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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1904)
BUILDERS Uoaai I?«ws. Hardware of all kinds at I’.O Heed's I’. O. Heed sells guns and ainuuition Your wife happy ? I’ae Grow s Hum T. M. Heed lias some good farm horses or sale We keep legal blanks of all kinds Call and see us. The Reed-Mason Co. will sell you a gasoline stove. feb‘20-2 Dr. Vallier, O-leopatb. St. Haul, Neb. Send for Literature. T. .VI. Heed se'ls Farm Machinery. Buggies and Wagons. M ti Janulewiez was hauling lumber home with him Monday. Mrs. <; .1, Tracy was a la grippe suf ferer Saturday and Sunday, Grow sells the finest buckwheat Hour in the market. Try it. You will find Dr. Lie g’s card in out professional card column this week Leave your orders with T M. Hied if you want a new well or windmill. □ Lon Zink returned from his trip ti St. Louis i he middle part ot last w eek The Northern Milling Co.’s Quin is the best. D. C. Grow, Managei W. D. Hover, Koibalmcr and Fu neral Director. Ready day or night. C. II. French and Arthur Eisner w ere busy Saturday fumigating the scho >1 house. Those wanting Alfalfa seed foi spring sowing, leave your orders with T. M. Heed. Uev.John Madelydid not hold ser vices at Wiggle (.'reek Wednesday evening of last week. Fob Sale. — A tine thoroughbred Imported Cleveland Bay stallion or will trade for catile or horses. It. A. Wilson, Loup Oily, Neb. While out strolinsf around Sunday we noticed that Mrs. Bradley was put ting up quite a good si/.i 'il addiiion on the north side of her residence in the western part of town, I >r. Yallier, the St. Paul Osteto path, will be at the St. Elmo, in Loup City, on Mondays, Wednes days and Fi nlays of each week, un til further notice. In every we 1 regulated home there should be an abundance of nice photo graphs I live you got them ? Draper, the photographer, will lie iu L 'tip City with his studio April 1st, 1!>04, Nuff Sed 17-3 By lo iking over our exchanges and the dailies, we notice that almost every section ot the surrounding country was visited bv lire last Wednesday during the high wind that prevailed almost ad over tli state We counted up eight or ten just in this and surrounding countries. A Case threshing outfit for salt* at a reasonable price. It lias a ad-mcli cy1 inder, twenty liar, engine tender, and all complete. I think that I can make a price on this that will satisfy the man who wants to huy. For particulars,write to Walter Johnson, Ord, Neb. Id The Northwestern wants good cm respondents from all parts of the county. Last week we received newsy letters from Dry Creek and Clear Creek which could not he published because the writers' names were not attached. This is imperative. We must know the names of coi respondents, not for publication, but for our own knowl edge. Pb ase send your name along with your news items. Profit sharing is what it means to you when we give you a belter grade of pictures than you have ever been aide g*H in Loup City before, and then only charge you what you have always had to pay for inferior, trashy pictures. I shall be in Loup City with my |>lioto studio April 1st, 1!K)4, and in mv studio you can get any kind of portrait that the art of man can produce. 17-a Edgar Draper. fins office has received a luge line of joh tvpe, borders and roles and now yon can get your tine job work done at reasonable rates at this office, sa'isfac tion guaranteed. We have also received a Mustang mailer and hereafter your address and the date your paper is paid to will he printed upon each paper. This will insure a more regular delivery because with the mechanical device a name cannot be skipped as they often are in writing the list, and again vou can always tell when your time ex pires. FOR RENT A well-improved 100-acre farm in Sherman county. l>"e ot the be^t pro ducing farms in the county. '' i'l he rented for share ot crop. Wil1 require good r«ferenc"S. Farm ne<rlv all in cultivation. Enquire of I). M. (In-, or A. L. Z mmerman. H'tf W I>. ZinitnemiiUi of Litchfield, Sun lay il in our city. S. X. Sweetland and wife visited at Wiggle Creek Sunday. L. X. Siniili returned from Omaha the fore part of the week. A haliy boy came to the home of Kd Dunlap the fore part of last week. Walt Smith is pulling up a good sized ham on bis residence property this week. Tin* Kpworth League Bible Stuih Meetings will be discontinued during limrantine. Miss Ssdie and Mrs. 11. VV. Pedler drove over to Ravenna Tuesday return ing the same day A bad ease of blizzard struck this place Thursday morning but cleared up ibout nine o’clock a. m A. T. Conger hoi a chicken lions** erected on the lots back of his house tin* f re part of the week. Bud Sprinkle, k well expert of Phi1 lipps, Xeb., went to work for T. M Reed tin* first of last week. George Trie lsen commenced moving his household goods into the Egger.-. property Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, \’er Valin celebrated heir tenth wedding anniversary Sun lav at their Home in nordi .vest Loup City. Andrew Garstka. better known as the “Great White Czar,” is attending to his duties on the county board this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stroll of Loup county, were in t!i city the latter part of last week visiting at the home of J. T. Hale. Chairman I). (J Grow of the countv ■ lads presides over an obstreperous meeting -v Uli d'gnity and devotion and a smile. ,T. W. Ileapv of the west side wis 'ransacting business in our city Wed nesday. He was a pleasant caller at this office. Geo. Urunmcr of Bristol township, the handsome number of the county board, is in ; ttendauce at the session his week. li. L. Ch-istiansi if was a plea-ant ea lei at this office Monday. He in formed us that lie thought the paper was improving every week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thode lost their three months) old baby Mond iy. What was the cause of the little one’s death we were unable to find out. ' i-s Ithoda Whitman came up from Schaupp's Siding Friday ev< n ng to visit with G. s. Leininger and family. She returned the next day. G. S Leininger and family moved into their tine new residence on the •orner of East avenue and Antelope street W ednesday of this week. Mrs. Fred Ingersoll is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Snyder, in this city. She came down from her home at North I'lute-Monday. Mrs. E. Holcombe and two sons. Willis and Vance, drove down into Clay township Sundav to visit with her brother, Sam Chilson and family. G II. Whitman called on Tiif, Northwestern force while in the city Wednesday. lie informed us that everything w 'S lovelv in their part of Washington township. IS. S, Reynolds of Webster, E. Munn it Hazard and A. II. Potter of Harri son, were active committeemen in at tendance on the meeting of ttie Repub Mcan county central committee on Tues day. Billy Brown the wit of the county legislature, turns pandemonium into » pun and slicks the h ir of the animal the smooth wav. Billy is a good-natured prohibitionist,but is not constantly em ployed at it. .Joseph Ackerman of Asliton town ship is in the city erecting a duelling house for frank Jam-hick. Mr. Acker man is master of his trade and if cir cumstances wi 1 permit may remain here for the summer. The school land less -cs who met with tlm countv board of supervisors on Wednesday were encouraged to believe that a 20 p«-r cent reduction would he made in the la'e a praisalof their land. The appraisal was made Jiigh througli i misunderstanding, and the hoard al ways does the right thing The County Fathers are m session this week for the annual spring house cleaning, and tney found more work to engage their attention than is usually the case. Their r.u'.ur work would have been cleared ut> in one day, but owing to the fact that the school land lesees of the co tnty wanted an audi ence, and that two road petitions in l-o gan township had got to quarreling tin* session will be prolonged for several days. There were st v ral lively ora torical ti.ts V diesdo aft-rnoon am1 Thor-lie. morning. The road c minit j tee was s' tried out to untangle the tan Igle and straighten out the crooks. " a Specialty. \\ . T. Draper's house is rapidly near ing completion,' The first coat of jaunt is being put on Geo. Lee's new residence tHis week. Ge»rge Deininger took a fine new water tank out home with him Mon day. Dr. .1.11. Long and II I'. Ilobart are new subscribers added to our list since '.lie last issue. Take a look at the card of the new livery, feed and sale stable firm, Mc Combs «k Ilobart in this issue. A Leap Year party w is given at the home of F. M. Henry in this city last Saturday evening. A line time is re ported. Herman Fiebeg is busying himself putting down some sidewalks and jiorches on lus residences property this week. Oscar Bechthold is improving the j time during the enforced vacation by j painting the small building back of His | father's residence. No prayer meeting was Held in the churches here We nesday of last week, owing to the very high wind that was blowing that evening. Miss l.aura Hendrickson, who has been sta* ing with Mrs N S. Hover for about two weeks was called to her home a* Bo* lus Saturday by the death of her father. We understand there >s a party of young men down the river a coupleof miles this week on a hunting trip Woe unto all the gone 'hat flies, walks or runs, if we have been informed cor rectly. Miss Ethel Stokes of Sargent, arrived in this eity Friiav evening from St. Paul, to visit over Sunday with her friend, Mi«s Edith Henry. She is at tending school in the last named citv and returned to her work Monday morning. II. Planiheck of Rockville town ship was a pleasant caller at this cilice while in the city Monday. After a pleasant chat with the force he renewed Ins .subscription and then informed the editor tint he read the “Farmers’ Dream,” in last week's issue and so thought he had better go and do like wise Carl Anderson helped by Gene Miller iqoved a small barn Saturday from the .1. T. Hale place on the south side of Dead Horse creek to his own place on the northwest edge of town. Mr An derson has m »ved lus 1 ottsehold goods >nd effects the past we»d< to his own elace and is living with his father and mother in the northwest part of town until becan get a house built on his place. A well loaded buggy was seen on our streets Sunday evening. Three young lathes and one young gentleman occu pi- d the seat ol a buggy and then to cap the climax the gentleman of the party was purchasing “ Kiss Me Quick1 «uni for their use. We wouldn't have thought that he would have dared to do such a tiling especially when the majority was so much in favor of the-1 ladies hut tli n some men are no' - afraid of such things. Irvin JJarrick of Giltner, Neb., who arrived in this eity last Thursday and and inis moved out onto the old Knight farm tour m'Jes west of town, was a pleasant c d er at this oflice Tuesday morning. 11c wanted to have the ad dles* ot his paper changed to this eity. He is one of the in my newcomers that havedonetlie right thing by subscribing to thi* grent and only, before coming into the county to live. Wesley McCombs and II. F. Hobart, have taken possession of the Hound Front barn and are trying to get their business in readiness for spring trade. Mr. McCombs is well known to a ma jority of readers and needs no introduc tion Mr. Ilobart comes here from Hazard and lias every appearance of a perfect gentlemen and a fine citizen. We feel sure that the npw firm will give perfect satisfaction and we be spe k for them a fair shine of tne livery business of this city. A. J. Fradenberg, Walter Waznicki and Ned Powers e xpect to start for finish ibairie, Washington, next Mon day. Mr. Fralenberg's people, who left here over i year ago. have already located at that place. They have rent ed some land and expert to go into truck farming for the con iug year. Mr. Fradenberg has been out in that country b lure and likes it real well, the other two young men are going out to see the country and if they like it they will stay. H. .1. O’Bryan came tip from Grand •hIand last Friday 10 \ iait relatives and friends here and also to do a little limit ing. lie. his brother John, Frank Grow and Pom Lay have established a camp about tw<> miles down the river and are doing their best to make life miserable for tithe game that comes their way. We do not know whetbei the ho^s have named their camp or not but we should judge that the “Funny Four Camp,’’ would be a good name. p. O. PEED Troy Hale reports a good sale of .Ino. O'Neill's stock on the 2nd inst. Dr. Norton was calld to Sargent last Friday to do veterinary work I’. (). Reed returned I. st Saturday night from Ins federal jury duties at Omaha. John Maiefski. the little giant id Rockville township, is whooping er up for economy and good roads at ttiis ses sion of the county supervisors. Committeeman Ilenuing Clausseu of Washington township - was in attend ance on the county central committee meeting Tuesday and paid us a pleas ant visit. Henry Johansen left Monday w ith a car of household goods and stock via the Union Pacific for his aew home he twen Falls City and Hiawatha. Kansas.) His family will go later. J. H. Kpley of Fairfield was in the, city W ednesday. lie was up looking | after his property in Clay township, some of which was burned in the big prairie lire 1 >st week Wednesday. Adam Zahn, Republican committee man from Kim township, and one of its best party workers, called and renewed allegiance to this paper while in town attending committee meeting Tuesday. Peter Thode, W; shington and Lo gan's faithful father, is plugging away for justice and fair (jlay at the county hoard session. Peter should go up high er, to the legislature, we mean. W. II. Chapman, supervise!’ from S ’ott and II trrison, just goe* i ne eye on it and you bet its right. Harve is a diplomat and a popocrat, and—and — well lie’s the right man for the place, anyway. We want to meet every Republican | in Sherman connty. We want to get j acquuin ed with and personally know 1 every Republican in Sherman county, j Conte in and make yourself known to j the new <ditor. Chairman II. Smelserof the Republi can county central committee. was up from Ashton. Tuesday, on committee ! matters, and gave us a pleasant call. Chairman Srnelser is an earnest, zeal ous lb-publican with whom it isa pleas ure to exchange greetings. Joseph and Frank 151 schke arrived in this ctv Thursday of 1-st week with live cars of emigrant movables and stock from their old home in the east ern part of the state, With the help of S. II Conger they immediately com menced moving their goods to their new homes. Joseph moved onto the old Shrove place ltd Frank onto the old Cash place both in Webster town ship. They have brought a l rge amount of fine stock along with them i and expect to go quite exten -ively into J cattle raising. A petition is now befo>e the village hoard asking that as'dewalk be ordered put down, beginning at the southwest | corner ot block 14, on East avenue, and running thence north to the southwest corner of block 21. thence east on Htif falo avenue to the southeast corner ot block 20. This walk would Ae a great improvement in the northeast part of town and an everlasting benefit to the school children. aH it brings them just icross the street from the southeast cor ner of tne school yard. Of course the city would lay a cros-ing at this point, which would give the scholars much better conveniences. M. U. Matthews, one of the old Hamilton county boys that left here a year ago for Sherman county, was in the city last Saturday ami a caller at this office. Mr Matthews, accompanied bv his wife, came d"wu to attend the wedding of a sister of Mrs. Matthews, announcement of which was made in these columns last week. Mr. Matthews informs us that he is well pleased with his move of a year ago and tli«t land in his vicinity has advanced in price at least one-third and in many instances one-half. lie returned home Tuesday, hut Mrs. Matthews will remain a week or two longer to visit her parent, Mr end Mrs. *S A Pollard, southeast of Aurora—Aurora Sun. Lawyer Mathew has again proven t lie hero of an exciting episode. Last Sat urday, while he was showing the beau ties and splendors of Sherman county from a real estate dealer's view’, to a stranger, and they were riding over the -eenic hills several m !es to the east of die cty, the 300-pound avoirdup is of the stranger, the weight of the uigu nmnt being us* d, or some iceident not mentioned in Iloyle caused dm r vehi cle to coilnpue. Consternation sit zed tin* gentlemen. Only by rapid driving barring the accident could they have made » train which the stranger must of necessity catch without fail. There was only one horn to the dilemma. But it was of a heroic natuie. Unhitching theii steeds, each mounted a bare backed equine and the procession start ed. The time was shod, th distance long, the uncushioned se its—hat let ii> Jraw the curtain. The train was made in time, but time alone will heal tin anguish ot those passing hours. We sympathize with the survivors. V\ e have had reason. Look at that din’s Uifcirar -A_t 55c a Suit A. E. CHASE. A Model Lunch Room. MgflLS RUh HOORS, - OPE 12 FROM 6:30 A- M- TO 11:30 P, M, ^OY-TERS ANY STYLES FRESH BREED END BUNS FROM THE CELEBRETED CESS BROS BEKERY OF EURORE. Also Pies and Cakes lor sale here. Two Doors West of Post Office. BAYNE & JONESi Loup City, Nebraska. I. DEF’EW®** Backsmith $ Wagon Maker, My shoo Is th« largest and heat equipped north of the Platte Klver I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma ehttiery, also a force ot experienced men who know how to operate it and turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. I have Just received A car load ' Spun Waps ani Infills Call and see my stock While it is complete. T jin. peed t. M- Peed