TIME TABLE. LOUP CITY NKBR. Ltnooln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City, Kansas City. Portland, St. Louis. San Francisco, and all points and all points ast and south. West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST So. 52 Passenger.*i:‘>a. in No. 60 Freight.11.20a.m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger.. 5:54 p. m. No. 59 Freight.2:40 p. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining clinlr cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United states or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to It. L, Arthur Agent. Or J. Francis. Gen'l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. RAIWAY. No. 86 leaves dally except Sunday (pass enger). 7:85 a. in. No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and Friday, (mixed. 12:20 p. in. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed. 2.55 p. m. No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed 12;05 p. m. No. 85 arrives dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7:35 p. m. First class servlc< and close connections east, west and south G. E. 11A1LKY, Agent, COUNTY OrLlCIAL U1KKCT0KY. ! HE B M A S CO IT NT V, N R B. V G. H. Gibson. Clerk. 9. N. swbbtland, Treasurer. J. A. ANOiKK. Judge J. 9. Pbiii.br, Attorney. Edwahit sntoer, SheritT. U I). Uknduicason, Supt. Public Inst. E B Corning. Surveyor, GKO. VV. Huntbr, Cornor. SUI’B It VISORS : I> 0 GROW, Gist No. 4., Chairman., PC address, Loup City, Neb. Anurkw Uorstka, Gist. No. 1., Ashton 1 O Peter TiioIak, Gi t. No. 2 Loupt ity, •• “ W O Brown, Gist. No. 3, Loup City, '* *• John MaIBFsKI, Gist. No. 5, Ashton, “ “ WM. Jakob. Gist, No. 6, Rockville, “ W II. Chapman, Gist. No. 7, Litchfield “ “ IjOC’At. l.ODCIB OIHBCTORV. Loup City Lodge No 33. A O IT VV.—Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Friendship Lodge No. 19. G of II. —1st and 3rd Thursday of each mouth. Loup City Council No 1313. L M I, A—1st and 3rd Monday of each month. . Mate land Castle. No. 162. Royal Highlanders. ,2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Excelsior Lodge, No. 166. I O O F -1st and 3nd Saturday of each month Marimon Lodge. No. Ill, K of P 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each mouth. Loup City Camp, No. 636, M VV A—1st and 3rd. Tuesday of each month. Loup City Camp No. H27. R N A—2nd and 4th Tuesday of each mouth. Porter Lodge. No. 106. A F & A M—Tuesday on or before full moon and 2nd Tuesday thereafter. Joppa Chapter, No. 52. R A M—1st Monday of each month. Orental Chapter. No. 78— 1st and 3rd Sat urday of cash month. Lof (I A K—2nd and 4lh 8aturday of each month, at 2 o'clock p. in. Be Quick. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child become hoarse, or even af ter thecroupy cough appears, will pre vent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Odendahl Brothers Confession is Sweet To Tie Soil. There are difficulties In the treatment of germ diseases. Perhaps you have been the victim of the inevitable disap pointment of trying so ea'led guaran teed remedies. Your Hogs are full of Worms Try a quart of Liquid Koal and see what it will do. Take notice how If increases the appeti e. WE will tell you what we want yon to do. Take a can of Liquid Koal and give it a fair impartial trial in the treatment of Hog Cholera, Swine I’lague, Pink Eye, Black Leg or any of the other germ diseases of animals, use according to directions and If it is not satisfactory when you have used one can Come Back and get Your Money. Head what others say: Parker, S D , Dec 0, 1902. To whom it may concern: I have used L. K. for my hogs and can cheerfully recommend it to be all that la claimed, a thorough germ and worm destroyer and a good appetizer. J. J. Roberts. He Who Hesitates Goes Back. J. SOLMS, Dealer !!4©ALf fa™ Manufactured by National Medical Co., Sheldon, Iowa. Okla. City, Ok la., York, Neb. Eugene Field’s Vlawi on Ambition and Dya> pepsla. "Dyspepsia,” wrote Eugene Field, "often incapacitates a man for endeavor and sometimes extinguishes the Ore of ambition." Though great despite his complaint Field auffered from Indiges tion all his life. A weak, tired stomach can’t digest your food. It needs rest. Tou can only rest It by the use of a preparation like Kodol, which re lieves it of work by digesting your food. Bast soon restores It to its normal tone Strengthening, Satisfying, Envlgoratlng. Prepared only by E.C. DeWinvt Co.. Chlcega She bottle contain* I >4 Urnes the koc. ala* for sale by ODENDAHL BROS. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, St. Paul, Neb. Send for Literature. Wlf II II. Beck was over from Litchfield the latter part or last week. C. J Farney of Hastings, has been in our city a couple of days this week. \V. I). Rogers of Broken Bow, was doing business in our city Saturday. 0. W. Barber of North Loup, was in the city Monday. Miss Edith Angier is the possessor of a fine, new piano August Dietz has purchased a new wagon of T. M. Reed this week. .James Johnson bought a new two seated surry of T. M. Reed Wednesday. Stewart Conger purcJiased a new set of harness of T. M. Reed Wednesday. Miss Hinsdale of Calmer, is visiting at Jas. Johansen's this week. Roy Sovereign was in our city a couple of days this week. We reproduce this week a Missouri corn story that was handed to us by G. II. Lindall. Oliver Mason who lias been visiting in Indiana since December 1st, started for home last Wednesday. Jens Wilheltnsen of St. Paul, was in the city Tuesday calling on the differ ent merchants. G. I., Sliumway of Scotts RlutTs, Neb., has been transacting business in this city several days the past week. Street Commissioner, Wesley l’edler, J was cleaning up the streets and culverts I Tuesday and burning the refuse. Chas. C. Perry, the piano tuner with Becker Bros.. Grand Island, will be in Loup City about Jan. 12. Leave orders with Miss Odendahl. Misses Rose Mulick, Lucilo and Eu genia Patton. Emma Outhouse and Francis Sweetland were callers at this office the past week T. A. Taylor and family have received some fine presents from “Bid", who is on the United States Ship, Wisconsin which is sailing in Chinese waters When Old Santa Claus was in town last week he made the Model Restaurrnt his headquarters for Christmas Candies Nuts, Fruits and Bonbons. Call and see us before you buy. Bayne a Jones. A. T. Conger received an organ Mon day evening that he purchased of Becker Bros., Grand Island, Neb. He says that the instrument was a surprise for his wife and that site is very much pleased with it Miss Beatrice Nightingale who has been attending a young ladies seminary in Omaha, returned to tier home in this city Saturday evening to spend her holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. it. J. Nightingale. A Boone now has charge of the Neb. Traveling Library, sent out by Hie State Library Association. Anyone wanting books to read may get one by calling at his studio and conforming with the rules of the association. Mflss Lela Chase who has been attend ing Duane college at Crete, Nebraska, is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. T Chase and her many triends during the holiday vacation. She ar rived Saturday evening via the B. & M. W. R. Mellor started east lust Satur day to meet his wife, who has been in j Chicago for «ome time past. They re turned to their home in this city Mon day evening and we are glad to say that Mrs. Mellor is very much improved In health. We are informed that a young lady from Paris, Fiance, a gentleman from London, England and several young ladies from the larger cities of the state and the United States were regis tered at the St. Elmo hotel last Satur day. If you want to see one of the prettiest plant- that it lias ever been the pleasure of the writer to'loik upon, just step in to C. W. Conliiser’s store and take, a look at his Christmas Cactus. The plant is just literally loaded with large and beautiful blossoms and it is indeed a treat to the eyes. P. lloogenbooezetn has moved his family and household effects into the house lately vacated by Dar. 1>. Grow, jr. We understand that Mr Hoogen booezem will occupy this place until K. A. Draper gets moved into bis new residence when he will move into the house that Mr. Draper vacates. Miss Frieda Froehlich who lias a position in the United States land otlice at Lincoln, as stenographer, arrived in this city Saturday evening to spend tier holiday vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Froehlich. She was ac companied bv Master Harry McAlpine, who cam** up to spend Christmas with his friend. Miss Iieltna. state Consul K. K, Kester of the Mod ern Woodm- n of America, will deliver a lecture at the opera house in this city on Friday evening, .lanuary 8th, l!*o4. The particular object of the lecture v\ ill he u> explain tlie new plan of assess ment that will be put in operation bv that oider on January 1st. After the jecture e free dance will be uiven. Ev erybody invited to attend both dance ,,nd lecture. tl Monday, December 21st, was the shortest day in the year. L. X. Smith has been suffering with some bad teeth tlie past week. Mike Kaminski is a new subscriber1 to this great family journal. Lincoln White and wile were trans acting business in one city Monday. Mrs. Jensen of Sweetwater was do ing business in our city Tuesday. itev. 1, at Society hail for the purpose of organizing a company of National Guards. The meeting is' to elect officers and otherwise perfect ! an organization. We understand that | the company lias to have a membership j ot -r> before tin* st tte orgoiizition w ill j recognize it. Phis is a good plan and we urge that all the young men of the I community take hold ami help make the plan a success. Come to the meet- i ing and bring some friend with you. <'lias. came in last Tuesday and renewed liis subscription to this paper, Mr. Keulel has been on tbe sick list tor tbe past few weeks and went to tbe hospital at St. 1‘aiil to consult Dr. tirothau. He says that the treatment which he received tins made him well again and that he is feeling better than he h s for a long time. Mr. lb-idol says that himself and wile will go east on a visit in the spring and then return here, after which they will go to California, with the intention of permanently locat ! ing there. Miss Lottie Gibson was on the sick list Sunday. Willis Ilolcome has covered the roof of Ins barn with tar paper this week. Tom JleFadden and Frank Daddow of Wiggle creek attended church in this city Sunday morning. Miss Eva E. Letts and Mrs Muvne Letts ot Sargent, were iu the city Wed nesday. Dr. s. A. Allen started for Council Bluffs Thursday noon to spend the holi days with his relatives. T. S. Nightingale purchased a new two seated carriage of E. S. I lay hurst the first part of the week. .1. A. Desch. of the Desch Tombstone company of Central City, was transact ing business in this city Wednesday. Walt .Smith ami Robert Young have repaired Odend hi Hi os. ice bouse this week. They put in a new sill and put on some new siding, Henson Parkhurst and wife <>f Web ster township, w hs in the city Sunday visiting at the homes of Editor Brown and John Goldsworthy. Jay Cole and family, from near Ash ton, was in the city Saturday visiting friends and relatives. They returned to their home Sunday morning. « out the inllamation, Leals and sooths and cures permanent y t>v en abllng the lungs to contribute pure life giving and lib -sustinimg oxygon to the blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong, of Delia, Texas, prescribes it dai v am! nays there Is no better e.ougn rem dy made.—Sold bv () lendahl tiros. To Cure a Cold in One Day ix i'<±e Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, js A <»® j Covers r/JUion boxes sold in past 12 months. This Mgwatnrfi, " '■ '• ....... i imimi «—————in——ii—iiiibii\mimnrT _•__ J [; Northern Milling Compaiiv”! | D. C. GROW. Manager. < ^ I South Side Public Square, | LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. f e W'e keep the best flour on the market, exchange flour ‘3 * I and feed for wheat, handle buckwheat flour, keep a good 3 > supply of ground feed and give all customers a square 3 y deal. Come and see us for business that carries with 3 X it Satisfaction. 0 SBAMVl AM IMEBi* Mills. IRA T. PAINE & CO. MONUjVIE NfS. MARBLE GRANITE AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK. BEST OF MATERIAL. LOWEST PRICES FOR GOOD work. See us or write to us uefore giving an order. GRAND IS I AND, . NER -—-——-- A A. P. CULLEY, President. \V. F. MASO&, Caalii.r. f Of LOUP CUV , General Banking BusinessTransacted. Pa» j up Capital Stock $20,000. CO RPC SPUN DENTS Seaboard National Bank. New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Orna'ia. Nebraska. I 25 CENTS?” I —^ f WILL BUY THE ; li Sims Jonriml * I ONE YEAR '■A The Weekly Journal has no equal In the west as a reliable newspaper. ^A I TELEGRAPHIC NEWS OF THF WORLD I AND NEBRASKA IN PARTICULAR. RELIABLE MARKET PAGE. Send twenty-five cents in stamps and try it for one \ear, .52 issues WEEKLY STATE JOURNAL j Lincoln, Nebraska. rm*vcaor ... sr»rvmi r.s AMBMKSI^^ ! Don’t Be Fooled n Genuine KOCKY MOUNTAIN TEA is put up in white packages, manufactured ! ,-xclusiv !y by t.ie Madison Medicine t Co.. Mauls , i . Hells at jr. cants a • package. A i oihers are rank imitations I. and substitutes, don’t r!sk yuttr h. a'.tit by * taking them IHEUENiJ. .. rn: i i sick people ViPI, Keens you Well. Ali h ier,t Dealers sell the tiinuinc. , , k HOLI.ISTKR Itaua CO, Med ' > '^seauLtk.«M»'i. .-ertt -uS” • ■WL.trtjt --r.rmr'-v> Hring your live poultry t > tho Model We pay the Higlu si <';tsli l’rke. tf Haynic a .Ionics. ■ ■ ■■■■—i——■——————— lllllous Collo Prevented. Take a double dose of Chamberlain’ Colic, Cholera and Diarrhovi Remedy as soon as the first indication of the di sease appears and u threatened attack « raav be warded oil'. Hundreds of peo- (tf pie use the remedy in this way with ' perfect success. For sale by Odendahs Brothers. It warms the heart like sunshine, cheers Hie soul like ancient wine, gives hope for the future, bin's out the pssr. I tiai's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 15t5 cents at Odeudab! Bros. --- /