si Miss Rose Peterson, Secre-'-® lary Parkdale Tennis Club, Chi cago, from experience advises a! I young girls who have pains and sickness peculiar to their sex, to use Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound. flow many beautiful young girls de velop into worn, listless and hopeless women, simply because sufficient atten tion has not been paid to their physical development. No woman is exempt from physical weakness and periodic pain, and young girls just budding into womanhood should be carefully guided physically aa well as morally. Another w omau. Miss Hannah E. Mershon, Col lings wood, N.J., says: “ I thought I would write and tell you that, by following your Lind ad vice, I feel like a new person. I was always thin and delicate, and so weak that I could hardly' do anything. Men struation was irregular. * “ 1 tried a bottle of your Vegetable Compound and began to feel better right away. I continued its use, and am now well and strong, and ttun atruate regularly. I cannot say enough for what your medicine did for me.” - t'COQ forfeit if original of about letter proving genuineness cannot be produced. Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound will cure any woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles, inflammation of the ovaries, aiul kidney troubles. The FREE Homestead r LANDS OF Western Canada we the STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904. Milt ons of acres of magnificent Grain and Grar imc lands to L-e had as a free gift, or by pure ha e fioiu Kailway Companies. Land Corporations, etc. THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS C.»o ftucmailott, allay* palu rure* «irut colic, 25c * bonus A Great Man’s Cowardice. Tho late Earl of Beaconsfield was gifted with any amount of moral and political courage, but he was an ab ject coward physically. When he w.ts still plain Mr. Disraeli his wife once said ot him: “Benjamin is the great est coward I ever saw. Why, do you know I always have to pull the string of his shower bath”’’ And 'he great man was fain to confess that this was actually the case. The Romance of Anthracite. The anthracite trade began wlrh an output of 1,905 tons in twelve months. It has grown to 70,000,000 tons annu ally. In 1803 the city of Philadelphia bought. 100 tons of anthracite for use In the pumping works, but the engi neers, not knowing how to burn It, broke It up to gravel the walks in the yards. In 1814 two arkloads were eoid at the falls of the Scuylklll for f21 a ton. A morning was wasted in futile attempts to burn this coal, ami at noon the employer and his work men, discouraged at their ill luck, shut up the furnace and went h> din ner. On their return they were as tonished to find a roaring Are, the furnace doorB red hot and the fur nace Itself in danger of melting. From that, day dates the successful use of anthracite in America. Reads Like a Miracle. Frlarspolnt, Miss., Nov. 30.—The Rutter case still continues to be the talk of the town. Mr. G. L Butler, the father of the little boy, says: “The doctor said my boy had disease of the spinal cord, and treated him for two months, during which he got worse all the time. Finally the doctor fold me he did not know what was the i rouble. The boy would wake up dur '.rg the night and say that ho was dying. He would be nervous and trem bling and would want to run from the house, saying ho saw ugly things which frightened him. After we had trled-everything else, I read an adver tisement of Dodd’s Kidney Pills as a cure for Nervous Troubles. I pur chased some and used them until he had taken altogether eight boxes when he was sound and well with not a sin gle symptom of the old trouble. This was some months ago, and I feel sure that he Is permanently cured We owe to Dodd’s Kidney Pills all the credit for his restoration to good health.” A man Is caught more times ti his epeech than a woman, because you can't interrupt a woman. f ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦•♦♦♦♦•♦ ♦♦♦ ►♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ Modes of Hair Dressing ♦ ♦ AJLA.A Jfc m m i —--— — - --_ THANK PE-RU-NA FOR THEIR RECOVERY AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING. Miss Muriel Armitage, 36 Greenwood Ave., Detroit, Mich,, District Organizer of tho Royal Templars of Temperance, in a recent letter, says : " 1 think that a woman naturally shrinks from making her troubles public, but restored health has meant so much to me that I feel for the sake of other suffering women it is my duty to tell what Reruna has done for me. “I suffered for five years with uterine irregularities, which brought on hysteria and made me a physical wreck. I tried doctors from the different schools of medicine, but without any perceptible change in my condition. In my despair 1 called on an old nurse, who advised mo to try Peruna, and promised good re sclts if I would persist and take it reg ularly. I thought this was the least I could do and procured a liottle. I knew as soon a3 I began taking it that it was affecting r.-.a differently from anything I had used before, and so I kept on tak ing it. 1 kept this up for six months, and steadily gained strength and health, and when I had used fifteen bottles I considered myself entirely cured. I am a grateful, happy woman to-day.”— Miss Muriel Armitage. Peruna cures catarrh of the pelvic organs with the same surety as it cures catarrh o£ the head. Peruna has be come renowned as a positive cure for femalo ailments simply because the ail ments are mostly due to catarrh. Ca tarrh is the cause of the trouble. I’eruna cures the catarrh. The symp^ toms disappear. Female Weakness is Pelvic Catarrh. Always Half Sick are the Women Who Have Pelvic Catarrh. Catarrh of any organ, if allowed to pro gress, will affect the whole body. Catarrh without nervousness is very rare, but pelvic catarrh and nervousness go hand in hand. What is so distressing a sight as a poor half-sick, nervous woman, suffering from the many almost unbearable symptoms of pelvic catarrh f She does not consider her self ill enough to go to bed, but she is far from being able to do her work without the greatest exhaustion. This is a very com mon sight and is almost always due to pel vic catarrh. It is worse than foolish for so many women to sutler year after year with a dis ease that can be permanently cured. 1’eruna cures catarrh permanently. Jt curesold chronic cases as well as a slight attack, the only ditlerence being in the length of time that it should be taken to cilect a cure. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of I’eruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case, and he will be pleased to give you bis valuable advice gratis. Address l)r. Hartman. President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. RIFLE (& PISTOL CARTRIDGES.! “ It's the shots that hit that count. ” Winchester | Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit, that is, j they shoot accurately and strike a good, hard, pens- jj trating blow. This is the kind of cartridges you will get, if you insist on having the time-tried Winchester make. ( ALL DEALERS SELL WINCHESTER MAKE OP CARTRIDGES. 9 THU I'KIISO* who is miec^sful a the *> over the ghove picture represents v/ill receive a valuable prize. You will ‘‘nd our v iur answer p.w:nly on a portal card, t krether with your name and address, and >»u will h'-ar from us within a tfuw day-*, telling you what prize you have won. if successful in the contest. THE EMPIRE COMPANY. 120 Liberty St., New York. The Century’s New Cover. The new cover of the Century, which has made the November issue stand out boldly on every newsstand and bookseller’s counter, is being com mended by readers and critics as "ar tistic,” “dignified,” and “unusually at tractive.” it is of simple architectural design, in ivory, black and Venetian red, on a soft olive-green; and is said to be the only permanent magazine cover at the present time in which green is the predominant tone. Of all men it is up to the geographer to be worldly wise. A Rare Good Thing. “Am using ALLEN S FOOT-EASE, and enn truly say I would not have been without It so long, had I known the relief it would give my aching feet. I think it. a rare good thing for anyone having sore or tired feet.— Mrs. Matilda Holtwert. Providence, It. 1.” Sold by all Druggists, line. Ask to-day. There are more insane people out side the asylums than there are in them. RED CROSS HALL. IIU E Should be in every borne. Ask your grocaf for it. Large 'i oz. package only 5 cents. Flowery language is just as likely to indicate a seedy o.araeter a? a saintly one. When Your Grocer Says he does not have Defiance Starch, you may be sure he is afraid to keep It until his stock of 12 07. packages are sold. De fiance Starch is not only better than any other C'jld Water Starch, but contains K oz. to the package and sells for same money as 12 oz. brands. It is only tomorrow’s burdens that break the back of today. Lewis’ “Single Hinder” straight 5c cigar. Made by hand of ripe, thoroughly cured tobacco, which insures n rich, satis fying smoke. You pay 10c for cigars not so good. Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, 111. The only certain tips on base ball are the foul tips. To Cure a Cotd In