The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 14, 1904, Image 8

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    Dop’t yer’e forget it,
P. O. Reed
Js sellipg J-laj*dware, pepcipg, etc.
_ _i^——___
Iioaal Daws.
Your wife happy? UseGrow’s flour
Mrs. Dr. Chase was on the sick list
Nut coal for cook stoves at Taylor's
Get your suits for Easter at Johnson
Lorentz & Co.
Call and examine the stock of shoes
atB. J. Swanson’s,
Little Johnnie Lininger is now con
sidered out of danger.
T. M. Reed sells Farm Machinery,
Buggies and Wagons.
Miss Lizzie Bingham is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. Judge Wall.
For Bargains in real estate,
go to LONG’S office.
Mackintoshes for Ladies and Gentle
men at Johnson Lorentz & Co.
Mrs. J. L Hawk is having a new' well
put down on her residence property
Good, fresh, family lard at Reynolds’
in 3 and 5 pound pails. Try one. 18 4
Messrs. Louis Rein and A. Johnson
have our thanks tor financial favors.
W. D. Hover, Embalmer and Fu
neral Director. Ready day or night.
A baby boy was born to Mr. A. Bud
dlei and wife of Webster township on
the 11th.
Choice Loans on short no
tice secured by applping to
Ed. Ratcliffe left this morning for
Sumner, Neb., and ordered this paper to
follow him.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Henry went to
Omaha, Wednesday, where Mrs, Henry
will have her eyes treated.
Oliver Dubry went to Litchfield on j
Wednesday to exemplify Loyal Legion
work, to be followed by a banquet.
Where did you get those elms? Of F. j
E. Brewer, of course. You c*n get any ;
thing you want in the tree line of him.
The Draper Saddlery Co. are putting
in a nice line of Buggies and can sell
you a Buggy, a Spring Wagon, a Har
ness, a Whip and a Duster.
Mr. Franklin Emberly and Miss May i
Teeters, both west Sherman county \
young people, were married at the St.
Elmo, on the evening of April 7, Judge j
Angier officiating.
Chas. Bellinger took out a marriage
licence Wednesday and will marry Mis*
Julia Starr next Wednesday. Miss
Star is the sister of Mrs. Will Mizner of
Washington township and comes trom
Gladstone, N ebr.
A. L. Zimmerman is the first one of
our residence holders to put down a
substantial walk of pressed brick in
front of his home. Let such improve
ments be numerous.
If there are any candidates who as
pire for the nomination of township
officers, please feel free to announce
yourselves in our next issue so your
names may com*1 before the Republic m j
primary a week from Saturday.
New Meat Market. Chris. Legers j
will open a new meat market next door
to the opera house Saturday morning of
this week. Mr. Eggers has a bunch of
corn fed steers for this market that can
not be beat this side of Chicago.
A terrific prairie fire raged north oj
town Tuesday afternoon, but with littF
wind and hard fighting not much dam- i
age was done. Messrs. Hover, Dobing
and others were losers of hay, and sev
eral homes had narrow escapes.
Litchfield Monitor: Mr. Elmer Hand
and Miss Violet Greenhalgh were mar
ried April 6th, at the home of the
bnde’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Greenhalgh Both of the contracting
parties are well known in this locality
and are industrious young people and
the Monitor wishes them much joy and
rDistrict court commenced Tuesday
morning as per order of Judge B. O.
Hostetter. This was his honor’s first
term in Sherman county, and our court
officers and attorneys were well pleased
with their new chief. Mr. Hostetter
is the first Republican judge that has
held down the chair in this district for
fourteen years by right of election and
while we have had competent and ac
ceptable jurists during the°e years it is
a pleasant innovation to again greet a
Republican district judge. There were
few cases of any importance on the
•docket, and afl told only twenty. Sor
ensen vs. Sorensen of the west side were
granted permission to live alone in the
future. Betts vs Betts had the bonds
of matrimony cut asunder An injunc
tion was granted against George Dinin
ger, restraining him as road overseer of
•district 3, Logan township, ir<fca open
ing a road granted in March by tb,n
county board. The case will be heard1
5by the district court at its next term
-and in the meantime Mr. Dininger »ill
!be compelled to go round by the bridge.
•‘Smirh vs. Depew was decided in tavor
•df plaintiff, &250 per year being allowed
ker for necessary expenses.
II. M. Mathew drove up to Arcadia
All the latest in hats at Johnson
Lorentz & Co.
New meat market, next to the Opera
house. Try it.
Get your baby picture and one en
larged at Boone’s.
N. G. Leroy of St. Paul was in Loup
City last Saturday.
Ladies' skirts and Children's hose
at Johnson Lorentz & Co.
Mrs. George Brill of Council Bluffs
is a gue t of Mrs. Judge Wall.
Grow sells the finest buckwheat
Hour in the market. Try it.
Try Chris. Egger’s new meat market
that will open for business Saturday.
The Northern Milling Co.’s flour
is the best. I). C. Grow’, Manager.
Still one more c«se of small pox. Mrs I
Patton was quarantined at her home i
Sxturd iv.
For Barker Estate Lands
and Town Lots go to JOHN
Mrs. Chas. Brown and two sous of
Far well visited over last Sunday with
E. G Tayior and family.
Conger Bros, will not contract for Ice
after the 1-t ot M<y. Get your con-j
tracts signed before that date. 21-4
Epworth League next Sunday evenir g
will be led by Miss Ilayhurst. Subject
k The Transforming Po ver of Christ.
Mrs. W. M.Smelser of Rockville in
vites you to call and see her full line of
spring and summer millinery. 21-3
JOHN W. LONG will transact
your real estate or loan business I
and knows how. ('all on him.
D. Grow went down to Omaha last j
j Saturday on county matters connected'
; with bridge building, returning the first1
i of the week.
Wanted—Fifty bead of s ock to pas
i turc for coming season. Good pasture j
and plenty of w. ter.
•>'l a Ed. B. Dunlap.
Oliver Dubrv organized a Mystic Le-:
: gion lodge of twenty-five members at
1 Litchfield li*t week.
Can’t we have new or repaired side
walks over the ci y before some one se
i riouslv injurs himself or herself on one
i of the defective wdks and th~ city has
a heavy suit for damages on handy
The tli!rd quarterly conference of the
Methodist church will be held in this
city Sunday, April 17th. The prodding j
eki-r. W. I). Crane, wid be present.
Arcadia Champion: On last Friday j
the postal clerk run on this branch was j
extended to Sargent. This will neces
sitate the employment of a substitute
who will run on this line one week and
on the Harwell lin* the next
The Broken Bow Repaid can says
mortgages are not to he assessed, as
some have thought, but the notes se
cured by mortgages. Where part of the
note has been paid, only the part re
maining unpaid is to be assessed.
i Don't buy a buggy until you see w lmt
! the Draper Saddlery Co. have to offer.
We can save you money. We don't
keep an army of help to add to the cost
of a buggy and will do business on busi
ness principle* and giva thg purchaser
the benefit
Not a week passes but new subscrib
ers are added to our list. We want
everv Republican in Sherman county to
take the paper. Show your belief in
Repub ican principles by being a reader
of the paper that advocates Republican
S. F. Reynolds went to Central City
Monday where he purchased h beef
coo er capable of holding twm or thro*
beeves. lie will soon build an additon
to his shop between his building and A.
E. Chase’s grocery to accommodate his
growing trade.
The Mason City fcjtar is not careful
enough in giving credit to the proper
paper. It is not often we say a good
enough thing for the Star to copy and
wfa: t» it d'tes happen we don't want the
Wolbach Advertiser or anv other son
of a quill driver to chuckle over us.
The applications for ljtyiiflr license of
both T. Henry Eisner and M. G. Mplick
appear in this issue Past experience has
proved these gentlemen conduct most]
j qui^t *4*4 orderly establishments, and
j no doubt exist* that they will receive
I permit* the cupdng year without the
least objection.
No one would have suspected that]
Marshal Wes Pedler had been goipv ]
around here for nearly tw o weeks with
a broken rib, but such proves to be the
case. On Monday of last week, while
out in the country engaged in putting
up a tank, he slipped from the wagon
and w as thrown heavily to the ground
on his breast. He felt bruised some
what, but kept at work. Later the
soreness continued and grew more pain
ful, in a couple of days he con
'ulted a pi^slci^n with the above re
sult. However he kept on the
move all the time, thanks ‘ power
ful constitution, and the injury is mjejjd-'
ing nicely. i
Mrs. A. B. Outhouse is much better.
F. E. Brewer for trees and shrubbery
John Wall was down from Arcadia
Friday last.
Babv’s pictures taken instantaneous
ly at Boone's
Shelled corn, oats and ground corn at
Taylor's Elevator.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, St. Paul, Neb.
Send for Literature.
Judge Wall had legal business in Bro
ken Bow last Friday.
Mrs. J. W. Long was reported on the
sick list Saturday last.
Mrs. A.Zink left for Denver Tuesday
morning via the U. P.
April 22d has been designated by the
governor as Arbor Day.
Have you a picture to copy and en
large? Take it to Boone.
O. F. Peterson has moved his resi
dence back from the treat
E. G. Taylor will soon commence the
erection of his new residence.
For Trunks, Telescopes ami Valises
call at Johnson Lorentz A Co.
A gun club of seven member was or
ganized in Loup City la-t week.
Do you want a farm loan ?
Call on JOHN W- LONG.
Try the old reliable Reynolds Meat
Market for tine steaks. Best of tervice.
We want a } oung lady to learn tne
printing business. Apply at tins office
at once.
It seems a certainty that the bank
people will build a new b.ick block in
the near future.
Miss Frank Inks linished her school
last Friday and is visiting her parents
in Buffalo county.
March must have extended into April
this year, from reports all over the
country last week.
Charley True started for Wood It ver, i
Oregon, Monday, t > try his fortunes in j
the wild and wordy.
Carsten Truelson's new residence is J
fast nearing completion and will one of !
the finest in the city.
It. J. Nightingale and E. S. Hay-1
hur-t have their new residences on the
near road to eompl* tion.
Win. Brown took the IT. 1* for Oma
ha Saturday morning on business con
nected with county matters.
Mrs. S 8. Hover Iml so far recovered
from her recent illness as to attend the
M. E. supper Saturday evening
Those wanting Alfalfa, Spelt/ and j
other seeds for spring sowing, leave
your orders with T. M. Heed.
Emil Aufreeht and sister* «>f Wash
ington town-hip were entertained last
Sunday at the home of John Lininger
in this city.
Miss Nellie Hawk has a new class of
seven beginners at Ashton, where she
teaches music each we-k Tuesday and
Photos at Boone’s. After April 15 he
\v 11, with every dozen $3 photos, give
you free of cost one bromide enlarged
picture, life-size.
Arcadia went “wet” this year, as it
seems foui-fifth of the Nebraska towns
did. The temperance wave seems to
be on the out-tide.
A- L. Zimipenjian will have his new
real estate office ready for occupancy
within a few days Lawyer St »rr will
also have an office in that building.
Wanted—Cattle to pasture—I want
some eighty head for pasture the com
ing season, flood fence and water
Six miles southeast of Loup Citv.
19-4 C. W. Tiiohbtfon.
Married -Tuesday, April 12th, 1904,
at the residence of the hrule’s parents
v»r. and Mrs. C. G, Anderson, Rev. Mr.
Madely officiating, Wenman W. Mc
Michael of Arcadia, Neb., ><nd Mrs.
Jennie M Ilagelin of this city. May
tlmir wedded life be long and happy.
Mr. Ilenry French resigned his posi
tion in this office last Saturday to t ike
up ;> more lucrative salary at carpenter
work. As our duties in the office wilt
require much closer attention, it will be
considered a great favor if friends will
hand in anv and all news items coming
nndey JOQtice.
Hereafter Tub North western will
charge regular rate* for
of an advertising nature published in
its columns for entertainments charg
ing an admittance fee or In the order
of inngRy making, be they for whatever
purpose, oy whetjigi for religious or
»pciil»»r societies. In doipg so we will
not accept {‘complimentarlcs” to any
such, nor be on the “free Ust” for anyr
thing. Thi9 must not be understood as
relating to notices of church services or
public meetings of a free nature, as we
continue to publish these gratis. Also,
cards of thanks, lists of wedding pres
ents, and matters of like nature, will be
charged for. The space in a paper is
its capital and to set the type costs time
and money, and its donation should not
^e expected. It is purely a question of
Fine veal and mutton at Reynolds.
F. E. Brewer for strawberry plants.
Call and see our new Commencement
Miss Mable Spobrhas returned to her
studies at York college.
B. .J. Swanson’s is the place to get
your money’s worth in footwear.
Leave your orders with T M. Reed
if you want a new well or windmill.
Call on F. E. Brewer for a rose bush.
Ills strawberry plants will be here next
w eek.
Mrs. W. T. Gibson has been on th**
sick list but is very much improved at
Henry French is doing carpenter
work this week some ten miles in the
Albert Johnson moved into the prop
erty vacated by Charley Gibson. Mon
day morning.
TL Peddicord h'is been engaged to
nurse Bert Draper’s little son who has
scarlet fever.
Mrs. Ray Harris of Ashton who lias
been a guest of Mrs. Arthur returned
li<une last week.
J. Berzina, of Bristol township died
last Wednesday, lie left h wife and
several children.
Mrs Ed. Walker arrived from Tipton.
Iowa, last w eek on h visit to her sister,
Mrs. W. T. (libson.
Last Friday night was firemen's dr 11
but the night was such no one attended.
How about the tines?
Anyone having cattle to pasture see
K. Sloeuin before letting. Seven miles
southwest of Loup City. t'2-2
Druggist Chase has had the interior
of his store re-papered and re-painted
and is now in elegant shape.
Mrs.R. D. Sutton ot near Arcadia
was visiting over Sundav with her sis
ters, Mesdames Waite and Chase.
If you wish us succ* ssk,as your neigh- I
borto take ihe paper; also hand the
editor any news item you know’ of.
Clark Reynolds >»t San Diego, Calif., j
is a new re«der of this paper, through
the courtesy of his sister, Miss Maud j
Call up The N ortwestern by tele
phone after this when you want this of- j
tice for anything except money. Our
call is R 11. Don’t forget.
R S. Triplitt went down to Kearney :
last Friday,returning Monday, Art Eis
ner holding down his place in Oden-;
dahFs drug store in the interim.
The Litchfield Monitor, speaking Of i
the marriage cf Win. Dickerson and
Miss Andie Foster in Loup City last
week, adds: “Both of these p trties are ,
w’ell know'll in ties ^community and
stand high m the esteem of alt.”
The supper given by the Methodist i
lad'est at the opera house la*t Saturday
evening was a veritable feast of good
things and was well attended. The la
dies realized some 360 from it as a
handsome reward for their laliors
A ease of scarlet fever was reported
Tuesd <v morning at the home of Rert
Draper in the east part of town, one
of his little children being the sufferer.
The hou*e lias been quarantined and all
neeessary precautions taken to prevent
the spread of the disease.
SMALLPOX is what one involunta
rily thinks of when seeing some of the
scratchy looking nictures put out by in
ferior artists. NOT SO with pictures
you get at DRAPER’S STUDIO. You
never have to apologize for Draper’s
photos when showing them to yonr
Last Friday was a howling terror,
the wind te-ring Shingles from ropfs,
overturning small buildings and tearing
up jack generally. The tin roof of the
Conger building, west side square, was
ripped off and other buildings well
shaken. No serious damage reported
We finished real estate pamphlets
last, week for those wide-awake, hust
ling real estate mm, U. W. Me lor and
John W. Long, and during the few days
preceding their completion, the gentle
men disposed of six quarter section's.
That's the way Sherman county land is
changing h mds.
Ilei man Fiebeg gave ns a pleasant so
cial and financial call, Saturday. Her
man was one among the gre t number
of our German-American citizens who
respond* d to Uncle Sam's call in ’Gl-’Go
and gave three of the best years of bis
life to his adopted country. Heaven
bless the old veterans; all of them.
Dip. Davis and Farnsworth of Grand
Island, have in their office all the latest
apparatus used in the treatment of
chronic diseases, including Static, Fara
dic and fyalvmdc Electricity and X ray
instrument. Vibratory Massage. “Hoi
air baths fop treatment of chronic rheu
matism- kidney apd liver diseases. The
Minin Violet light fop fop treatment «.f
chronic skin diseases and eyery oth p
instrument required in making a scimr
title examination and giving proper
treatment. The doctors make no
charge for first consultation.
Choice Seed Corn and Potatoes
I have for sale a few bushels of white
seed corn, grown in 1902. Also, a few
bushels of bug proof potatoes for sale.
Henry Rensink, Divide. Neb. 20m
Notice To Nou-Resident Defendant.
State of Nebraska j
- 88
Sherrnan County )
The Lombard Investment Company,
defendant, will tike notice that on the '
18th day of March, 1904, El wo id E. j
Renner and Helen E. Renner tiled their j
petition in the District Court of Slier-!
man county, Nebraska, against the said i
Lombard Investment Company, the
object and prayer of which are to ob
tain a decree of said court adjudging
and decreeing that the two mortgages
executed to the said Lombard Invest
ment Company bv Erik Anderson on
May 26th, 1890, one for $80o.00 and one
for $120.40, and which are recorded
respectively in Book 15 at page 42 and
in Book 15 at page 656 of the mortgage
records of said county, are null and
void and are not a valid lien upon the
northeast quarter of section eleven in
township sixteen, north of range sixteen
west of the sixth principal meridian in
Sherman county, Nebraska, and that
the record thereof be canceled and
held for naught, and the cloud caused
by the same be removed, and the title
quieted against the same, and that de
fendant ..nd all persons claiming under
it be perpetually enjoined from
asserting a lien upon said land by vir
tue of said mortgages or either of them
and for such other lelief is just and !
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the second day of
May. 1904.
Dated this 18th day of March, 1904.
El wood E. Benner.
Helen E. Benner,
By It. J Nightingale, their attorney.
Last pub. April 14.
Estimate of Expenses.
Estimate of expen-es for Sherman
County, Nebraska, as ; dopted by the
County Board of Supervisors for 1904.
On ltoads.81,000
On Bridges.4,000
On B oks, Blanks and stationery. 500
On Incidentals. 800
On Expense of Election. 1,000
On County Repairs. ToO
On Office Rnt and Salaries. 5,000 I
On Court, including Attorney's
Fees. 3,000
On Bounties on wild animals. 350
On Illegal taxes. 300
On County Piinting. 400
On Insanity ease--. 700
On R. It. Bond and Bond int_3,000
On O. & R. V. Bond Skg. Fund.. 4,000
On Refunding Bond interest.3,500
On Funding and Iie-Funding- 1,500
On Bridge Bond Re-funding Bond
Sinking Fund.3,500
On Teachers Institute Fund. 25
On Bridge B«-nd Iifd. Bond int.. 2,000l
!n witness whereof I set my hand and
the seal of said county, this 22nd day of
March. 1904. Geo. H. Gibson,
(seal) County Clerk.
Last pub. April 14.'
To all whom it may concern:—
The commissioner appointed to view
the proposed vacation ot a public road
commencing at center of Section One.
Township Thirteen. Range Fourteen,
and running thence one-half mile to
Quarter stake on ths East side of said
Section One. thence south on east line
of said Section One, to the southeast
corner of said secion, it being a part of
Road No. 36. Also the road comment*
ingatthe center of said Section One,;
intersecting with road No. 36. and run
ning thence south to the south side of
said section and thence east to the
southeast corner of said Section One,
and intersecting with road No. 36 at
said point, was recommend* d to be es
tablish'd. Both vaca'ion and estab
lishment were reported in favor of by
the said commissioner, and all objec
tions thereto or claims foi damage must
be filed in the otliee of the County Clerk
on or before noon of the 8th day of
June, 1904, or said roads will be va
cated and located without reference
Dated thi- 4th day of April, 1904.
Geo. H. Gibson,
County Clerk.
Last Pub. April 28.
Notice is hereby given that T. Henry
Eisner did, on the 6th day- ot April,
1904, file with the village clerk of
Loup City, Nebraska, in the county
of She r inmi, his petition ,and applica.
tion for a license t<» sell malt, spirit
uous ami vinous liquors in said village
for the fiscal venr beginning on the first
Tuesday in May, 1904, and continuing
for one year from and after the date of
its is-sue; such application being the pe
tition ot more th.m thirty of 1 lie resi
dent freeholders of said village of
i Loup City. Any objection, protest or
remonstrance to said sprlication must
be filed on or before the 3rd day of May,
1904. T. Henry Elsnkr,
Attest: W.J. Fisher.
(Seal.) Village Clerk 21-3
Notice is hereby given that M C. Mu
lick did, on the 6th day of April, 1904,
file with the village clerk of Loup City.
Nebraska, in the county of Sherman,
h'is petition and application for a li
cence to sell malt, spirituous and vinous
jiquors in said village for the fiscal year
beginning on the first Tuesday jn May,
1904, at noon, ana terminating on the
first Tuesday in May, 1905, at poop,
such application being the petition of
more than thirty of the resident free
holders of said village of Loup City.
Any objection, protest or remonstrance
to said application must be filed on or
before the 2nd day of May, 1904
Dated this 6th day ot April, 1904
M. C. Mulick.
Attest: W.J. Fisher,
Village Clerk. 22-3
It is the aim of modern merchandising to save
the cuetomer all possible trouble and inconvenen e.
To carry out this idea we have selected furnitu for
a parlor—good substantial articles such as a n upl *
commencing house keeping in a modest way would
want and have put the the price, considering qua lit.,.
Below Competition.
The suit consists of OXE IIAXI) POLISH! !)
quarter sawed OAK CEXTEIt TAi’>LE; OX E P i. i.
FECTION steel construction LOl NGE, covert t
E grade of velour and full size; TWO GOOD . \
ROCKERS, one polished and a GOOD, ALL VO • • .
When you are house cleaning don’t forget that
we have all the LITTLE NICK-NACKS such as
FIXTURES and a large assortment of WINDOW
Loup City, Hebras :a.
Blacksmith fl Wagon
My shoo la the largest and best equipped of tin Piatt.- 1 v*
I have a fout horse engine and a complete line ot the lute- imp; v* :i
chiuery, also a force ot experienced men w ho know how to operai.
turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch.
mmssswsssaaamssasa■■■■maMaaTOirjtanwr-MfMr • ■ •• *
Stands tor tile best in
A good assortment of
Douglas Shoes on hand.
Good values in Men’s Work Shoes from.SI.-•> in .'»
New invoice of Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords in u«m>d uf ■ 1'
and prices right. Every pair tor' be as reptv
pentad or money refunded.
B.J. Swanson
. I
Lincoln. Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City,
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
and all points and all points
ast and south. West.
No. 52 Passenger.. 7:iSa. in
No. 60 Freight.10.15a. in.
No. 51 Passenger. 5:00 p in. j
No. 50 Freight. 6:15 P- tn. |
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars [
(seeds free) bn through trains. Tickets :
sold and baggage chepked to any point ip
the United States or Canada.
For information, maps, tim© tames and
tickets call on or write to B. Arthur
Agent. Or J. Francis, Gen'l Passenger
Agent, Omaha, upbraska
The B. &‘M. changed time of train*
Monday. The east bound passenger
now leaves Loup City in the morning
at 7:4S o’clock, arriving in Omaha about
3:30 m the afternoon. Returning, the
passenger arrives at 5 in the ev* ning.
j^hrsQ Daily Vraiqs to
Caliioi ilia*
No. 8« loaves daily except Sunday <pa •»
'eager). 7:~5a. m.
No. Se leaves Holiday. Wednesday a 1
Friday, (mixed) ll:ii)p. in.
No. 1N> leaves Tuesday, Thursday nod
Saturday, (mixed) 2 53p. m.
No. j»7arrives daily except Sunday ouxi 1)
12:05 p. m.
No. toarrives daily except Sunday ps-s
cage') 7:£> p. m.
First class service and close coimectlo s
east, west and south. Ticheis >■ 1 i to ..!
points and baggage checked through u>
ifestinai ton. 11 formation will l.- it.i-T
tuliy furnished on application to
1 Frank Hiskk, Agent.
Luring Apria the Budingon wil s 11
one wav tickets to the Pm ti- ‘ «»ast at
very low rates. Here are some ot' them:
$26 45 to San Franeisco, Los Ange os.
Portland, Takom i and Seattle. *-33 W5
to Spokane. $31.45 to Salt Lake, Butte
and Helena. Proportionately low rates
to hundreds of other points. If y u
will ted me where you are going i sn ill
be glad to give you full informath n of
r-.tes, train service, etc. J. Francis, <i.
P. Xt Omaha, Neb.
May is the month’ to have DRAPER I make a picture pf ylour residence. Be s ure and see him abo nt it at once.