The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 01, 1904, Image 1
VOLUME XXL LOUP CITY, .NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, APRIL I. 1001 NUMBER 20 Professional Cards AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. W J. FISHER, Attorney a! Law and Notary Public. WUl Defend la Foreclosure Cases AXBO DO A General Real Estate Business. LOUF C1TT, - - NEUHAIKit •It. /#. •Itti.tU Bonded Abstracter Loup City, • Nebraska. Only set of Abstract hooks in county J. H. LONG Office Opposite St. Elmo TELEPHONE CONNECTION S. A. ALLEN. DEJYTiST, LOUP CITY, • - XKB. •JFKI E — One door east of St. r lino Hotel. My equlppment is modern and tuy prices will be as low as can be ex pected for «"ood work. I would he pleased to have you call Open ivening*. In a dental operation the main consider ation Is the result. The pain Is Ktcatly moditled by modern equlppment. Dr. a. R NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon ami HORSE DENTIST. OFFICE.— At my new residence second door east of opera house. 1.0UP CITY. : - - NEBRASKA. __ Wesiey McCombs, H F Habarl McCOMBS % HOBART Livery # Feed Stable Loup City, Nebraska, Our teamR are all good drivers and we are able to give \ou the best ot turnouts. Our prices are reason able and we can give satisfaction to all who wiah our services. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED F. E. Brewer Will insure you in the St. Paul Fire Marine, Continental, Springfield, or National Ins. Co.’s -:o: Also, Takes Orders for TREES and SCHOOL SUPPLIES Loup City, - Nebraska. eOJYGEP’S City Dray aid Transfer line J. W. & A. T. Conger, Props. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty ol moving household good. Ice delivered in any part of town Your patronage solicited. LOUP CITY, - - - NEBRASKA. JACOB ALBERS, AUCTIONEER, Loup City, Neb. I have had twenty years of Ex perience and I am sure that I can give you satisfaction. Try me. What Shall We Do to He Saved l To Editor of Northwkstkrn: Most of our citizens are aware of the fact that Sherman county is in debt; few are aware of the amount, and less yet, we imagine, ever real ize that we pour into the rat hole, annually, interest to the amount of *o,200, or, averaged up, about $4 for every voter in the county, and are paying off our debt at less than half that amount each year. Our taxes are not nearly as high now as they were years ago, for the reason that there is more taxable property in our county, nearly every quarter section of land being proved up on, and at a less than one.fifth basis our entire valuation for HHKi was $978, 000. In 1904, under the new reve nue law, the prospects are that our assessed valuation will reach a mill ion and a quarter. Now let us 1' ok the matter square ( ly m the face. Fifty-two hundred dollars a year for interest for ten years means, at the same rate, $5 2, 000. Can we afford it? Now, let ns do a little figuring for ourselves, and not for the man with the money. In 1900, the last of the $3*,000 rail road bonds comes due. There arc still $11,000 of them outstand ing and for which we must pay six per cent o the last minute, because our “forefathers’, forgot to make them 5-20s or J0-20s, but just left them common old 20s. f In 1908, $20,000 refunding bonds falls due, bearing 5 her cent, so you see in four years we will either be called upon to pay $31,000, or to issue new bonds for redemption of the old. Which is best to do? ! With a million and a quarter valua tion, (that means one-fifth its actual value), would it not be decidedly better to make an 8-null levy for four years and meet them when they are due? This $31,000 is now costing us 81,000 per year interest, while with a little extra effort we can pay them when due and stop that drain, and surely good business tactics demand that we do so. Several good men have suggested “ “o ! that we do not make any extra levy, hut let our debt run until posterity can take a hand in the matter. Others again suggest more radical measures than are here advocated. Our views are contained iu the above statements and we would like to hear, through the columns of The Northwestern', the views of our citizens. If we are wrong, we are willing to “go way back and sit down,” but when we look ahead ten years and realize that after we con tribute to Shylock nearly half the full amount of our 'debt, and he still says start again old man, we say, let us tear ourselves from his clutch es; let us sacrifice a litile and be Lee from this blight. What say i you, brothers'/ Geo. II. Gibson. An Kldora (Iowa) man claims to have a goose weighing 144 pounds, has made rubbers for it to wear and will exhibit the bird at the St. Louis exposition. That’s nothing. There is a Loup City woman who has a goose iu her family that weighs per haps IT"* pounds, wears pants, chews and smokes and talks good English, yet she sees nothing wonderful in iu all that. I Governor Cummins of Iowa is re ported critically ill with pneumo nia. John L. Sullivan, the ex-pugilist, is threatened with total blindness. He is said to be ill at his sister’s h me in Boston, penniless and his constitution completely wrecked. The Lincoln News says evidence is accumlating day by day that agents of the Japanese government are seeking to recruit their military forces from the ranks of the Ne braska national guard. The tight m the democratic ranks for the presidential nomination is narrowing down until it seems to be balancing between Hearst and his millions on the one side as against Judge Parker on the other. The U. S. senatorial question is solved, so far a> nomination by Hie Hepubliean state convention is con cerned. Already of the 5go votes needed have been pledged and less than one-fourth of the county conventions have so far been held. Seems to he about the most popular movement ever inaugurated in the state. Ex-Congressman W. E. Andrews, who is at present Auditor of the Treasury, would like to be l\ S. senator from Nebraska, ahd iin blusliingly annou' ces that fact. We admire Will’s candor and nerve as we used to admire his intellect and bright oratorical ability way back in our old college days, lmt rather incline to think he is hardly enough of a Nebraskan any more to entitle him to represent the state in that most exalted station. With the clima'ic conditions in Nebraska, and especially in Sher man county, most excellent and so nearly resembling spring, what do our people think when they read of the immense blizzards over Miune- : sota, North Dakota, Montana and | all the northwest, with great snow , blockades thrown in for good meas lire? And as if this were not enough 6 I grief of the kind, Illinois, Indiana , i and other states east have had winds and rams galore, flooding towns and and country, causing endless finan- ! dal losses, with many deaths. The moral attached to this is, come to Nebraska, where you can be safe, prosperous and happy. The State Fair board of mana gers met in Lincoln last Friday and I closed the contract for the appear ance of the noted pacer, Dan Patch, for a trial mile on the race track on Tuesday of Fair week. The man agement also took up the question of securing a better class of shows for the grounds during Fair. The question of the distribution of free tickets was given liberal discussion, j and ends sought where less abuse of that department of privileges may result. Also, the service to and from the fair grounds and city will be bettered and made more rapid and efficient. President Mellor will do his best to make the coming fair by tar the best yet given, and is ejecting his well known, hustling business methods into the heart and arteries of the association, and his board of managers are enthusiastic ally aiding him to the fullest ex tent within their power. I _ ___ Aaliton News (Too late for last week.) J. F. Beiudiausen started up 111^ 200 egg incubator the other day. Ashton is entitled t( si veil dele gates in the Republican county eon vention. The ••(’all for Primary" notices are out. All Republicans please turn out. Ignat/. .Maiefski is re seeding all of his corn stalk wheat, about 120 acres, the same having been winter killed. Mr DeFord, who has been visit ing in Virginia for the past >i\ weeks is again at his post in the P. it M. depot. Then. Ojendyk attended the eon gression-ii convention at Alliance as a delegate. Theo. says he would and could not live in the sand lulls up around Alliance. The rural route inspector was here inspecting the route that is to be opened in the near future. He says this the best route he has opened for a long time, there being I jj families along the twenty-two miles of road. The west hound freight set con siderable tire Monday. It set the prairie on fire four times about a mile east of town, and west of town on the old (borge Wilson place it again set tire, burning up considera ble bay for .Jamrog it Polski. Dry Creek Clippings. Michael Knice i^ reported very sick. The new school library for dis j trict No. 4 arrived last week. Mrs Kramer, who has been on the sick list, is reported better. Mrs. Kazel and family have moved on the John O’Neill farm. Dan Davison lias purchased a fine stallion of Frank Inis of St Paul. J. I), ('alaway shelled corn Sa' urday, Holmes Brothers doing the; work. Joe Myre is sporting with a span of mules. Joe makes a splendid mule driver. It. Boice and family of Shelton are visting Mr. Boice’s father-in law, Mr. John Myre. Misses Liziie and Carrie spent Sunday afternoon visiting their friend, Miss Virdie Halyards. District No. 4H will give an en tertainment, Friday evening, April 1st. All are cordially invited to attend. A number of young folks from this vicinity attended the literal-} • * on Wiggle creek, Friday evening. All report a good time. George Wagner purchased a new water tank in Ravenna Friday. George has set up housekeeping all by himself on the farm he pur cha-ed from Michael Smyth. And now W. II. Harrison has fol lowed in the footsteps of Mr. Dins more and Judge Robertson and has withdrawn from the gubernatorial field, thus leaving Gov Mickey a clear field for re-nomination. Just why these gentlemen entered the race in the first p'aee would puzzle anyone hut an inscrutable Provi dence. Treasurer Mortensen is the only candidate for state office who seems to have no opposition. Peter will undoubtedly lie allowed to succeed himself without having any fun at all, at all. CON MISER’S ->*2 THEE* •The popular tlp-to-Date e it • ium - F () It - Fancy and Toilet Articles, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings DRY mm HATS. GAPS, SHOES AND GROCERIES All Goods Strictly First Class IM[ONE G 7 LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Buys, Sells and Rents RESIDENT AGENT FOR B. & M. LANDS AND LINCOLN LAND CO. TOWN LOTS. t BOUGHT AT THK E. <k Mo Elevators MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loni City aail Asbtoi. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Cull and wee our coal and gel prices on grain. E. G- TAYLOR. JOHN HOLMS DEALER IN^ HARDWARE Furniture, Stoves and Tinware My stock of shelf hardware, tinware, guns, cutlery and furniture is complete and our prices car.not fail to please. Get our prices on steel ranges, cook stoves, heaters etc., before you buy. We can save you mon ey on" these articles. Your pat ronage solicited. .LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA.