The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 11, 1903, Image 4

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    Mens’ and boys’ overcoats, a large
variety of styles and sizes at Johnson
Lorentz & Co. Prices right. You
should call and see them.
~ to cure a cold in one day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it falls
to cure. E, W. Grove’s slgnatme Is on
each box. *8ct.
For Sale:—A thoroughbred Berk
Mi ire boar. Price 820.00. Inquire of
Wright Reynolds, Loup City, Net).
For Sale.—A good live room house
located opposite Dr. Main's residence.
Will be sold cheap. For particulars
call on me at St. LI mo hotel.
A. Erazim.
For Sale.—A second hand 4 hole corn
sheler and eight horse power See T.
M. Keel. ___
A faded out, care worn woman of 40
with a spruce, up-to date husband,
should take Rocky Mountain Tea.
Brings back that youthful, girlish
beauty. Keeps the old man from going
to the lodge. 35cents at Odendahl Bros.
To the Tax Payees of Hiierman
County;—According to Section 150
of tho new Revenue Act personal
taxes will become delfnquent anti
draw interest on and after December
1st. S. N. SWKKTLANI),
County Treasurer
The Model Lunch Room.
lias opened un for business. We serve
meals at all hours. Open at 0:31/ a, m.
to 11:00 p. in. Oysters served in any
style Two doors west of post office.
Bayne & Jones.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sincere
thanks to the many friends and neigh
bors who so kindly assisted us during
the sickness and death of our little
child. Especially do we thank Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Strankmann for their un
tiring help and kindness shown us m
so many ways,
August Moll and Family.
Masquerade Ball at Loup City opera
house New Year's eve, Thursday, De
cember 31, 1903, by the German Verein.
The German Verein will give a Mas
querade ball on the date above given.
Good music and the best of manage
ment guaranteed. All are invited Ad
mission: Gentlemen, 50 cents, Ladies
In costume free. Lady spectators S6
cent*. Committee.
Notice is hereby given that a special
meeting of the County Board of Super
visors of Sherman county, Nebraska,
will lie held at the court house in Loup
City on January 7th, 1904, at 1 o’clock
p. m. for the purpose of transacting
general business. Said meeting having
bten called according to the require
ments of the statutes of the state of
Dated thisothday of December, 1902.
Geo. II. Gibson,
(seal) County Clerk.
Some Nice Cattle and Horses
To Be Offered.
You should attend my sate if you
want to buy some nice young cattle. 1
will sell or. my farm, 0 miles north of
Loup City on Monday, December 21st,
1903, at 10 o’clock a. m. 34 head ot
cattle, most all young stock; one brown
4-year-old driving mare: one 3-year-old
Clyde stallion, weight 1300. and 40
head of slioats. Teims of Sale:—All
sums of 810.00 and under, cash; all
sums over 810.00 nine months time will
be given by purchaser giving note with
approved security and drawing ten pel
cent, interest from date. Five per cent,
discount for cash on all time sales.
Ed, A. Knatp,
P. W, Round, ,J. S. Pedler, Owner
Auctioneer. Clerk.
(Taken from Lltchtlelil Monitor )
A new boy is reported at tlie home oi
G. W, Lang. Set 'em tip, George.
Mr. Omey and family returned from
Cairo Sunday night.
Eugene Whitman of Clear Creek is
clerking in Geo. Lang's store.
Mrs. Geo Van's mother, Mrs. Mills,
is very sick. I)r. GotT is in attendance.
Fritz Bicliel has lost 8 head cf cattle
with the cornstalk disease and John
Thrailkill has lost one.
It. D. Hendrickson County Superin
tendent of Public Instruction made our
schools a pleasant call Wednesday.
T. C. Chamberlain and A. Debrulei
made a ti'ip to Broken Bow Tuesday
night and returned Thursday noon.
Grandpa Flint left for Kearney
Thursday where lie will spend the
winter. Alf accompanied him as far
as Grand Island.
Dell Draper loaded his car Wednes
day and left for Spaulding. Neb. Thurs
day morning where he will run a har
ness store.
T. F. Hempkin who moved to Minne
sota about two years ago returned tc
Litchlield Sunday morning with a cai
of emigrant goods. Mr. Hempkin says
Sherman county it »s its drawbacks but
be thinks it beats Minnesota for gener
al farming.
IsogzI Daws.
Mince .ne; t in bulk at Reynolds.
S. A. Allen has joined the M. E.
church choir.
The little child of William Hancock
is on the sick list.
W. T. Draper was a pleasant caller
at this office Tuesday.
The drays unloaded a car of oil for
our merchants Monday.
.1. K. Conklin of Lincoln was in the
city Friday of last week.
Harney McDowel was down from
Washington township Monday.
S. 8. Hover renewed his subscription
to the Noktiiw KSTKitN Friday.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
('lias. Kalka last Tuesday morning.
E. G. Taylor drove to Schaupp Sid
ing and Ashton Monday morning; re
turning the same evening.
Mr Larson, the accommodating clerk
at Gastever's store, has been on the
sick list but is again at his post.
The sixteen year-old boy of Mr.
Davenport on Clear Creek is sick.
Misses Henry Young and Rose
Mulick were Grand Island visitors
Samuel Hulbert has been quite seri
ously sick with lung fever He is slow -
ly recovering.
The schools are arranging for Christ
mas exercises to take place the day be
fore Christmas.
Wesley Pedler and C. H. French
bricked up one of the furnaces at tlie
school house last Saturday.
Will Goldsworthy, son of John Golds
worthy of this elty. arrived from Colo
rado last Thursday evening,
Fritz Bichel of Divide, was in the
citv Monday purchasing some lumber
of the Leininger Lumber Co.
The young folks of the town are en
joying the line skating that the recent
spell ot cold weather lias given them,
this week.
D. C. Grow, of tbe Northern Milling
company feed store wrants to trade flour
for wheat lie also has a line grade
of whole wheat flour for sale.
G. II. Lindall and wife visited at the
home of their son near Arcadia Sunday
and Monday, They drove up Sunday
morning and returned Tuesday.
Come and get a good supper next
Saturday at the Ladies Aid Society
Fair to be held at the opera house. All
kinds of fancy and useful articles for
sale there.
Mrs. Harris of'New York, who has
been visiting her sister at Butte, Mon
tanna. arrived here Saturday noon fora
visit with her cousin. Prof. M. II.
Mead and family.
W. T. Gibson came in from the
country last Friday and remained over
Sunday with his family. Mr. Gibson
has done a large amount of bridge work
for Sherman county this year.
Makes assimilation perfect, healthy
blood, firm muscles, strong nerves.
Quickens the brain, makes and keeps
you well. Great medicine, Rocky
Mountain Tea. Odendabl Bros.
AY. O. Brown, Hal ve Chapman and
Peter Thode, of the Board of Super
visors, started Tuesday morning to ap
praise all t!.e sclool land of Sherman
county Their findings w ill be report
ed to the state oflioials
J. C. Beaver the Nebraska Telephone
company’s man was in our city Satur
day and placed a phone in the new
Polish Grocery and Shoe store. He
stayed in town over Sunday and work
ed on the lines here Monday
John Czaplewski the gentleman who
lias started the Polisli Grocery and Shoe
store in the south room of the Porter
building is raffling olT a set ot dishes of
12 pieces at 10 cents a chance. Who
ever gets the dishes will have a nice
set of glassware and no mistake.
W. It. Walto of Haves ('reek, ten
miles north of town, is feeding two ear
loads of rattle for himself and his
brother, W'.s. Waite of this city. The
Waite li others raised a very good crop
of corn this year and are going to make
the most <>f it. They are also feeding
quite a bunch of shouts.
A little altercation which took place
last week between Jeff Williams and
Richard Flinn of Logan township re
soitetl in the latter getting his linger
badly hurt and the former being arrest
ed and brought before his honor, Judge
Angler. Mr. Williams was fined which
with the costs amounted to 912,30.
Olie and Rob Howard who left for
Oregon a couple of weeks ago returned
to this city last Thursday evening.
They returned from Oregon to Raven
na with their father some time last
week. Their father has some work to
do for the Ravenna Milling Company
and the boys came over here to look for
work. They did not like the climate
where they went to work in Oregon.
’I’he third of the scries of live enter
tainments contracted for by the M. F-.
church with the Midland Lyceum Hu
reau of Des Moines, Iowa, will appear
in Loup City at Pi Igor’s opera house
Friday, December 11th. Prof. Fol
lanshee will give a lecture, lie is a
very aide speaker and it is said that
his lectures are educational eye open
ers. lie sure and remember the date,
Friday. December 11.
A. 1‘. Paulsen was at the county scat
last Saturday.
Remember the lecture on December
11th at the opera house.
Peter Hansen renewed his subscrip
tion to this paper 1 <st Saturday!
C. J. Tracy and family dinul with
Mr. and Mrs.S. S. Hover Sundae .
William Fletcher of Boelus, was in
the city Friday, the gmstof J.T. Hale
E. 15. Corning, our genial county siii
veyor, was over from Litchfield Satur
day .
Rev. V. A. Zimmerman drove over
from Litchfield Thursday. He return
ed Friday.
Will Strankmann was in town Tues
day morning with a load of corn before
eight o'clock.
Miss Ella hoster was a guest of Miss
Lela (lee of Webster township. Satur
day and Sunday.
A line of 150 cloaks for ladies at
Johnson Lorentz & Co. All new goods
and latest styles.
Mrs. Lewis Hechthold, sr., was a
pleasant caller at the North western
office Friday morning.
Mesdames ('. ,J. Tracy and S.S. Ilover
visited with Mrs. Ed Angier of Web
ster township, Monday.
A new brick door way lias been built
to the cellar at the M. E. parsonage.
Ed Draper did the work. •
A. T., J W and W. II. Conner have
renewed their subscriptions to the
Northwestern since our last issue.
F. S. llobbins, John Sol ms and Geo.
S. Leininger have added their names
to our subscription list since our last
Wilbur Waite has had a new floor
laid in his kitchen and several storm
windows put on his residence the past
E. Enevohlsen, ttie proprietor of the
general store managed by C. C. Cooper,
is here looking after his business in
The 15. & M. pile driver gang went
up this branch Thursday of last week
and came hack down tlie line Saturday
Farmers don't fail to see the line of
robes, fur coats, fur mittens, ami
horse blankets at W, S. Owen's har
ness store.
Lon Zink sold his ear load of horses
in St. Louis and went on to Indi ma
for a short visit to his old home. He
is expected back this week.
With the best equipped job office on
the Middle Loup and good, practical
printers in the office we are able to put
out a first class line of work.
The Beatrice Creamery Company, for
which A. E. Chase is agent, have issued
a statement guaranteeing 25 cents a
pound for butter fat delivered at this
Henry Dulling commenced work at
J. 15. Swanson's shoe store Monday
morning. Mr. Swanson is sulfering
with llnimaMsm in his wrist and
James Johansen commenced a barn
on his residence property in the west
part of town Monday. The dimensions
are l<>x:>2. George McDonald and Fritz
Johansen are doing the work.
George Leininger commenced the
work of building his new fr .ine resi
dence last Monday, i’lnlo Snyder, a
carpenter who has been working on tin*
mill for J. II. Parshall lias taken the
Mrs Bert Draper was taken to the
St. Paul hospital last Tuesday for
to be operated upon for chronic trouble.
Mrs. Draper's health has been quite
poorly for some time. Her husband
accompanied her on the trip.
A light snow fell here Thursday night
and Friday morning of last week. It
looked for awhile Friday morning as it
we were going to have a genuine, old
fashioned blizzard but luckily it stop
lied before that climax was reached.
Mrs C. C. Outhouse was taken to the
hospital at Grand Island last Saturday
for treatment. She was accompanied
bv Mrs. Lee Arthur, Mrs. Ililsabeck
her sister, who has been with her dur
ing her sickness also accompanied them,
she will go from Grand Island to her
home at Thayer, this state.
Mrs. G. II. Morgan came down from
Sargent Monday morning, she was ac
compmied by the children. Mr. Mor
gan arrived here Tuesday, lie informs
us that be has a good chance to sell out
his barber shop in that city and so came
back here to look up the prospects tor a
jewelry store and a watch and clock
repair shop
Mr. 1> L Howard, and three sons
are in Ravenna this week, looking
about with a view to taking up their
residence here. They formerly lived at
Loup Git v and left there about six
weeks ago intending to locate in Ore
gon, but tie* climate there not agreeing
with them they returned to Nebraska
to re-establish themselves.—Ravenna
Ghas. lirothwell, the gentlemen who
bought tlu* A.Wilson farm last fall, died
Iasi Friday morning at two o’clock of
blood poison, lie was first taken down
with ouinsY and was sick a few days
when blqpd poison set in. The remains
were taken from here to St Raul and
then to Glenw )od, Nance county for
burial lie was S3 years old and leaves
a w ife and two children.
Jdr. and Mrs, L. Ilanson visited
friends at Arcadia last Sunday.
W. T. Chase added a new Retort Oak
to his store fixtures last Saturday.
A Iiatir 1 k->* came to the home of Mr.
arid Mrs. John Egg ts last Thursday.
Don't forget the f iir next Saturday,
He i miter l .’th at Filger's opera house
vv. t. (iihson called mi the editor
Monday and renewed his subscription.
Jens Christensen of Washington
township, was seen on our streets Mon
John Wall was down from Arcadia
Monday visiting his brother. Senator
William Rettenmayer is rebuilding
the barn on his residence property this
R. A Wilson and Ed. Radelift put up
a small ham on the A Erazim proper
ty last week.
Henry Dolling of Logan towship,
was doing business at the county seat
last Saturday.
Cushions, handkerchiefs, aprons, bas
kets and candies at the M. E. Fair.
Supper 25 cents.
Ed Knapp ordered a set of sale bills
at this office Tuesday. See his ad else
w here in this issue.
A new invoice of ladies shoes just
received at Swanson's 2 by 4 shoe store.
They are a tine lot.
Ilensehoter knows just how to please
you and give you your money's worth.
See him for job work.
Sheriff Ed Snyder has been busy this
week notifying the jurors of the com
ing term of district court.
Mrs. Jennie Rawson, who has been
staying at the home of W. U. Mellor,
started for Chicago Thursday.
James Landers was down from Ar
cadia Monday evening to attend a
meeting of the Masonic lodge of this
W. It. Mellor returned from Chicago
Thursday evening of 1 ist week instead
i of Friday evening as was stated in the
last issue.
Robert Mathew who is attending the
state University at Lincoln will be
home lor the holidays. lie is expected
A social party was given at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mathtw last
Thursday evening. A very pleasant
time is repoitwl.
George McFadden of Webster town
ship, has just finished husking his one
hundred acre field of corn and reports
a yield of about 35 bushels to the acre.
Miss Mary C/.aplewski h clerking in
her brother John’s store. John reports
| business very good at the opening and
says that he is doing better than he ex
W. T. Chase went to Mason City last
Monday to be present at the Public Sale
j of the person d property of II. C. Chase.
I sr.. deceased. The sale took place
Have you noticed C. W. Conhiser’s
j display window this week? If you
wish to see some beautiful sofa pillow
covers just, step down there and take a
look at his west window.
All members of the L. of G. A. R.
are requested to attend the meeting
next Saturday. Officers will he elected
and other business of interest tran
sacted. Mrs. L, J. IIoi.combf. Pres
(>. Gunnarson of the firm of Gunmn
son & Zimmerman, came up from
Aurora last Wednesday. Mr. Gunn»r
son says that he thinks the reai estate
business will open up good next week.
Conger Bros, made a trip to Arcadia
and return since otir last issue. They
took three ton of coal to that city and
brought back about two ton ot ground
feed for tiie Northern Milling Co.
Mrs Ordell Mingus and Miss Emma
Way, from near Ravenna, stopped over
niiiht in this city last Thursday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Reynolds.
They were on their way to Roy Way's
in Ashton township.
Hememiier the Methodist l air at
the opera house December 12th. This
fair was advertised last week to be held
at Society hall but owing to more re
cent arrangements it will be held in
the opera house. Come and get your
supper and buy vour Xmas presents.
Arthur Eisner arrived home Tues
day trom Etlinghatn. 111., where he lias
been for several months past at collegt
studying photography "lie lias aline
collection of work with him and to see
tills colleciion will convince you that
Art. is certainly and artest.
Last week we said that .F. I. Depew
went to lind a place to manufacture bis
new tire setting machine. We should
ha' c said that Carsten Truelsen. who
is also interested in the patent, accom
panied him. We umler-tand that
while away, tliev made satisfactory ar
rangement for the manufacture of the
machine and also sold one of them at
Grand Island.
Drs. D *vis & Farnsworth, of Grand
Island, Nebraska are prepared to make
| X ray examinations and use the X rat
| in the treatment of cancers and tumors.
They are experienced in toe of this
meiho i, and have recently added to
their equipment of one of the strongest
rid linest \ rav coils mad'. It is used
in examinat on of all important, cases
and is a great aid in locating disease
that can be discovered in no other wav. |
Coal for Mai Loup City and AsMol Will Boy
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain,
TJM-... __
* C'J. I. DEPEW®» I
| Blacksmith Wagon Maker,!
My shop Is llio largest and best equipped north of the l*latte BlveiTj
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma*"
I ctpHery, also a force ot experienced men who know how to operate It and ^
p turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch. sjj
£ Soliciting your patronage 1 am
Yours respectfully, ^
J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. |
ri aasa m mi laasaa BaaflBiBBBBnBuanauUBuanaBMBBi I
iT^rtv^rtvierirxKs. ^
j A Model Lunch Room. |
| -* OPEC FROM 6:30 A- M- TO 11:30 P. M, •- ^
Also Pies and Cakes for sale here. 0
Two Doors West of Post Office.
BAYNE & JONES. i joup Citv, Nebraska.
Below we quote you prices on a Special Line I
of overcoats that we will fill orders on for Fifreen 3
Days. |
They are considered the greatest values ever of- ft
fered by any legitimate clothing house doing business
in America.
Study each proposition carefully and send for Samples. >;
Men’s $10.00 Overcoats $7.50 |>
Full, long coats of neat, all wool fabrics, with silk velvet collars, H
several styleB to select from, everyone the best $10.00 will buy in a a II
regular way, you save $2.50. B I
| Men’s O.ercoats Worth $13.50 for $10.00 1
Kersey and fanoy mixtures, all wool, latest fall styles, satin sleeve H
lining, broad padded shoulders and full back, equal to most $13.50 to H
#15.00 coats ;
Men’s $18.50 Overcoats for $13.50 ^
Full of warmth, style and wear. We are glad to he able to offer
these, because we know it would take from $5.00 to #7.50 more to get as
fine elsewhere in the city. He must be hard to please who can't find
his overcoat In this lot at $13.50
Polish Grocery and Shoe Store
West side Public Square, ^
Fine, large stock of groceries on hand at the open
ing and more goods coming. I handle everything in
the grocery line and will sell on close margins.
I will pay highest market price for
butter and eggs. '
My stock of Shoes will be here in a few days and
I invite the public to call, get acquainted and learn my
] i rices.