The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 11, 1904, Image 6
f Miss Nellie Holmes, treasurer of thej Young Womans Temperance Association of Buffalo, N. Y., strongly advises all suf fering women to rely, as she did, upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. *• Dkab Mn*. rrvKHAM: — Your medicine is indeed an ideal woman’* medicine, and by far the best I know to restore lost health and strength. I suffered misery for several years, being troubled with menorrhagia. My back ached, I had bearing-dowu pains and frequent headaches. 1 would often i wake from restful sleep, and in such pain that I suffered for hours before I could go to sleep again. I dreaded the long nights as much as the weary days. I consulted two different physicians, hoping to get relief, but, finding that their medicine did not seem to cure me, I tried your Vegetable Compound on the recommendation of a friend from the Hast who was visitiDg me. “ I am glad that I followed her advice, for every ache and pain is gone, and not only this, but my general health is much improved. I have a tine appetite and* have gained in flesh. My earnest advice to suffering women is to put away nil other medicines and to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound.”— Miss Xxllik Holmes, 540 No. Division St., Buffalo, N. Y. niss Irene Crosby, prominent in Social Life in East Savanah, Ga., adds her testimonial to the value of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Dear Mbs. Phtriiam “ It always gives mo pleasure to lind au article of real value and unquestioned merit. I have found Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound well calculated to relieve and cure the various troubles arising from irregulari ties and menstrual pains. “ Much suffering could be spared if we only paid more attention to proper living end diet, blit as long as women do net do this, your Vegetable Compound has come to "the front as a true friend in need. I have been very pleased indeed with the relief it has brought me. I find that 1 have perfect health now, and that my mind is also more clear and active since 1 used your Vege table Compound. It has been of great benefit to me, and I gladly recommend it. Very sincerely yours, Miss Ikexe Crosby, 313 East Charlton St., East Savannah, Ga.* Remember that every woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinkhant if there is anything about her case or symptoms •he does not understand. Mrs. Pinkham’s address is Lynn* Mass. Her advice is free, and is cheerfully given to any ailing woman who asks for it. FORFEIT If wo ewnnot forthwith prodaee the orlftnal letter* and llpnatnr** of above testtmoulaU, which will prove their absolute Ksnuineuew. Ljilla E. IMnkham Mad. Co., Ljnn, Hut, FARMERS and STOCKMEN We can nave you mddleruaa* profit by having onr | awn warehouses amt feeding yard* *nd rr. urtng highest poaalMe price* for your grata and stuck. k»*nd for our I KH, "Uooklst." Farmer*’ Grain and Live Stock Commission Co. CL1 Colony Building. Chicago, 111. CAPSICUM VASELINE (PVT Vf* IK coir. AT»A| Bt.t TIRES) A substitute Tor and suite; ior to mustard or any other plaster. and will not blister the most delicate akin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of this ai tide a:e wonderful. It will slop thg toothache at on« e, and relieve head ache and sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external con Me i irritant knowu. also as ail eiternal remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and ail rheumatic, neuralgic and gouty complaints. A tiial will pto\a what we claim for it. and it will be found to be invalu able in the household. Manv people say "it is the best of all your preparations.” Price 1® cents, at all druggists or other dealers, or by sending this amount to u* in postage stamps we will send you a tube by mail. Non ticia anon Id be accepted by the public, unless the sutue c Arnes our label, as other wise i t is not genuine. _I Looking for a Home 7 Then why not keep in view the fact that the farming lands of Western Canada • re sufficient to suppoit s population of 50.000,000 or over? The immigration foi tbs past sii years has been phenomenal. FREE Homsstsad Lands easily accessible, while other lards ma» be pur* chased from Railway and Land Companies. Tha grain and grazing lands of Western Canada are the best on the continent, producing the best gram, and cattle (fed on grass alone) ready for market. Markets, (School*. Kail way* ami all other condition* make Western Canada an envi able spot for the settler. Write to Superintendent Immigration.Ottawa,Can ads. for a descriptive Atla . and other information, or to the authorized Canadian (.overmnent Agent — W. V. liennelt. 801 New iroik Life building. Omaha. N**o. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 10—1904 When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. iffa ~ _afli 121 umts km !:fSurus>r; ails, ear ’a B<'«t Cough Sjrrup. TtsU-s Ciuori. Use GREGORY’S 421?I7rfcC Hold undfr s giuuuiv Catalogue frw*. J. J. H. CREQORY A SON, | Marblehead, Mass. SMOKERS. FIND LEWIS* SINGLE BINDER 5tCitar bettar Quality than most lOt Ci tars Tour jobber or direct from Factory. Peoria. IF PORTRAIT AGENTS S?£v Our*:.Kjd»Uiflh,..t. Price* tbe lowest. Prompt ship ments. Deliver? of *11 portrait* guaranteed. Flegant v*"'Pil* *Di> * fr'e Pend for dialogue Address ADAM J. K RO LI. CO., Efaw Era Building, Chicago. W. L. DOUGLAS ♦3.68&«3 SHOES B W. Li. Douglas shoes have by their excellent style, easy-fitting, hihI superior wearing qualities, achieved the largest sale of any shoes in the world. They are just ss gooil »• those that cost you i S't to ?3 — the only iifference is the price. Sold £ airy where. hook for Dame ad price on bottom. IhiuglM uses Corona ONLY 2 CHANCES MARCH 1st and I5th. TEXAS, OKLAHOMA Hi Hi. TEHHITOHT From 6t. Louis And Kansas City, $13.OO From Chicago, $25.00 From Oat Moines, $19.93 From Cincinnati. $29.40 From Indianapolis, $26.83 Tickets are f:r*t-class and permi* stop-overs on ffoing t»ij*. smith of Witidsur, Mo . within , transit limit « t 1^ da* final lirtit. Jl da.* ! front date of sal** Nr**r before lias the « been such a chance to *e the Southwest in all f its prosperity. One-wajr. second-class tickets will behold same- da's ar a i educed rate. Never again "ill the istes l»e so low. j (i<* Nt)\\ lor parucuiaxa, * lite m call on GEORGE MORTON, o r *. .* Katv Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. BEGGS’BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach. GEN. ROBB HEARD BEFORE COMMITTEE ON POST OFFICES AND POST ROADS. THE MEASUREJE ADVOCATES Assistant Attorney General Says He Would Haven Been Glad to Have Brought Prosecutions—As to the Case of Perry S. Heath. WASHINGTON The senate com mittee on postofflces ami post roads heard Assistant Attorney General Roblr of the postofflee department in advocacy of a bill to prohibit guessing contests, carried on r>y newspapersj and circulars. The bill was prepared: in the postofflee department and in ' troduced by Senator Penrose. During the course of Mr. Robb’s statement the subject of the postofflee investigation was referred to. Sena tor Culberson asking if some men had not been protected by the statute of limitation. Air. Robb said that he believed that such was the case. Senator Culberson then asked if Per ry S. Heath was not one of those pro tected by the statute. Mr. Robb answered in the affirma tive. adding that on account of the po sition which Heath occupied, both offi cially and politically, he would have been glad to have prosecuted him. Senator Scott, at this juncture, de clared that Mr. Robb was going out side his province in making such a statement. He declared that the post-1 master general* did not authorize him to make any such statement ami W’ould disapprove his doing so. Sen-j ator Scott moved that all reference to AMERICAN WARSHIPS IN EASTERN WATERS. the matter be stricken from the rec ord. . ne motion was carried by a strict party vole. Senators <’u! icrson and Clay strong ly objected 10 the proposition to strike the statement made by Robb from the record. Subsequently. Mr. Robb stated tliai what he Intended to say was that if the evidence had war ranted the indictment of Iieaiii. he "would have been glad to see him' take his medicine." on account of the high position he I Heath I held. Robb also pointed out that in a pub lic document presented to the senate by Senator Hale, it was shown that ! Mr. Robb expressed the opinion that! a suspicion lay against Heath, and! that there was nor sufficient evident-?! to warrant an indictment. KRUGER IS IN GOOD HEALTH. Alarming Rumors Set at Rest by Statement of Physicians. MHNTONK. Fiance. -Contrary to the alarming rumors circulated in re-! gard to the health of Mr. Kruger, for-1 rner president of the Transvaal, Dr. j Huysmans, his physician, says iliai | not for some years lias the liealili of Mr Kruger been as good as ai present. | PARIS. The Mentone correspond ent oi the Associated Press savs lie j saw Mi Kruger taking his usual daily walk today and adds that he appeared in excellent health. Grants American Request. \\ ASHING TON The Russian army formally has granted the request ol'j the Knifed Stales that certain officers! of the American army be permitted j to accompany the Russian troops. Filipino Tobacco Workers. WASHINGTON. Secretary Taft Monday submitted to tin- house the pe tition of the tobacco workers’ guild of the Philippine islands, praying for a reduction in the lariff on tobacco. The guild is declared to represent ti.Oou tobacco workers. The petition states that these workers received twice the wages under Spanish rule- that they do now. the daily wage at that time being "at cents Prices of the j saries of life, it is stated, have in creased threefold under American! rale. ade Maooris and refuse entrance to vessels flying the Cnited States flag. The minister informs me that tho president demurred at first, but finally agreed to the fact. SAN DOMINGO. — Cnited States Minister Powell lias been informed that the insurgents at San Pedro tie Macons have secured the tugboat Batro. belonging to the Clyde Cine of New York, anti armed it. The Clyde Line steamer Cherokee lias gone to Azua de Coniposteila convoyed by tho Cnited States training ship Hartford. Many arrests have been made here, and several politicians were sent out of the country today on board tho steamer Julia, of the Cuba line. K. C. Reed. Cnited States consular agent at San Pedro de Macoris is said to be in danger. Minister Powell lias taken steps to secure the protection of all interests. The situation hero remains unchanged. DIES AT AGE OF 132 YEARS. Enlisted in the United States Navy in 1805. NKW BRUNSWICK. N. .1.—Noah Uaby died Tuesday in the Piscataway poor house, of which lie had been an inmate for the past forty years. If he had lived until April 1 next, ac cording to his own statement, lie would have been 132 years old. He retained his memory and would re call many incidents of his long career until very recently. lie is said to have been born in Kaiontown Gates county. North Caro lina. oil April 1, 1 772. In 18«>7» he en listed in the navy and served on the ship Constitution and the frigate Bran ; oywine, on the latter of which Farra gin was a lieutenant. Bail for Anarchist Turner. WASHINGTON. In the supreme ! court of the Cnited States Monday an order was issued for the release of John Turner on bail and setting the hearing of his case bv the court for \pril 4 next. Turner is a British 1 subject .who was taken into custody upon arival in New York las I October ion the charge of being an anarchist, | , ami hi- d< poriution ordered, lie was detained at Kills Island and instituted ; habeas corpus proceedings in the dr ! unit court for the southern district of • New York. INSULT THE FLAG. Rebels Attack U. S. Consulate and Destroy Property. NEW YORK.—Indications now are | that the Morales government will win, since the siege of the capital has been raised, says a San Domingo dispatch to the Herald. The Morales forces have, however, met reverses at Guerra and San Pedro de Maeoris. General Zapata of the revolutionists has been caught at Navarrate and lias been shot. The insurgents have re quested aid and ammunition front Hayti, which was refused. They are now making a forced loan at A/.tia. levying upon foreign merchants for $200 and sugar estates for $1,000. Americans are requesting that tlie training ship Hartford be sent ihere as (lie insurgents are destroying lives and property. They have even at tacked the American consulate. Busi ness has been paralyzed and tele graphic communication interrupted. WASHINGTON. President Morales of the Dominican has been refused permission to blockade his own ports to keep out the revolutionists, as shown by the following report of the Navy department, by Captain Miller, commanding the. cruiser Columbia. This morning (February 18» the American three-masted schooner W. R. Perkins came in from the eastward and our boarding boat went alongside. The captain Informed me that lie had been warned off Maeoris, and not al lowed to enter by the gunboat Presi dente. and wras told that he must pro ceed to this port. Immediately upon receipt of this information I commu nicated with the' minister, requesting him to communicate with President Morales and inform him that l wouldn’t recognize his right to block DOCTORS FALL IN LINE. Practicing Physicians recognize the unfailing reliability of Doan's Kidney Pills by Pre scribing them for Backache, Kidney, Bladder, end Urinary Disorders—a tribute won by no other Proprietary Medicine. Four cases cited from “Notes of His Practice," by Dr. Leland Williamson, ot Yorklown, Ark. Fostik-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. YORKTOWN, Ark., Mar. 1, 1904. Gentlemen:—I have been engaged in the practice of medicine in thit section for ten years. This is a very sickly climate, on the Bayou Bar tholomew, near the Arkansas River. It is particularly malarious and miasmatic; we meet with many and various abnormal conditions of the human family, prominent among the cases in which I have been called upon to prescribe is kidney disease. Many of these disorders manifest themselves by pains in the back, often extending to other parts of the body; sometimes headache is present, caused by uraemic or chronic uric acid poisoning, soreness in region of kidneys, cloudy, thickened and foul-smelling urine, discharges of pus or corruption; inflammation of the kidneys, extending to the bladder, is caused by excess of uric acid and decomposition of the urine. Hemorrhage is sometimes met with, caused by high state of inflammation or congestion. There is no class of diseases a doctor is called oftener to treat than the variety of kidney diseases, in many of which the patient will have chills or rigors, follow d py fever, a result of the kidneys tailing to elim inate the uric acid poison from the system. Such cases require the kid neys restored to their natural functions, then the poison and foreignsub stances are removed—shock to the nervous system averted, and natural health restored. I have, for some time, been using Doan's Kidney Pills in these many manifestations and with uniform success, curing most cases. I can further sav that even in hopeless cases where they have waited too long, Doan’s Kidney Pills afford much relief and prolong life. I can recom mend the pills in conditions of excessive or deficient secretion of urine, as also in convalescence from swamp-fever nnd malarial attacks, M verified by the following cases in my practice. CASE I. Thos. Orrix, Bear, Ark., age 60. Pain in back for several weeks, then chills, irregular sometimes, severe rigois followed by fever. (lave good purgative of calomel acd padoph, and Doan's Kidney Pills. After taking four boxes of the pills, patient np and enjoying good health for one of his age. CASE 2. Mrs. Smith, Tarry, Ark., age 2**. mother of four children. Had female complaint and kidney trouble, mani fest by pain in back and urine irregu lar; sometimes very clear, changing to cloudy, and with much sediment on standing in chamber. Gave local treatment for female complaint and prescribed Doan's Pills, after using six boxes she regards herself as cured. CASE 3. Brown F.ak*. Wynne, Ark., age 21. Had severe case of malarial hoemataria or swamp fever. Gave necessary liver medicine, calomel and padoph, and morph, -sulph., to re lieve pain, and ordered Doan's Pilla for the high state of congestion and inflammation of the kidneys. Re covery resulted in two weeks. Pre scribed Doan's Kidney Pills, to be continued until the kidneys were thoroughly strengthened and all paia in back subsided. CASE 4. Elijah F.lliott, Tarry, Ark., age 34. Tain in back and legs and headache. Uric-acid poisoning. Pro scribed Doan's Kidney Pills. After taking several boxes pain subsided —urine became normal, or natural, and patient able to resume his work. These are a few of the typical rases in which I have used Doan’s Kid^ ney Pills. In a great many instances I use them alone with curativ* results, while with some others indicated remedies are associated. I believe that by the judicious Use of Doan’s Pills many serious com plications are arrested and many hopeless and incurable cases of Bright’* disease prevented. I have often found that one box of the pills is all that is required to effect a cure, but in some cases I continue their use until all symptoms aro entirely absent and the cure effectual and permanent. Yours truly, A free trial of this ffKidnevend Wad- . _ f der Specific ran be obtained by addressing /V-i i s9 6 /Vf /, * Foster*Milburn Co . bwfia’o. N. Y The qU // 9 regular sue js 50 c^nts per hoi. If not for "x ■ale by your druggist or dealei. will I e i.ent VnDrrnww AD — by mailcbatge* prepaid, on receipt of price. luakiuwfi, £\ r It is the purest cleanest starch made. It is free of injurious chemicals. It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid to use starch of any Kind. That’s Defiance. Your grocer sells it THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAHA. NEB. Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. It’s not sentiment — it’s not the price — that makes the most intelligent and successful shots shoot Winchester Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells. It’s the results they give. It’s their entire reliability, evenness of pattern and uniform shooting. Winchester “Leader” shells, load* ed with smokeless powder, are the best loaded shells on the market. Winchester “Repeater” shells loaded with smokeless powder are cheap in price but not in quality. Try either of these brands and you will be well pleased. Be sure to get Winchester Factory Loaded shells. THE SHELLS THE CHAMPIONS SHOOT. WE SELL TAR At the following Price* Delivered In Onmha: it, barrel at.% ’ '»rt ! 5 barrels at . 4 00 per barrel 1 barrel ui. I - • per barrel 10 barrels it. . u per barrel Ll:i» Drip gold at same prh es. DflAHA, NPB. OMAHA QAS CO. 20thandllncolnAve. A man cannot so where temptation cannot find him. Try me just once and I am sure to come again. Defiance Starch. Bo loving, and you will never want for love.—Mrs. Craik. Face all things; even Adversity ia polite to a man's face.—Josh Bllllnga.