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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1904)
SIGHT YEARS OP TORTURE, >o suffering more l ean than kidney su! f’ring. Sick kid ueys make bad blood; cause weak, stiff and aching back. ; <auso blind, sick and diz zy headaches-, lack of appetite and loss of sleep; keep you all tired out and spoil digestion. To have perfect health, you must cure the kidneys. Head how one mas was cured by Doan's Kidney Pills after eight years of tor ture. Henry Soule of Pultney St., Ilam mondsport, N. Y., says: “For eight years I suffered constant agony from kidney complaint. I endured tho worst torture from gravel and the kidney secretions were excessive and contained sediment like brick dust. I had to get out of bed from ten to twenty times a night and the loss of sleep wore me out. Indigestion came on and the distress after eating was terrible. Doan's Kidney Pills effected a complete and lasting cure, and after the symptoms of kidney trouble were gone my stomach began to work as it should. This lasting cure, espe cially in a person of my age, proves tho great value of Doan’s Kidney Pills moro convincingly than could any words of mine." Doan’s Kidney Pills sold by all drug gists; price 50 cents per box or mail ed on receipt of price by Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for free trial. There is just as much worry over money as over the lack of it. WESTERN CANADA HAS AN EXCELLENT CLIMATE. The Saskatchewan Valley Very Highly Favored. An interesting feature of Western Canada is its climate. Those who have made a study of it speak highly of it. Tho Canadian Government Agents are sending out an Atlas, and at the same time giving valuable in formation concerning railway rates, etc., to those interested in the country. As has been said, the climate is ex cellent. The elevation of this part of Canada is about 1.800 feet above tho sea. about twice that of the average for Minnesota. It is a very desirable altitude. The country has a very equable climate taking the seasons through. The winters are bright and the summers are pleasantly warm. H F. Stupart. director of the meteorologi cal service for Canada, says: ‘'The salient features of the climate of the Canadian northwest territories are a clear, bracing atmosphere dur ing the greater part of the year, and a medium rainfall and snowfall. The mean temperature for July at Winni peg is 66, and Prince Albert 62. The former temperature is higher than at any part of England, and the latter is very similar to that found in many parts of the southern countries.” At Prince Albert the average daily maximum in July is 76 and the mini mum 48. Owing to this high day tem perature with much sunshine, tho crops come to maturity quickly. Moisture is ample in the Saskatche wan valley, being about 18 inches an nually. It is notable that about 75 per cent of the moisture falls during the crop months. Thus. Western Can ada gets as much moisture when it is needed and with several hours more sunshine daily than land further south gets during the growing season, it is not difficult to understand why crops mature quickly and yield bountifully. Winter ends quickly, sowing is dono during April and sometimes in March. Harvest comes in August, about the middle. Cyclones, blizzards, dust and sand storms are unknown. There is more in being worthy of great place than there is winning it. Secrecy is tho best soil for tho worst sins. Mother Gray’* Sweet Powder* for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, cure Constipation, Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. Consider'ng -a duty is often ex plaining it away.—Robertson. It is sometimes better to stay whore you are than to jump at conclusions. Ptso's Cure for Consumption is an infallible medicine tor coughs and colds.—N. W. SAiium* Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900. Endurance is nobler than strengtn, and patience than beauty.—Ruskin. You cannot make clouds for others and live in the clear yourself. YELLOW C LOTHES AUK UNSIGHTLY. Keepthem white with Red Cross Hall Hlue. All grocers soil largo 2 oz. puckage, 5 cent* Out of suffering have emerged tho strongest souls.—E. H. Clapin. Meekness is simply the silence o£ might. Wo must be as careful to keep friends as to mane them.—Lord Ave bury. _ Defiance Starch should be iii every household, none so ir,mil lie-id, - 4 oz. more for 10 cents th.-in any’other brand of cold water starch. Righteousness is the only recom mendation that goes to heaven. One who loves right cannot he In different. to wrong or wrong-doing.— Smiles. The Best Results in Starching can tie obtained only by using Defiance Starch, besides getting 4 oz more for tame money—no cooking required. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS NEWS IN BRIEF. A barn belonging tn Clyde Hayhurst. who lives three miles southeast of Shelby, was burned. A fine Kentucky jack lost its life in the flames. The Sixth Nebraska district conven tion unanimously renominated Con gressman Moses I’. Kinkaiil and named W. F. Miles and E. C. Harris as dele gates to the national convention. Folk county lias lost by death an other of Its oldest citizens, Jacob H. Jones, jr. He was eiglity-two years and he was a soldier of the civil war, belonging to Company (!, of the tilst Ohio infantry. Eire near Filloy destroyed the large barn of .1 W. Wright with all its con tents, including thirty tons of hay and grain. Nine head of horses and mules perished in the flames, boss. $2,000, partially covered by insurance. Mr. and Mrs. William llouseworth celebrated their golden wedding anni versary at the home of their daughter, Mrs. C. B. Murphy, in Fhutsmouth. They have resided in Nebraska for nineteen years and in Flattsinoutli eight years. Two weeks ago William O’Dell, a farmer who lives three miles west of Heigh, shipped a carload of cattle and a team of horses to South Omaha, He has not returned to his family up to this time, and it is reported here that he does not intend tn. The North and East Omaha Im provement association of Omaha lias filed articles of incorporation. The capital stock is $25,000. The associa tion will work for the improvement and betterment of those parts of the city included in the corporation title. Must Nebraska pay taxes on green hacks? This is a question that Attor ney General Front must answer at the request of the state hoard of equaliza tion. Several members of the board think that the greenbacks are not tax aide. The greenbacks are the treas ury notes of 180:!. They are part of the public debt. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hanson brought their little daughter to Grand Island in from tho country for surgical at tendance. the little one having been severely lacerated by a hog, and she narrowly escaped a most horrible death. She was playing about her fa ther's farm and watching a pen of lit tle pigs when she fell in and was at tacked. The farmers of Hitchcock and Hayes counties, Nebraska, have taken up the co-operative proposition, and will sell and ship their grain and livestock di rect to market, in the future without the intervention of a middle man. The Palisade Grain and Livestock com pany of Palisade has filed articles of incorporation. The capital stock is $10,000. The supreme court has decided that extra pay contracts for county officials are illegal. In the case of Wilson against Otoe county a former ruling is reversed and the legality of the con tract denied. Wilson was county at torney and tho commissioners prom ised to pay him for extra litigation. The agreement was illegal, declares the court. Quartermaster John P. Johanson, late of the United States navy, is in Oakland on a visit with his cousin, Mrs. Alex Hammarstrum. He has been in the naval service ten years, and served on the cruiser Marblehead in the Spanish-American war when that craft was sent with a crew of volunteers to cut the Spanish cable at Cienfuegos. Another damage case went against the Missouri Pacific Railroad company at Papillion in district court. William Jones brought suit against the com pany for damages to his crops, result ing from an overflow of water caused by tlie grade of that road banking the water. The case was tried before Judge Sutton, who rendered a decision giving Jones a verdict wor St?75. I). C. McKillip. a prominent lawypr of Seward, the first lawyer in Seward county, died hast week. The Standard Cattle company has leased upwards of 1.020 acres of land around Amos and Leavitt to twenty four tenants, taking a lion on their crops. In past years, up to 1903, the company farmed it sown land, but it prefers to let the tenants raise the crops themselves and buy from them whatever the land produces. John Haurigan of Fremont had a narrow escape from drowning in the Platte river a few days ago. Ho was out hunting with Frank Rhoades and broke through a piece of slush ice where the water was deep and the current swift. Fortunately, his gun rested on two pieces of solid ice or he would have been swept out of sight. In the ease of the state versus Geo. Boslough, at York, charged with gamb ling, the attorneys for the defense at tempted to have the case dismissed on the ground that Attorney-General Front had given his opinion in the same kind of a case that the law gov erning such eases was invalid. Judge Good held that the law was valid and the case will be tried. After an extended trip throughout the United States, W. J. Bryan con cluded one of the longest lecture tours he has ever made, and returned to Lincoln. During his absence Mr. Bry an visited cities in the far north and also in the east. He encountered al most every brand of climate. The other day while a Union Pacific freight train was passing through Por tal at full speed a man rolled out of a box ear and striking the ground, bounced down a steep embankment into a pond containing three feet of water. He was dragged out and found to be unhurt. DIP MANUFACTURER'S ANGRY Object to the Wording of the Gover nor's Cattle Proclamation. LINCOLN- By the issuance of his proclamation compelling cattlemen to dip their cattle in a sulphur atid lime dip Governor Mickey called down the wrath of the dope manufacturers upon his head. Since the publication of the proclamation a number of representa tives of houses that manufacture sure cures for lice, mange and such dis eases have called upon the governor to protest. And, incidentally, it is said the proclamation is very displeas ing to the railroads for the reason that Veterinarian Thomas advised users of the dip to buy the sulphur and lime and mix their own dip, and thus save express or freight on numerous bar rels of water to a very little dope. Governor Mickey called upon Attor ney General Front for advice as to whether the proclamation could be modified, and was informed that to modify the proclamation would nullify it; therefore it stands, and lime and sulphur will lie the official clip. SELECTS A NEBRASKA MAN. D. E. Thompson Surprised Operator with Appointment. LINCOLN—William I). Bittman, for merly of Lincoln, now night agent tor the Burlington at DeWeese. Neb., will go to Brazil with D. K. Thompson, the I'nited State's minister, and will occu py the position of legation secretary. Mr. Pittman was called to Lincoln and was offered the* place by Mr. Thompson. The young man was sur prised and pleased, and. of course, ac cepted. The position is one any young man might he glad to secure. Pittman was employed by the West ern Union Telegraph company in Lin coln until December, 1902. Later he became a messenger and a short time ago went to DeWeese for the Burling ton. He will leave for New York in a few days where he will meet Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and sail with them for Brazil, April 5. TAKE CONNOLLY FOR MURDER. Wealthy Ranchman of Sioux County Accused of Killing Neighbor. SCOTTS BLUFF—Sheriff Campbell has arrested James Connolly for the murder of 11. H. Miller which occurred at the Connolly ranch about twenty miles north of here. Connolly had sent word to the sheriff of Sioux coun ty that if he was wanted he could be found at his home at this place. Later Sheriff Campbell received a message from Sioux county to place Connolly under arrest. Accompanied by his deputy and Constable Sttrnsey, went to the Connolly home and ; : rested him and took him to Coring. Much interest is shown in this mur der as both parties were old ranchers in this part of the state and were wealthy. Details of the shooting, which resulted in the death of Miller, cannot be secured. Miles Will Case Again. LINCOLN—Tin* apellees in the Miles will case have filed an additional brief. It is argued that there is no re lief for the appellants, who complain of an adverse ruling in the district court, because the application for a new trial should have been made ia the county court. To Start Model Farm. LINCOLN—Arnold Martin of Du Bois will start an experimental farm at College View, lie claims to be able to raise as much on twenty acres as is the general yield on 160 acres. By a system devised by himself he claims he can raise three crops in one seas son on the same ground. Man and Wife Arrested. RAVENNA-—After several days of wait and a pursuit of over forty miles Deputy Sheriff Walter Sammons of Kearney succeeded in returning to Ra venna Herman Holtz ami Minnie Holtz, his wife. The former is charged with assault with intent to kill by striking at Frank Cackora with a hoe. preced ing this physical demonstration with the threat, “I will kill you,” according to the testimony of the complaining witness and an eye witness. The lat ter is charged with plain assault. Track Walker Olsen Killed. OMAHA—Hans Olson, a track walk er for the Hurlington road was run down and killed Monday evening on the track near the foot of Jones street, by Hurlington switch engine No. 338. Olson was on his way to his supper when struck. He was cut to pieces. He leaves a wife and three children. Boy Killed by Cornsheller. EDGAR—A little boy, Karl Strecht, three and a half years of age, son of Henry Strecht, residing in the south part of town, was instantly killed by being run over by a corn sheller wagon. Japan After Guard Officers. A number of officers of the National guard of the slate have received let ters from an agent of the Japanese government or some one interested in the sucess of Japan in its present war. to join the Japanese army. The offer is that the recipient will receive a rank higher by one grade than he at present holds and his salary will be $1,200 a year. Company R at Stanton is the first to report receipt of the of fers. Adjutant General Culver be lieves it unlikely that any member of the guard will accept. THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME I _ Are Never Without Peruna in the House; for Catarrhal Diseases. MR. AND MRS. J. O. ATKINSON, INDEPENDENCE, MO. UNDER date of January 10, 1*07, Dr. Hartman received tile following lotter: “My wife had been suffering from a com plication of diseases for the past 35 years. “Her case had baffled the slcitl or some of the most noted physicians. One of her worst troubles was chronic constipation of several years’ standing. •‘She also was passing through that most critical period in the life of a woman j —change of life. In June, 1825. I wrote to you about her case. You advised a course of Peruna and Mnnalin, which we at once commenced, and nave to say it com pletely cured her. She firmly believes that she would have been dead only for these wonderful remedies. "About the same tine 1 wrote you about my own ease of catarrh, which had been of ' 25 years' standing. At times I was almost past going. I commenced to use Peruna according to your instructions and con tinued its use for about a year, and it lias 1 completely cured me. • • Your remedies do all that you claim for them, and even more. Catarrh cannot exist where Peruna Is taken according to directions. Success to you and your remedies " John O. Atkinson. I (Patented) Laundry Blue DIRECTIONS FOR USE:-Wlaolc*Stlck akottNIi in tiie water. ^-==5^ Wlflflle»Stlck I.APNPRT DU E won't spill, break, freeze nor spot, clothes Costs 10c and equal? 20c worth of anv other blniiur I f vour irroeer does not keen It send 10c for samplo to THE LSOJIDHV BLUB CO.. !*l Michigan St., ChicaQO. CONSUMERS OF SHOES ALWAYS ASK FOR THE EfEST WESTERN MADE SHOES. These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men: Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker Comet Cock of Walk Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Women’s and Children's Shoes. See that our name is on the shoes you buy. F. P. KIRKENDALL & CO. "“SftSSSA? ,n All things come to those who wait, but you might save time by going out to meet them. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers say they don't keep Dp fiance Starch. Tills is because they have a stock on hand of other brands contain ing only lit oz. in a package, which they won't lie able to sell first, because De fiance contains lii oz. for the same money. Do you want K- oz. instead of 12 oz. for same money? Then buy Defiance Starch. Requires no cooking. Never judge a man’s character by the high standing of his silk hat. Ask Tour Dealer Tor Allen's Foot-Fas*. A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot,Callous, Aching Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nads. Allen's Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 2.5 rents. Ac cept no substitute. Sample mailed Free. Addrass Allen S. Olmsted, he Roy, N.Y. Slander is the crime of saying what other people think. EIDIIEDQ! ItFST ON RARTH ■ M n m L il O Harness. Collars and Saddle# With BB trad* mark are mad* from th# ^old-fa.hior.ed tanned California leather. With car* will last a lifetime. Ask ye-;* fisaler if they do not handle o/r goods. Send 2-ccnt stamp for Catalog of our Harness and Saddles, which show you a way to buy them. BUCKHTAFF HUOS.. The Uttrnei* !Uru, Lincoln. Nebraska. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment CUTOS Sprains and Strain*. W. N. U., Omaha... No. 13—1904 The Genuine TOWER 5 POMMEL SLICKER HAS BEEN ADVERTISED ' AND SOLD FOR A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. LIKE ALL uk .iS&WATMOOF CLOTHING. It is made of the best date rials, in black or yellow, full/ guaranteed, and sold by reliable dealers everywhere STICK TO THt SIGN OF THt FISH. ToweioS»T^«.ca- *—1 "KATY’S” NEIV LINE To Oklahoma < 'It v nnd Guthrie Is bow open. Fmm Kansas City the • Kat.v" is the short line: from Chicago, part of the short line, and from St. Louis, lacks but a few miles of being the most direct route to this part of Oklahoma. The country traversed lsone of the best farming districts in America, supporting a number of tnriving towns, v, hieh will grow in prominence rapidly with the advent of the railroad. Here the pros pective settler and Investor will Bod an ex ceedingly rich opportunity. For complete map of Oklahoma and Indian Territory and inter esting Information, write GEORGE MORTON, <1. 1\ A A., U . K. » T. BY, Katy Bldg.. ST. LOUIS. MO. MANAGER WANTED Tius!worthy lady or gentleman to manage busi ness in this County and adjoining territory for Weil and favorably known house of solid financial stand ing. til 10.00 straight rash salary and expenses paid each Monday by cheek direct from headquar ters. Expense money advanced; position perma nent. Experience not essential. Address T. si. COOPER, Manager, Como Block, CHICAGO, ,lu «__ . "■SeSaS! Thorapion'i Eft Water In a letter dated January 3, 1900, Mr. Atkinson says, after live years' existence with Peruna: <«/ will ever continue to speak a good word for Peruna. In my rounds as a traveling man / am a walking adver tisement for Peruna and have Induced many people during the past year to use Peruna with the most satisfactory results, lam still cured of catarrh.” John O. Atkinson, flox 272, Independence. Mo. When old ape comes on, catarrhal dis eases come also. Systemic catarrh is al most. universal in old people, i This explains why Peruna has become so indispensable to old people. Peruna is their safe-puard. Peruna is the only remedy yet devised that meets these eases exactly. Such cases cannot bo treated locally; nothing but an effective systemic remedy could euro them. This is exactly what Peruna is. I f you do not receive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to givn you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr Hartman. President of The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus, O. FromPimpies to Scrofula From Infancy to Age To those who have suf fered long and hopelessly from Humors of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, and who have lost faith in doctors, medicines, and all things human, CUTI CURA Soap, Ointment, and Pills appeal with a force hardly to be realized. Every hope, every expec tation awakened by them has been more than ful filled. More great cures of Simple, Scrofulous,and Hereditary Humors are daily made by them than by all other Blood and Skin Remedies combined, a single set, costing but one dollar, being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails. Bold throughout the w*>rld rutlcwr* H<*nlv«rof. 00*. (In form of Chocolate Coated I’llla, tAr. per %ial of fW|t Ointment, SOc., Hotp, 'ZA\ l>rpoti London, 27 Charter h"uw Sq.; Parts, l lino <!• la Pals . Boston, 1.17 Coliuaba# Art. Potter L>rug A (’hem • ori* , Sola Prop*. mJT Send for ** Ail About lUa Skin aud Scalp." Looking for a Homo? Then why not keep in view the fact that the farming lands of a are sufficient to support a population of 50.000.000 or over? The immigration for the past six years has been phenomenal. FREE Homestead Lands easily accessible, while other lands may be pur chased from Railway and 1 and Companies. The grain and gi azing lands of Wertei n Canada are the best on the continent, producing the best grain, and cattle (fed on grass alone) lead*’ for market. Markets, Schools, Itullw »>h mihI all other conditions make Western C anada an envi able spot for the settler. Write to Superintendent Immigration.Ottawa.Can ada. for a descriptive Alin*, andothii information, or to the authorized Canadian Government Agent— W. V. Bennett. 801 New Yoik Life Building* Omaha, Neb. W. L. DOUGLAS *3.£g&,3 SHOES «B W. Ij. Douglas shoes have by tlieir excellent style, easy-fitting, li n d superior wearing qualities, achieved the largest sale of any shoes in the world. They are just as good as those that cost you 84 to $i5 — the only difference is the price. 8old Eotrywhtre. Look for name and price on bottom. Douglas uses Corona bolt mu In, wlilcli Imevervw here conceded to Wthe fluent Patent leather yet prod need. mnat Color Ei/eleta u$t>d Shorn bj mall. 25c.extra* Writ* tor Catalog. W.L.llouiilnn. Brockton. IUm. §» SEED, POTATOES il I 500.000 BUSHELS jl IL” roi sale .ch e a p*! Largest seed potato growers m the h*crldt Flegant stock. T re men clout yields. 1/om 400 to 1000 bun he is per acre. FOR TO CENTS and this notice we send you lots of farm seed samples and big catalogue, telling al’. about TeosInte.BpcItr. Peaoat, Aerld Laud Barley, Mucarnni Wheat, Brotnua. fieri lest Cane. etc. bond for same today. Deal Direct with Manufacture re and Save Honey Ourgnoda the best. Price* the lowest* Prompt ship ment*. Delivery of all portrait* guaranteed* Elegant sample* and roll! free Send for catalogue Addreaa ADAH 7. KROLL-CO.. Dew Era Building, Chicago. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS’ BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach.