly modified by modern equippment. • Dr. a. R- NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon and HORSE DENTIST. OFFICE —At tny new residence second door east ot opera house. LOUP CITY. : - - NEBRASKA. Wtsit? McCsats, E F Hobart McCOMBS W HOBART Livery t Feed Stable Loup City, Nebraska, Our teams are all good drivers snd we are able to give von the best ot turnouts. Our prices are reason able and we can give satisfaction to all who wisn our services. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED INSURE YOUR PROPERTY I am handling first-class in surance, and can give you the best of security against FIRE, LIGHTNING, WIND STORMS and TORNADOES in the St. Paul Fire Marine, Continental, Springfield, or National In8. Co.’s Will also insure against HAIL in the St. Paul Fire Marine. Losses paid in full. Office with T. S. Night ingale, Loup City, Neb. F. E. Brewer eopGEP’S City Dray aid Transfer line .T. W. & A. T. Conger, Props. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty of moving household good. Ice delivered in any part of town. Your patronage solicited, LOUP CITY, - . . NEBRASKA. philo Spydef Contractor nd Builder Estimates Furnished On Short Notice Loup City, Nebraska. Boone, PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. Photographs, Farm views. Stock pictures etc. Finest instrument west ot the Missouri river. All work stricly guaranteed, THIS YEAR S TAXES If you are interested in knowing how the fanners, merchants, manufacturers and railroads are being assessed this year, send 25 cents for a month’s trial subscription to the Lincoln Evening News. This will give you the reports of the state conventions, and an all round live newspaper. One month's trial will probably make a regular sub scriber out of you. The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY BEAT. TERMS:—*1.00 PER TEAR. IF PAID IB ADVABC1 Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans mission through the mails as second claas matter* J. W. BURLEIGH. Eil. anil Pub. Republican Standard Bearers NATIONAL. For President. .Theodore Roosevelt For Vice President. .John L.Websterot Douglas u. s. SENATE. For United States Senator... .Elmer J. Burkett. Lancaster STATE. For Governor. . .... John H. Mickey of Polk For Lieutenant Governor. .E. G. McGiltcn ot Douglas For Secretary ot State. .X. Galusha of Webster For Auditor. .E. M. Searle.Jr. of Keith For Treasurer. .Peter Mortensen of Howard For Superintendent of School. ..1. M. McBrien of Fillmore For Attorney General. .Norris Brown of Buffalo For Land commissioner. .If. M. Eaton of Dodge Electors-at-Large. .II. II. Wilson of Lancaster .J. C. Robinson of Douglas Electors-First ^District. .F. A. Barton of Pawnee Second District. .Arthur Smith of 'Douglas Third District,A. C, Abbott of Thurston Fourth District,T. L. Norval of Seward Fifth District_W. P. Hall of Phelps Sixth District_M.A. Brown of Buffslo Delegates at Large. .R.C. JBrome of Douglas .C. B. Dempster of Gage .J. F. Piper of Burt .L.F. M. Lertangof Dawson National Committeeman. .C. II. Morrill of Lancaster CONG UESSION A L. For Congressman—Sixth District.. .Moses P. Kinkaid of Holt j STATE SeNATE. For ^nator— tli District. .Aaron Wall of Sherman COUNTY. For Representative. .H. Snu-l-er of Ashton For County Attorney.•_ ... J. S. Pedler of Loup City -— Gov Mickey has named June 14 as Flag Day. - - - - The democratic nomination for governor is now causing a merry war among the leaders of that an cient party. Little Giant Thomp. son of Grand Island has concluded after mature deliberation that he is the man who can defeat Mickey, while Shellenbarger of Alma thinks he is just about the size. And so it goes. Tom Dennison, the noted Omaha gambler, accused of complicity in the great Pollock diamond robbery of a number of years ago, has been indicted by an Iowa grand jury and Gov. Mickey has granted his re quisition to that state to answer the grave charge. It is a long lane that has no turn. The mining troubles in Colorado received a fresh impetus, Monday, and now the lawlessness has certain ly reached the limit. On that day, an infernal machine was set off un der the depot platform at the town of Independence, blowing seventeen non union men out of business, some twelve of them being torn to shreds, while the balance w'ere badly in jured. One man was blown 75 feet into the air, yet escaped alive. Be sides this horror, riots and killings are reported from Victor, Cripple Creek and other points resulting therefrom. Colorado is in a pitiful condition, and the history of the past few' months’ horrors and those to come may be ascribed pretty equally to the greed of grasping mine ow'ners, and the anarchistic hoards of imported Huns and other classes of foreigners, brought here at the instance of the aforesaid greedy, grasping, grinding monied cormorants, owners of these great mining interests. This country is reaping the benefit of its lax and unjust immigration laws of the years gone by. The padlock was put on the open immigration doors too late. Where is the remedy for the great national poison infused in this country’s veins and into her very life-blood arteries? Gov. Mickey has appointed C. H. Gregg of Kearney a member of the State Hoard of Education, vice George B. Rogers, whose time had expired. As was expected the democratic state convention last week was dom inated by Bryan, who will head the unterrified at St. Louis. The Kan sas City platform, of course, was endorsed and everthing went thro’ as slated. Illinois republicans, after two or three weeks of fruitless ballotings, numerous recesses and a bard tight all around, finally landed Chas. S. Deenen as the comproise candidate for governor on the 78th ballot, on last Friday. Texas was visited by a furious tornado, last Friday night, causing great damage to property interests and serious loss of life. Oklahoma also report a destructive twister on the same date in the Kiowa and Comanche nations, with serions loss of life and property John Wall's Big Store Burned At 5 o’clock this (Friday) morning Erni quin ton discovered John Wall’s store building to be on fire. He quickly spread tbe alarm, The lire was then in the northeast corner but whether above or l>eIow is a question on which no two agree A crowd of men quickly gathered and all that could be done was but all to no purpose. The lire steadily gained headway and it soon became apparent that nothing Arcadia can muater in the way of a fire protection could save the building. The tiames soon began to shoot from the roof in a dozen different places, and efforts were entirely given to save the remainder of the town and get the goods out of the store The wind favored the workers shifting a little to the northeast, awhile before it was straight from the north. The fight was made from the roof of the post office, and front street in apite of the efforts had it not been for the heavy brick lire proof wall on the east of Mr. Wall’s store, all of the west half of town, and possibly all of the town would have been burned. Space and time forbids a full account of the differ ent phases of the horror. The loss to Mr. Wall is about$28,000. Only $3,000 of this is covered bv insurance. Some goods were saved, but are badlvdamag ed. The postoffice building is a total wreck. Mr. Wall will rebuild at once. —Arcadia Champion. __ T ,_ Death of James Hughes. James Hughes, aged 24 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hughes, livtng some seven miles south of town, died Monday night at nine o’clock of stomach trouble, caused by going in bathing,and remain ing in the water too long. He was in town last Friday, in seemingly usual good health. Later he was taken ill. Monday he suffered a surgical operation, but failed to rally and passed quietly away. He was a bright, exemplary young man. and a great favorite with his many friends. He leaves a father, mother, five sisters and two brothers, all living in Sherman county save three married sisters. His funeral took place this morning at 10 o’clock at the resi dence, undertaker Hover having charge, under the auspices of the A. O. U. W., of which he was an honored member, and was buried in the beautiful Virdu rette cemetery, Rev. Madely of the M. E. church conducted the last sad rites. The bereaved ones have the heartfelt sympathy of their large circle of friends. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST BA.NK OF LOUP CITY CHARTER NO. 250, INCORPORATED At Loup City in the State of Nebraska, at the Close of Business, May 16th, 1901: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.$ 81,786 81 Overdrafts secured and unsecured. 288 17 Stocks and securities. 497 51 United States bonds. 7.000 00 Banking house, furniture, fixtures 3,200 00 Current expenses and taxes paid. 1,063 51 Premium on U. S. and other bonds and securities. 354 38 Due from National, State and Priv ate banks anil bankers... 28,955 09 Checks and items of exchange 1,014 87 Cash—Coin . 4,27172 •• Currency. 2,643 00-36.913 68 Total. 131,094 06 LIABILITIES. % Capital stock paid in. 125,000 00 Undivided profits. 2,734 34 individual deposits sub ject to check . 80,451 00 Demand certificates of ■ deposit ... 22,834 68 Due to state and private banks and bankers ... 73 44—103,359 72 Total. 131,094 06 State of Nebraska,) _ _ County of Sherman, j8 8 1. W. F. Mason, Cashier of the above named Bank, db solemnly swear that the above statement is correct and a true copy of the report made to the State Bank ing board. W. F. Mason, ATTE8T W. F. Mason. Director. M. L. Cpllbt, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of June. 1904. . J. S. Pbdlsb, (SEAL.) Notary Public. My commission expires Nov. 10, 1904. • Extra - «• «•.». I MY-J!S\