The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 01, 1904, Image 5

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    ClircMCM Work
Epworth League services every Sun
day evening at tlie Methodist church
You are cordially invited to attend
‘ The Leader for next Sundsy night is
" The Kind of Growth I Need in luo4.’
Mrs. C. J. Tracy will lead the meeting
which will commence at <» :30 p. m
All are invited to attend.
The quarterly conference of the M.
E. church will be held here Saturday
and Sunday, the 9th and 10th of Janu
ary. Presiding Elder, Itev. W. 1).
Crane of Kearney, will be here.
An old fashioned Methodist watch
meeting was held at the church Thurs
day evening of this week. A line
meeting was held and all who attended
enjoyed watching the old year out and
the new year in.
Rev. Madelv's sermon Sunday morn
ing was a line one. Ilis text was found
in Mathew 5, 13. Tne sermon was
very forcible and convincing. The sub
ject for the Sunday evening service was
“ God and Ceasar.” The text was taken
from the 12th chapter of Mark anu the
17th verse. The church was tilled and
the sermon much enjoyed by all who
The Epworth League choir had four
new members Sunday evening. Robert
Mathew ol this city, and Richard Spohr,
George Zimmerman and John Bone of
Cleora, were the new members.
Arthur Inks gavo a line talk on the
Philippine Islands at the Epworth
League services last Sunday evening.
The Epworth League choir officiated
at the preaching services Sunday even
The M. E. Sunday school Home de
partment has been doing rood work
the past week, they have remembered a
cradle roll of thirty and a list of sixteen
old people with Christmas gilts.
The Methodist church people sent a
box of Christmas cheer to the Mother's
Jewels Home at York, this week.
Sunday school at the Baptist church
last Sunday was largely attended show
ing that the increase in the attendance
for the last few weeks was not all due
to the coming Christmas but that the
increase in numbers is to be permanent
> and if the numbers continue to in
crease it is only a question of time,
when we will have to enlarge our
The B. Y. P. U. service at the Baptist
church last Sunday evening, conducted
by Brother Douglas, was one of the
best we have had this winter. The at
tendance was good and the young peo
ple were prompt in taking part in the
services. A deep solemnity seemed to
prevade the house and at the close
when the leader called for a few sen
tence prayers, a response came from all
parts of the house with a promptness
seldom seen, and we were pleased to
, see several of the young people take
* part in this portion of the exercise. We
would like to see a larger attendance at
these meetings.
About 50 of the members of the
Baptist Church and congregation as
sembled at the residence of A. L. Zim
y merman Tuesday evening in a recept
ion to Mrs. F. D. Kennedy, wife of the
Baptist church. A mce little program
had been arranged for the occasion,
which was carried out and all seemed
to enjoy them-elves. Games were in
troduced and about 10 o’clock lunch
was served. The occasion was full
of pleasure tor all and the welcome ex
tended to Mrs. Kennedy was hearty and
with the best wishes of all present.
From the reports that we have re
ceived of the Christmas exercises at the
German Evangelical church last Friday
evening, we should judge that their
Sunday school was in a thriving con
In addition to t lie recent purchase of
a new chapel organ, the S. D A.
f*- church has purchased a set of prophetic
charts and a stand for same, put in a
handsome angular lamp and without
any entertainment of any description,
collected a Christmas offering of $18,10
and a weekly offering from the Sabbath
school of $12.12.
Mens’ and boys’ overcoats, a large
variety of styles and sizes at Johnson
Lorentz & Co. Prices right. Yon
should call and see them.
For Sale.—A second hand 4 hole corn
sheler and eight horse power. See T,
M. Hee l. •
Ltoaal Dsws.
Old papers for sale here.
Mince .neat in bulk at Reynolds.
Mrs. Z. M. Hunter is convalescing
slowly after her recent illness.
Robert P. Starr started tor Lincoln
Monday morning on a business trip.
I)r. and Mrs. A. S. Main ate Christ
mas dinner at the home of Robert P.
Martin Comer of Grand Island, spent
Christmas with friends and relatives in
this < it’\
L. Hansen and wife returned from
their Christmas visit at Dannebrog
Friday evening.
A line of 150 cloaks for ladies at
Johnson Lorentz A Co. All new goods
and latest styles.
Mike Kominski and family celebrated
Christmas at the borne of Mrs. Komin
ski's father in Ashton township.
Rev. John Madely and S. S. Hover
drove to Arcadia last Friday to attend
the funeral of Henry Leininger.
Gladys O’Bryan who has been at
tending school at Columbus, Neb., is at
home this week spending her Christ
mas vacation.
Miss Belle Mulick of Grand Island,
came up on the Union Pacilic Friilay
to eat Christmas dinner with her par
ents in this city
F. F. Foster’s father and mother of
Arcadia, were in the city Thursday and
Friday of last week, spending Christ
mas with their son and family.
Mrs. Kate Burrowesand son. Johnie,
II. s. French and wife and Willis
Holcombe ate Christmas dinner at the
home of Chris Johansen last Friday.
John Jens and family of Grand
Junction, Colo., is here visiting relatives
around Loup City and his many friends
in this county. He expects to stay
here about a month.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sutton of Ord, ac
companied by their daughters, Jennv
and Fanny, were here spending Christ
mas with their daughters Mesdames A.
E. Chase and W S. Waite. They start
ed home last Sunday.
The Model restaurant lias added a
line, new coffee urn to their outfit. This
enables them to serve coffee and sand
wiches to all who may come and say, if
you think that their coffee and sand
wiches aren't good, just go and try
We stated in our last issue that Mrs.
C. C. Outhouse would spend Christmas
with her sister at Thayer, this state,
but not being as wrell as was expected
she was unable to go. Mr. Outhouse
went to Grand Island Friday to visit
her and eat Christmas dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dennis and two
children accompanied by his mother
came up from St. Paul last week to
spend Christmas at the home of Will
Dennis in this city. Frank and his
family returned to their home Monday.
The mother of the boys will stay in
this city at the home of her son Will.
James Gouley and wife of Custer
county, arrived in this city Thursday
evening to spend Christmas with her
sister, Mrs. T. S. Nightingale, and to
visit other relatives. They stayed over
until Saturday and then returned home
accompanied by their nephew, Clarence
Benschoter, who goes over to visit his
cousins during the Christmas vacation.
John Biemond who has been living
on his father farm in Clay township,
has purchased four lots on the west side
of the block occupied by the Pyke
houses and Ohlsen Bros., finished a
16x26 foot foundation on the lots Wed
nesday. John intends to put up a frame
house of that size and occupy it him
self. He is moving to town to com
mence work at the carpenter trade.
Misses .Jessie Lambert and Lizzie
Dinsdale who liave been visiting in this
city at the leone of James Johansen for
about a week, returned to their homes
at Palmer Monday. The young ladies
were pleasant callers at this office last
Saturday and informed us that tliey
were delighted with Loup City and its
people. They said they had enjoyed
their visit very much and that the
people ot our town were the most
sociable of any place they had evei
visited. We understand that a couple
of the young men of this city are verj
We keep legal blanks of all kinds.
Call and see us.
Mr.and Mrs. E. Holcombe and son,
Vance, returned from Grand Island
II. J Johansen and wife were guests
at the home of W. It. Mellor for Christ
mas dinner.
C. II. French and wife ate dinner at
the home of their son, W. I). French,
Christmas dinner.
A new' invoice of ladies shoes just
received at Swanson's 2 by 4 shoe store.
They are a fine lot.
E. G. Taylor and family of this city,
ate Christmas dinner at the home of
his father in Ashton.
Fred Jens of Logan township, was in
the city Monday. lie was accompan
ied by his brother John Jens.
You want to reiid all four pages of
the Northwestern that are printed at
home. You will find news on all of
Ed liadcliff started for Dawson
county last Friday. His wife is stay
ing at the home of her father, W. II.
Din Mulick came down from Valley
county last Thursday to spend Christ
mas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. C. Mulick.
Old Santa Claus remembered Mrs.
Dunlap with a half ton of coal, a sack
of Hour, six cans of fruit and two
chickens. He viitsed several other
places while in the city and was a little
put out because the chimney at the
Baptist church was a trifle to small to
suit his form.
E. J. Pugsley started for Maryville,
Missouri, last Friday morning to at
tend the wedding of his blither. O. V.
Pugsley and Miss Mary Berkenholz to.
take place, Wednesday, December 3o.
We wish this young couple a long and
happy life and Mr. Pugsley a safe and
speedy return. C. J. Tracy says that
he believes Mr. Pugsley made the trip
down there on purpose to persuade bis
brother to return with him and attend
a wedding here. We wonder.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money If It falls
to cure. E. W. Grove’s Signature Is on
each box. tact.
Notice is hereby given that a special
meeting of the County Hoard of Super
visors of Sherman county, Nebraska,
will be held at the court house in Loup
City on January 7th, 1904, at 1 o’clock
p. m. for the purpose of transacting
general business. Said meeting having
been called according to the require
ments of the statutes of the state of
Dated this 5th day of December, 1902.
Geo. II. Gibson,
(seal) County Clerk.
Just On* Minute.
One minute cough cure gives relief in
one minute because it kills tbe microbe
which tickles tbe mucous membrane
causing tbe cough and at the same time
clears the phlegm draws out the in
flammation and heals and soothes the
affected parte. One Minute Cough
Cure strengthens the luogs wards off
pneumonia and is a harmless and never
failing care in all curable cases of Colda
Cough and Croup. One Minute Cough
cure is pleaant to take harmless and
good alike for young and old. Sold by
Odendabl Bros.
Drs. Davis & Farnsworth, of Grand
Island, Nebraska are prepared to make
X ray examinations and use the X ray
In the treatment of cancers and tumors.
They are experienced in use of this
method, and have recently added to
their equipment of one of the strongest
and finest X ray coils made. It is used
in examination of all important, cases
and is a great aid in locating disease
that can be discovered In no other way.
Cured After Suffering Ten years.
B. F. Hare Supt. Miami Cycle & Mfg'
Co. Middletown O. suffered for ten
years with dyspepsia. lie spent hun
dreds of dollars for medicine and doctors
without recieving any permanent benefit
lie says; ‘‘One night while feeling ex
ceptionally bad I was abont to throw
down the evening paper when I saw an
item in the paper regarding the merits
of Kodol Dyspepsia cure. I concluded to
try it and while I had no faith in it I
felt better after the second dose. After
using two bottles I urn stronger and
belter than I have been (or years and
I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
to my friends and acquaintance* sufter
Ing from stomach trouble.” Sold by
Odendah'. Bros.
Fad for Wild Animals.
The j::ng!e cub fad of the foolish
Is very profitable to animal dealers,
who reacquire them after they have
been half reared at perhaps a quarter
of the price at which they were sold.
A dealer recently received a letter,
says Leslie's, from a lady who had
bought a whelp lioness, which runs
as follows: "Please come and take
Kitty away. She has eaten our New
foundland dog.”
Mr. John H. Cullom. editor of the
Garland, Texas, News has written a let
ter of congratulations to the inaufac
turera of Chamberllan's Cough Remedy
as follows: “Sixteen years ago when
our flrst child was a baby he was sub
ject to croupy spells and we would 1>p
very uneasy about him We began
using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
in 1887 and finding it such a reliable
rempdy for colds and croups we have
never been without it in the house since
that time. We have tive chtldern and
have given it to all of them with good
reaults One good feature of this rem
edy Is that It id not disagreeable to take
and our babies really like it Another
la that it Is not dangerous, and rbere is
no risk from giving an overdose. I
congratulate you upon the success of
your remedy.” For sale by Odendah
To all whom it may Concern:—The
Commissioner appointed to locate u
road commencing at the northwest cor
ner of the southwest quarter of Section
eleven, township sixteen, range fourteen
and running in a southwesterly direc
tion, (following the draw) across section
ten, in said township and range,to a point
seventy-eight rods west of tin* southeast
corner of section ten in said town and
iange, running thence a southeasterly
direction through the canon, across set
tion fifteen in said town and range, and
terminating where same intersects road
Number 34, twenty-seven rods west of
the southeast corner of said section fif
And that a public road commencing
at. the southeast corner of section ten in
said town and range and running thence,
west along the section line between ten
and fifteen, seventy-eight tods, aud
terminating where tt intersect- with the
road first above petitioned for, be laid
out and platted.
Your petitioners further ask that that
part "f road Number 34 commencing at
the southeast corner of said section fif
teen and running thence, west twenty
seven rods, be vacated.
And that that part of road commenc
ing at. the northeast corner of said sec
tion fifteen and running thence south
one tulle and terminating at the south
east corner of said section fifteen he
Vacated, lias reported it. favor of the
same anti all objections to the same or
cairns for damage must be filed in the
olilee of the County Clerk on or before
noon of tlie 15th day of February, 1904
or such road will be established and va
cated as per the petition, without refer
ence thereto.
Dated this 7th day of December, 1903.
Geo. H. Gibson, County Clerk.
To all whom It may concern :-The
Commissioner appointed to locate a
Road commencing at the North West
coroer of Section Twenty-four, Town
ship Sixteen. Range Thirteen, and
Northeast corner of Section Twenty
three. T. 16, R. 13, and tunning thence
south on Section Line, between Sections
23 and 24, all in Sherman County, Neb
rask, and terminating at Road No. 172
has reported in favor of the establish
ment thereof, and all objections thereto
or claims for damage, must be filed in
the County Clerk's Office, on or before
noon of the 29th. day of January 1904,
or such Road will be established witb
oue reference thereto.
Dated this 24th day of Nov , 1903.
G II. Gisbson, County Clerk,
Have you indigestion, constipation,
headache, backache, kidney trouble?
Hollister's Rocky Mountian Tea will
make you well. If it fails get your
money back. Thats fair. Tea or tab
let form. 35 cents.—Odendahl Bros.
ni.d in Every Home
A Dictionary of ENGLISH.
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New Plates Throughout
'25,000 New Words
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Rich Bindings 2364 Quarto Pages
5000 Illustrations
t i'W' The International was 0rst issued
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G.6C. MEI\ RIAMCO./ wikuws ]
Publishers, J VwcTiotwiY/
i Springfield, Mass, \-/
Coal for Sale at Loop Citr and Asbton. Will Bay
Call Hnd see our coal and get prices on grain.
-^TTT^ew^ i
Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker,!
My shop is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Elvei g
1 have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, maJS
chluery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and E
turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch. ■■
Soliciting your patronage I am |
Yours respectfully, g
J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. I
A Model Lunch Room. ?
.. ... - :
' MSflliS AT flUL HOilRS.
j -* OPED FROM 630 A- M- TO 1130 P. M, *- !
I Also Pies and Cakes Tor sale here.
Two Doors West of Post Office. .
BAYNE & JONES, Loup City, Nbhraska. 0
o:ss rarmaGaQgxcigaotgaagoiapgiEagxrascsragara y
Polish Grocery and Shoe Store
West side Public Square,
Fine, large stock of groceries on hand at the open
ing and more goods coming. I handle everything in
the grocery line and will sell on close margins.
I will pay highest market price for
butter and eggs.
I have a fine stock of Shoes, all new Goods and
I invite the public to call, get acquainted and learn my
Three Through Trains Daily
MMliMW Moano
The Fast Trains from Omaha reaches Pacific coast
Trains Handsomely Equipped. Accommoda
tions provided for ail classes of passengers.
Full information cheerfully furnished on application
to O.'E., Agent.