The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 11, 1903, Image 5

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    i Hh Nok I HWKAI hR.N
Editor and PtihllAlior
Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trani.
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
The Adjourned Meeting
The adjourned meeting of the
hoard of education for school dis
trict No. I w as held at the office of
the director last Tuesday evening.
A- we stated last week the object
of the meeting was to talk over the
advisability and practicability of
hiring another teacher and institut
ing another room. By special in
vitation from the director the teach
ers were all present and took a
part in the discussion with good
The repoit that the rooms were
crowded so that, in several cases
three pupils were compelled to oc
cupy one seat, seemed more to be
due to a lack of seats than from an
overcrowded condition of the ioom.->;
in fact it developed that the average
attendance was not so large as that
of last year. Another thing that
somewhat interfered with the teach
ers’ work was a recent change in
the text bonks and a lack of some
books needed by reason of these
changes. .Just who is to blame for
these books not being supplied is
hard to determine. Certainly it is
not the patrons for they have paid
taxes until there ' is now nearly
♦2,000. available with which to
pay teachers, director and janitor
and to furnish ail needed supplies.
Again we cannot blame the board
as a whole for the. director has, time
and time ag. n, been instructed to
furnish all needed supplies. And
the director says that lie has told
the principal and teachers to make
out a list of supplies needed. The
principal says that when the teach
ers speak of the need of certain
books lie tells them to go to the di
rector with a list, and for some
reason they don't go. The teacher’s
did not say so nut we conclude that
they must think, as we do, that as |
the principal is at the head of the
schools it is his duty to take a list
of needed supplies to the director.
At any rate there seems to be
no one to bring these matters prop
erly before the board.
'l’he teacheis seemed to be
deeply interested. They convinced
the boa.d that they were putting
forth every effort to give satisfaction
and obtain good results. The meet
ing was a profitable one. The
needed beoks and seats will be fur
nished as quickly as possible and
we predict that the school will be
going on in tine woiking order.
1 lie board, after long and earn
est d'scnssion, passed a resolution
“excluding all scholars from the
school who have not taken up the
first grade work, for the rest of the
present school year.”
1’arems should not mistake the
meaning of this resolution. It
means that if you have a little child
which iias never went to school
you should not begin to send it
right in the middle of the term or
at any other time after the classes
are started L: the year’s work. Last
year and thus far this year they
have been starting at any and all
times. Now the primary school
teacher cannot do justice to her al
ready large classes which a re some
what advanced, and at the same
time give the required attention
to these little tots. Neither can she
put them in an advance class.
So wait until the begin ling of
the school year before you start
any more of your little folks who
may become of age dining the
present year. They cannot get the
attention you may think they ought
to have.
The Baptist preacher has a black eye
and a sprained wrist. lie got it at
Grand Island last Saturday by stepping
off the train while it was still In mo
tion. He says lie never did such a
thing before and never will again.
Some who know have, since the the
misshap, been trying to tell him how
to get off a train in motion, but he
sa>s he don't want to kn >w how as it is
healthier getting off when it don't
' CMes ant CM Wort
Sunday was a very pleasant day and
lln* church-going |>eople took advant
age of the nice weather ami turned out
iu large numbers, A large congrega
tion was present at both Baptist and
Methodist services.
liev. John Madely, pastor of the* M
E. cuurcli preached a very able sermon
both morning and evening. IIis sub
jeet in the morning was “Peter's Addi
tion,” and tiie text was 2d Peter 1,1-10.
In Die evening Ins text was Mathew 0,
lo to 21 The sermon was a fine one
and was listened to by a large and ap
preciative congregation.
The Epworth League service which
is held at was very interesting and
was well attended. We were indebted
to L. X. Smith, Mesilames L. P.French
and L. .1. Holcombe and the Ep«’orth
League choir for some finely rendered
special music.
Epworth League services at the M.
E, church next Sunday evening at 6:30
p. m. Subject: “Jesus Christ—His
Saving Power.” Mrs. John Madely
will lead the meeting and you are all
cordially invited to attend.
Last Sunday a number of people from
this place visited the Wiggle Creek
Sunday School. Arrangements had
been made for a number to take part in
the program which was thoroughly en
joyed by all. Those from here who
took part were Mrs. S. S. Hover, Mrs.
C. J Tracy. Mr. Hover, Miss Edna Min
sliull and Mr. Madely. Misses Hawk,
Conger, Zimmerman, Henry and Cora
Leininger. Messrs. Xiel Hover and
vrehie Zimmerman and Mrs. Madely
were also present. The visitors were
greeted by a packed house and every
one seemed to enjoy the meeting.
Rev. Beyl, of Ord, preached at the
Baptist church both morning and even
ing in the same vigorous sty le that has
characterized his sermons during the
series of meetings just held These
meeting closed Wednesday night with
an acknowledged spiritual uplift to the
church, no effort having been made to
reach the unconverted.
The 15. V. I*. U. held every Sunday
evenin 'at 7 o'clock are an interesting
feature of Sunday's services. A. L.
Zimmerman was in charge last Sunday
evening as leader and made the Lessons
of Faith, real, helpful and personal to
The fair held by the L idies Aid So
ciety of the llaptist church last Satur
day afternoon and evening at Society
lia.ll was well attended and a most
pleasant and protitable undertaking is
reported. Something over 940 00 was
A union prayer meeting was held at
die Baptist church Wednesday evening.
Repairs are going on in the basement
at the Baptist church.
Miss Katie McGrath was a visitor of the
grammar room since tha last writing.
Miss Vivian Nightingale re-entered school
Monday after a three weeks absence owing to
Floyd Janulewicz entered the eighth grade
The literary which was to have taken place
last Thursday evening was postponed until
after the holidays on account of the busy seas
on spent in preperation for the Xmas exer
The tenth grade is experimenting on the dif
ferent classes of levers this week and have
been quite successful so far.
The high school had two spelling matches
last Friday, the victory being awarded to Ly
man Pray in both instances.
Several complaints having been made lately
about the rooms being to hot or to cold result
ed in the board taking the matter in hand and
as a result we nearly froze to death Monday
morning, but every thing is all right tow.
Messers Joseph Pedler. Wilbur Waite and
Oarsten Truelsen were visitors at the school
house Mouday.
A Christmas program will be given at the
school house Thursday afternoon Dee. 21tli by
the whole school. All are cordially invited to
The grammar room is again enjoying exam
Names of those neither absent nor tardy
during the past month
John Bell. Lula Lee,
Zoe Nightingale, Frances Sweetland.
Rose Snyder, Ottis Riser,
durance Sweetlaad, Leslie Sweetland,
Ella Foster. Jessie Leininger,
Meroe Outhouse
I Herman Ohlsen. Elva Zimmerman,
Adeline Leininger, Rose Kilpatrick.
Romeo Conger, ‘ Edna Daddow.
Emil Aafrecht, Lillie Lofbolm,
Dora Truelsen. Willie Henschoter,
Clifford Rein, Genrose. Dubry.
Julia Snyder,
Mamie Adamson, Majorie Mead.
Flora Hrown, Bernice Benseboter,
Winnie Outhouse, Florence Criss,
Florence uepew, Flossie Iliser,
Edgar Foster, Clifton Grow.
Arthur Rowe, Myrle McLaughlin
Albion Ohlsen. Stephen Hulbert,
Pearl Haller. Orpha Outhouse,
Clarence Petween Irene Truelsen.
Lurene May.
Blanche Fisher, Lillie Hrown.
Lorena Snyder. Edith Brown,
Fay Galloway, Alice Benseboter.
Edith Hollenbeck. Marcia Yer Valin,
Opal Ver Valin. Alberta Outhouse,
Mary Gibson, Da Blocker,
Emmet Zink. Joe DelystOT,
Lelon Lofholm. Charlie May.
Harold Hlser.
Roosevelt on Graft
“No crime calls for sterner repro
I bation than the crime of the corrup
tionists in public life, and of the
man who seeks to corrupt him. The
bribe giver and the bribe taker are
equally guilty. Both alike sin
against tin* primary law of the
state’s safety. All questions of
difference in party policy sink to
insignificance when the people of
this country are brought face to
face with a question like this, whic h
lies at the root, of honest and decent
government. On this question, and
on all others like it, we can afford
to have no division among good
citizens. In the last resort, ge«*d
laws and good administration
alike must rest upon the broad ba
sis of sound public opinion. A dull
public conscience, an easy-going ac
quiesenee in corruption, infallibly
means debasement m public life,
and such debasement in the end
means the ruin of free institutions.
Self government becomes a farce if
the representatives of the people
corrupt others or are themselves
corrupted. Freedom is not a gift
which will tarry long in the hands
of the dishonest or of those so
foolish or so incompetent as to tol
erate dishonesty in their public ser
vants.”— President Roosevelt.
Mr. and Mrs. C. .1 Tracy gave a
social party to a number of friends last
Friday night and a very enjoyable
time is reported. Present: Mr. and Mrs.
Hover, Mrs. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Made
ly, L. S. Smith, Misses ITayhurst,
Hawk. Henry, Leininger. Minshull.
and Smith also E. E. Tracy and wife.
A pleasant hour was spent in guess
ing conundrums and Miss Minshull has
the credit of guessing the largest num
ber. Then slips on which were written
the menu in printer’s pi fashion, were
passed around, and the elegant supper
was served as soon as the guests had
made out the menu. After supper slips
were passed on which were written
questions pertaining to the next Sun
day lesson. Some time was spent in
discussing the most important points
in the lesson. After a song and prayer
the guests took their departure bearing
with them memories of a most delight
ful evening. Miss Eva Clinton assisted
Mr. and Mrs Tracy to entertain the
guests and the verdict of is that they
are a trio of splendid entertainers.
Next week we will put on the
four home pages. We have sev
eral items of public enterprise which
will appear. If you know ol any
thing interesting hand it m for our
next issue.
A all bur ii ha ii), Ontario, Teat Wes to
th«* (iooil (JiiulltleN of Chtnubur*
Iain's Couch Kemeily.
Asbburnham Ont., April IS, 1903. —I
think it is only right I should tell you
what h wonderful effect Chamberlain’s
Cough remedy has produced. The day
bot'oie Easter J was so distressed with
a cold and a cough that 1 did not think
to be able to take any duties the next
dav a« mv voice was almost choked by
the cough. The some day I tecieved an
order from you lor a bottle of your re
medy and took about three doses of
the medicine. To my great relief rite
cough bad completely disappeared and
I was able to preach three times on
Easter day. I know that this rapid and
effective cure was due to your cough
remedy. I make this testimonial with
out solicitation, bMlng thankful to have
found such a (Ind sent remedy.
Respecfolly yours,
E. A. Langukld, M. A.
Rector of St. Luke's Church
To Chamberlain Medicine Co.
This remedy is for sale by Odendabl
To All Whom It May Conckrn: You will
please take notice, that all monies now in
my hands, being Funds accumulated In
District Court, and w blch n*> one has
claimed, and which has been In the bands
of l he Clerk of tne Dlst. Court for more
than five years last past, will be turned
over to the Treasurer of Sherman county,
11 not called lor sooner, Immediately after
the First Regular meeting of the County
Supervisors In 1904.
Funds that will be turned over to the
Said Treasurer, on this notice are as follows:
Seiberllng vs Fletcher, bal. on dep *2.0(1
Investors Co. vs Beggar, “ *• “ 1.27
Geo W Cunningham vs Arthur Stahl et
al, difference between bidandjudg
Geo W Cunningham vs Werner I,Hi>d
rock ot al. difference between bid
and judgment.1,05
Lorin Crawford. witness fees 2.20
Wm. WykotT. •• •• 1.00
Chris Nelson. •• •• j.oo
Ben, Snyder, •• •• 2.K0
John Halter, “ •• 3.60
Keene Five Cent Svg. Bank vs Emma
F Smith et al, 4.35
Ogle vs Sherman Co, Banking Co bal
on deposit. 2.15
.slate vs Peoples State Bank bal on dep 2.30
Capital Natl Bank vs John Hogue
bal on deposit, gS99
Mitchell vs Watson, bal on dep 3u
Sarah 1 I. daunts pill. 75
John Igon, plff. *• •• 3 ;;9
N« hi, Loan A Trust Co. vs C O Meyers
Surplus on sale 1922
E G Kriecbbautn, witness fees 1.00
John Ilraner, •* „ 1,00
Frank, Ot ten, " •* 100
W II Anderson, •• •• .50
Jehu W Hose, “ "
Lizzie Rose, •* ’ 1.00
W J Frankerllk. “ •• 2 35
Amount turned over from previous
Clerk anil which cannot be determn
ed where it belongs, '.9 so
Gko. II Gibson,
Clerk Disc Court
(SEAL) Sherman County, Nebr.
Dated this 12th. day ot November ICO.'t.
jp Before Invoicing, January 1, 1 Wish to
p Cut my Stock and Clean Up.
HI __ ~
If you have not bought your fall Millinery NOW’
is the time to HUY.
ifjjgSi 50 Hats go at . $ 00
Sow 2 00 “ “ “ .r. 1 25
rjla 2 50 *• “ “ I 05
1 3 00 “ “ “ 1 llo
3 60 “ “ “. 2 25
4 00 “ “ “ 2 50
5 00 “ “ “ 3 00
S3J M . .. i - ..
I have left, a tew Ladies Jackets which l will sell
at ONE HALF price. If you can use any of
these articles, this is your chance. Come Early
as there is only a few.
k'v] See if-we have tour size in those $2.00 PANTS we
are selling for $1 25; or th se DUCK COATS
p'^4j we are selling for 75 cents,
tv *.»5
$ 50 Waist Patterns for . $ 40 eOSS
65 “ •* “ . 50 Kra
75 “ “ . 55 MM
90 “ '• “ TOKffiS
50 per yard Dress Goods . 40 glia
tin • “ •• . 4 5 RIM
75 •* 1 . 60 aSjj
<>0 •* “ *• “ 70^^
1 00 •* “ “ “ 75g$|
If you are interested in FANCY WORK vou gffig
should look over the line of Doylies, Sofa Pil
loyvs, Splashers, Etc, which we are dosing out
for 33^ per cent off.
Now this is not all that we are selling at greatly,ES
greatly reduced prices but takes up all theSeS
room we have here. Come in the Btore and ifRnj™
vou need anything in this line you will he/ con - RfiSl
vimm| Hiat this is the time to buy. 5s|3
I, Geo. H. Gibson, County Clerk of
Sherman county. Nebraska estimate that
the following books, blanks and stationery
will be required for the use of the county
officers for the coming year:
LOT ONK. - Three gross lead pencils best
grade; one gross pen holders; twelve quarts
Arnolds writing fluid; twelve gross steel
pens; live hundred blotters; twenty
fourgross of assorted rubner bands;
two dozed sponge top mucilage; two
reams Cranes Japanese linen legal cap:
two ream Columuia legal cap; one
Indelible election pencils; gross three
dozen election ink cones; eight quire
record books (four plain and four printed
forms) patent flexible back flap opening
best linen paper; 3000 triplicate tux receipt,
blocked; 3800 tax reclepts in triplicate
bound and perforated, 2<i0 in book for coun
ty treasurer, to fold for use with carbon
paper; thirteen sets of poll books and
envelope; six chattel mortage flies, 8U0 In
the file; one gross one inch by ten inch.
Globe Congress Tie envelopes.
LOT TWO.—1000 1-8 sheets Ulank : 5000 1-4
sheet blank; 3000 1-2 sheet blanks; 1000 full
sheet blanks; all blanks to he good heavy
paper; 3000 note heads; 0000 teller heads;
note and letter heads to bo of good heavy
paper; 4,000 0 1 2 Inch x x x envelopes; 8000
10 inch xxx envelopes.
LOT THKKK.—Court dockets, one case to
page,Indexed, with rules of court, list of
Jurors, court ottlcera and resident attorn
ev». on flat cap paper, in lots of forty; 6000
election ballots.
Healed bids for each or any of the above
three lots of supplies must he filed with
l he county clerk at his office In Loup City,
Nebraska, ou or before the first day of
January, 1004.
Sealed bids will also be recleved and
must be filed in the county clerk’s office
on or before January 1st. 1804 fortht follow
ing: Publishing delinquent tux list; pub
palling county treasurer’s financial state
ment*; publishing road and bridge notices
and other notices required by the county
The county’ board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated at Loup City, this 25th day of No
vember 1003. G. H. Gibson,
(seai.) County clerk,
The commissioner appointed to
( cate a road commencing at the Valley
county line, at the north west corner
1 Section 3, and the north ea-t corner
> f section 4, Township 10, Range 14.
d running thence south on the section
lu ■ between Sections 3 and 4, 9 and 10,
1.1 and 10. three miles directly south and
i near as practicable on the section line
■ ml terminating at road No. 34, on the
north line ar the north west corner of
- crlon 212, Township 16, Range 14 ail
slierin tii county, Nebraska, has re
ported in favor of the establishment
'her-mf and all objections thereto, or
cldliis for damages must be Hied in
Co niuitv clerks office on or b'fore
ri ioii of the IS h dav of January, 1904.
o such road "ill be established with
out refcrance thereto
Dated this 17 day of November, 19U.‘t
(Jed. II Gibson, County Clerk.
To all whom it may Concern The
road commencing at the northwest cor
ner of the southwest quarter of Section
eleven, township sixteen, range fourteen
I and running in a southwesterly direc
I tion, (following the draw) across section
I ten, in said township and range, to a
■ point, seventy rods west of the soutluu-i
corner of sectlou ten in said town and
range, running thence a southeasterly |
direction through the canon, across sec- |
tion fifteen in said town and range, and
terminating where same intersects road
Number 34, twenty-seven rods west of
the south' ast corner of said section Hf
And that a public road commencing
at the south' ast corner of section ten in
said town and range tud running thence,
wist along the section line between ten
and fifteen, seventy-eight rods, and
terminating when' it intersect- with the
road first. above petitioned for, be laid
out ami platted.
Your petitioners further ask that that
part of road Number 34 commencing at
Ibe southeast corner of said section fif
teen and running thence, west twenty
seven rods, be vacated.
And tbat that part of road commenc
ing at the northeast corner of said sec
tion fifteen and running thence south
one mile and terminating at the south
east corner of said section fifteen be
vacated Has reported it. favor of the
same and all objections t<> the same or
claims for damage roust be fin d in the
office of rite County Clerk on or before
noon of the 16th day of February, 1904
or such road will be established and va
cated as per the petition, without refer
ence thereto.
Dated this 7th day of De “ember, 1903
GKO. ii. (iiissoN. County Clerk
To all whom it may concern :-Th'
Commissioner appointed to locate a
Hoad commencing at the North West
corner of Section Twentv-four, Town
ship Sixteen, Range Thirteen, and
Northeast corner of Section Twenty
three. T 1G, R. 13, and running thence
south on Section Line, between Sections
23 mid 24, all in Sherman County, Neb
rask, and terminating at Road No. 172
has reported in favor of the establish
ment thereof, and nil objections thereto
or claims for damage, must be tiled In
the County Clerk’s Office, on or before
noon of the 29ih. dtiy of January 1904,
or such Road will be established wlth
oue reference thereto.
Dated this 24th day of Nov , 1903.
O. H Gisbson, County Clerk,
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend la Foreclosure Oeeee
General Real Estate Business.
— „ A—" -
Marg A. K. Hendricksun,
Kralilencu at A. L. Zimmerman’s
s. A. ALLEN,
OFFICE.—One door east of St. Elmo
Hotel. My equtppment is modern and
my prices will be as low as can be ex
pected for -mod work. I would be pleased
to have you call. Open <vemngs.
In a dental operation the main consider
ation Is the result. The pain Is greatly
modified by modern equtppment.
Vetcrinary Surgeon and
OFFICE —At my new residence second
door east ot opera house.
City Dray
Transfer Line.
J. W. & A. T. Conger, Props
All kinds of hauling will be given prompt
attention and will make a specialty of
moving household good. We solicit your
Photographs, Farm views, Stock plct
ures, etc. Finest Instrument west of the
Missouri river. All work strlotly guar
Hnhert P. Starr.
| Attorney-at-Law,