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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1903)
1 Hi- NoRlHWh-SlKRN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY H*AT. GKO. K. BKNSOHOTKR, Editor atirt Publisher TEBM8:—*1.00 pkh teak, ip paid in ADVANC1 Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans mission through the malls as second class matter. Editor \Vright of the Ansley, Cbronieai-Citizeu mourns the death of a beloved father who died at hi home Friday, December 4. We ex tend a hand of sympathy to brother W right. The Times said last week that pa pers which were run with four home print pages sometimes used plate matter. Yes, and we know of papers with only two home printed pages using plate. For instance the Times contained a half column of plate last week. The fedral grand jury is stil! grinding away and at last accounts had indicted over twenty cattle men for illegally fencing in government lands. Among the list was a F. M. Currie who was at first said to be Senator Currie of Custer coirnty, but Tuesday’s daily corrects the error by stating that the fellow indicted is a Frank M. Currie of Dawson county . Fremont is having trouble with a Kansas City pack pedler. It seems that ttie city lias an oidinance which says that whosoever engages in such an occupation within the cor porate limits must take out a license The Kansas City man did not do this but went to work without a li cense. As he absolutly refuses to take out a license the courts will settle the matter. Tlic house which he is working for has sent on a law yer to plead his ease. At a meeting of ilie National re publican committee held in Wash ington I). C. last Saturday Chicago Was chosen as the place for the hold ing of the National comvention. Pittsburg and S'. Louis were rivals of Chicago for the convention. Pitts burg offered $100,000, Chicago $7.5, 000 and a hall, and St. Louis $40, 000 and a hall. The vote stood 4‘J for Chicago, 7 for Pittsburg and 1 for Si. Louis. The committee held an open session which was largely attended by republican members of the house. The date for the con- ! vention was fixed for June 21st. London society women who have j been over to America spending part j of tiie winter are now returning' home, evidently in a fit of jealousy | and disgust. One of them said to a World correspondent. “The Amer-1 lean women are splendid. They are j beautiful, refined and well dressed, j We are madly jealous of them for so thoroughly defeating us at home, \ but we ll acknowledge their good . p lints nevertheless. “But the men of America—bah! It makes me ill to think that I associated with them as long as I did.” Another one of j these belles after complimenting! the women of America goes off in the following strain: “What do 1 think of the American men we met? Well, l thought they were vulgar, uneducated in ttie things of society, stoop shouldered, undersized and dwarfs in comparison with our stol wart Englishmen. They think if they have a million, they are as good as any one and society seems to think 80 too. \\ hat a pity those j English madams did not get farther; west. We could have introduced ; them to many rneu who feed them selvo on pork and beaus, corn cake I and the like and tip the scales at j 300 or better Men who only have a few hundred to say nothing of a million, who not only think them selves as good but are as good, in ! this land of the free and home of the brave, as the fellow with his inheirited millions and has to hire some one to take care of it. The trouble with so many mer chants is that they look on advertis ing as an expense while in reality it is an investment The money spent in judicious advertising will bring returns continually. If invested properly it i- never lost. The ad vertising appropriation should he | as large as the business will justify, i IJefore the end you will find that , the businiss will justify more.- ! Falls City journal. Simplifying The Farm In one of tlie eastern dailies there lias recently appeared the following advertisement purporting to l>c taken from the columns of a west ern journal: Farm help wanted. Wages will he $0 a day. Breakfast will he ser ved in bed. Working hours from 10 a.m. to 2 p. m. All heavy work to be done by the boss. Cig ars will l»e furnished free. Any hand working the entire season can have the farm. During the last two or three years it has not been difficult to find instnaees where the crop was insufficient to do more than simply pa ythe labor item. We have in mind one instance where the owner of a quarter section was not able to perform labor himself, and hired two men by the year, paying them $-'50 per month and which made an out lay for labor of practically $ l ,000 or something over $0. per acre. This same farm was carrying a mortgage of $5,000 at 0 per cent, t.lius making the cash outlay over $8. per acre. Thirty acres of this farm was in grass upon which twenty very ordinary scrub cattle pastured. The owner possibly re alized 84 per acre front this land, so that 4,000 dollars or there abouts must be raised from 140 acres in addition to the ordinary living and running expences. Owing to the high wages paid by the farmer it will tend to check the movements of the young men from country to city, thus increasing the available supply of those who are obliged to work on farms. Our advice to young men who have been raised on the farm, who are obliged to work for the other fellow for a time yet, is to stay by the farm. While you maybe able to get living wages in the city, yet all things consid ered, you will not have half the comforts that you will have on the farm, nor will you be able to ef fect the saving in cash that you will if you stay in the country lometimes the wages offered in the city seem very alluring, but when iving expenses are taken out there is seldom very little left. If you re main on the farm and axe frugal in vour habits it will only be a few years until you shall have financed yourself so that you can start as your own boss. If you g« to the city the chances are a hu adred to one that you will be slaving away for someone through the remainder of your natural life. Deliver us from the drugery of the city work man.—Iowa 1 lomestead. Chas. Taylor, the genial and ac commodating Clerk of Howard county, brother of E. G. Taylor of this city, is the father of a fine pair of twins. Under the caption of “A Pair of Queens.” the St. Paul Republican says: “Take two” wa« the terse mes sage left for all bis friends by Char ley Taylor as he deposited several boxes of fragrant Havanas on the show cases of local cigar stores Tuesday. The secret of this lavish generosity was not Mr. Taylor’s majority in the recent election, al though that was certainly large enough to keep him good-natured until the end of his second term; neither were the prompt and patri otic responses to his suggestion that everybody step up to the cap tain's desk and settle their personal taxes at the bottom of it all. The j mystery was solved only by the cx i planation that two handsome and healthy daughters had that <lay ar- '• rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor aud were to all appearances well pleased with their choice <d parents. The event was so satis factory in all its bearings tliat the county treasurer felt the necessity of assistance in celebrating it. Needless to say, everybody respond ed with a will and the twin heires ses to the Taylor fortune begin life with the kindest regards of every smoker in town. Films of Astonishing Thinness. Films of a soap bubble have been measured of a thinness cf the four millionth part of an inch. Thames Canals. There arc six canals connected with the Thames, which extend alto aether 334 miles. KKCTl'K OF ST: LVKKS. ■%nli t»ui iiIihiii , Ouiarhi, Tefttlflrs to the UuimI <fualiti«*n of i'lmniher. lain** Cough Keitifdy. X^hburnham Out., April IS, 1903. 1 think it is only right I should tell you what a wonderful effect Chamberlain's | Cough remedy has produced. The day j before Easter I was so distressed with a cold and a cough that I did not think 1 (o be able to take any duties the next day a» my voice was almost choked hi the cough. The soul" day 1 reeieved no order from you tor a bottle of your re medy and took about three doses of the medicine. To my great relief the cough had completely disappeared and 1 was able to preach three times on Easter day. 1 know that this rapid and effective cure was due to your cough remedy. I make this testimonial with out solicitation, being thankful to hav? found such a God sent remedy. Kesptvfwlly yours, E. A. Usdiikui. M. A. Rector of .St, Luke's Church To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This remedy is for .-ale by Odendahl Bros, NOTICE To AM. Whom IT May Concern : You will please Uike notice, l Imt all monies now in my hands, being Funds accumulated In District Court, and which no one has claimed, and which has been In the hands of l he Clerk of tne Dlst. Court for more than live years last past, will be turned over to the Treasurer of Sherman county. It not called for sooner, Immediately after the First Regular meeting of ilie County Supervisors In 1904. Fund* that will he turned over to the Said Treasurer,on tills uotice areas follows: Seiberllng vs Fletcher, bal. on dep * luvesters Co. vs Reggsr, “ *■ *• 1.27 Geo W Cunningham v» Arthur Stahl et al, difference between bid and judg. ment,....Hl.un Geo \V Cunningham vs Uerner Laud rock el al, difference between bid and judgment.1.65 Lorlu Crawford. witness lees 2 jo Win. Wykoff. *• “ 1.00 i hris Nelson " " 1.00 Ben, Snyder, " “ 2.00 John Halter, “ 3 60 Keene Five Cent svg Bank, vs Emma F Smith et al, F.25 Ogle vs Sherman Co, Banking Co bal on deposit.2.15 State vs Peoples State Rank bal on dep 2.20 ('apOal Natl Bank vs John Hogue bal on deposit, 28 90 Mitchell vs Waisou, bal on dep .30 Sarahc Edwards pi IT “ " *• 75 John Igon, plff. " “ " 2 39 Ne In, Loan A Trust Co. vs C O .Meyers Surplus on sale 19 22 K G krleehbauin, witness fees 1.00 John Brauer, '* ,, 1.00 Frank Otten, “ “ 1.00 ] W H Anderson, “ “ .50 John W Rose, “ ** 6.8(1 . Lizzie Rose, " “ 1.00 W J Frankerllk. ** ’• 2.25 Amount turned over from previous clerk and which cannot be determn ed where it belongs, t'9 80 *134.83 GEO. 11. GIIISON, Clerk Dist. Court (SEAL) Sherman County, Nebr. Dated this 12th. day ol November 1903. NOTICE TO IIIOPKKS. I, Geo. H. Gibson, County Clerk of SHerman county, Nebraska estimate that the following books, blanks and stationery will be required for the use of the county officers for the coming year: LOT ONE -Three gross lead pencil* best grade; one gross pen holders; twelve quart* Arnolds writing llulditwe ve gross steel pen*; five hundred blotters; twenty, fourgross of assorted rub' er bands; two dozed sponge top mucilage; two reams Cranes Japanese linen legal cap: two ream Columbia legal cap; one indelible election pencils; gross three dozen election ink cones; eight quire record books (four plain and four printed forms) patent flexible back flap opening best linen paper; 3000 triplicate tax receipt, blocked; 3200 tax reclepts In triplicate bound and perforated, 2*10 in book tor coun ty treasurer, to fold for use with carbon paper; thirteen sets of poll books and envelope; six chattel mortage flies, 2u0 in thcflle; onegr.ssone Inch by ten inch, j Globe Congress tie envelopes. LOT TWO.—1000 1-8 sheets blank: 5000 1-4 sheet blank; 3000 1-2 sheet blanks; lOuOfnll J sheet blanks; all blanks to be good heavy paper; 3000 note heads; 6t>00 letter heads; * note and letter heads to be of good heavy paper; 4.000 0 l 2 Inch x x x envelopes; 2000 | 10 inch xxx envelopes. LOT THREE.— Court dockets, oue case to page, indexed, with rules of court, list of Jurors, court officers and resident attorn evs, on flat cap paper, In lots of forty ; Go 0 election ballots. .sealed bids for each or any <>f tho above three lots of supplies must be filed with the county clerk at his office in Loup City, Nebraska, on or before the first day of January, 1901, Sealed bids will also be recteved and must tie tiled in the county clerk’s office on or before January 1st. 1904 forthf follow ing: Publishing delinquent lax list; pub lishing county treasurer's financial state ment; publishing road and bridge notices and other notices required by the county. The county board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Loup City, t his 25th day of No vember 190:1. G H, GIBSON, (seal) Connty clerk. ROAD NOTICE. To AIXWIIOM IT MAY CONCKKN: The commissioner appointed to locale a road commencing at the Valley | county line, at the north west corner i of Section 3, and the nor'h i'a-t corner i f Seen u 4, Township 1(5, Range 14.' and running thence soil'll on the section 1 ice b< t ■ een Sections 3 and 4, 9 and 10, 15 and 16. three mile- directly south and a- near as practicable on the section line and (ei'initiating at road No. 34, i n the north line hi the north wear corner of Section 22, Ton nsh'p 16 Range 14 all ]ti Sherman countr, Nebraska, has re- i 'ported in favor of the e-tabllshment thereof and all objections thereto, or claim- for damages must be Hied In the county clerks office on >>r b fore noon ot the 18 h day of January. 1004. | or sueti road Hi] be e-tabli-hed with out ref, ranee thereto j)at*-.i ih's IT d-iy of November. 1903 fiK". II Gmsov. Couti’v Clerk. I Before Invoicing, January 1. 1 Wish to Cut my Stock and Clean Up. OF It MILLINEItY If you have not bought your fall >1 llinery NOW is the time to BUY. *1 50 Hats go at . $ 00 2 00 “ “ “ 1 25 2 50 *• “ “ 1 05 3 00 “ “ “ 1 Hu I] .j(j tt <i (( . ..... 2 *2r* 4 00 “ “ “ 2 50 5 00 “ “ “ 3 00 .LADIES’ JACKETS l have left, a few Ladies Jack' ts which l will sell at ONE HALF price. If > ou can use any of these articles, this is your chance. Come Early as there is only a few. COATS AND PANTS See if we have your si/e in those $2.00 BANTS we are sealing for $125; or th se DUCK COATS we are selling for 75 cents. IN DRESS GOODS B $ 50 Waist Patterns for . $ 40 0*2 <>5 “ “ . 50 t|§3 75 “ “ “ . 55 SM 90 “ “ . 7 0 Bum 50 per yard Dress Goods . 4 0 Bwd 60 “ “ •• . . 45 Ewa 75 .. ooEOSj 90 “ *• “ 70gK 1 09 “ “ “ “ 75gra FANCY WORK 1 If you are interested in FANCY WORK youglsj should look over the line of Doj lies, Sofa Pil-(j||g9 lows, Splashers, Etc , which we are closing outKra for 33^ per cent, off PjM Now this is not all that we are selling at greatly, KjS greatly reduced prices but takes up all the£||3 room we have here. Come in the store and ifgnrra \ou need anything in this linfe you will be cod-m3 vittced that this is the time to buy. I A. E. CHASE, II LOUP CITY, NEB. IBSfl LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. BUYES, SElLS END RENTS REAL ESTATE RESIDENT AGENT FOR B. & M. LANDS YND LINCOLN LAND CO. TOWN LOTS. buck DRAUGHT I STOCK and | POULTRY [MEDICINE Stock and poultry have few H troutdes which are not bowel and liver irregularities. Black i Draught Stock and Poultry Medi i cino is a bowel and liver remedy ■ for stock. It puts the organs of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and f. farmers keep their herds and flocks | healthy by giving them an occa h» sional dose of Black-Draught Stock I and Poultry Medicine in their l food. Any'stock raiser may buy a 5 25-cent half-pound air-tight can ; of this medicine from his dealer ii and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener f-fl ally keep Black-Draught Stock and i Poultry Medicine. If yours does not, send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. Rochellh, Ga., Jan. 80,1902. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine is the best I ever tried. Onr a stock was looking bad when you sent me the medicine and now they are getting so flue. They are looking 80 per cent, better. 8. P. BROCKINGTON. I _ ■■■■■ ■ '—3 Wanted siivkral piiksons of chaka acter amt good reputation In each stall (one in this county required) to represent and advertlso old established wealthy bus lness bouse of solid financial standing. Salary ♦3J.U0 will) expences additional, all payable in cash directly every Wednesday front head offices. Horses and carriages furnished when necessary. Heferauce. Enclose aid!-addressed envelope, Coloni al. 333 Dearborn St.. Chicago. I>. t;. Grmv, of ihe Northern Milling company feed store wants to trade tlour for wheat He also has a tine grade of who]*- flour for sale. THE WORLD’S REST BY EVERY I TEST ifi (told Medals of high standard qual- If ltv at New Orleans, 1885: Chicago, S* 189.8: Paris, 1890. ft'; For Sale by- t T. H. ELSNER, | LOUP CITY, - . NEBR. jf S A. ALLEN, n EJVTIST, LOUP CITY, • - NEB. OFFICE.—One door east of St. Elmo Hotel. My equlppment la modern and my prices Will be us low as can be ex. pected for "rood work. I would be pleased to have you call. Open < vemngs. In a denial operation the main consider, atlon Is the result. The pain Is greatly modified by modern equlppment. Dr. a. R NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon and HORSE DENTIST. OFFICE —At my new residence second door east ol opera house. LOUP CITY, . NEBRASKA. City Dray AND Transfer Line. J. W. &A. T. Conger, Props All kinds of hauling will be given prompt aitentlon and will make a specialty of moving household good. We solicit yonr patronage. Lour CITY, • • • NEBRASKA. PHOTOGRAPHER, LOl'P CITY, NEB. Photographs, Farm views. Stock pict ures, etc. Finest Instrument west of the Missouri river. All work strictly guar an teed. Robert P. Starr. Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Publlo. Will Defend la Foreoloeure Oaeee. AI.BO DO A General Real Estate Business. *-- -« • • _ t our cm, _ nmuuu.