SIGHT YEARS OP TORTURE, >o suffering more l ean than kidney su! f’ring. Sick kid ueys make bad blood; cause weak, stiff and aching back. ; rld rutlcwr* H<*nlv«rof. 00*. (In form of Chocolate Coated I’llla, tAr. per %ial of fW|t Ointment, SOc., Hotp, 'ZA\ l>rpoti London, 27 Charter h"uw Sq.; Parts, l lino rug A (’hem • ori* , Sola Prop*. mJT Send for ** Ail About lUa Skin aud Scalp." Looking for a Homo? Then why not keep in view the fact that the farming lands of a are sufficient to support a population of 50.000.000 or over? The immigration for the past six years has been phenomenal. FREE Homestead Lands easily accessible, while other lands may be pur chased from Railway and 1 and Companies. The grain and gi azing lands of Wertei n Canada are the best on the continent, producing the best grain, and cattle (fed on grass alone) lead*’ for market. Markets, Schools, Itullw »>h mihI all other conditions make Western C anada an envi able spot for the settler. Write to Superintendent Immigration.Ottawa.Can ada. for a descriptive Alin*, andothii information, or to the authorized Canadian Government Agent— W. V. Bennett. 801 New Yoik Life Building* Omaha, Neb. W. L. DOUGLAS *3.£g&,3 SHOES «B W. Ij. Douglas shoes have by tlieir excellent style, easy-fitting, li n d superior wearing qualities, achieved the largest sale of any shoes in the world. They are just as good as those that cost you 84 to $i5 — the only difference is the price. 8old Eotrywhtre. Look for name and price on bottom. Douglas uses Corona bolt mu In, wlilcli Imevervw here conceded to Wthe fluent Patent leather yet prod need. mnat Color Ei/eleta u$t>d Shorn bj mall. 25c.extra* Writ* tor Catalog. W.L.llouiilnn. Brockton. IUm. §» SEED, POTATOES il I 500.000 BUSHELS jl IL” roi sale .ch e a p*! Largest seed potato growers m the h*crldt Flegant stock. T re men clout yields. 1/om 400 to 1000 bun he is per acre. FOR TO CENTS and this notice we send you lots of farm seed samples and big catalogue, telling al’. about TeosInte.BpcItr. Peaoat, Aerld Laud Barley, Mucarnni Wheat, Brotnua. fieri lest Cane. etc. bond for same today. Deal Direct with Manufacture re and Save Honey Ourgnoda the best. Price* the lowest* Prompt ship ment*. Delivery of all portrait* guaranteed* Elegant sample* and roll! free Send for catalogue Addreaa ADAH 7. KROLL-CO.. Dew Era Building, Chicago. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS’ BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach.