The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 12, 1904, Image 8

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Tinware is giving the best, of satisfaction.
Call and examine same. Yours for bargains,
Iioaal Daws.
F. E. Brewer for strawberry plants.
Your wifebappy? UseGrow’a flour
F. E. Brewer for trees and shrubbery
T. M. Reed sells Machine and Harness
See Bayne & Jones for Ice Cream in
T. M. Reed can sell you a two—rowe
Summer drinks of all kind’s at the
Builders’ Hardware a specialty at Py
O. Reed's.
New Soda Fountain in operation at
the Model.
Dr. Valher, Osteopath, St. Paul, Neb.
Send for Literature.
Art Eisner went down to Grand Is
land, Monday, via the U. P.
Sweet Corn, Millet, Cane and other
Field Seeds at T. M. Reed's.
Wes Pedler was down to Gr ind Is
land last Friday on business.
Grow sells the fluest buckwheat
flour in the market Try it.
Miss Maud Winklemann left for Den
ver last Friday via the U. P.
Mackintoshes for Ladies and Gentle
men at Johnson Lorentz & Co.
S. S. Hover is having his residence,
fence and other buildings repainted.
Gents, get your suits cleaned and
pressed at Johnson, Lorentz & Co’s.
Mrs. Sam Daddow went to St. Paul
last Friday to visit with a daughter.
The Northern Milling Co.’s flour
is the best. D. C. Grow, Manager.
Engineer O'Bryan took a trip to
Omaha, last Friday, returning Monday.
W. D. Hover, Kmbalmer and Fu
neral Director. Ready day or night.
R. P. Starr will deliver the Memorial
address at Rockville, Decoration Day.
A car of blacksmitbing coal received
by E. G. Taylor at the B. & M. Eleva
Call on F. E. Brewer for a rose bush.
His strawberry plants will be here next
Louisville, Ky., and return. Dates
of sale. Aug. 12 to 15. Call at U. P. j
Miss M. E. Brainard of Oakdale, this
state, is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. C. i
My five-room house is for sale. Easy
terms. Come and see me at the St.
Elmo Hotel. A. Erazim.
Low rates to Atlantic City, N. J., and ^
return. Dates of sale June 1 to 4 and
July 9 and 10. Call at U. P. depot
Call up The Nokt western by tele
phone after this when you want this of
fice for anything except money.
If you wish us success,ask your neigh
bor to take the paper; also hand the
editor any news item you know of.
Where did you get those elms? Of F
E. Brewer, of course. You can get any
thing you want in the tree line of him.
Mesdames C. J. Odendahl, Fred Oden
dahl, J. T. Hale and C. C. Outhouse
went to Grand Island, Tuesday morn
ing, via the Union Pacific.
Colorado and return, via the Union
Pacific one fare every day from June 1
to Sept.30, inclusive, with final return
limit Oct. 31, from Loup City.
The Grand Island Woven Wire Fenc
ing has barbed top and bottom wires,
which is much better than the smooth
borders. For sale by P. O. Rbkd.
Itev. Madely goes to Kearney Satur
day morning, where he fills the M. K.
pulpit Sunday for the pastor who is in
attendance on the Methodist general
conference at Los Angeles, Calif
Frank Bonczynski, one of our good
fnends from south Sherman, gave usa
pleasant call, Wednesday. He rejoices
in the establishment of a new rural
route, which brings his mail to the door j
from Ashton, to which place he has
changed his postoffice address.
At Draper’s
you can get
Crayon, Sepias,
Water Colors
and Bromide
The Unity Club will give a musical
’’Recital” in the parlor of the St. Elmo
Hotel Saturday afternoon, May 14th.
Program rendered at 3 o’clock sharp.
The small admission fee of 10c is to lie
used as a nucleus for the fund to be
raised to purchase a public drinking
fountain, which the club hopes to pre
sent to the town. All are cordially
invited, Ladies from the country and
visitors in the village particularly wel-j
Notice-No Trespassing.
Notice is hereby given that no fishing,
hunting or trespassing will be allowed
on the premises formerly known as the
Carsten Truelsen farm, now owned by
A. Stenger & Co.
2otf H.B. MrssKit. Mgr.
Don’t forget the sacred concert at the
M E. church this coming Sunday
Gee Dininger took time from rushing
farm work to do some Monday trading
in town.
Dr. Main was in attendance on the
State Medical Association ac Omaha
last week.
J. W\ Long has a call from Palmer to
deliver the Memorial address on Deco
ration Day.
Miss Gladys Zink and Mr. Charle7
Grow went to Fremont Tuesday morn
ing, via IT. P.
Lowr rates to Cleveland, Ohio, and re
turn. Dates of fale, May 13 15-10-17.
Call at U. P. depot.
Mrs. Martha Engle, who recently pur
chased the Ilayhurst property, is stay
ing with her daughter, Mrs. Walter
Smith, until she takes possession of her
new home.
Uo.bert Matbew seems to be taking
the lead in good tennis work at the
University. At the tennis tourament
a* Lincoln, last week, he came out first
best in several trials. Good for our
Loup City boy.
Lon Daddow’s team took a spin from
the couit hou;e square up to the vicin
ity of the school hou»e, last Saturday
morning, where they interviewed a
post, which terminated their race. No
serious harm done.
Conger Brothers and the better por
tion of their households went down to
Litchfield, last Saturday where they
gave a dramatic entertainment, closing
with a dance. A very pie isant and
successful time was had.
W. S. Wnznicke was in town last
Friday and told of tierce tire-fighting
up in his neighborhood, the Sunday
previous, in which the i>eople weresuc
cessful in saving the property of a Mr.
Sholeski. The tire was supposed to tie
of incendiary origin, from the fact that
it was started in three different places,
and from no probable accidental cause.
Mrs. H- L. Bell is enjoying a visit
from her father, Mr. John Riley, of i
Bancrofr, Kansas, accompanied by his j
son. They will visit here some time
and from here will go to Buffalo county
to visit another daughter of Mr, Riler,
From there they will go to northern
Idaho to visit two other daughters,
and may conclude to locate there, if
Conductor T. A. Taylor returned
from his trip to San Francisco, last
Thursday, reporting a most pleagapt
time. He arrived in Frisco the day his
son, T. A. Taylor. Jr. who is orderly
sergeant of Co. M. 11th U. S. Infantry,
was to sail for the Philippines, but
who was granted a 48-1100^’ delay in
order to visit his father. Mr. Taylor,
Sr., also has a son on the Wisconsin,
wit'i County Clerk Gibson’s boy.
This story is told on an old bachelor
who bougl t a pair of socks and found
attached to one a paper with these
words: ’’I am a young lady ot twenty
and would like to correspond with a
bachelor with a view' to matrimony.”
Name and address were given. The
bachelor wrote and in a few days got
this Teply: ‘"Mamma was married 20
years ago. Evidently the merchant
from whom you bought those socks
did not advertise, or he would have
sold them Jong ago. My mother hand
ed me your letter and said possibly 1
might suit. X am eighteen.”—Ex.
We learn from our A4y<entist friends
that arrangements have hueu completed
for the holding of a d strict campmeet
ingin Loup City, by the Seventh Day
Adventists. A plot of ground opposite
the residence of Judge Angier has been
secured for tBe occasion. -The camp
meeting is to be open Wednesday even
ing, June 1st. and will clo»e Sunday
evening, June 12th. Dr. W. A George
of the Nebraska Medical and Surgical
Seni lari tun, Lincoln, will be present
and w'ill deliver a series of health lec
tures. Prof, M. E. Kern of Union col
lege. Lincoln, and several prominent
ministers of Nebraska will be in attend^
ance. During the time of the camp
meeting, services will be held through
out each day and evening. Prelimi
nary evening services, beginning about
May 25, will be conducted in the large
meeting tent for one wreek prior to the
regular carnpraeeting.
^he joke is on County Clerk Gibson.
A few weeks since, he received a letter
from Sns awn who is on the gunboat
Wisconstti, stationed (J^nilla, saying
he would send his father # box,of the
linest cigars in the world. Later, the
box started all right, containing 2d very
fragrant smokers, by mail prepaid. Butj
the joke came later, when Mr Gibson
received notification from Uncle Sam’s
revemi" man in San Francisco that the
duty on said box of cigars was $I.8N,
which he would please remit George
appreciated the circumstance and so do
the hoys hereabouts. And that reminds
us of aofttjher good one innocently
played upon Wiiher Waite’s brother,
who lives in old Mexutt.. Mrs. Wilber
Waite, along about last Christmas,
made her husband’s brother two nice'
night shirts and sent them to him as a
Christmas gift, but when the brother
got them he had to pay a dollar duty on
II. (}■ Chamberlain of Hudson, Mich.,
is the guest of w. R. MeJlor.
A nice lot of trees h ive been set out
around the Adventist church.
Chris Ileintz is sinking a hydraulic
well on his residence property.
Mrs. Wesley Pedler visited friends ;.t
St. Paul last Thursday, returning in
the evening.
B. M. Baum wart was in town last
Thursday, taking subscriptions for the
Omaha Bee.
The Degree of Honor held a very
pleasant social at their hall last Thurs
day evening.
Albert J. Johnson last week purchas
ed the residence property he is now
occupying of Harriet M Smith.
Mrs Jennie S. Rawson. who has been
on an extended visit to her son, Dr.
Vance Rawson, in Chicago, returned
W.D Hover went lishing last Friday
taking Mrs. Hover along to attend to
his conduct. They brought a nice mess
of tish home as their reward.
George Ware came up from St. Paul,
visiting in Loup City Saturday and
Sunday, and on Monday leaving for the
Dakotas to look up a homestead.
Miss Nettie Conger was on the sick
list last week and unable to teach her
room in the public school. She was able
to resume her work this wtek. how
We were in error, last week, In stat
ing J. S. Pedler was in sttendance on
the Masonic grand chapter at Omaha.
It was the grand chapter Order of the
Eastern Star, instead.
Elder A. T. Robinson, who was hold
ing Adventist services here the last few
days, with his wife and daughter were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T.S Nightingale,
at their comfortable home.
Misses Belle Mulick andOliie Roberts
went to Grand Island, last Friday, to
visit fiiends, Miss Mulick returning
the si me evening, and Miss Roberts
returning Saturday evening.
Mr. J. D. Gilbert, who has been em
ployed at the Soldiers’ Home at Mar
shalltown, Iowa, for some time, resigned
his position there and is visiting old
friends and acquaintances in Sherman
cminty. Mr. Gilbert will remain a rew
weeks, but is undecided just w here he
will locate.
COwing to lack of acquaintance wirh
the people, matters and things connect
ed with news hereabout, we make not
a few errors in publication, for which
we ask the indulgence of Brer. Brow n,
who seems to especially rejoice in them
through his columns. Rememl>er, we
were not born here, dear brother.
The village board at its first meeting
since election, elected J. I. Depew
chairman, W. J. Fisher clerk, and L.
Hansen treasurer for the coming year.
Wesley McCombs was appointed mar
shal and streei corais3ioaer, and saloon
licenses were granted to T. Ilemy
Eisner and M. C. Mulick, as prayed for.
We understand our Adventist friends
are making arrangements looking to
ward holding a campmeeting in or near
Loup City some time in June. We
trust they will be sucdes^ful in their
efforts. Later— The grounds have been
selected just east of town, near Judge
Angler’s, and wre understand a two
week’s meeting will be held. Particu
lais in another place.
We understand that the State Medical
Association, at its recent meeting in
Omaha, resolved to support Dr. Main
in hjs appeal to the supreme court from
the recent decision pf Judge H os tetter,
in which the jp Jge held that a medical
man was not entitled tp ppy fjeipuner
ation for expert testimony. The action
is entitled A. S. Main vs. Sherman
county, and the board of supervisors
refused to allow the claim of 815. II.
M. Mathew i* attorney for the plaintiff
We appreciated a very pleasant nail,
last Friday, from Elder A. T. Robinson,
who held Adventist services here the
past week, The elder has for a number
of years been a missionary in South
Africa and Australia, but at present
has charge of Adventist churches in
Nebraska He is a bright, brainy man,
a fluent speaker, and evidently a good
executive officer, from the fact of bis
official position. We trust he may
have the best of success in his work for
the betterment of mankind, wherever
his lines are cast.
There w*s quite an interesting
habeas corpus case up before the county
judge, Tuesday, which, however, was
p,tyt off /or Anal hearing until next
Tuesday. Jt involves the possession of
a ll-ysar old boy. Tfre child is the son
of John Uumbach, of south Sherman
county. The boy’s mother died when
he was only a day old. and by agree
ment lie was placed in the hands of his
grandmother as long as she should live,
the father to pay a stipulated amount
per month for a certain term of years.
Last week the grandmother died and
the father now wauts possession ot the
boy. but is fought by the child’s uncle,
who wishes to keep the boy. under the
contract, R. J. Nightingale is looking
after the fathers interests, while T.S.
Nightingale defends. It is quite £ com
plicated case.
Henry Jenntr was registered at the
Lindell, Lincoln, Tuesday.
Mrs G. Ilall of Grand Island visited
at the Ditto home over Sunday.
□ E. Munn of Hazard was in town on
business today, and gave us a call.
M. It. Meilor went down to Lincoln
on State Fair business this morning.
Miss Rose Mulick intertwined the
! Junior Flinch club Tuesday evening.
Julius Polenz and John Rumbach
were in town from south Sherman,
M. D. L. Howard left Wednesday
morning forCozad to take charge of a
flouring mill.
Adam Conhiser of Sargent was the
guest of bis brother, C. W. Conhiser.
the first of the week
Mr*. W. F. Mi'son went to Aurora
Tuesday, to visit her school girl friends
and will return Friday.
This office is no place for chronic loaf
ers, no matter what the attraction may
be. We trust this hint will be a suffi
cient index of our future intentions.
The general stores of Loup City haye
entered into an agreement to close their
places of business at 7 o’clock each
evenibg hereafter, except Saturday
evenings, until further notice.
R. P. Starr, II M. Mathew. F. L.
Wright ami W. F. Mason were fishing
Tuesday, afternoon, bringing home a
string of fine bass. A fine lunch was
indulged in about dusk. Ask Starr
about the turtle.
Albert Johnson and wife went to
Arcadia, last Friday, to attend the
funeral of Mrs. R. F. Rowe, of Lee
Park, Nebr., who died that morning
and was buried that afternoon in the
Lee Park cemetery.
Mr. Fred Stark of Wiggle Creek
suffered from a paralytic stroke, Tuesd
day morning of rhis week. dut,at this
writing is resting easier. We under
stand this is the second time he has
been visited by this dread desease.
Xext Wednesday is the date of the
state Republican convention. The
editor expect* to go with the
Sherman county delegation to look
after their conduct.
D.E. Robinson .son of Elder Robinson,
who has been holding Adventist meet
ings here, arrived from northern
California, Tuesday evening, to surprise
his parents on his way to Washington,
D. C He is stenographer for Mrs. E G.
White, the leading evangelist of the
Adventist faith.
You are hereby notified that a mass
convention of the Democrats of Sher
man county will be held at Society
Hall in Loup City, on May 26,1904, at
lOocloek r. m., for the purpose *of
selecting seven delegates to attend the
State Convention at Om»ha, June 1st,
1904, A. N. Conklin, Chin. j
Ashton News
Ashton will play ball this season.
Mrs. JMin Govench is seriously ill.
Todd Conklin is busy plowing for A.
N. Conklin.
Ferdinand Hankins is now employed
by Lee Dob on.
H. W. Ojendyk Is busy building a
bain for W. C. Dunker.
There will be a social at the home of
Mrs. A. N Conklin Thursday evening.
Miss Clsra Jamrog came up from St.
Paul to spend Sunday w ith her parents.
The dance given by the Ashton cor
net hapd, Thursday eyening, was a
financial success.
H. W. Ojendyk and Sylvester Kranz
took examination for the rural mail
route last Saturday.
Arnold Langstaff, son of Rev. Lang
staff. has fully recovered from a serious
attack of pneumonia.
Mr. and Mr*. II. G. Taylor came over
from Loup City to attend church servi
ces Sunday morning.
The Woodman lodge met last
Thursday evening, and by the report
we are to have a hall in the near future.
Ludington’s grading gang finished
Jamrog’s fish bond last Thursday and
are now busy grading the streets of
our village.
-?+■ -> ■» —- ■
Dry Creek Clippings.
Corn planting is steadily progressing
and pastures looking nicely.
Mr. M. Huchison of Ravenna was
appointed rural mail carrier for route
No 2.
Misses Pinkney from Ravenna visited
Saturday and Sunday at ijie Holmes
Mr. G. II. Brock attended a taffy-pull
at Joe Daddow’s on Wiggle Creek and
reports a fine time.
Dr. Hale of Revenna made a profes
sional trip through our valley Sunday,
hot the writer has failed to learn who
is on the sick list.
Jim Gist put up a aew forty-toot
tower and repainted the mill at the
Sheldon place that was wrecked some
weeks § go by the wind.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale to me directed from
the District Court of Sherman county,
Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure
rendered in said court on the 12th day
of April, 1904, wherein John P. Leinin
ger wa» plaintiff, and Rhoda Nelson, A.
V. Nelson, her husband, Ida Smith, j
Glen Smith, her husband, John Ly-j
barger, William Lybarger. Harvey
Lybarger, Fr*d Lybarger, Joseph
Lybarger, Harrison Lybarger, Glen
1 Lybarger, Lucy Lybarger, Sarah Mc
Farland and Robert McFarland were
! defendants. I have levied upon the fol
[lowing described real estate, to-wit:]
The south half of the northwest quar
ter of section twenty-three and south
half of the northeast quarter of sectioo
twenty-two, all in township sixteen,
: north of range sixteen, west of the 6th
P. W. in Sterman county, Nebraska,
and I will, on the 18th day of June.
1904. at one o’clock p. m., of said day,
j at the court house in Loup City, Sher
man county. Nebraska, offer for sale
and sell said above described real estate
at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash to satisfy the amount
of 8992.06. «ith interest at ten per cent
from the 12th day ot April, 1904, and
j costs of the above action, and accruing
costs, which amount was adjudged to
| be due to the plaintiff above named
i lrom the defendants, Rhoda Nelson, et
al, above named, and to be a lien upon
the above described premises.
Dated at Loup City, Nebiaska, this
10th day of May, 1904.
L. A. Williams,
Sheriff of Sherman County, Nebraska.
H. M. Mathew, Attorney.
Jjast pub. June 9,1904
To all whom it may concern: The
commissioner appointed to view a road
commencing at the East line of Sec
tions Nine and Sixteen, Township Thir
teen, Range Thirteen, and running
thence west on the Section line between
Sections Nine and Sixteen to the west
line of Sections Nine and Sixteen, and
running thence north on the section
line between Sections Eight and Nine
to the railroad right-of-way, thence
northwest along the said right-of-way,
on the west side thereof, to and inter
secting with Fourth Street in the Vil
lage of Rockville, Nebraska, and ter
minating at said street, has reported in
favor thereof, and all objections thereto
or claims for damages must be filed in
tne office of the County Clerk of Sher
man coantv, Nebraska, on or before
no'*n of the 20th day of June, 1904, or
such road will be established without
reference thereto.
Dated this 18th day of April, 1904.
Geo. H. Gibson,
(teal) County Clerk.
Last pub. May 12,
To all whom it may concern:—
The commissioner appointed to view
the vacation or a certain road com
mencing at the center stake between
Sections 34 and 35, in Township 13,
Range 15, and running thence south
east and south across railroad track
and terminating at county line be va
cat* d. Also, that a road commencing
at the center stake between Sections 34
and 35, Township 13, Range Id. and
running thence south 22 rods, thence
southeast 17 rods, thence e:ist 30 rods,
thence south {q railroad right-of-way,
thence southeast 10 rods north of rig! t
of-way, and terminating at county line
between Buffalo and Sherman counties
be established, said establishment be
ing a strictly consent road, has report
in favort thereof, and all objections
thereto or claims for damage must
be filed in the office of the County Clerk
of Sherman, county. Nebraska, on or
before noon of the 6th day of July,
1904, or said roads will be established
and vacated without reference thereto
Dated thi* 4th day of May. 1904.
Gko. H. Gibson,
County Clerk.
Last pub. May 26.
Notice is hereby given that on Febrj
ary l?th. 1904, a petition asking for the
construction of a sidewalk along the
east side of East Avenue, beginning at
the north side of Grand Central Avenue
(the northeast cornerof the court house
square) and running thence north to the
north side of Buffalo Avenue(the south
east corner of public school block),
thence east along the north side of Buf
falo Avenue to Elm street,paipely,along
the west side of block 6, block 11 and
block 14, Lalk & Kreichbaum's afldjtion,
along (be uest side of block “B,”
Centra) addition, along the west
side of block 38, J. Wood Smith addi
tion, and along the south side of blocks
20 and 21, ,T. Wood Smith additior,
all in the village of Luup City, Nebras
ka, said walk to be built at least four
feet in width and of brick, stone or ce
ment. Said petition was signed by a
two-thirds majority of the owners of
the land adjoining the proposed walk*,
was granted as prayed for and tluir
construction ordered in accordance
with said petition by the 1st of August,
Done by order of Village Board this
28th day of April, 1904.
E S. Hayhurst. Chairman.
Attest: W. J. Fisher.
[seal.] Village Clerk.
Last pub. May 26.
Elder A. T. Robipson of Lincoln,
president of the Nebraska conference
of Seventh Day Adventists, and Elder
L. E. Johnson of Broken Bow, district
superintendant, closed a week’s special
services in the Seventh Day Adventist
church on Tuesday evening of this
week. The meetings were fairly well
attended and a good interest was man
ifested lu the themes presented, which
dealt with prophecy and practical
Christianity. _s
In order to simplify matters and give
the public some idea of what can be done
in the way of furnishing their homes we
give the cost of a dining room suit. At *
the above price every piece is a good sub
stantial one. The suit contains a large
roomy sideboard with serpentine top draw
ersjand a good sized, beveled, French plate
mirror, highth 76 inches width 43 inches.
One set of strong well made Dining Chairs
and all finished Golden. One Granite Art
Square, size 9x12. Of course, we have bet
ter furnituie but this gives you a clue to
what we are doing.
Don’t forget that we are headquartors fer
Art Squares, Curtains, Curtain poles and fix
tures and that we have a good assortment of
Window Shades. Our line of couches are
the Perfection Steel Construction
Oar Sto^k for Spring and Summer
is now nearly complete. All the.
Latest in Styles,
Shades and Weaves.
We invite the people of this com
munity to look them over before
sending away for your suit.
We guarantee
Fit in Suits and
Good Suits.
In the District Court of Gherman Coun
ty, Nebraska:
Clara Hawk.
A. W. Wilcox, Charles ,
Smith,alias Charlie |
Smith, and -y Notice.
Smith, his wife,Mc
Cormick Harvest
ing Machine Com
pany 41 cnrpoiation,
Defendants. ,
A. W. Wilcox, whose first or Chris
tian name is unknown. Charles Smith,
otherwise known as Charlie Smith, and
-Smith, his wife, and the McCor
mick Harvesting Machine Company, a
corporation duly organized and exist
ing under the laws qf the jjta'e of Illi
nois, defendants, wlil take notice that
on thp ji5th day of April, 1904, Clara
Hawk, plaintiff herein, filed her petition
in the District Court of Sherman coun
ty, Nebraska, against said defendants,
the object and prayer of which are to
remove certain clouds from the title
and to quiet and confirm tbe title to the
following described premises, situate in
Sherman county and state of Nebraska,
to-wit: The northwest quarter of sec
tion thirty-one (31) in township sixteen
(16) north of range sixteen p6) west of
the 6th P. M., in said plaintiff and said
plaintiff prays that said court decree
that said defendants and each of them
have no estate, lien, title or interest
whatsoever in and to said land and
premises, and that they be forever en
joined from asserting any claim there
to, and for such other and further re
lief as is just and equitable.
You are required to answer said pe
DaJ.ed April 25th, 1904.
Claha Hawk, Plaintiff.
By T. S. Nightingale,
Her Attorney.
Attest: Geo H. Gibson,
(seal) Clerk of the District Court.
(Last pub. Hay 19.) *
Cincinnati and return. Dates of sale
July 15 to 17. Call at U. P. depot.
May is the month! to haye DRAPER Imake a picture of ylour residence. Re s urp and see him abolut it at once. j
...» j %
Vhrss Daily Vraiys to
No. S8 leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 7:25 a. m.
No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:80 p. m.
No. W leaves Tnesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2:06 p. m.
No. 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed)
12;05 p. m.
No. 85arrives daily except Sunday (pass
enger) K3S p. m.
First class service and close connections
east., west and south. Tickets sold to al!
points aud baggage checked through to
destination. Information wlli be ctuer.
fully furnished on application to
Frank Hiseh, Agent,
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City,
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
and all points and all points
ast and south. West.
No. 52 Passenger.10|15 *. U(
No. 60 Freight.10 15am
No. 51 Passenger. 5:15 n m
No. 59 Freight.. £
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point In
the United stales or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to R L. a.ithi r
Agent. Or J. Francis. CJen'l Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
Drs. Davis and Farnsworth of Grand
Island, have in their office all the latest
apparatus used hi the treatment of
chronic diseases, including Static, Fara
dic and Galvanic Electricity and X ray
instrument. Vibratory Massage. Hot
air baths for treatment of chronic rheu
matisru.kidney and liver diseases. The
Minin Violet light for for treatment of
chronic skin diseases and every otlnr
instrument required in making a scien
tific examination and giving proper
treatment. The doctors make no
charge for first consultation.