The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 11, 1904, Image 4

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    The Northwestern
Entered at the Loup City Poatoffloe for trant.
mission through the malls as Recond
class matter1
J, \\. BURLEIGH, M. and Pnl».
H. S. FRENCH, City Editor.
Rppuhlitaii County Convention
Loup City. Neb , March 8, 1904 —
The Republican electors of Sherman
county, Nebraska, are hereby reqnested
to send d« legates trom their respective
townships to meet in convention at
Loup Citv, Nebraska, on Tuesday,
April 2»ith, 1904. at 11 o,clock a. m. for
ttie purixme of electing delegates to the
Hepublican State and Senatorial con
ventions for the year 1904. to elect a
county central committee and the
chairman thereof, and to place in nomi
nation a candidate for county attorney
and a candidate for Hepr« senta'ive of
the 57th district of Nebraska. Also to
transact such other business as may
properly come before said convention.
The several townships are entitled to
representation as tallow sr the appor
tionment lieing based upon the vote
cast at the last general election for the
Hon. John B. Barnes. Judge of the Su
preme Court, giving each township,one
delegate for every seven votes or major
fraction thereof and one delegate at
Oak Creek -2 tai^an . 5
Washington_ti Elm . 3
Webster _4 Loup City... 23
Ashton . 7 Rockville ... 5
Clay .5 Hnrrison .... 9
Scott . 3 Hazard .... 7
Bristol . 6 —
Total .85
It is recomm> nded that the primaries
beheld at the usual voting place in
each township on Saturday, April 23,
By order of the Repblicanu County
Central I’oinmltttee.
R. J. Nightingale, II. Smelsf.r,
Secretary. Chairman.
The Hastings Tribune is one of
the very few papers of the state that
argues against the naming of a U.
S. senator by the Republican state
convention. But then every editor
has his off days and senile ideas.
We wouldn’t be surprised in the
least if Billy Hearst received the Na
tional democratic nomination for
the presidency, but we would be
surprised if he were not the worst
snowed-under candidate the demo
crats ever placed in nomination.
The high winds that passed
through Loup City last Wednesday
played hob with people and property
soutli as far as Oklahoma and into
Texas, and thousands of ranchman
were burned out, and many lives
were lost. Some towns in Oklaho
ma reported property losses way in
to the thousands of dollars.
If Editor Brown of the Kearney
Hub has not already heard distinct
buzzing of the official bee in his
bonnet, he will be sure to in the
near future, if some of the newspa
per boys don’t quit their paragraph
ing along that line. The Hastings
Tribune surely has no desire to spoil
a good newspaper man by putting
office holding ideas into his head.
What a merry war there is on be
tween the Cleveland and Bryan
wings of the democracy. Senator
McCreary of Kentucky, addressing
the house of representatives, the
other day, gave it out strong that
he would not support the nomination
of any man who did not support the
democratic ticket in the two last
Senator Hoar, in an interview the
other day, apologized for the delay
in taking up the Dietrich case,
claiming the time had been so taken
up with the Smoot case, but predicts
an early getting at the Dietrich mat
ter. Yes, for heaven’s sake get the
bad taste out of the Nebraskan
mouth soon as possible, j.ater—The
hearing of the Dietrich has been
definitely set for March 11, and some
twenty-five or more witnesses have
been summoned from Nebraska.
Central Committee Meeting
Pursuant to call, a meeting of the
Rspublican county central commit
'eo was held on Tuesday, March 8,
at the office of Hon. Aaron Wall in
Loup City.
The meeting was called to order
by Chairman It Smelser, and R. .T.
Nightingale was elected secretary.
Committeemen II. Smelser of Ash
ton, Adam Zalin of Elm, S. S. Rey
nolds of Webster, R .1 Nightingale
of Loup City, 11. Claussen of Wash
ington, E. Munn of Hazard and A.
Potter of Harrison were present.
John Mathewson was elected com
mitteeman for Clay, vice A. W.
Throchmorton who has removed
from the county. The chairman
was authorised to fill the yacaocy
on the committee caused by the re
reinoval of Orin Manchester from
Oak Creek township. Call for the
county convention to be held April
26th was made. (See call in anoth
er column.) A resolution was unan
imously passed condemning the ac
tion of the congressional committee
in calling the convention at so early
a date that no delegates can he elect
ed b\ the county convention. How
ever, the committee deemed it ad
visable that Sherman countv should
be represented at said convention to
be held at Alliance March 17, and
elected as delegates Aaron Wall, W.
R. Mellor, E. Munn, A. II. Potter,
Jacob Albers and Theodore Ojen
dyke. Several prominent Republi
cans were present at the meeting,
evidently taking a deep interest in
the coming campaign. It was con
fidently anticipated by all Republi
cans present that a grand Na'ional
success was awaiting the party at
the coming election and that the
overwhelming success of the Na
tional ticket would give added
strength to the local ticket. The
confidence felt was not the confi
dence which induces apathy and in
difference, but the kind which in
spires to e6ort and itself leads to
success. The committee adjourned
full of enthusiasm and ready to take
off their coats and work for Repub
lican success.
The Platte river was on a ram
page last week along its entire
length. At Fremont it flooded the
lower portion of the city, and be
tween there and Omaha the U. P.
trains were sent over thh Northwest
ern traeks for two or three days.
Of course Grover Cleveland never
did. Nothing strange about that.
He indignant!', denies that lie ever
dined a negro at the White House
during his official presence i.i the ex
ecutive chair. The colored man is
to be congratulated.
Farmers along the Platte who
farm by irrigation are concerned
over the reports of a shortage of
snow in the mountains of Wyoming.
Unless the shortage is made up be
fore the end of winter a scarcity of
water in the Platte next summer is
It seems that Kansas Republicans
are as pugnacious as ever. At Gar
nett, Kansas, the other day, the Sec
ond congressional convention split
in two, one faction nominating
Henry J. Allen of the Ottawa Her
ald, and the other faction re-nomi
nating Congressman Bowersock of
Lawrence. Both conventions, how
ever, endorsed President Roosevelt.
There is nothing slow about \V.
J. Bryan. In fact, he is about the
shrewdest, sharpest man in the dem
ocratic party today. Some time
since he offered 1100 as a rewar 1
for a blatform written that would
please all the democratic reorgan
izers, but no response came Now
he lus written and published in his
paper, the Commoner, a platform
for the gold democrats, based upon
his idea of Clevelandism. Besides
the Cleveland platform, he takes oc
casion to print a beautiful roast of
Cleveland, which is juicy and read
able. Bryan is in a position to make
things pretty warm for his old dem
ocratic enemies.
defieditional Lioaals.
W. G. Odrndnhl left on a business
trip to Omaha. Monday morning by the
17. I*, ro d
Lee Adrmson is building a 1 trge and
commodious chicken house on Ins city
property this week.
Geo. Lc is having a tin deck put on
his new home this week. T. M. Reed's
men sic doing the work.
A party of Loup City young b Iks at
tended the revival services at Wiggle
Creek Tuesday evening.
Tom Chamt eCain an old wheel-horse
of Republicanism in Elm township was
a pleasant caller Tuesday.
The revival services at Wiggle Creek
have been very successful, ten conver
sions and more “Almost Persuaded.”
Miss Ell t Long reports the next meet
ingof tha Woman’s club will tie held at
the parlors of Mrs A. L. Zimmerman.
i. P>. Diaper lias sold his livery stable
rolling stock to McCombs & Hobart
and has rented the barn to J. T. Hale.
Clwrs. Riedel and wife left Wednes
day over the Union Pacific for a visit
among olu tiiends at Racine, Wis., and
vi duty.
II. M. Mathew was out Friday on a
hunt for files'of the Times or The
Northwestern of 1886, but failed to
find cither.
W. D. Negley of Davis Creek, was in
town last S i unlay and took out a new
spring wa ion which he purchased of
T. M. Reed.
A. P. Culley has rented the house
that " ill Dennis is soon to vacate and
they will, *e understand, be back here
in about three weeks.
Ilev. Selby of Maywood. Neb., an
evangelist who held a series of revival
meeting heie a vt ar ago, was in the city
Wednesday tiu. sacling business with
.1. T. Ilale.
John Hollenbeck's family left Mon
day via the If. P. f »t flieir new home
near Knob Noster, Mo. John left the
following day with a car of household
goods for the same point.
F. E Brewer has cleared off the de
bris from his lots nort!i of the court
house this we*k. Let the good work
go on ti 1 all vacant lots within the city
limits are cleared of their unsightly
weeds and other refuse.
Will Dennis has resigned his position
in C. W. C mhiser's m*- cantile estab
lishment and will with his family re
move to .st. Paul. Mr. Dennis and his
family are very pleasant people and
have made a large circle of friends who
will regret their departure.
A very destructive prairie lire started
last Wednesday afternoon about nine
miles «outh of this city in Clay town
ship. The wind was so high tli it it
raged down the valley like a hungry
demon in spite of all efforts to stop it
Between five and t*n thousand dollars
worth of property wrs destroyed.
The attention of our readers is called
to the article on “Our Schools,” on the
first page of this issue, by a member of
the Woman’s club. The near approach
of the annual election o( school trus
tees makes the paper timely and sug
ge-tive. We must re pectfuily differ
witli the writer on the lack of angelic
qualities in the men coupled witli a su
perabundance of contrariness on their
part, taken from a life-long experience
with male bipeds, and believe the Loup
City masculine element perfectly will
ing to divide or even shift entire re
sponsibility for the management of our
city schools to the shoulders of the
gentler sex. Any wav we venture the
prediction that if the women of our
fair city will select outof their number
excellent reoiesentatives for school
officers, the men will generously see
that their election is assured. And who
are better qualified for the delicate du
ties pertaining to school matters than
the mothers whose boys and girls are
the direct beneficiaries of the school
Loup City has a well defined case of
small p»x, but every precaution against
the spread of the disease lias been taken
by the proper authorities, and there is
little probability of any further danger.
The city schools and churches have
b*en closed and »11 public gatherings
forbidden for the present. The ease
above mentioned is that of Mins Vena
Johansen, in the southeast part, of the
city. The young lady had been slight
ly ill for a few days, when oil last Fri
day Dr. Long was called who diag
nosed her symptoms »s stated. We be
lieve there is no need of alarm on the
part of our people, and indeed none is
expressed heie, hut we speak frankly of
the matter to assure confidence on the
part ot Sherman county people outside
of Loup City. There is nothing to hide
from the people, nor would Loup City
attempt to do any such thing. We will
keep our leaders posted as to all matters
pertaining to the disease, and the relia
bility will be unquestioned. latter—A
second case was reported Wednesday
evening, that of Miss Belle Mulick in
the south part of town, and was safely
Mr. Ainiu-w 1). ; ml Miss
Mamie Parry were milted in hoh m t
rimonv at the home of the bride’s par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parry at
Litchfield. Neb., Wednesday, Maich t>,
at 10:30 a. m . by Rev. A. L. Zimmer
man of Loupt'itv. After partaking of
a sumptuous feast the happy coupie
wenf to the depot where they were met
by the band and a 1 age con. ratukiMng
party. They took their departure on
11 :•*> passenger train, bound east, amidst
a shower of ri e. oat m< al and old shoes.
Wedd i ng A n n iversary
Last Friday evening being the
fifteenth anniversary of the marriage
of Mr. and Mrs. Riland L Rissel),
some of their neighbors got
their heads together and finally
decided on giving them a sur
prise party. At halt past seven the
first installment arrived and they
kept coining until about fifty had
gathered to do honor to the oecas
sion. The suprise was complete and
the evening was passed in social
intercourse and games till eleven
o’clock when a sumptuous supper
was served, the ladies having come
with well filled baskets. After
supper 1). M. Jamison called for
the bride and groom and bidding
them join hands, in a few well
chosen remarks on behalf of Un
assembled guests, presented their,
with a beautiful parlor lamp, also)
a handsome dish from Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Flume of La Iielle, Mo.—
The Amboy (111.) News.
The above clipping was handed
to us by Mrs. .V K. Outhouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Kissel are old time
residents of Sherman county and
are well known to many ot our readers.
Owing to
Bad weather
Stock sale
W. D. pOVEp & GO.
JVIost Elegapt Pattefps
Especial attention given and lowest prices made for
We call the attention of the people of I.out. ( it\
to our New, Elegant and Fashionable consignment ,
of Furniture just received from the East in ear
oad lots. It is by far the handsomest, leei and
Latest in design and finish ever before brought to
Sherman (’ounty. We confidently ask you inspec
tion id our entire line id 1* imiiturc goods, know
ing they cannot be duplicated in price or quality
within the radius of inn miles of Loup City.
W. D. Hover attends to all calls for
Day or ISTislit
OB;ll qjkJ. S00
Drugs, Paipts, Oils,
Sold Out
Having sold my en
tire stock oi merchan
dise to
Duplapd, Zimpiefpiap 8c Co.
To take effect March 15, I will sell all mv
Now is your opportunity to buy
everything will be sold
For Osisli
And those knowing themselves indebted t<. mo
will please call aud settle at once.
Yours for business, O. F. P.KTKRSON.
Repairing Neatly E ecutel. All Work Warranted