The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 26, 1904, Image 8

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    Washing machines, wringers, fishing tackle, base balls and
bats, window and door screens, woven wire fencing, carpenter
tools, kitchen iurniture etc. at
_ P. O. REED’S
Iioaal Dsws.
LawnJMowers at I*. O. Reed’s.
Your wife happy ? Use Grow’s flour
Scythes and swaths at P. O. Reed’s.
See Bayne & Jones for Ice Cream in
Summer drinks of all kind’s at the
Builders’ Hardware a specialty at P.
O. Reed’s. »
Newr Soda Fountain in operation at
the Model.
Dr. Long made a professional visit to
Ord, Sunday.
Mrs. A. B. Outhouse was a pleasant
caller Monday.
E. G. Taylor’s new home residence is
progressing nicely.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, St. Paul, Neb*
Send for Literature.
Sweet Corn. Millet, Cane and other
Field Seeds at T. M. Reed's.
Grow sells the finest buckwheat
flour in the market. Try it.
Mr. Arthur Gilbert and lady drove to
Ravenna Sunday, for an outing.
Mackintoshes for Ladies and Gentle
men at Johnson Lorentz & Co.
I have a new supply of Sweet Corn
at 82,50 per Hundred. T. M. Reed.
Carl Anderson left on horse back last
Saturday for the Rose Bud Agency.
Gents, get your suits cleaned and
pressed at Johnson, Lorentz & Co’s.
The Northern Milling Co. ’s Soar
is the best. D. C. Grow, Manager.
A. M. Brown of Omaha, is the guest
of F. Wright, at the St. Elmo this week.
W. D. Hover, Embalmer and Fu
neral Director. Ready day or night.
A car of blacksmittaing coal received
byE. G. Taylor at the B. & M. Eleva
A. F. Kuhn of Litchfield gave us a
pleasant call Tuesday, remembering us
with a S.
My five-room house Is for sale. Easy
terms. Come and see me at the St.
Elmo Ilotel. A. Erazim
Will Newman of Ashton was in the
city visiting his many friends, the
small end of the week.
Mr L E. Smith of Butte, Montana,
while here on business Wednesday,
made this office a pleasant call.
Call up The N’ortwesterm by tele
phone after this when you want this of
fice for anything except money.
The editor was called to Omaha
again. Tuesday morning, on business.
No saving the country this trip.
Farmer's don’t pay your money out
for tin cans. Good axle grease at Dra
per’s at 5 cents a pound. Investigate
C. Squires, living three miles west of
the city, is the happy father of a bounc
ing baby girl, born last Saturday morn
Adam Zahn of Elm township, was a
county seat visitor Tuesday. Mr. Zahn
has just returned from a trip fo the
coast. ,
Mr. H. Savage of Sargent, son of ex
Governor Savage, is in town this week
in the interest of the Woodman ac
cident association.
T. Jamrogone of Ashton’s business
meh, made this office a pleasant call
Tuesday, while in the city. |He remem
bered us financially.
The Grand Island Woven Wire Fenc
ing has barbed top and bottom wires,
which is much better than the smooth
borders. For sale by P. O. Reed.
Frank W. Burleigh, son of the editor,
„ arrived here trom Crookston, Minneso
ta, Wednesday evening, where he has
been for the past months. He will
remain at home permanently.
Miss Mamie Whitman one of Sher
man county’s most accompli shea and
successful teachers has been appointed
and has excepted a position as principal
of|the Ord, Nebr.. schools. We regret
to loose her from ourjcounty, but wish
her sucess.
Judge Wall left for Lincoln, Tuesday
morning. The judge is most promi
nently spoken of for chairman of the
Republican state central committee,
and Sherman county to a man trusts he
will secure the coveted position and no
man is better fitted for the place.
John O’Bryan returned from bis trip
to Columbus last Thnrsbay evening.
He was m six events, and won in four
wit of the six. When you* remember
the great number of contestants who
were there from all over the state, and
the pick of them, too, John is to be con
The “sidewalk-face” is the latest'
thing in Loup City. It m caused by|
pedestrians attempting to retain their
•equilibrium while traversing our streets
•oywthe<rotten2 broken and loose plwks,
by courtesy called side-walks. In the
name of humanity, let there be some
thing done to save the life and limb of
men, women end children who are com
pelled to use these po >r excuse i of walks
or take the middle of the rtieeti—es
pecially at night.
' '' ■ - ?,v". : -
A. Zink and son left for the west,
Saturday, via the Union Pacific.
Mrs. C. C. Outhouse went down to
Grand Island last Thursday morning
Dr. Vallierof St. Paul made this office
a pleasant c ill while in thecity Wednes
Mrs. R. P. Starr and son visited at
Aurora last week, on their way home
from Lincoln.
A litde daughter was reported at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McFadden
last Saturday morning.
One fare round trip to St. Paul and
Minneapolis, via U. P. Dates of sale
July 14 to 18 inclusive.
Clyde Chase left here Wednesday for
Loup City where he will probably re
main.—Mason City Star.
Claus Eggers has resigned his position
in F. S. Reynold’s meat market and is
now doing carving for his father in the
new market.
W. T. Tracy and family left for
Saratoga. N-Y., list Saturday, via the
Union Pacific, where they expect to
make their future home.
W. R. Mellor went around by Chicago,
to attend to some private business
there, on his way home from the Re
publican state convention.
The merchants did not hold to their
T o'clock evening closing but a few
days, the pressure of a large element
among the farmers who did their trad
ing evenings being too great.
Mrs. Judge Angier returned last Fri
day evening from her extended visit to
Iowa and other eastern points. During
her absence the judge had so improved
Use h »me place as to make the return
11. F. Hobart last .week sold his in
terest in the Round Front barn to his
partner Wesley McCombs, and will go
back to his farm in Hazard township,
to which postoffice he orders his paper
sent. We wish success to both parties.
Low rates for round trip to Chicago
and return. Dates of sale June 1st to
Sept. 30th inclusive. On this rate you
can go via St. Louis and get a 10-davs’
stopover. Good rates to visit old
homes east of Chicago. If interested,
call on or write U. i* agent.
There is great hopes of Bro. Brown’s
future political reformation. Jle has a
brother prominent in Republican
politics in Illinois, and another stalwart
Republican brother looking after Sher
man county’s interests. Come in,
Brother Ed. ‘-While the lamp holds
out to burn.’’ you know.
G. II. Lindall returned last Thursday
from a few days’trip in to south Ne
braska. He returned well satisfied with
Sherman countv. He found the
country in and about Richardson
county very much afioar, thousands of
acre* along the B & M. being submer
ged. Stand up for Sherman county.
A slick bttie runaway occurred in
front of this office fast Saturday, in
which a big black team of Farmer Tody
were the excited participant*. No
especial harm was done outside of
scattering the buggy promiscuously
over the street and spreading a few
dozen egg* where they wonld cover the
Ashton and Elba tried to play a game
of bail on the Elba ground*, fast Friday,
ending in a disagreement in the fifth
inning, on account of the alleged rank
decisions of the umpire, w-ho it was
claimed either did not understand the
rules of the game or did not care to
make his decisions with due regard to
the conditions
A number of our young people pick
nickrd at Cobb Creek Sunday afternotn.
among th**m were Dr. Alien, John
O’Bryan, Hoy Beer, W. J. Mulick, Joe
Coajing, Art Eisner, P. O, Reed, Mr.
I Xmw, and the Misses Sadie Pedbr,
Ilenry Young, §adie Swanson All'c>
McGlaughUa, Blanche Ijtennett Belle
Mulick, OUie Hobwfts ppd jKa^pestine
Odendahl. They rep&rt*4 a tfqg tjme.
Judge Wa’l and Lawyer Mathew j
went down to Ashton, last Friday, fc
handle both sides of what promises to
be a lively law suit among the ruloon
keepers there. It seems that one of the
proprietors of an irrigating establish
ment bought up all the ice in sight,
leaving another liquid refreshment
stand without t&e wherewithal to cool
its beverages. % was a resourceful
gen'lemen and secured option on a
quantify of congealed aqua 1ir# JLtclutms
to have a "trust” control over.
there tl»8 matter stands with promise '
of a pretty contest between the two
contestants and tlyejr^egal advisers.
A deal was made last evening tyberq
l>y G. Taylor, of Loup City, becomej
the owner of the Austin elevator, Mr, j
Austin retaining his stock business.
Mr. Taylor informed us this morning!
that he expected to build a substantial
addition to the elevator and to install a
ine gasoline engine as motive power.
He algo^xpects to build large additions
to the preset# qoal bins in order to lay
in a supply qf coal through the summer
Mr, Taylor is a nice appiari bp man and
one who has had considerable qjtpttyeitce
in the elevator business. He will »qfc,i
move here as he has an elevator in Loup
City, but has hired W. V. Austin to act
as bis agent here. The consideration
was $5.00?!.—Grtjcjey Leader. j
O. L. Mercer of Ashton gave us a
pleasant call today.
W. H Morgan kindly remembered ns
with a year’s subscription, mondsy.
Ashton and Loup City will play ball
on our home grounds, -Saturday after
Gus. Lorentz made a business trip to
Aurora, Tuesday, returning Wednesday
The Unity Club will meet with Mrs.
Henry, Friday. May, 27th. Important
N •
Mr. J. B. O'Bryan, who is taking
treatment at Lincoln, writes that lie
is improving, and will soon lie home.
Our city was visited by a rain and
hail storm, Tuesday atternoon. Hail »s
large as hen eggs fell, but no damage
The deputy assessors are bringing in
their books and turning them over to
County Assessor Peters, keeping that
dignitary on the move now-a-day.
Chas. Oasteyer Dead.
Last Thursday, Mrs. Chas. Gasteyer
took her husband to a hospital at
Omaha for treatment, returning Satur
day. Sunday follow ing she received a
telegram that he was much worse and
Monday morning again left for Omaha
to be at his side.
Later—Mr. Gasteyer died this (Thurs
day) morning at 7 o’clock. Mrs. Gas
tever will bring the remains home to
morrow evening. Saturday morning
there will be a private funeral at the
home, after which Mrs. Gasteyer will
take thr* body to St Couis for crema
tion. Further particulars next week.
Dig; Base Ball.
In accordance with an invitation!
gi\en to the Ashton base ball team bv
the Elba team, under the management
of Belzer. to pl-»y a social game of ball
at the latter place, on Friday, May 20,
the Ashton boys drove over with the
expectation of meeting some gentlemen
on pleasure bent They were hospita
bly received by Manager Belzer. their j
horses taken care of and a sumptuous !
dinner provided them. After somej
tiresome waiting, the game was called,
with an unknown quantity for umpire,
claimed by Elba to be capable and hon
est and with Belzer in the box for Elba.
Ashton found Belzer for four home
runs, several three-baggers, a couple of
doubles and some singles, in the first,
four innings. Majors, with a wounded
wing, wielded Jhe ball lor Ashton and
managed to break even with Belzer as
far as scores were concerned until the
fourth, when his wing was broke# off.
and by poor support of the umpire in
and out field, and good support for Elba
on the part of the umpire, they sprang
far into the lead. During all this time,
the Ashtonites bad bitten their tongues
and accepted the decisions of the um
pire, but these now became so rank it
was beyond the power of man or saiut
to accept them without murmur. At
this juncture Ashton asked for an um
pire who knew the game, for which
they paid the penalty of having the
game called off by said umpire and de
clared 9 fo 0 in favor of Elba Then in
order to i#ake their victory complete,
the manager rushed ^ the Jiotel and
withdrew his agreement to pav fop the
dinner of the Ashton team. The 4.9'nr
ton boys were financially well off that
day and managed to raise the price of
their dinners and were permitted to
leave t#iyn without mortgaging-their
base ball goods. Such is the sociability
of the Elba base b til club, *%
A Donation and Surprise.
On last Thursday evening, the
Baptist pastor, Rev. Kennedy, was le*
turning home with Ins wife from an
evening call, at about 9 o'clock, when
upon unlocking the door the unsuspect
ing couple found on striking a light the
faces o*‘ some fifty of their friends and
neighbors «’l}0 had gathered to give
them what proved to he a genuine sur
prise. Greetings followed and the
house-warming proved a grand success.
The evening was enlivened by music,
song charades, and last, but not
beast, ftfr,esh;joent§ such as the Baptist
1 mites mve noted for \v ery served. The
table mean white gropned junker itsjoad
of donations, which proved to bp a
complete fitting out of the lapler to the
value of some $18. The pastor and his
good wife express their heartiest
appreciation and warmest thanks to
their brethren and friends for their
unexpected kindness.
Dry Creek Clippings.
Mj. Frank Wagner made a trip
to I,9up C;ty Friday.
John Mayors jty^e a reservoir in
(R Is pasture last week
kou repaired tfry on,
the W*gpej- pfoce §atyjc4y.
The Dry Creek bail qiqe veqt to
Wiggle Creek and played ball Satur
S. W. Salyards made a reservoir
in his pasture last week, that his
cattle might be refreshed.
Mr. A. L. snd Misses Fannie and
Freda Homes, attended the grad
uating excercises at Ravenna Friday
Mf, £j,9$jlon Snyder drove to
Ravenna to relatives enroute
from the east, to attend ‘ifop funeral (
of their father, Rev. J. M. Snyder. ’ j
County Clerk Gibson Las at last
received his famous box of Philipino
cigars, and last Saturday brought
around one for us to sample. It was a
dandy, but when we think of George
yielding up 81.88 revenue on the box of
25. we tasted the joke and revenue in
every whiff.
New fonts of latest job type and a
big9tock of latest style letter heads,
note heads, memos, statements, type
writer material, cards, l>ook paper,
cover paper, envelopes, and all other
material for commercial work just re
ceived at this office. Call and see us,
when you want anything in the print
ing line. We guarantee satisfaction.
We do all kinds of commercial work,
notwithstanding an unfounded report
from some source that we were not
doing job work at the present.
The following piece of
posed by Miss Gladys O’Bryan, who is
attending school at Columbus, w'as
sent her good mother, Mrs. J. B O’Bry
an. and is so beautiful in sentiment we
have begged permission for its publica
tion as follows:
The 16th of May is atlund.dear mother
And we greet you with fondness and
May the47 summer that have dotted
o’er your head
Drawr a sweet blessing from God.
May the children you have funded and
and loved
Prove a pleasure to you in tour de
clining years,
May the sunny sprays and wavelets
That cross tour pathway ne'er turn
to dark billows,
And some day, when death is dimly
’round your bed
And the death angel is calling yon :
To leave the homes of men
Anil rest beneath the soil.
To kneel and kiss his feet
In the home of our Ood.
May you ever be ready
For that bright home alcove.
And there wait for your children
Whom you so love.
Your loving children,
Bur> and Gladys.
To People Who Are Interest
ed in Pictures: I have decided
to move my Studio from Loup City
in a few days. If you want high
grade pictures at prices you have
always had to pay for poor oneg,
now is your chance. It has been
five years since you could get a
good photo in Loup City. It may
be five years again before a photog
rapher of ability will visit your
town. You must get good pictures
now' or wait indefinitely for another
opportunity. Are you interested?
If so do not procrastinate.
Edgar Draper.
To all whom it may concern: The
commissioner appointed to view and
locate and vacate certain pieces of road
as follows: To locate a piece of road
commencing at the northwest corner of
the northwest quarter of section twen
fy-seven (27), township thirteen (13),
range thirteen (13), and connecting with
road No. 30, at said corner, and running
thence south on section line thirty rods,
thence east to snd connecting with
raid No. 38, and terminating at said
road No. 36, be established, and that that
partjqf road N°- beginning 3t the
northwest corner of section twenty
seven (27), and running tfieuce south
east to place where said establishment
couneots with road No. 36, be vacated,
has reported in favor thereof, and all
claims tor dimage*or objections there
to must be tiled in the office of the Conn-1
ty Clerk of Sherman countv, Nebraska,
on or before no >n of the 28th day ol
July, 1804. or such road will be estab
lished without reference thereto.
Dated this 23d day of May, 1304.
Geo. II. Gibsox,
(teal) County Clerk.
Last pub. Jun»* 1«.
To whom it miy concern: Tlie com
missioner appointed to view and locate
and vqci'e tejvta'in pieces of road as fol
lows; Tg locate a piece of road com
mencing at a point on the section line
where roa 1 No. 33 crosses said liije be
tween sections 2-5 and 23, running
thence sout h on section line lo south
west corner of section twenty-five (25),
township thirteen (13), range thirteen
(13), thence east on section line to
where said road No 33, strikes said
south section line, and continuing
therewith, be established. And that
that part of road No. 36, running across
section tw»*nty-flve (25), township thir
teen (fH), range thirteen (13), be vacated
from wJaeWit crosses^fche west section
line of section 2«)! tq p^e where it
strikes ttfia south section linje qf 25-J£-l3,
has reported in favor of said establish
ment and vacation, and any objection
thereto or claims for damages must be
filed in the office of *the County Clerk of
Sherman county, Nebraska, or before
noon of the 28th day of July, 1904, or
such roads will be established without
reference thereto.
Dated this 23d day of, May, 1904.
Geo. H. Gibson,
County Clerk.
, Last pub. Jane 16th.
, 1,H ( IK »l <
In the District Court of Sherman Coun
ty, Nebraska:
August Dietz,
Phillip 8. Post and —
-Post, wife of
Phillip S. Post, Ger
trude K.Baker, and
—- Baker, hus
band of said Ger
trude K. Baker,and
tbe south half of the
southwest quarter Notice,
of section three,
township fifteen,
range fourteen, and
all persons and cor
porations having or
claiming title to. or
any interest, right
or claim in, and too.
said real estate or
any part thereof.
The defendants, Phillip S. Post, and
-Post, wife of said Phillip S. Post,
Gertrude K. Bakei. and-Baker,
husband of said Gertrude K. Baker,
(first full names unknown) and the
1 south half of the southwest quarter ot
section three, township fifteen, range
fourteen, in Sherman county, Nebras
ka, and all persons and corporations
having or claiming title to, or any inter
est, right or claim in, and to, said real
estate or any part thereof, will take no
tice that on the 21 st day of May, 1904.
August Dietz, plaintiff, filed his peti
tion in tbe District Court of Sherman
oounty, Nebraska, against said Phillip
8. Post, and-Post, wife of said
Phillip S. Post, Gertrude K. Baker, and
-Baker, husband of said Gertrude
K. Baker, (first full names unknown),
and the south half of the southwest
quarter of section three, township fif
teen, range fourteen, in Sherman coun
ty, Nebraska, and all persons having or
claiming titl? to, or any interest, right
or claim in, and to, said real estate or
snv part thereof, the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose two certain
certificates of tax sale upon the said
south half of the southwest quarter of
section three, township fifteen, range
'fourteen, in Sherman county. Nebras
ka, one dated March 28th, 1899, to J. S.
Pedler, and by him assigned to plain
tiff, upon which there is due and unpaid
the sum of £01.55, and one dated the
15th d iy of November. 1901, to Katie
V'. indnagle, and by her assigned to
plaintiff, upon which there Is due and
unpaid the sum of £38 43. and the time
to redeem from said tax sales has ex
pired and no redemption has been
made; that there is now due and un
paid upon said certificates of tax sale
the sum of £99.98, for which sum with
interest at ten per cent per annum from
the first day of June, 1904, plaintiff
prays for a decree of foreclosure, and
sale of said premises.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 4th day of July,!
Dated this 21st day of May, 1904.
August Dietz, Plaintiff.
By J. S. Pedler, His Attorney
Last pub. June 16. - *
To all whom it may concern:—
The commissioner appointed to view
the vacation of a certain road com
mencing at the center stake between
Sections 34 and 35, in Township 13,
Range 1$, and {running thence south
east and south across railroad track
and terminating at couety line be va
cat* d. Also, that a road commencing
at the center stake between Sections 34
and 35, Township 18, Range 15, and
running thence south 22 rods, thence
southeast 17 rods, thence east 30 rods,
thence south to railroad right-of-way,
thence southeast 10 rods north of right
of-way, and terminating at county line
between Buffalo and Sherman counties
be established, said establishment be
ing a strictly consent road, has report
in favort thereof, and all objections
thereto cr claims for damage must
be filed in the otnee of the County Clerk
of Sherman, county, Nebraska, on or
before noon of the 6th day of July,
190$, or said TOf$$ will be established
and vacated without reference thereto.
Da$ed $hj« 4th day of May. {904.
ftEO. ft. Gibsoij,
CWMflty Cjefk,
Last pub, May 20.
Not'ce is hereby given that on Febru
ary 17th, 1904, a petition asking for the
construction of a sidewalk along the
east side of East Avenue, beginning at
the.north side of Gr&nrt Central Avenue
(the northeast corner of, thecourt house
Mjuare) and running thence north to the
north side of Buffalo A venue(the south
east corner of public school hi. ck),
thence east along the north side of Buf
falo Avenue to Elm street,namely,along
the west side of block <>, block tl and
block 14. I alk & Kreiohbaum's addition,
along the vest side of block "‘l*,’’
Central addition, along the west
side of block .‘!3, .1. Wood Smith addi
tion, and along the south side of bUv'ks
20 and 21, ,1. Wood Smith addition,
alt in the village of Lmip City, Nehr s
ka, said walk to be built at least four
feet in width and of brick, stone or ce
ment. Said jietitlon was signed by a !
two-thirds majority of the owners of
the land adjoining the proposed walk*,
was granted as prayed for and their
construction ordered in accordance
with said petition by the 1st of August,
Done by order of Village Board this
28th day of April, 1904.
E S. Hayhurst. Chairman.
Attest: W. J. Fisher.
‘—■JI ..LUJ' •+..* rg ,A-*-narwr.. ju^VAfc.'.J'JH.'y—
• Notice-No Trespassing.
Notice is hereby given that no fishing,
hunting or trespassing will be allowed
on the premises formerly known as the
Cars ten True] sen farm, now owned by
A. Stenger a Co.
25tf H.B. Musser. Mgr.
If you wish os success^sk your neigh
bor to take the paper, also hand the
editor any newB item you know of.
.'■m\ - -
When house-cleaning is over
That you ne*d <1 few
To brighten up
Come and see our
‘ t
‘ and bring ^
You Have Tucked km
in Tour Eur Drawers
Wc have
75--Samples of Moulding -75
Hanging from 5c to 50c >er >1
Our Stoek for Spring and Summer
• is now nearly complete. All the.
Latest in Styles,
Shades and Weaves.
We invite the people of this com
munity tq look them over before
sending away fqr yoqr suit. ......
We guarantee
Fit in Suits and
Good Suits.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale to me directed from
the District Court of Sherman county,
Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure
rendered in said court op ihe !2th day
pf Aprjl, 1904, whepein John Leinin
«pr w^s plaintiff, and fttjoda Nelson, A.
V- Nplson, hpr husband, Idp Smith,
Glen Smith, her husband, John Ly?
barger, William Lybarger. Harvey
Ly >arger,» Fred Lybarger, Joseph
L\ burger, Harrison Lybarger, Glen
L' larger, Lucy Lybarger, Sar«h Mc
F; land and Robert McFarland were
defendants, I have levied upon the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
Tt ■ south half of the northwest quar
te of section twenty-three and south ;
I ha f of the northeast quarter of sfC'ion
tv\ nty-two, all in township sixteen, j
n* th of range sixteen, west of the < to ;
P. \i. in Sherman count'*. Nebraska, j
ami I will, on the 18th day of June,
If) 4, at one o’clock p. in., of said day,
at lie court house in Loup City, Slier
m u county. Nebraska, offer for sale
and sell said above described real estate
at publid auction to the highest bidder
for * cash to satisfy the amount
of 8992.00. with interest at ten per cent
from the 12th day of April, loaf, and
costs of the above action, and accruing
costs, which amount was adjudged to
be due to the plaintiff above named
irom the defendants, Rhoda kelson, et j
al, above Darned, and to be a lien uj>on
the above described premises.
Dated at Loup City, Nebia«ka, this
10th day of May, 1904.
L. A. Williams,
Sheriff of Sherman County, Nebraska.
H. M. Mathew, Attorney.
Last pub. June 9,1904.
Via Burlington Route.
Tickets to St. Louts and return, good
all summer, for $27.45, On and after
April 25, sixty day tickets, $22.85, On
and after April 37, Hi day ticket, $20.60,
For full information about train
service, ask the ticket agent.
Colorado and return, via the Union
Pacific one fare every day from June 1
to Sept. 30, inclusive, with final return
limit Oct, 31, from Loup City.
Vhrss Daily Vraiqs to
So. 88 leayes dally except Sunday ‘pe-*
enger). 7:25 a.m.
No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday s 1
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday s i
Saturday, (mixed) 2 55 p. m.
No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday i mix )
12:06 p. m.
No. 85 arrives daily except Sunday (pi
engorj 7:85 p. m.
First class servic--and close connect: s
east., west and south. Tickets sold to
point* and tmsjrage checked through »
destination, li formation will b« ch«
fully furnished on application to
Frank Hiskk, Age .
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St. Louis,
and all points
a$t and south.
Salt Lake City,
San Francisco,
ami all point*
Yi'eat. *■
No. 53 Passenger. 1 ; a. n
No. 60 \3 a n
No. 51 Passenger...,.5; * p
No. 59 Freight..*5.1# p.
sleeping, dinner and reel; ung oh
(seats (roe) nn through tiaim 1 >■: ■»
sold and baggage checked to any n- i
the United stales or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tabic. l
tickets call on or write to U L. akti k
Agent. Or J. Francis, Gen’l r
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
Drs. Davis ami Farnsworth of Grand
Island, have in their ofiiee all the latest
apparatus used in the treatment of
phronic diseases, intruding Static, Fa i
die and Galvanic Electricity and X ray
instrument. Vibratory Massage. Hat
air baths for treatment of chronic rht «
matisrn.kidney and liver diseases. The
Minin Violet light for for treatment of
chronic skin diseases and every otto r
instrument required in making a scien
tific examination and giving proper
treatment. The doctors make no
charge for first consultation.