The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 14, 1904, Image 1
—*———————— Him FlimWgfc——————WWH—g—W^—————BT?'T-T-'MMWMJBWK'' AT rsHHMHHMMBMHBHBHBHHBMMHaHBHBHMlMHUMHHMman* iT’"TiffnTi'irT - :iff_i»i—■« —j VOLUME XXI. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 14,1904 NUMBER 22 Professional Cards AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Court9 Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, NEBRSSKS, W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend In Foreclosure Oaaee. AX SO DO A General Real Estate Business. LOW oitt, wbhbaska Jft. H. .Tf/v.l n Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county J. H. LONG PHYSICIAN ail SURGEON Office Opposite St. Elmo TELEPHONE CONNECTION S. A. ALLEN. nEJYTIST, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. OFFICE.—One door east of 8t. Elmo Hotel. Mv equippment is modern and my prices will be as low as can be ex pected for «»ood worlr. I would be pleased to have you call. Open ►vemnscs. In a dental operation the main consider atiou is the result. The pain is greatly modified by modern equippment. Dr. a. R NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon and HORSE DENTIST. OfnOE.-At my new residence second door east ot opera house. LOUP CITY. : - - NEBRASKA. Wesiey McCombs, H F Hobart McCOMBS W HOBART Livery f Feed Stable Loup City, Nebraska, Our teams are all good drivers and we are able to give vou the bes' ot turnouts. Our prices are reason able and we can give satisfaction to all who wisti our services. TOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED F. E. Brewer Will insure you in the St. Paul Fire Marine, Continent’ll, Springfield, or National Ins. Co.’s Also, Takes Orders for TREES and SCHOOL SUPPLIES Lour* City, - Nebraska. COflGEP’S City Dray anil Transfer line J. W. & A. T. Conger, Props. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty o! moving household good. Ice delivered in any part of town. Your patronage solicited. LOUP CITY, - - - NEBRASKA. philo Spydef Contractor nd Builder Ealitn«te» Furnished On Short Notice Loup City, Nebraska. PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. *»**<«« Photographs, Farm views, stock picture* etc. Finest instrument west of the Missouri river. AH work stricly guaranteed. The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY \T THE COUNTY SEAT ~ ■ ■ - TERMS:—11.00 PER TEAR. IF PAID IN ADVANOl Entered at the Loup Citv PostofBce for trans mission through the mails as second class matte:4 J. W. BURLEIGH, Ed. and Pnb. Republican County Convention Loup City. Neb , March 8, 1904 — The Republican electors of Sherman county, Nebraska, are hereby requested to send delegates from their respective townships to meet in convention at Loup Citv, Nebraska, on Tuesday, April 26th, 1904, at 11 o,clock a. m. for the purpose of electing delegates to the Republican State and Senatorial con ventions for the year 1904, to elect a county central committee and the chairman thereof, and to place in nomi nation a candidate for county attorney and a candidate for Representative of the 57tli district of Nebraska. Also to transact such other business as may properly come before said convention. The several townships are entitled to representation as folio as* the appor tionment being based upon the vote cast at the last general election for the Hon. John If. Barnes Judge of the Su preme Court, giving each township one delegate for every seven votes or maj<*r fraction thereof and one delegate at large: Oak Creek _2 Loj»an . 5 Washington_6 Elm . 3 Webster _4 Loup City... 23 Ashton .7 Rockville ... 5 Clay .5 Harrison — 9 Scott . 3 Hazard - 7 Bristol .6 — Total .85 It is recommended that the primaries be held at the usual voting place in each township on Saturday, April 23, 1904. By order of the Repblicanu County Central Committtee. R. J. Nightingale, II. Smelskr, Secretary. Chairman, Call for Primary. The Republican electors of Loup City township will take notice that a Repub lican priraarv election will be held at he csual voting place in said town-hip on Saturday, the 23d day ot April, 19P4, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of elect in a delegates to the Re publican county convention, to be held at Loup City, Tuesday, April 26, 1904; also for the puruose of placing in nomi nation candidates for township clerk treasurer, overseer of highway and committeeman and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before sai«t primary meeting. R. J. Nightingale, Committ'eman for Loup City Twp. The Elm township Republican pri mary "'ill be held at 8 p. m., April .22 at the residence of O. A Clark. Adam Zaiin, Com. Washington township Republican pri mary meets Friday, April 22, at 7 p. m. at the Balsora school house. Hknning Claussen, Com. Clay township Republican primary at usual place Saturday, April 23, «t 3 o’clock p. m. John Matiiewson, Committeeman. The racing program for the state fair has been completed. The purses offered amount to $5,700. Senator Quay of Pennsylvania is reported dangerously ill. There is still hope, as the physicians have not commenced issuing bulletins. fhe opposition to republicanism in Nebraska is trying to get to gether on Silas Holcomb for gov ernor. Now is Bixby’s cha ce. The democratic muddle is still muddling. Bryan comes out flat footed in oppos tion to Parker, Gor man^ Cleveland & Co., which means a fight to the finish between Bryan, Hearst & Co. and the gold-bug dem ocratic triumvirate. United States Senator Burton of Kansas has been sentenced to six months’ imprisonment and lined $2,500 for having been convicted of using his influence before the post ottice department in favor of the Rialto securities company and re ceiving pay from the company for his grafting. Lucky Dietrich. State Superintendent Fowler says “teachers who are thrown oqt of their work because the sobools are closed by the order of sohool boards are still entitled to their pay, not withstanding ttie decision of the su preme court in a recent case from Sherman county.” He says the de cision of the court relates only to cases where schools are closed by 1 order of health officers Anting the prevalence of epidemics: Aprop s of the question of pay ing off the bonded indebtedness of Sherman county by a special levy, agitation of which was started in our columns? in a very interesting argu ment by Countv Clerk Gibson, week before last, Jacob Albers has re ceived the following letter which speaks straight from the shoulder in its favor: Brooklyn, X Y , April (>,—Friend Al bers: In hist week's Northwestern George Gibson asks opinion of ci'izens on extra levy of eight mills in next two years to take up indebtedness maturing As a taxpayer, tell him I approve of such levy. The body politic should be as prompt in pa\ ing debts as the indi vidual is expected to be. Yours. E. J. Delaney. — The press of the state are pretty unanimous in wanting Ilarry Lind say to have something good. They wanted him to succeed Summers as district attorney, but as their wishes in that regard have been disregard ed, they now insist on his appoint-1 ment as supreme court reporter. And why not? Lindsay is deserv ing, competent, reliable, painstak ing, and would prove an excellent man for the place. Suppose Judges Sedgwick and Barnes listen to the voice of the press for once. We want Lindsay* appointed clerk. According to latest advices win ter wheat prospects are not up to last year. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES (BY MISS tLI.A FOSTER > The high school is enjoying exarni- a tion this week. The ninth grade took up the study of botany Thnrsday. The intermediate department is hav ing examination this week. On account of the bad weather many pupils were absent the latter part of last week. Misses Jessie and Coral Lininger aie absent from the 10'h grade on account of tbe sickness of their brother. The literary which was given last! Thursday evening highly apiire c ated bv those who had courage enough to venture out in such bad weather. I)r. J. II. Long preset ted live vol umes of the works of Edgar Allan Poe to the high school library the first of the week. We appreciate the gift and j wish to thank Dr. Long for the same. Prof. E. G. Maggi, the noted lecturer and reader, will give one of his remark able enter'ainments in Loup City on the evening of April 22 (Friday) at the j opera house, under the auspices ot our public school. Admission, 33c and 23c.j lie is said to be fine. _ _ I -. Divide News. G. Ellinger and family were callers at Divide Sunday. Master Carl and John Squires were callers at Divide. Mrs Knox and son Floyd Sundayed with Mrs. Rensink. We hear of another milliner going to start up soon in our berg. Mr. Slocum and Geo. Ellinger helped fix the town pump Saturday. Thomas Benton of the north side took dinner with the postmaster Saturday. There are two new business houses in our midst—millinery and dressmaking establishments. I The party that was to be at M. I. Boone s as postponed on account of the stormy we ther. Sowing oats and making garden were the order of la-l week, nl owing the stormy weather not much was done. STKAWBEKKY. There will be a series of sermons on “Modern Nations and Events in Prophecy*’ given in the Baptist church*; The first, on “Modern Europe in Proph ecy,” "ill be giv-n Sunday evening, Apiil 17, to be followed on theevening of Sunday, April 24, by the “United States in Prophecy.” Some years ago by a careful and prayerful study of the Book of Daniel, I came to an under st tiding entirely different from that usua’ly given either by the Adventists or other exponents of modern events. The rule of exposition followed enabled me to forecast the result of the Turk War of 1897 at its beginning in a ser mon given at that time; at the smie time 1 was able to forecast the war be-1 twe n the United States arpl Spain and indicate »he dat« as tip* spring of 1898 and the fv>ult «s th«t the United State* 'ould become a world power. This sermon was reported at Dow City, la., to a crowded house in the beginning of our war with Spain, the city paper printing large extracts from the pr^d'C mils. These expositions carry the history of world events down to 1943— the beginning of uniyersal peace. The present war between Russia and Jspan and the probable war in the Bulkins with Turkey will he noticed in their criptural place and for .east of proba ble resu.ts given. J?\ D, Kennedy. > Never beiore have we shown such a complete line of Mil linery. Tou are making a mistake if you do not see us before buying. A. E. Chase DRAPER SADDLERY COMPANY M A N U F A C T l J tt JS RS OF LI3HT and HEAVY HARNESS SADDLES and BRIDLES BLANK).TS, KOBE*, WHIPS, FLY NETS, BRUSHES, CURRY COMBS. Repairing Neatly Executed. All Work Warranted. HAND MADE HARNESS A SPECIALTY. Bargains ii Buies and Soring Wagons LOUP CITY - ... . NEBRASKA 0' --IS.-S- *-9LM— 1L l’-* SL^ ft )♦ Jj tyfgjj A Model Lunch Room.. ’ _ . 1 MSHUS HV HliLi HOURS. -» OPED FROM 6:30 A- M- TO 11:30 P, M. * OYSTERS ANY STYLE •&** FRESH BREAD AND BUNS FROM THE CELEBRATED CASS BROS BAKERY OF AURORA. Also Pies and Cakes for sale here. -f ____ _ , " ' 1 Two Doors West of Post Office. 1 BAYNE & JONES. Loui* City, Nebraska. --- A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier, jjj flRST Hi or LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessT ra nsacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENT* Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraaka, W. R. MELLOR LOOP CITY, NEBRASKA. Buys, Sells and Rents RESIDENT AGENT FOR B. & M. LANDS AND LINCOLN LAND CO. TOWN LOTS. bought at THE ' B. & M Elevators MCALPINE, LUUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loup City and AsMon, Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING A SB FARWELL Call and see our coal ami oil puces on "rain. E. G. TAYLOR, ^DEALER IN* HARDWARE Furniture, Stoves and Tinware My stock of shelf hardware, tinware, guns, cutlery and furniture is complete and our prices catnot fail to please. Get our prices on steel ranges, cook stoves, heaters etc., before you buy. We can save you mon ey on these articles. Your pat ronage solicited. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Oall and See W .T. CHASE —THE— Popular Druggist FOR THE PUREST AND BEST Drugs, paipts, Oils, CIGARS, FRUITS IN SEASON, ETC. ^LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA** BUGGIES, Waqons,