The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 01, 1904, Image 3

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By A. L. Harris Author of "Mine Own Familiar Friend.” etc.
Copyright, 1 8 !> 1 , by C a i s e l t Publishing Company.
Copyright, 1902, bystreet d Smith.
CHAPTER XI.—Continued.
“Know me? Of course he does!”
was the reply. "Didn’t I buy him of
a drunken old Irish woman, and mend
his broken leg for him? And do you
think he's going to forget that, though
he is only a duck?”
They remained pacing up and down
the garden paths until it was quite
dusk; the doctor persistently con
versing on cheerful subjects, and re
fusing to allow the conversation to
take a morbid turn.
At nine o’clock supper was served,
consisting of boiled fowl and sau
‘‘You’ll take a leg and a wing and
a bit of the breast?” said the hos
pitable little man, as he piled his
visitor’s plate. “You've got a trying
day before you to-morrow.”
The Other Passenger.
The inquiry into the death of Mr.
Silas Burritt was held at the “Wheat
sheaf.” in the long, low room usually
dedicated to the flowing howl and the
promotion of social intercourse.
The same routine having been ob
served as on that previous occasion.
Dr. Jeremiah Cartwright was called
to prove the finding of the body—its
position, appearance and subsequent,
removal to the vestry of the old
church, and his examination of the
remains—resulting in the discovery
of a wound, with two orifices, showing
that the bullet which had caused it
had traversed the head completely.
Other scientific evidence followed,
which is suppressed.
Mr. Edward Burritt was then called,
and went through the form of identi
fying the deceased os hi3 father. Mr
Silas Burritt, merchant, of Timber
Kane, City, aged HO. He entirely ne ga
tived the theory of self-destruction,
stating that his father, to his certain
knowledge, had not only never pos
sessed anything in the shape of fire
I thing about either of them that helped
to fix his attention upon them, he an
swered that "the taller and thinner of
the two—though they were both of
them tall and well growed—seemed
uncommon pertickler about picking
out a carriage to his mind. He no
ticed him looking into several before
he lixed upon that identical compart
ment; and when he had. he beckons
to him (the guard) and says. ‘Look
here!’ he says, ‘me and my friend, we
don’t want nobody else getting in
here. We want this here carriage to
ourselves till we get to London. Take
this,’ he says, ‘and don’t you let no
body else in whatever.’ So I says 'All
right, sir,’ and locks the door, and
thinks to myself, ’Anybody would
think as it was a couple of honey
mooners instead of two elderly
gents.’ ”
"Could he Identify the body of the
gentleman who had been shot as the
companion of the other?’’
He both could and would; except
that there had been a sort of a smile
on his face then and he looked very
different now. In fact, he had struck
him (the guard)—in spite of the tip
which the other party gave him—as
being by far the agreeabler and most
pleasant-spoken gentleman of the two;
and he had been most uncommon sor
ry that he had, on recognizing the
body, because, you see, he had quite
made up his mind that he had es
caped as well as the other one.
Being asked to explain himself, said
he didn’t see much what there was
to explain. What lie meant was that
he thought that if one gent got off
scot free, the other might have done
the same.
“What did he mean by the other
having got off scot free, and what
was his authority for speaking ns he
Why, it was simple enough. Being
in the rear of the train, he was con
scious of nothing until he found him
self thrown violently on the floor.
“Know me? Of course he does.”
arms, but hail always been remarK
able for an unusual amount of nerv- |
ousneas, almost amounting to horror,
with regard to anything of the kind, in
consequence of an accident, with a
tragical termination, which he had
once witnessed. Dr. Jeremiah Cart
wright. recalled at this juncture, here .
stated his firm conviction that the
wound had not been self-inflicted,
which he proceeded to prove, to his
own satisfaction and the entire be
wilderment of everybody else present,
by the aid of a great many polysylla- ;
bic expressions and a torrent of pro
fessional phraseology, which swept
everyone off their feet, but which, on j
being filtered down for the benefit of i
the unlearned, merely amounted to
the following facta, viz., that the edges
of the wound, by which the ballet had
made its entrance, were torn and
lacerated, as well as blackened and
burnt by the action of the gunpow
der, that the skin in the vicinity of
the wound was blistered, the bleeding
slight, and chiefly from the orifice of
exit, and the two openings in the
scalp nearly opposite each other.
Dr. Cartwright, having brought his
evidence to a conclusion, row- gave
place to another witness, and one in
whose power it might be to help to
unravel the mystery. This last was
the guard of the 4:30 train—an in
telligent looking man, who, with a
bandage round his head and one arm
in a sling, bore tokens of the injuries
ho had received in jumping from the
train while it was in motion.
On being questioned as to what he
knew of the matter, he replied, with
out any hesitation, that he remem
bered the fourth carriage from the
engine well, and the passengers that
it contained in that particular com
"Was he sure that there was more
than one passenger in that compart
ment of the carriage referred to?”
Sure and certain he was. "There
were two of them. He could swear
to It. Didn’t one of them, the taller
of the two, tip him handsome to lock
them in so that they might have the
carriage to themselves for the jour
“And did you lock them in, and are
quite sure that they were both to
gether in the carriage when the train
“Certain sure he was. He 3ee them
both together in the compartment as
the train passed him, Just before he
swung himself into his van.”
Being asked whether there was any
Kecoverlng himself, he jumped from
his van and alighted on his feet, but
was struck by a fragment of some
thing and knocked down. He rose to
his feet again, though suffering from
wounds in the head, hand an knee,
and saw' a sight the like of which he
had never seen before. With his keys
in his hand, he ran up and down the
line, hardly knowing whet he was
doing. As soon as he began to get
his senses back, which had been pret
ty well knocked out of him, he un
locked all the doors of the carriages
that he came to. though they were
already unlocked on one side. After
he had done all he could, he went and
sat down by the side of the line, for
he began to turn faint and dizzy.
While he sat there he saw a tall,
rather thin, elderly gentleman mak
ing his way slowly towards him, who
limped a little as he walked. As this
latter came nearer he recognized him
as being the same individual who had
given him the tip, and told him to
keep anyone else from getting into
the carriage.
Witness noticed that his face was
ghastly, anjl that he breathed like a
man who had been running a race,
but naturally put it down to the ter
rible shock and the fright caused by
the accident. As he came up to him,
he (the guard) spoke to him and
said, "Glad to see you're safe, sir!
hope the other gent is the same?”
But he only stared at him in a queer,
dazed sort of way. without making
any answer, and passed on down the
At last, after siome debate, the ver
dict agreed upon was:
"Wilful murder against some person
or persons unknown.”
Ted Burritt and his friend the doc
tor left the place together.
"What will be your next step In
the matter?” asked the latter.
"First, to take my father's body
home—then to look for his mur
derer! ”
Coming Home.
Early in the evening of the same
day Dr. Jeremiah was bidding his new
friend ''good-bye” as he saw him off
from the station.
The train puffed slowly out of the
station, and the last view Ted had
of the little man showed him stand
ing at the end of the platform and
waving his spectacles after him. He
gave him a parting salute out of the
window of the carriage and .hen drew
in his head, sank back into his seat
with a sigh and began to review the
events of the last few days.
‘‘Wilful murder against some r^rson
or persons unknown!”
And he had to break this, as weH
as all that went before it, to those
two women at home. A grewsome
Well, so much the worse for the
man who had been the cause of it all.
So much the worse for him when the
day came for reckoning up accounts;
the day that would see him in the
criminals' dock; the day that would
place a noose round his neck. And
the young man felt that that would
be a day well worth waiting for, even
though It might be indefinitely pro
But he would never rest, and never
give up, until he had helped to bring
It about; for It seemed to him that
revenge would be incomplete and
robbed of half its sweetness unless It
were his foot that helped to dog the
murderer and his hand that helped
to hurry him to a felon's doom. Oh.
yes, he must be an agent, if not the
chief, at apy rate an important one.
He hoped among his father’s letters
and papers—contained in a sealed
packet, which he carried about his
person—to come upon something
which might help to set his feet in
the right track.
Then the thought struck him, if he
could find that letter! The one that
came less than a week ago! If it had
not been destroyed! And why should
it have been? Unless—and he re
called that, at the time, distasteful al
lusion of Dr. Cartwright’s—unless
there were something compromising
in it!
But he rejected the idea now, as
he had then. No doubt he would be
able to find the letter. It was most
probable that it was included anions
those other papers which were even
now in his possession.
Meanwhile, at. Magnolia Txidge, the
days bad dragged heavily along. Mrs.
Burritt having once taken to her bed
(a recumbent position being looked
upon by her as the most proper and
becoming one in which to encounter
affliction l immediately upon receipt
of the sad tidings had not since suffi
ciently recovered herself to leave it
□ gain. “Grief," she said, “always had
a peculiar effect upon her spine, and
she didn't know whether it was tha
blinds being down, or the sight of her
widow's cap, but she couldn't help
feeling that she was not long for this
world. Anyhow, they must not grieve,
but be sure and bury her by the side
of their dear father.” All this could
scarcely be said to add to her daugh
ter's spirits, only, there was so much
to be done, that she had, fortunately,
little time in which to indulge in
morbid reflections on her own behalf.
There were letters to be written,
dressmakers to be interviewed, and a
host of other things, which must be
done whether the house be one of
joy or mourning.
It was about half-past seven on
Tuesday evening when she heard the
sound of wheels. She hastened into
the hall and met her brother. The
first glance showed her the alteration
that had taken place in him. He
looked very worn and full of trouble,
much older, and she thought, much
sterner. She had been in the habit
of regarding him as a boy—was he
not barely three years her senior?—
now he looked a man, every inch of
him. A hasty greeting passed be
tween them, and then she went to
prepare her mother for his arrival.
Mrs. Burritt was dozing, and her
daughter hesitated for a moment be
fore rousing her. As she stood, wait
ing, she heard heavy footsteps ascend
ing the staircase—footsteps of men,
who were carrying something of great
weight. She knew what it was. They
came on slowly past the door of the
room in which she was. Then, after
a short time, she heard them descend
ing the stairs again; the door of the
house was closed, and at the same
moment her mother woke.
(To be continued.)
How an Aggrieved Man Might Abolish
Cat Concerts.
A retired citizen in the southeast
section has been greatly annoyed l>y
the howling on his own fence and
shed in the back yard oi a big black
cat in the neighborhood. Not being
able to sleep, he called upon his at
torneys the other day to discuss with
him what could lie done in the way
of getting rid of the eats.
“There the eat sits every night on
my fence,” the sufferer explained,
“and he yowls and yowls and yowls.
Now'. I don't want to get into any
trouble with my neighbors, for I am
a lover of peace, but I would like to
know if I am not justified in putting
a stop to it?”
“Certainly,” replied the lawyer.
“I am well within my rights if I
shoot the cat, then?”
"Um, well, I would hardly like to
say that,” answered the lawyer. “The
cat does not belong to you, as I un
derstand the case?”
“And the fence does?”
“Well, then, I think l may safely
say that you have a perfect right to
pull down the fence.”—Washington
Standard Oil Branches.
The International Oil Company of
Jnpan, which is a branch of the Stan
dard Oil Company, has a large refinery
at Navetsu, besides owning important
wells on the western provinces. Six
tv-eight native companies have been ‘
forced to combine, so that Ufcere are 1
row two competing companies, neither :
of whom has one-fourth the capita)
ot the International company. ,
■BW?**111,1 IMP* i»wwn "" '■'-WWWf
Lady Doll's Walking Costume.
This very stylish costume includes
one of the latest shirt waist gowns
with a long tailored coat and flaring
hat. As illustrated the coat and skirt
are mane oi uara
blue Sicilian mo
hair and the shirt
waist and hat of
taffeta, but the
waist and skirt can
he of one material
and the coat of an
other if preferred,
and variouschanges
can be made. In
the case of the
model the hat Is
trimmed with fur
and a pompom, but
fancy braid or ruch
4699 Party Doll’s all> L ta“
Walking Costume, ^6 made to take its
14 18,22 inches, place. So long as
the style of the garments is retained
the little mother will be quite sure to
be content.
The shirt waist is tucked at the
front to yoke depth with a wide box
plaited efTect at the center, but in
cludes a plain back. Its sleeves are
full and are tucked above the elbows
in conformity with the latest style.
The skirt is circular and is laid in
backward turning plaits which are
stitched flat with corticelli silk to
flounce depth, below which point they
fall free to produce the fashionable
flare. The coat is the accepted one of
the season, is plain and severe in cut
but includes the full sleeves that can
be drawn over those of the shirt waist
without difficulty.
The quantity of material required
for tlie medium size is for skirt and
coat 7g yards 27 or % yards 44 inches
wide, for waist % yards 21 or *4 yard
27 inches wide or >4 yard 44 inches
wide, with % yards silk for the hat.
The pattern, 4599, is cut in sizes for
dolls 14, 18 and 22 inches in height.
A New Idea in Trimmings.
The woman whose income is limited
will simply be driven to distraction
this season if she attempts to gratify
her taste for pretty trimmings. How
ever, if she is deft-fingered, she can
fashion the most beautiful trimmings
imaginable, provided she cares to do
One of the newest trimmings is
called the rose, and is made of satin
baby ribbon knotted into natural look
ing roses and buds, with embroidered
green leaves between the blossoms.
The embroidered leaves are done on
a long strip of linen, cut out and but
ton-holed. When ready to put on the
gown, applique the rose leaves, and
lightly tack the roses down.
Some of the roses are made of
mousseline instead of ribbon, which
Is quite as simple and effective.
Materials for Muffs.
Beautiful brocade muffs trimmed
with velvet, chiffon frills or lace arc
made to match reception costumes all afternoon toilets. For practi
cal w7ear, however, the fur muff will
held its own. The bag shape, large,
flat, straight at the top, round at the
bottom and narrowing toward the top.
Is a favorite, and is made not only of
one single fur, but of two or three con
trasting furs, ermine being introduc
ed 'n combination with a dark skin,
such as seal or mole.
Other muffs have flaring frills of
fur at the ends,the fur frills being sup
plemented by Inner frills of lace or
chiffon. I^arge sable, mink, fox and
marten muffs are adorned with pend
ant tails and sometimes with even the
small heads and claws as well.
A Charming Little Frock.
Guimpe dresses always are becom
ing to little girls and allow of many
charming effects. This one is quite
new and so eminently simple as to
commend itself at a glance. The
model combines blue and white shep
herds check piped with velvet with a
guimpe of fine white lawn, but all the
simple materials used for little girls'
frocks are equally suitable. Pongee
is much liked. Cashmere is always
desirable. Veilings are in vogue and
many m6re suggestions might be
4404 Girl's Vioaa, 4 to 10 years.,
made. The quantity of material re
quired for a girl of 8 years is 4^8
yards 21, 3Vfe yards 27 or 2% yards
44 inches wide, with 1% yards 36
inches wide for gulmue. A May Man
ton pattern, No. 4464. sizes 4 to 10
years, will be mailed to any address
on receipt of ten cents.
Mrs. Langtry's Gloves.
Among the most fetching of new
gloves are some with soft gauntlets,
to be pulled on without buttoning.
They fit smoothly over the wrist in
| back and in the front are gathered
with elastic inside. The soft gauntlet
is lined with delicately colored kid
and this turns back to show the lining.
Pretty ones are black lined with laven
der. Those gloves cost a little less
than $4 a pair, and are said to be the
Invention of Mrs. Langtry.
Another fancy glove has a long
Princess styles are to be among the
atest Importations and are essentially
imart. This handsome gown exempli-'
les one of the best models and Is
nade of mauve velvet with yoke of
uckel chiffon, trimining of cream lace
and fancy braid. Front and back are
nade full length, but the sides are j
lengthened by a circular flounce that |
Cives grace and flare. A May Manton
patifrn, No. 4556, sizes 32 to 40. will !
Le mailed to any address on receipt j
ci ten cents.
wrist, with points of delicate color
running up Into the darker shade of
the glove from the wrist.
Misses’ Military Coat.
Military coats appear to have taken
the world of fashion by storm and are
exceedingly chic. This one is peculi
arly well adapted to girlish figures
and includes the
deep cape that is a
marked character
istic with wide
sleeves gathered
into flaring cuffs.
As illustrated the
material is military
blue cheviot stitch
ed with corticelli |
silk, piped with vel- !
vet and trimmed j
w ith the brass but- 4600 MI**«b' Military
tons of the army. Coat, 12 to 16 year*
Varying shades of blue are, however,
equally correct and all colors are seen,
while smooth faced cloths as well as
rough are used. The original Is made
with a velvet standing collar but one
of the material can be substituted or
the roll-over collar can be used If pre
The coat consists of the fronts, back,
side hacks and under arm gores. Both
fronts and back are laid in outward
turning tucks which are stitched flat
for their entire length, those of the
back lapping over onto the side backs
and concealing the seams. The capo
is cut In two portions and is shaped to
flt smoothly over the shoulders with
extensions that lap over below that
point. The full sleeves are gathered
to form puffs above the wrists and are
held by the wide cuffs. The closing
is made in double breasted style.
The quantity of material required
for the medium size is 2% yards it
inches wide or 2 Vs yards 52 inches
The pattern 4C00 is out in sizes for
girls of 12, 11 and It! years of age.
The Return of the Pillow Sham.
Pillow shams are coming Into fash
ion again. Nor the beruffled affairs so
popular a few years ago. but dainty
ones made out of pretty handker
chiefs. It is a charming idea to use
one for the center, basting it on a
square of white paper the size of the
sham, diamond shape. Then cut the
handkerchief in quarters, using one
for each quarter. Join with beading
and finish with beading and a ruffle
of valenciennes-edged footing. Run
rib'jon through the beading. When
completed remove the paper founda
Black thread lace makes some hand
some blouses.
fhe cuff is the important feature of
the sleeve on coat or dress.
Epaulettes and deep collars ar«
much in evidence on frocks for young
and old.
A group of tucks running around the
bottom is the only trimming on some
of the smartest skirts.
Satin is fashionable, but it should
be used with discretion near the face,
for it is rarely becoming.
Fringes are knotted into the heavy
laces and into passementeries, and
not only fringes, but all swaying and
dangling trimmings are popular.
A Delicate Salad.
Cut into half inch lengths celery
which has been washed and scraped
in ice water, with the juice of a lemon
in it, and place in lettuce cups for In
dividual serving. Mix to a paste the
yolks of two hard-boiled eggs and a
teaspoonful of olive oil, season with
so It, white pepper and powdered sugar
With Vinegar make the mixture the
proper consistency and pour over the
celery. Garnish with whole sardines
and serve with cheese wafers.
Practical Athletics.
Athletics are often carried to a.
great an excess a3 "mental culture"
women's clubs or anything too enthu
siastically adopted.
The danger of excess can often be
avoided by mixing a bit of work with
the athletics, such as gardening. Noth
ing is more healthful than being with
plants and at the same time home is
made much brighter.
Readers of this paper can secure any May
Manton pauern Illustrated above by filllngout
all blanks in coupon, and mailing, witb lOoeuts,
to E. E. Harrlsou & Co.. 65 Plymouth Plane. Chi
cago. Pattern will be mailed promptly.
K.lme ........
Town .....
Pattern No.___. ,
Waist Measure (If for aklrt) . ,
Bust Measure (If for waist)..
Age (if child's or mlse'a pattern)_ _
Write plainly. Pill out all blanks. Enclose
lOo. Mall to E. E. Harrison A Co., 06 Plymouth
Place, Chicago