VOLUME XXI. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, M \Y 5.1904 XUMBER 25 ! Professional Cards AARON WAIL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY. NEBRSSKR. W J. FISHER, -Attorney at Law and Notary Public. WUl Def«nd In Foreclosure Poses ALSO DO ▲ General Real Estate Business. LOUT CITY. NlttSAOLt ,?i. h. n Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Ouly set of Abstract books in county J. H. LONG PHYSICIAN and SDRGEON Office Opposite St. Elmo TELEPHONE CONNECTION S. A. ALLEN, DENTIST LOUP CITY, - - NEB. OFFICE.—One door east of St. Elmo Hotel. My equippment is modern and my prices will be as low as can be ex pected for ?ood work. I would be pleased to have you call. Open evenings. In a dental operation the main consider T ation is the result. The pain is greatly modified by modern equippment. Dr. A. R. NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon am I HORSE DENTIST. OFFICE —At my new residence second door east ot opera house. LOUP CITY. : . - NEBRASKA. Wesley McCombs, H F Hobart McCOMBS Vt HOBART Livery § Feed Stable Loup City, Nebraska, Our teams are all good drivers and we are able to give you the best ot turnouts. Our prices are reason able and we can give satisfaction to all who wiau our services. TOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED F. E. Brewer Will insure you in the St. Paul Fire Marine, Continental, Springfield, or National Ins. Co.’s Al«o, Takes Orders for TREES and SCHOOL SUPPLIES Loup City, - Nebraska. cofgef’s v City Dray aiift Transfer line J. W. & 4. T. Conger, Props. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty oi moving household good. Ice delivered in any part of town. Your patronage solicited. LOUP CITY, - - - NEBRASKA. philo Spyder Contractor mi Builder E-^imates Furnished On Short Notice Loup City, Nebraska. PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. Photographs, Farm views, Stock pictures etc. Finest instrument west of the Missouri, river. All work stricly guaranteed. i. j ...... . y,' The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY tT THE COUNT? SEAT TERMS:—*1.00 PER TEAR. IP PAID IN ADVANC1 Entered at the Loup Citv Postofflce for trans mission through the mails as second class matter* J. \V. BURLEIGH. E«l. ami Pnb. The Republicans of Howard in county convention last week de clared lor Rurkett. It looks like Parker as the demo cratic nominee for president. And John Maher and his typewriter are for him, too. W. E. Andrews is bound to break into the IT. S. senate, but not just at present, we think. However he has Dietrich and Adams county for him which helps a little(V). The nominations made by the Sherman county Republicans in con vention last week could not have been bettered. The convention was throughout one of perfect harmony, each and every delegate striving to do the best for party weal. The naming of Judge Aaron Wall as its choice for state senator was an honor well and worthily bestowed. Judge Wall was the peer of any man in the last senate, in fact was an acknowledged leader of the majori ty, and received the closest atten tion on all sides when debating any question before that body. In com mittee, the Judge was a Wall of adamant against any unwise meas ures referred to his committees, and he was evei ready and with patience to hear all sides of every question, and most quick of discernment and safely on the side of justice. He should and undoubtedly will receive a re-nomination at the hands of the senatorial convention. The choice of Hon. II. Smelser for representa tive and of J. S. Pedler for re-nom ination to the office of county attor ney are also especially pleasing and are in accord with the united voice of Sherman county Rebublicans. All in all the Roosevelters are proud of their convention’s work. Week before last, we questioned Brer. Brown’s accuracy in stating that Colorado was gloriously Re publican, or at least he so construed j our asking how many and who the the Republican officials of that state were, and mentions, in a clipping, the names of Governor Peabody and Senator(?) Wolcott, and no others, nor of them saye only as probable delegates at large to the National convention, a matter entirely for- j eign to our question, and closed his clipped nonsensical nonsense with the sage, thongh a little stereotyped, expression: “Brush up a little brother and be careful about showT ing your ignorance.” Our brother is evidently laboring under the de lusion that “a drop of water is a whole duck pt*nd,” and granting God was wdtb the Republicans in Colorado and helped them elect an executive, that fact alone does not till the Republican hopper. We shall have to run the risk of being again denounced as ignorant by our brother by still hailing from Mis souri on the question of Colorado’s Republicanism by asking our wail brother to secure more explicit in formation from that fountain of all populist inspiration, the Nebraska Independent, as regards the politi cal status of that lair of w ild silver ideas. We can scarcely conceive the improbable thought that a Republi can legislature w7ould choose Tom Patterson for U. S. senator, hence the legislative branch of the state government can scarcely be con ducted a la Republican. As to the representation in the U. S. senate, it seems a little misleading to make mention of Citizen Walcott as Sen ator^?) Walcott, doesn’t it, brother? But don’t get excited, dear brother, just because we are putting you through political kindergarten ex amination. You will not pass into a higher grade by confining yourself to parrot expressions about your teaher’s qualifications. Cofine your self to the examination strictly. The next lesson may be harder. ; ’l Score one for Ilearst. He cap tured the Iowa democratic conven tion yesterday by a narrow margin. It was a* how ling time. Hon. II. II. Baldridge of Omaha will be temporary chairman of the Republican state convention, with A. B. Allen the governor’s best man as secretary. The St. Louis Exposition has opened with great eclat, or words to : that effect. The papers are now full of it, but soon it will get as stale as Russo-Jap reading. On Tuesday the supreme judges listened to the voice of the people as expressed by the press of the j state and appointed Harry Lindsay j for court reporter. You are all right, now, Sir Judges. Would it not be a good idea to organ ize a Roosevelt club in Loup City? A club of 200 could easily l>e organized, and there is a growing sentiment in favor of such organization Who will start the ball rolling? - The good people who have stren uously supported the idea that the ! erratic Carrie Nation was doing Di vine work with her hatchet, can now enjoy(V) the news thst she has been engaged as a museum freak at a salary of £300 per week. M L Fries of Arcadia, we under stand, iS a candidate for re-election to the state senate from old Custer. He made a splendid record in the last legislature, and should be re- j turned without a dissenting voice. If we were up there, he’ would get our best licks for his return, sure. With the appointineut of Harry Lindsay as supreme court reporter, will come his probable retirement as chairman ol the Republican state committee. With that will come the naming of a new chairman. : What is the matter with Judge Wall j of Loup City for that responsible place? Aaron Wall is well equipped! for the duties of that execudive office j has a state w ide acquaintance and would fill the bill to perfection. He is already mentioned by prominent newspapers of the state in connec- j tion therewith, and wre heartily sec ond his selection. Make Judge Wall chairman of the Republican state committee by unanimous consent. Lincoln S'ar: If taxes are raised jnder the new revenue law the fault will lie with extravagant county commissioners and not with the law itself. Contrary to the opinions dow being expressed over the state against the law, it was not the inten tion of the legislature to increase the huiden of taxation, but to make it possible for all property to be reached that heretofore has evaded taxation ; owing to the defective memory of the property holder and the lax system of making assessments. The law has not raised the value of property in the state, but merely makes it easier to arrive at ttie true valuation and with all property prop erly listed the annual levies can he reduced. Under the old law a piece j of property of the real value of one million do liars would be assessed at! $100,000 or less, on a levy of ten mills. Under the new law the prop erty will be assessed at twenty per cent of its actual market value, or $200,000, and the levy can be reduced to five mills. The law does not contemplate the paying off of the state and county indebtedness in one year or in two or three years. The administrative expenses of the several counties have not been in creased and when the county com missioners meet to make the annual levy all that will be necessary will be to considerthe increased property return at its true value and make the levy accordingly. Nebraska’*; most suceessfull poultry raiser is Mrs. A. II. Hansel of Loup City, and she has just won fame fcr herself and her state in the international egg-laying contest now being held in New South Wales. Her pen of six rose comb brown leghorn hpns andonecock eral has led the entire seventy pens for nine consecutive months, having to its credit for the nine months 1,048 eggs, which is thirty-four ahead of the near est competitor. Mrs.IIansel has a chick en farm of; 320 acres. She has raised poultry for the last twenty years, and for the last ten only pure-bred stock.— Falls City Journal. naMHHMMnr^irtiu r wBaacvaao Never beiore ha^e we shown such a complete line of Mil linery. You are making a mistake if you do not see us before buying. A. E. Chase DRAPER SADDLERYCOMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF U3HT and HEAVY HARNESS SADDLES and BRIDLES BLANKETS, ROBES, WHIPS, FLY NETS, BRUSHES, CURRY COMBS. Repairing Neatly Executed. All Work Warranted. HAND MADE HARNESS A SPECIALTY. Bargains in Baggies and Spring Wagens LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA A Model Lunch Room., MSHIiS HW Hlili HOURS, -» OPEC FROM 6:30 A- M- TO 11=30 P, M, * ^•K- OYSTERS ANY STYLE ' FRESH BREED END BUNS FROM THE CELEBRETED CESS BROS BEKERY OF EURORE. ‘ Also Pies and Cakes for sale here. Two Doors West of Post Office. BAYNE & JONES, Loup City, Nebraska. ' ■■ ■ A. P. ('(TIJ.EY. President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. ^ * _ V > I OP LOUP CITY General Banking BusinessT ransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska* W R. MELLOR LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Buys, Sells and Bents RESIDENT AGENT FOR B. & M. LANDS AND LINCOLN LAND CO. TOWN LOTS. BOUGHT AT THE B. & Mo Elevators MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Goal for Sale at Lip City and Asia. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Cull and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G. TAYLOR, ■^DEALER IN» HARDWARE Furniture, Stoves and Tinware My stock of shelf hardware, tinware, guns, cutlery and furniture is complete and our prices cannot fail to please. Get our prices on steel ranges, cook stoves, heaters etc., before you buy. We can save you mon ey on these articles. Your pat ronage solicited. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Gall s W ,T. CHASE —THE— Popular Druggist FOR THE PUREST AND BEST Drugs, Paipts, Oils, CIGARS, FRUITS IN SEASON, ETC. .LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, FOR, BUGGIES, Waqons, Apd Well Work,