The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 26, 1904, Image 5

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iFhras Daily drains to
Caliloi nia*
No. SB leaves dally except Sunday (pass
enger). 7:2r>a. in.
No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed' 12:20 p. m.
No. (to leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2 56 p. m.
No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed)
12:05 p. m.
No. ssarrives dally except Sunday (pass
enger) 7:35 p. in.
First class service and close connections
east, wen and south. Tickets sold to all
point* and baggage checked through to
destination. Information will be chier
fully rumished on application to
Frank Hisek, Agent,
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louts, San Francisco,
and all points and all points
ast and south. West.
No. 52 Passenger.,..'.l:28a. m
No. 00 Freight.11.20a m
No. 51 Passenger. 6:54 p. in.
No. 59 Freight.2:40 p. in.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(scats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked lo any point in
the United Stales or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
ttckets call on or write to It. L, Arthur
Agent. Or J. Francis, Gen’l Passenger
Agent. Omaha. Nebraska.
Uoaal Daws.
Your wife happy ? Use Grow's flour
We keep legal blanks of all kinds
• Call and see us.
The Reed-Mason Co. will sell you
a gasoline stove. feb26-2
If you have not had the grip you
are not in the swim.
Dr. Yallier, Osteopath, St. Paul, Neb,
Send for Literature.
Good dried pears at C. C. Coop
er’s, only 5c per pound.
The school notes are unavoidably
crowded out this week.
Grow sells the finest buckwheat
flour in the market. Try it.
Highest market price in cash paid
for separated cream by C. C. Cooper.
The Northern Milling Co.’s flour
is the best. D. C. Grow, Manager.
Do you need any thing in the wind
mill or well line? It so, see
T. M. Reed.
Those wanting Alfalfa seed for
spring sowing, leave your orders
with T. M. Heed.
A new invoice of Richardson's
seamless shoes, in men’s and boys’
sizes, just received at B. J. Swan
C. C. Cooper has some bargains in
Boys’ and Gents’ Shirts. He is clos
ing these out to make room for his
new stock.
There is a new building about
two blocks west of this otlice but
whose or what it is we haven’t been
able to find out.
For Sale. — A fine thoroughbred
Imported Cleveland Bay stallion or
will trade for cattle or horses.
R. A. Wilson, Loup City, Neb.
Have just received a new line of
Ladies’ Vestings and Waist Goods.
Call and see them oefore the best are
selected. C. C. Cooper.
Dr. Vallier, the St. Paul Osteo
path, will be at the St. Elmo, in
Loup City, on Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays of each week, un
til further notice.
Frank Squires, who has been hv
ing wi'h his parents near Divide,
died Monday night at 8 p. m , of
consumption. The remains were
taken back to Hamilton county,their
old home, for interment
Public Notice—To all persons
holding school land leases, notice is
hereby given that on Wednesday,
March 2, 1004, at 1 o’clock p. m , a
meeting will be held at the court
house to take final action on the re
appraisal J. W. Heapy, Chin.
W. Hawk, Secretary.
Frank Waufle of Bladen, Webster
countv, who purchased the Thomas
Dillon farm last spring, was in the
city Wednesday looking after his
interests and making the necessary
arrangements for his renter, Chet
llolycross, who will arrive here from
Web'ter county about the first of
Jacob Albers went down to Far
well Tuesday to cry a sale.
The red headed sale bills are Geo.
U’asnickie’s. It' you want bargains
attend this sale.
A State Journal man was in our
burg Tuesday looking up subscrib
ers for that paper.
Frank Foster of Grand Island
visited his parents in this city a
couple of days this week.
F. J. Starr of Lincoln, Neb., a
brother of Attorney R. P. Starr,
spent Sunday in Loup City.
Mrs. Doherty and daughter, Mrs.
J. Conway, of Sargent, were guests
of Mrs. 11. I*. Starr, Feb. 23.
Junge E J. Ilainer was up from
Aurora, last Friday, taking deposi
tions before Hon. R. J. Nightin
C. YYr. Henson, Litchfield’s popu
lar miller, was a pleasant caller last
Saturday, while in Loup City on
business bent.
YYT. M. Stnelser was up from
Rockville, Tuesday, having some
dental work done He was a caller
at this office while in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Leininger
drove up into YVashington township
Saturday and visited over Sunday
with his mother and brother.
Wilber Waite, who bas been at
tending to C. C. Cooper’s business
during lus absence, is again a man
of leisure, Mr. Cooper having re
turned Tuesday.
Win. Strankrnan of Logan town
ship called on Tiie Northwestern
force Wednesday. Mill says he is
making most of bis money milking
cows these days.
Judge MTall went down to Grand
Island, Thursday morning, to attend
the meeting of the Republican con
gressional committee of the Sixtli
district, which meets there that day.
We understand that II. L. Bell
has rented the Chase heirs farm in
Custer county and will move onto it
sometime the coming week. Prof.
M. II. Mead is to move into the
Owens property which he will
Frank Nodeen’s clothing caught
on tire while driving to town from
Albert Anderson’s last Friday. His
coat and trousers, sweater were
badly burned but he succeeded in
putting the fire out before anything
more serious happened. It is sup
posed that the fire started from a
match in Ins pocket.
S E. Fowler who has been living
on the old Sutton farm two miles
southeast of this city for the past
year, shipped his household goods
to Kearney Thursday and drove
across countiy with his family and
stock the same day. Mr. Fowler
has purchased a farm near Kearney
and be goes there to take possession.
Dr. Palmer and Will Zimmerman
were over from Litchfield last Fri
day. They were pleasant callers at
this office. Will was over on real
estate business and “Doc” was liav.
ing some den’al work done. Mr.
Palmer said that he was well satis
fied with the way Dr. Allen did his
work He also said he was trying
to organize a Countv Medical Asso
ciation. Good thing. Push it along.
Dr. J. H. Long, an eminent phy
sician and surgeon of South Omaha,
lias made arrangements to come to
Loup city to reside. He has rented
the Nightingale building, formerly
occupied by Mrs C. C. Cooper as a
millinery store, which he will fit up
for an office. The doctor comes to
us with a splend'd reputation both
as a skilled physiciand and expert
surgeon, and will he a valuable ad
junct to the medical fraternity of
Snerman county.
The supreme court has decided
the case of Howard vs. the Ashton
school district in favor of defendant.
Howard sued for salary during a
period of time that the school was
closed by the hoard of health on ac
count of a small pox epidemic. The
court holds the district is not liable
The case has attracted considerable
attention throughout the sta'e. How
ard was represented by Judge Wall
md R. J. Nightingale, and the dis
trict by H. M. Mathew.
C Gaateyer and wife returned to
their home in this city Wednesday
of last week.
A little daughter of Fred Korn
runi|>f was quite ill last week, but is
reported better.
A car of horses w as shipped from
this point to Lake Geneva, Wiscon
sin, last .Monday.
A very enjoyable evening is re
ported from Highlander dance of
last Monday evening.
Postmaster Owens’good w ife has
been vite ill for a week and more,
hut ts slowly mending.
(Jus Loren tz has been having a
touch of that never-to-be-satistied
disease, la grippe, this week.
□ Miss Larson of Boelus, is work
ing at S. S. Hover’s during the sick
ness of the lady of the house.
S I) Halbert built a chicken
house on his newly acquired city
property Monday of this week.
Perry Heed was home from Oma
ha last Saturday, the federal jury
being excused till the first of the
Bills are out announcing the sale
of Walter E. Smith at his home
six miles west of Loup City on
March 1st.
Mrs. l arrie .lonansen nas oeen
sick for a couple of days the past
week, with that disease commonly
called la grippe.
E. Holcombe went over onto Oak
creek Tuesday to build a large barn
on one of the farms owned by VV.
R. Mellor and J. W. Long.
The masons have finished the
foundation for Geo. Lee’s residence
this week and the carpenters have
commenced the frame work.
That smiling faced and fun-loving
young grocer, John Dahl, of Aurora,
was in our city over Sunday visiting
his friends and
F. M. Tykwart, a rising young re
publican of Huxley, Neb., was in
the city Monday and ordered Tub
Northwestern sent to his address.
A. T. Conger hauled 15,340 pounds
of coal to the school house Wednes
day a. m , at one load. We are in
formed that this breaks the record.
Claus Eggers is all smiles these
davs, his wife on last Friday pre
senting him with a bouncing boy.
Dr. Hendrickson reports all doing
Miss Kdna MinshuU Sundayed
with her parents at Litchfield this
week. Her brother Willie drove
over after her and brought her hack
County Bridge Builder YV. T.
Gibson and a gang of men started
out on a bridging expedition thro'
the southeastern part of the county
Monday morning.
Miss Jessie' Leininger who has
been sick with rheumatism for the
past two or three weeks was down
town for the first time since her
sickness Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beuzing and
Miss Ella Beuzing started for their
home near Dinsmore, Iowa, last Fri
day morning. The best wishes of
the entire community go with these
newly married young folks.
Thos. Dillon, our Irish friend of
Washington township, called at this
office Monday and paid his subscrip
tion. Tom informed us that he
was going to move to Ilall county,
where he has lately purchased a
farm, in about tw o weeks.
A party of young ladies from
town consisting of Misses Edna
Dadtlow, Addle Leininger, Rosa
Kilpatrick, Frances Sweetland, and
Mamie Gibson visited Miss Virgie
Brown on Washington’s birthday
and spent t e day keeping Mr. and
Mrs. Frakes guessing.
The sick list is very large this
week. A large number of our citi
zens are suffering with that perni
cious disease, la grippe. Mrs. 8 8
Hover, who was reported better ii
last week's issue, is still very serious
ly ill. Mrs. B. T Snyder who has
been quite ill for the past two weeks
iH still very bad. Mrs. Win! Marc}
wno has been suffering very niucl
wit h a bad case of pleurisy, is some
what improved at this writing.
A Devil Turned Loose
Last Saturday, or Saturday night,
• lit* home of old Mr. Leek, one of
our most worthy German citizens of
tin* west side of the county, was vis
ited by a fiend incarnate, and from
reliable sources it is learned, almost
destroyed the old man’s home. It
seems that the scoundrel, with a
spade or an axe smashed in every
window in the house save one; then
kicked the parlor stove over anti
scattered it through the room, in the
case of the windows, the sashes
were smashed in, chairs and furni
ture turned topsy turvy; about four
hundred pounds of flour, in sacks,
was distributed through every room,
the start being made by a pile in the
center and a ring enlarging as they
went until the fine carpets were en
tirely covered. The bicycle and
large range which belonged to Mr.
Leek's son John and wife, were not
molested although both were m the
house. Then the Satanic scoundrel
went out and to the northwest cor
ner of the house, (the building is of
concrete) and so badly destroyed the
corner that our informant says the
house is liable to fall. From there
he went to the buggy shed and with
the same characteristic vileness of
bedlam, cut the old man s buggy
top in shreds, broke the braces and
his last fiendish stroke, apparently,
was to smash down the side of the
vehicle so that the whole top col
lapsed. The buggy was a nearly new
one and was built to Mr. Beck’s
order to accommodate him and his
good wife, both of whom were very
heavy people. Mrs. Beck died less
than a year ago and at this time Mr.
Beck was living alone and had
taken a car load of fat cattle to
Omaha when this dastardly work
was done.
G. II. Gibson returned from Lin
coln last Thursday.
W. It. Mellor returned from a
business trip to Omaha and Lincoln
last Friday evening.
'Emery Knight drove the express
wagon for O. Benschoter three or
four davs the latter part of last
If you want to buy some good
horses or cattle go to It. A. Wilson’s
sale March 5th. See large bills for
further particulars.
The Itebekah lodge succeeded in
forming their organization Tuesday
evening at the opera house. A ban
quet wras held in Society hall after
the organization was completed.
Sixty-five charter members were en
rolled. Mrs. Livingstone of Fre
mont, and Mrs. Nelson of Grand
Island acted as organizers.
Miss Mable Foster and E. J.
Pugsley were united in marriage
at the home of the bride’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Foster, in
this city, Wednesday at one o'clock.
The wedding was a very quiet one,
only the family, Hev. John Madely,
who performed the marriage cere
mony, his wife and Miss Hattie
Hayhurst were present. Both of
the young people are well known
and need no introduction or words
of praise, their actions speak louder
than any words we can say.
Robert Young and family moved
their household effee s into the S.
G. YVookey residence property the
center part of last week as soon as
i' was vacated by Lewis Bechthold,
Sr, and YVill Draper and family
moved into the Schwer property the
day after it was vacated. Houses
are still scarce here in spile of all
building that has been going on.
One carpenter informed us that lit
thought there would be 25 and may
be .'10 residences built here this
summer. This is all right but be
sides this we would like to see a
couple of good substan'ial business
blocks erected. One just north ol
Tiik Northwestern office for in
Drs. Davis and Farnsworth of Gram
Is'and. have in their office all the latest
apparatus used in the treatment ol
chronic diseases, including Static, Kara
oic and Galvanic Electricity and X raj
i instrument. Vibratory Massage, llo
air baths for treatment of chronic rheu
matisin.kidney and liver diseases Tin
Minin Violet light for for treatment <>
chronic skin diseases and every otli
1 instrument required in making a scien
. tilic examination and giving prope
treatment. The doctors make in
charge for first consultation.
Look at that
-A_t 550 a Suit
I A Model Lunch Room.
9 -» OPED FROM 6:30 A- M- TO 11:30 P, M, *
J - - --
(Also Pies ami Cakes for sale here.
Two Doors West of Post Office. !
BAYNE & JONES* Loup City, Nebraska.
L^g-wrarir?nrttirwrarTrTC«iraggii^^ ?
1^.1. I. DEPEWfc**
Backsmith §> Wagon Maker,
My shop Is the largest and best equipped north or the Platt* River
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma
chluery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and
turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch.
Just Bought In
Having purchased the
Mercantile stock of
E. Enevoldsen, I so
licit a continuance of
the patronage of old
as well as new custom
Ouf Gfocefy Dept.
Contains Freshest of Sugars, Coffees
Teas, Canned Goods and everything
needed in the cullinery department.
hi Dry Goods, Clothing, Foot Wear, etc.,
We are prepared to meet the demand
and requirements of the people. Call
and examine our various lines.
Highest Mar Jt Price in Cash for parted Cream.