The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 02, 1904, Image 7

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    ilif A prominent clubwoman, Mrs. Dan-\J
forth, of St. Joseph, Mich., tells how she
was cured of falling of the womb and
its accompanying pains and misery by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
u Dear Mrs. Pink ham: — Life looks dark indeed when a woman
feels that her strength is fading away and she has no hopes of ever
being restored. Such was my feeling a few months ago when I was
advised that my poor health was caused by prolapsus or falling of the
womb. The words sounded like a knell to me, I felt that my sun had
set; but Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound came to me as
an elixir of life; it restored the lost forces and built me up until my
good health returned to me. For four months I took the medicine
daily and each dose added health and strength. I am so thankful for
the help I obtained through its use.” — Mrs. Florence Danfoeth,
1007 Miles Ave.# St Joseph, Mich.
A medicine that has restored so many women to health and
ean produce proof of the fact must bo regarded with respect. This
is the record of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, which
cannot be equalled by any other medicine the world has ever pro
duced. Here is another case: —
“Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam:— For years I was
troubled with falling of the womb, irregular
. and painful menstruation, leuconhcsa, bearing
\ down pains, backache, headache, dizzy and
& fainting spells, and stomach trouble.
m “I doctored for about five years but did
hh not seem to improve. I began the use of your
Y medicine, and have taken seven bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound,
three of Blood Purifier, and also used the
Sanative Wash and Liver Pills, and am now
enjoying good health, and have gained in flesh.
I thank you very much for what you
have done for me, and heartily recom
mend your medicine to all suffering
r women.”—Miss Emua Sxyder, 218 East
Center St., Marion, Ohio.
Women would save time and much sickness if they would
write to 31 rs. Pinkliam for advice as coon as any distressing symp
toms appear. It is free, and has put thousands of women on the
right road to recovery.
3Irs. Pinkliam never violates the confidence thus entrusted to
her, and although she publishes thousands of testimonials from
women who have been benefited by her advice and medicine,
never in all ber experience has she published such a letter without
the full consent, and often by special request of the writer.
MAA FORFEIT if we can: ot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures ol
V HI I! Ill abort, testimonial*, which will prove their absolute genuineness.
l^uUvU Lydia Jfch Liakliain Uvdicinu Co., Lyss, Mas*.
Is our name for the patent Separating
Grate and Check Plate in the famous
It has the Big Cylinder, with lots of
concave and open grate surface.
It has the Man Behind the Gun, that
does most of the separating right at the
Besides these, it has all the separat
ing capacity of other machines.
The average old-style small cylinder
thresher wastes enough grain and time
to pay your thresh bill.
Why not save the grain ordinarily
put into the straw stack? Why not
save the time which the ordinary
threshing outfit wastes for you?
This can be done by employing the
It runs right along, saving your grain
and saving time, regardless of con
As the modem self-binder is ahead ol
the old reaper of forty years ago, so is
the Big Cylinder and* Man Behind th«
Gun ahead of the small cylinder old
style thresher.
The old-style thresher with its small
cylinder and limited separating capac
ity, has stood for years without much
crowning improvement in threshing
It is built for modern, up-to-date
work; to thresh well; to thresh fast;
to save time and grain and money for
the thresherman and farmer. It does
it. There are reasons why. Send for
onr new book on threshing, it gives
them and it is free.
only machine that has the Man Behind
the Gun, and it will save enough extra
grain and time to pay your thresh bill.
Builders o? Threshers and Engines. Battle Creek, Mich.
as,©©©, ©00
Teur jobber or iltrec: irom Factory, l’eorla, UL
free to Twenty-five Ladies.
■ The Defiance Starch Co. will give
[ 25 ladies a round trip ticket to the
f St. Louis Exposition, to five ladies
P in each of the following states; Illi
nois, Iowa,' Nebraska, Kansas and
Missouri who will send in the largest
number of trade marks cut from a ten
cent, 16-ounce package of Defiance
cold water laundry starch. This
means from your own home, any
where in the above named states.
These trade marks must be mailed to
and received by the Defiance Starch
Co., Omaha, Nebr., before September
1st, 1904. October and November
will be the best months to visit the
Exposition. Remember that Defiance
is the only starch put up 16 oz. (a
full pound) to the package, ou get
one-thiri more starch for the same
money than of any other kind, and
Defiance never sticks to the iron.
The tickets to the Exposition will be
! seat by registered mail September
6t-i. Starch for sale by all dealers.
v The tongue can matte the most sen
sible appear to disadvantage.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOR!A,
a eafe and sure remedy for infante and children,
and see that it
The Immensity of Russia.
Russia embraces one-sixth of the
land surface of the world. It Is more
than fifty times larger than Japan and
has a total area of 8,650,000 square
miles. Half of Europe and the whole
of northern Asia are included within
its boundaries. It has a greater con
tinuous area than any other nation in
the world.
means careful buying of the small
things as well as the large. Paragon
Typewriter Ribbons bear the special
guarantee of the Remington Type
writer Company. They sell singly for
75 cents each. If you buy the Para
gon Ribbon coupon books, you get
them for 58 1-3 cents. Lots of inferior’
goods cost more than that.
Woman’s inhumanity to man makes
countless millions mourn.
When Your Grocer Says
he does not have Defiance “Starch, vou
may be sure he is afraid to keep it until
his stock of 12 oz. packages are sold. De
fiance Starch is not only better than any
other O-dd Water Starch, but contains 16
oz. to the package and sells fot same
money as 12 oz. brands.
Some of the lowest places in a city
are likely to be owned in the highest.
1 am sure Plso's Cura for Consumption saved
my life three years ago—Mrs. Thos. Robulks.
Maple Street, Norwich, It Y., Feb. 17,1900.
The distinction between the wily
and the wicked is too fine for the
Why It Is the Sect
is because made by m entirely different
process. Defiance Starch is unlike any
other, better and one-third more for M
The Corn Crop.
T. H. Mason, In an address to
farmers’ Institute workers, said: Any
of our ordinary soils will grow corn
successfully, except very hard clays,
that are deficient in humus. More
over, it Is a gross feeder, and will
make use of a liberal quantity of
manure. Corn should be the clearing
up crop of the rotation, but as it is
very often handle.! it is the dirtiest
crop. If the land is full of weed
seeds, liberally manured, and cultiva
tion stopped when the corn is a
couple of feet high, we get a great
quantity of weeds and a small crop
of corn.
Two system of cultivation are com
monly practised in tb.3 corn belt One
is to plow very late In the fall, ma
nure in the winter ard spring, then
gang plow or disc in May, making a
shallow seed bed. There are two ad
vantages gained by following this
plan: (a) By the late plowing the cut
worms are killed. Some years these
insects are vecy destructive, especial
lr cn sod. (b) The moisture accumu
lated by the winter snow and raiD
is conserved and held for the growth
of the crop during the summer—a
very important matter these dry sea
sens. The other system practised is
to avoid plowing in the fall. Bet the
grass and clover get a good start and
leave the plowing as late as possible,
say, after the middle of May. Then
put on full force and plow as quickly
as possible about four and one-half
inches deep and roll down; then
thoroughly work, to get a good seed
bed, and plant as soon as possible.
This system is very often followed
on very heavy soils, and the advan
tages claimed are that the soil Is ren
dered more pliable and mellow by the
fermentation of the green stuff and
roots turned under, and that it does
not become heavy and sodden, as it
sometimes does when plowed in the
I Planting in hills has several im
portant advantages over the drills:
(1) The crop of grain is a little
larger. (2) There is better exposure
to the sun, and a freer circulation of
air, thus hastening maturity, and giv
ing better quality. (3) There is a
decided advantage in cutting where
corn binder is used. (4) Last and
greatest, a much more thorough cul
tivation can be given, cleaning the
land with the least expense and do
ing away almost entirely with hand
cultivation. Plant at from 3 feet 6
inches to 4 feet each way, according
to variety. As soon as planted, if
land is in suitable shape, harrow’
thoroughly, and give a stroke of the
harrow every two or tnree days until
corn is up, then start the weeder,
and do not be horrified if it does
cover up some corn and tear out a
few plants. Ycu will never miss them
at harvest time. Keep weeder going
u :til corn i3 one and one-half feet
high, then cultivate deeply at first,
but very shallow* later, as long as you
can possibly get through without too
much damage. Do not cultivate more
than two inches deep after corn is
three feet high, or you will destroy
the shallow feeding roots and injure
the crop. When you have nothing
else to do, cultivate corn. One'of our
oldest and most successful corn-grow
ers told me that he counted a boy
and horse worth at least $2 per day
in the corn field.
Potato Fertilizer.
Most of our farmers in the West are
not in the habit of using any kind of !
fertilizer for their potato field except I
such as Is made on the farm. Yet '
more and more commercial fertilizers
are coming to be used. It is, there
fore, advisable to consider a few
points on the requirements of potatoes
as to fertilizers. The potato crop runs
all the way from nothing to 500 bush
els per acre, though the latter figure
is very unusual. It is assumed that
a crop of 300 bushels is about as large
a one as we can hope to raise per
acre. A crop of that magnitude will
remove from the soil about 55 pounds
of nitrogen, 25 pounds of phosphoric
acid and 85 pounds of potash. It is
certain that the potato does best in a
soil well supplied with all kinds of
plant food. If we try to put back only
the amount of plant food the potato Is
likely to yield we will be unable to
place all of it where the roots of the
plants will get It;' for the reason that
all of the ground may not be fed over
by the plants and there is also much
fertility locked up in the clods that
exist on every clayey soil. Then, too.
the weeds that get a good start of the
crop, when they are allowed to do so,
take up much of the available plant
food and lock it up in their own leaves
and stems. Of course it gets back in
to the soil v/hen the weeds decay, but
that is months after the fertility has
been taken out of a condition where
it may be reached by the roots of
the potato plants. It is therefore nec
essary to Itivo much more plant food
within reach than can be figured upon
to eater ir.ta the formation of the
Potatoes reed much nitrogen in the
first part of the season when the vinc3
are making rapid growth. Unless wo
have a large amount of foliage we can
not hope to have good-sized tubers;
for the material that is to form the
tubers must be elaborated in tie
leaves and stems of the plants them
selves. Not only must there be much
nitrogen in the soil, but it must be in
a water soluble form. Plant3 do not
eat, they drink, and they can drink in
the nitrogen only when it is soluble.
After the leaves and the stems have
made their growth the demand is for
phosphoric acid and potash. The
farmer that docs nut know the an
alysis of hie soils but feels that he
needs to put on some commercial fer
tilizer should select one that carries
about 3 per cent of nitrogen, 5 per
cent of phosphoric acid ddcI -1 per cent
of potash. It has been found that the
potato does best with an abundant
supply of phosphoric arid even far in
excess of the amount rcmo\ed by the
No animal used as huantu food
should be bred la hlth.
Censor Must Cse AM "Gags.”
The British censor of plays has con
siderably added to the gayety of the
London theatrical season, now giving
a final fillip by announcing that hence
forth all “gags” must be tried, in writ
ing, on himself, before using. “Gags”
have generally been supposed to be the
inspiration of the moment, delightful
little diversions from the steady cur
rent of the play, and therefore the
more enjoyed, not only by the “gag
gers,” but by the audience. There is
reason to doubt whether a "gag,” after
having been written down and tried
in the crucible of the critic and cen
sor, would be a “gag" at all. The Lon
don Speaker, however thinks the mu
sic hall wits have no cause to fear so
long as the present censor continues
in power. “The censor,” it says, “who
licensed the ‘Girl from Maxim’s’ and
suppressed ‘Monna Vanna,’ has abun
dantly proved his readiness to tolerate
any nastiness, provided only that it is
also stupid.”
Having a Pic-nic.
Pic-Nics are pevcr complete without
sandwiches, sweet white bread w^th
a generous layer of meat between.
Libby’s canned meats are ideal tor
pic-nics and outings. The cans are so
easily opened and the contents so
fresh and palatable that no pic-nic is
a success without Libby’s “Natural
Flavor” Food Products.
The New Pullmans.
Owing largely to sanitary considera
tions, the Pullman company has adopt
ed a new standard sleeper which lit
tle resembles the ornate cars built a
few years ago. The new standard is
severely plain and ts devoid of all
scroll and grill work.
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don’t keep De
fiance Starch because they have a stock
in hand of 12 oz. brands, which they
know cannot be sold to a customer who
has once used the 16 oz. package. De
fiance Starch for same money.
A woman’s idea of economy is to
have her husband shave himself for
six months so that she can get a new
spring bonnet.
Send 25 cents for Homesteaders’ Guide
containing 48 page3 of information. Official
map and full instructions how to get a
claim on the Rosebud reservat ion. Forbes
Locating Agency, Bonesteel, S. D.
An unbridled tongue goes with an
unburdened brain.
More Flexible and Lasting,
won’t shaKe out or blow out; Dy using
Defiance Starch you obtain better results
than possible with any other brand and
one-third more for same money.
Leadership does not depend wholly
on leg ability.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell
and completely derange the whole system when
entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be a-ed eicept on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they
will do la ten fold to the go- <1 y->u can possibly de
rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by I'. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., conutlns no mer
cury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall' ■ Catarrh Cure ha sure you get. the
genuine. It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo,
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & c Testlnj r.lais free.
bold by Druggy Fr ee. 75c. per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation.
Never make a fool of yourself tf
please other fools.
Wiggle-Stick laundry blue
Wcn’t spill, break, freeze nor spot clothes.
Costs 10 cents and equals 20 cents worth of
any other bln hip. If your grocer does not
keep it send 10c for samnle to The Laundry
Blue Co., 14 Michigan Street, Chicago.
Uneasy lies the head whose tongue
lies harder.
Keep them white with Red Cross Bail IJlua.
Ail grocers sell large 2 oz. packuge, 5 cents.
Deeds and not distances make the
milestones on the heavenly road.
There is no short cut to happiness.
Straighten Up
The main muscular supports of
body weaken and let go under
cr Lumbago. To restore, strengthen
and straighten up, use
St. Jacobs Oil
Price 25c. cad 50c.
i iM
It is made of the best
materials, m black or yellow,
fully guaranteed, and sold by
reliable dealers crepwhcre.
0 C n 1) Given Away
u u IJ U
w w w Alabaetlne dealer for
particular* and free aataj>le card of
. , _ _ fereT
rubaoracalea To* can apply It- with
cold water. Beautiful effects In white and
delicate tints. Not a disease-breeding,out
of-date hot-water glue preparation. Buy
Alabaetlne In 5-lb. packages, properly la
belled, of paint, hardware and drugdeaier*
"Hint* on Decorating,” and our Artlsu’
Ideal free. lUBAffmsCO.,final Bapku.Wah .
wlHWtlwlM.1, * ‘ '
Mrs, Fin rv
In Society.
A woman in society is obliged to keep
late hours. She must attend receptions
and balls. She seldom allows herself a
quiet evening at home. Her whole
time is taken up in keeping engage
ments or entertaining in her own home.
Her system becomes completely run
down as a consequence. She soon finds
herself in a condition known as sys
temic catarrh. This has also been called
catarrhal nervousness. '
If every society woman could know
the value of Peruna at such a time, if
they could realize the invigorating,
strengthening effect that Peruna would
have, ho’v much misery could be
Letters from society women all over
the United States testify to the fact
that Peruna is the tonic for a run
down, depleted nervous system.
Tired, Nervous, Aching, Trem
bling, Sleepless, Bloodless.
■ -
Pe-ru-na Renovates, Regulates, Re
A Pretty New York Woman’s Recovery
the Talk of Her Numerous
Mrs. J. E. Finn. 83 East High street,
Buffalo, N. Y., writes:
Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Gentlemen:—“A few years ago I had,
to give vp social life entirely, as my
health teas completely broken down.
The doctor advised a complete rest for
a year. As this teas out of the ques
tion for a time, I began to look for
some other means of restoring my
“/ had, often heard of Feruna cs an
excellent tonic, so I bought a bottle to
see what it would do for me, and it
certainly took hold of my system and
rejuvenated me, and in less then two
months 1 was in perfect health, and
now when 1 feel worn out or tired a
dose or two of Peruna is all that I
need”—Mrs. J. E. Finn.
Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, Elkton, Ohio,
‘T owe my health and life to Peruna
We rarely call in a physician, in fact it
has been years since I have taken any
other medicine than yours. I am afraid
of drugs, and alt hough I have been sick
many times I have taken only your
medicines. They are wonderful indeed.
We have a very large house and enter
tain a great deal and I do all my own
work, thauks to Peruna.”—Mrs. J. W.
Free Treatment for Women.
Any woman wishing to be placed on
the list of I)r. Hartman's patients for
free home treatment and advice should
immediately send name and symptoms,
duration of disease and treatment
already tried. Directions for the first
month's treatment will be promptly
mailed free of charge. No free medi
cine will be supplied by the doctor,
but all necessary directions will be
Read what the above ladies nave to
say of Peruna as a curb for those cases.
Address l)r. Hartman. President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Libby’s Natural Flavor Foods are U. S.
Government inspected, perfectly packed
canned foods, and are ready to serve at
a moment's notice.
Veal Loaf, Vienna Saasage, 13am Leaf. Eonelcss Chicken, Ox Tongaes
Arc Among the Many Tempting luncheon Meats. Ask Your Grocer for Them.
Send for our booklet “How to Make GoodTkinr* to Eat.”
Libby. & Libby, Chicago
Defiance Starch k Ac wry best Starch wk
fc'a a fact
Hundreds wfS terfy lo iL I
Try i once yxtsdL 5
You can't low.
Defiance Starch h ahaofu&dy 're* from, dxzrtah.
k mates the clothes look beauttfui and wffl not rat tax
Get k of your grocer. J
16 ounces for 10 cap one third one than ///
yew get at any other brand.. *T
OtUttVKU. 4
820-822 N Street • LINCOLN. NEBRASKA
KEEP Oil OrHC^^Wtreshfora
Mil \\rnryear at aw,st of 0n» cent
Cfific LM1L ULllL u dozen. At all drug and
grocery stores. Sample pkg. for 10 doz.
CDCQU prepaid. Information free.
mean Quincy Em Preaervathe Ce., Quincy, lit
W. N. U., Omaha, Neb. No. 22.
CURBS catarrh ot the stomach.
On and after Sunday. April 24th. 1904,
ord a Fair Trains will leave Omaha
Union Station for Kansas City and St.
Louis at -
10:45 a. m. 5:30 p. m. 11:45 p. m.
Special rates on sale commencing
April loth. For tickets, berths and in
formation. call or address Agent Union
Station or THOS. F. GODFREY,
Pass, and Ticket Agent
S. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas Streets,
Every child born into the
world with an inherited or
early developed tendency to
torturing, disfiguring humors
cf the Skin and Scalp, becomes
an object of the most tender
solicitude, not only because of
its suffering, but because of the
dreadful fear that the disfigu
ration is to be lifelong and mar
its future happiness and pros
perity. Plence it becomes the
duty cf mothers of such afflict
ed children to acquaint them
selves with the best, the
purest, and most effective
treatment available, viz.: the
CUTICURA Treatment, con
sisting of warm baths with
CUTICURA Soap, and gentle
anointings with CUTICURA
Ointment, the great Skin Cure.
Cures made, in childhood are
soeeciy, permanent and eco
Sold 'hroi chcif tbc r-orW. Coheir* Soap. JS«., Oink
Beni, .Vji:.. Uctclretit, \x. u: fora: of Cusiulalc Co*t«4
Sic. per Tio' cf £.•>. Depp it: 5.. ;dor. IT Uiut«.
ho Sq.; i Ilt-s d* a. ; Boston, 137 Celak
b<i> Art, Potter Drag & Conn. tjerp., SoleProori—pro.
0#“b*od tor “ dovf to Cure Tunuriug, ULiS.urtMg
Liu::; r, from .ry to Age."
A Large Trisl Box onl book of In
structions absolutely Free sad Post
paid, enough to frove the value of
PaxiineJoriet Antiseptic
Paxtins is in powder
term to dissolve In
voter — nen-poinmans
find far superior tu liquid
antiseptics containing
alcohol which irritates
inflamed surfaces, end
have no cleansing prop
i ertks. The contents
of every box makes
more Antiseptic Solu
tion — lasts longer—
, goes further—has mors
| uses in the family and
dees rr.ore good than any
antiseptic preparation
yea caa buy.
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and used with great success as a Vaginal
Wash, for Leucorrhsa, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal
Cata.ih, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and fjii soreness of mucus membrane.
In local treatment of female ills Paxtine far
invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash we
challongo the world to produce its equal for
thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing
and healing power; it kills all germs whicS
cause inflammation and discharges.
A11 leading druggists keep Paxtine; nrioe,{D*
nbox; if yours does not, send to usfor It. Don’t
take a substitute — there is nothing like Putin*
W-Ite for the Free Box of Paxtine to-dajt.
*k PAXTOIf CO., ^ Pope Bldg., Boston. Mam
looking far a Home?
Then why not keep in view the
fact that the farming lands of
are sufficient to support a population of SO.OOO.OOS
or oter? The immigration Vr the past six years
has been phenomenal.
FREE Honcsfead lands
easily accessible. while other lands may be pur*
chased from Railway and Land Companies. The
grain and grazing lands of Western Canada are the
best on the continent, producing the best grah%
and cattle (fed on grass alone) ready for market.
markets, School?, Railways and all othef
conditions lnnke Western Canada an envk
able spot for the settler.
Write to Superintendent Immigration. Ottawa.CaaS
ada, for a descriptive Atlas, and other information,
or to the authorized Canadian Government Agent—•
W. V. Bennett, SOI New York Life Boiidia»
Omaha. Neb.
POIiTAllLE ami drill any dept^
by .‘team or hon-e power.
WechaHcnsra competition.
Seai far l'r«e Illoitrotsd (ataUfec Be. 4s
h F/xlyx taneyhill cm.
' C beet aut bU. WoteVl**, |(n>
Lawn Fence
Iron or wire, many atyle%
ft rresldeuce. church .Reboot,
rente levy; poultry and hoc
fence: farm gatea. Send foe
Ctunpkn Iren are Wire Worts
Oar goods the best. Prices the lowest. Promptshlp
roents. Delivery of all portraits guaranteed. Baud
for catalogue and agents’ price list. Address
ADAH JT. KAOIX. A 00., few £ra Bldg.. Cbiaagw.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.