60 different games—all new —Hjne in each package of Lion Coffee at your Grocer’s. -=! TIMK TABLE. LOUP 01 TV NKBR. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Bulte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis, San Francisco, and all points and all points ast and south. West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS! GOING EAST No. 52 Passenger.. '.l;28a. in No. 50 Freight.11.1:0am. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger . 5:54 p. tn. No. 59 Freight.2:40 p. tn Sleeping, dinner and recUnlng chair oar (seats (reel <>n through trains. Tickets sold and baggage cheeked to any point in the United stales or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to R. L. ARTHUR Agent. Or J. Francis, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. RAIWAY. No. Sfi leaves daily except Sunday (pass enger). 7:35a. m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) I2:20p. m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixedi 2 56 p. m. No. 87 arrives dully except Sunday imixed 12(05 p. in. No. 85arrives dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7i35 p, in. First class service and close connections east, west and south G. E. Baii.BY, Agent. COUNTY OFLIC1AL DIRECTORY. SHERMAN COUNTY, N K B. G. II. Gibson, Clerk. 8. N. swkrti.and. Treasurer. J. A. A no i e R, Judge J. 8. Pkih.kr, Attorney. EdwaroSnvobr, Sheriff. It. D. Heni>iticahon, Supt. Public Inst. E B Uornino. Surveyor, Gko. W. Hunter, Cornor. supervisors: D C Grow, Dlst No. 4 , Chairman., P O address, Loup City, Neb. Andrew gokstka. Dim. No. 1., Ashton P O Peter Thodb, 1)i t. No. 2 Loup City, ““ W O Hrown, Dlst. No. 3, Loup City, “ “ John KUiefski, Dlst. No. 5, Ashton, “ •• Wm. JxilMB, l)i»t. No «, Rockville, “ W H. Chapman, Dlst. No. 7, Litchfield “ “ Mens’ and boys’ overcoats, a large variety of styles and sizes at Johnson Lorentz & Co. 1’rices right. You should call and see them. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money If It fails to cure. E, W. Grove’s signature Is on each box. 25ct. For Salk:—Two good milk cows. Will be fresh soon. L N. SMITH. December 11 is the date of I’rof. Fal lanbee’s lecture. You will miss a treat if you do not hear him. Fob 8a le.—A good five room house located opposite Dr. Main’s residence. Will be sold cheap. For particulars call on me at St. Elmo hotel. A. Kua/.im. For Sale.—A second hand 4 hole corn slieler and eight horse power. See T. M. Reef. <625 00 REWARD. The above reward will be paid bv the Litchfield Telephone Company for information that will le«d to the arrest and conviction of the party that is cutting the wires of the line between Loup City and Divide. J. It. Lang, President. NOTICE. To the Tax Payers ok Sherman County:—According to Section 150 of the new Revenue Act personal taxes will become delinquent and draw interest on and after December 1st. S. N. Nwkktlano, County Treasurer The Model Lunch Room. has opened up for business. We serve me tis at all hours. Open at 0:3oa. m. to 11:00 v. m. Oysters served in any style Two doors west of post office. Bayne & Jones. UIIOU FOK UHII.UKEN. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives Immed iate relief in all cases of Cough. Croup and LaGrippe because it does not pass Immediately into the stomach, hut takes effect right at the se^.t of Ibe troub c. It draws out the inflamation, heals ami Booths and cures permanently by en abling the lungs to contribute pure life giving and life-sustanmg oxygon to the blood and tissues, L>r. Armstrong, of Delia, Texap, prescribes it daily and says there is no better cough remedy made.—Sold by Odendahl Bros. lie Quick. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child become hoarse, or even af ter the croupy cough appears. will pre vent the attack. It never fails, am) is * pleasant and safe to tako. For sale by Odendahl Brothers. Uncial Dews. Mince me it in bulk at Reynolds. Mrs. C. II. French is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fong st arted f >r O nah a last Thursday. , Remember tlie Methodist Fair at Society Hall Ihcnnber 12th. Try a pair ot the warm lined *._.n cure shin s at B. J Swanson's. Mrs t. M. Ilenrv visited with frien is at s.ugent f ban ksyi ring's Day. A. Zink shipped a car of horses to Omaha the latter part ot last week. D. (’. beech our popular real estate man, was a pleasan caller yesterday. A union praise service was held at the Baptist church last Thursday evening. F Ilolcombe built a small enclosed porch on his residence property last week. John Heach^m of Myra Valley, was in the city Saturday looking for corn liuskers F. Holcombe has tinished the build ing of anew coal ehetl at the M.E, parsonage. Wm. Itetten mayor's son Adolph, has been suffering with a ease of chicken* pex the past week. If you are looking for good arctics, felt boots, German socks or knit boot call on H. J. Sw anson. The brick walls to the new residence of W. E. Smith are going up quite rap idly. The building is 24x20. Mrs. John Madelr returned last Fri day from a visit with lelatives near Palisade, Hayes County, Neb. A lady by the name of McGee of Washington, I). was in the city this week gathering official statistics. Walter Smith's house was turned over to the carpenters Thursday, Ohl ren Bros, having tinished the walls. Revival services are being held at the Baptist church this we k. Attend these services and help the good work. J. M. Fades, Deputy Grand Master of the A. O. F. W. lodge passed through this city Monday oo bis way to Taylor, Neb. The German Venen Thanksgiving dance in Pilger’s opera house was largely attended mid a good time is reported. George Lee of Webster township, who has been at the Grand Island hospital for some time, is reported to he a great ileal worse. I). C. Grow, of the Northern Milling company feed store wants to trade tlour for wheat He also has a tine grade of whole wheat tlour for sale. Miss Ella Taylor who has been at tending school in York returned to her home in this city Monday, she will visit her parents until after the Holi days. Miss Lela Chase win is attending school at Crete, Neb., came home last Thursday to spend Thanksgiving with her parents She returned to her work again Monday. Makes assimilation perfect, healthy blood, tirm muscles, strong nerves. Quickens the brain, makes and keeps you well. Great medicine, Rocky Mountain Tea. Odendabl Bros. Din Mulickand Will Simpson started for Myra Valley, Valley county, Mon day to husk corn. The boys have worked up quite a reputation as corn huskers and their services are in de mand. W. 1\ Baird and family left la-t Thursday for Sandiago, California, where they will make their future home.. We are sorry to loose Mr. and Mrs. Baird from our midst but wish them success in their new home. The Polish Grocery and Shoe store has an ad in this issue Mr. Czaplew ski hits put a large stock of groceries in the south room of the Porter building and asks you to call ami get acquainted. He feels sure that his prices will suit. 1 lie E\ ungelistic meetings being held at Baptist church every evening are being well attended. Bev. Beyl is an interesting speaker and preaches a plain forceful gospel. The meetings will close next week. No services on Saturday evening. One Ed, of the tribe ot Brown, journ eyed northward last Thursday to a place where much turkey was to he had. The hostess not Icing aware of the amount of turkey that might be consumed by an editor who is privileg ed to pass his plate as often as desired, made the sail mistake of seating said editor in an arm chair, and low and be hold, when the turkey began to press, great was the destruction of that chair, * * Jas. I. Depew started for Omaha, Kansas City and several towns last Monday, where lie goes to arrange for the manufacture of his new tire setting machine. This machine was patented hy James Depew and Carsten Trimlsen and is now perfected in every part and as soon as they succeed in getting a number manufactured they will have them on the market The device is called the *• E. 7.." tire setting machine and is so constructed as to en dale them to put it on the market at less than one half the cost of other machines. It is said to not only be cheaper but does the work much better than all others. (> Hensrh >t< r li . French treated bis ham to a coat of paint the latter part of last week. A light fall of snow occurred last Monday. The first snow storm of the season. W. T. Chase is getting his toy rack out this week preparatory for the Holi day trade A line of 150 cloaks for Julies at Johnson Lorentz .V Co. All new goods and latest styles. Rev. Kennedy, in company with I lev. Reyl of Onl were pleasant yi-utnrs at this office Wednesday. C. It. Conger and wife of Danne brog, visited relatives here Sunday, returning to their home Monday, W. It. Mellor is expected to return home from Chicago today. Mrs. Mellor is to stay there until her health is improved. Farmers don’t fail to see the line of robes, fur coats, fur mittens, ami horse blankets at W, S. Owen's har ness store. The literary which was to he given Decembers has been postponed until alter the Holidays, owing to the busy season before tin* Holidays. Postmaster \V. ’J'. Owens lias a tine new air pressure gasoline lamp in the post office which is doing tine work and is indeed a good improvement. Geo. Rightenour and Frank Ilausink have entered into a contract for the purchase of the Round Front livery barn of J. T. IIal« together with sever al teams, buggies and harness. Mr. El bridge G. Robinson and Miss Elizabeth Gusner of Arcadia, were united in marriage at the hotel parlor in this city, by Rev F. I). Kennedy on Dec. 2d, Iffo.!. Jas. Johansen has succeeded in get ting his new house plastered and is now anxiously waiting for it to dry so that the hard finish can be put on and he j can get moved before the bad weather sets in for good. Epworth League services at the M. E. church next Sunday evening at 0:30 p. m. Subject: “Lost and Helpless— A Man without Christ." Special music lias been prepared and you are cordial ly invited to attend. The people who have been shooting within the vilhage limits are violating one of the ordinances and are liable to be complained of if they are found out. Quite a number of shots were fired Sunday afternoon. II. Jenner made a pleasant call on this office Monday. He reports the water works in usual good condition | and says that the engine will, with good care, serve a few years longer, although she is sadly in need of repair. C. I). Neal, of the Fraternal Review, an I. O. (). F. journal published at Om aha was in the city last Saturday and called at this office. He also visited the Odd Fellow lodge while in the city. This lodge has taken in 17 new mem bers since July last, six of which were initiated at their last meeting. Mrs, Sarah Gibson motlierol Messrs. G II. and W. T. Gibson gave a very nice Thansksgivingdinner to her rela tives last Sunday. We are told that the dinner consisted of a 13 pound tur key and everything that the market affords. Mrs. Gibson is a very elderly lady and the undertaking, which was so pleasantly ami successfully carried out, is indeed worthy of note. The third of the series of five enter-) tainments contracted for by the M. E. church with the Midland Lyceum Bu reau of Des Moines, Iowa, will appear' in Loup City at Pilger's opera house Friday, December 11th. Prof. Fal lanshee will give a leetme. He is a very able speaker and it is said that j his lectures are educational eye open ers. Be sure and rememl) r the date, Friday, December 11. It. A. Wilson had the misfortune to loose his pocket book with £35.no in money and some valuable p ipers in it. lust Thanksgiving morning. He also had the good lortdne to locate it on the evening of the same ilav ami later get it with ad its contents. It "iu picked up soon alter being lost by It v Ken nedy, the Haptist pastor. Mr. Kennedy came at unee to the Northwestern otliee to advertise the find in ease there was no one found to claim it. (in the even ing ab >ve mentioned Mr. Wilson rush ed into our olllce, not with the hope, however, of running right onto his property, but to advertise the loss. On ly those who have had similar experi ences can imagine his pleasure and surprise to learn that his missing prop erty was in good hands ami that he would get it back all right. E A. Drifier's new house is liefng plash r> d this week. his. Conger has treated his dray wag on to a new coat of paint R A. Wilson took the show people overland to Arcadia last Thursday c. AI. Snyder of Venlurette, was among tire county seat visitors Tnesd rv. o. Bemchoter has iteen painting the running .ears of Ins express wagon this W.'f) . E. M. S •arles, state examiner, is hear ' Iieekiiig up the e iui;ty treasurer's books. Niel Hover v sited with his brother William and family at (Land Island •sunday. Lewis Beehthold’s new house lias la en plastered this week. Ed Draper did the work. Cushions, handkerchiefs, aprons, bas kets and candies at the M. E. Fair. Supper gi cents. F. De Wo f Ins moved bis family into the upstairs rooms of A. T. iMonger's residence Albert Johnson, E. L. Button and Claus Eggers were added to our suh seription list this week. J. iV. Long and wife returned from Omaha where they have been visiting the past week, Thursday. Henry I.eininger of Washington township, hss purchased tin* Vanscoy property now occupied by J. F. Nieoson. Mrs. Mattie Hall,of Snipes,Colorado, arrived last Tuesdaj for a vi-it with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Snyder. The editor and family took Thanks giving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. \\. .1. I'islier. It was a line spre id and we did justice to the occasion. French A McNulty went across the river Thursday to bale a stack of hav for T II. Eisner. They will also hde a considerable quantity tor Dr. Chase. W D. Zimmerman is over from Litchfield during the slack time in the real estate business and is clerking in the clothing store of Johnson. Lorentz it Co. C. s. Leininger who has been at Om aha attending his 1*1(1 Dlartbu'i Remedy an (iff the UdO tmlictt ion of Die cli -i*. ■ tppexm an l a threatened atr-**-K ;i.a b1' wsrde 1 off. tlnnilivdn if |i > pie t n * tlit* lemetly in thin *-.y w>-1> perfect- nuco'-n-. K >r - ale be Odetldahl Brothers Wrong. "After all. my friend,” said the mor alist, ‘‘life is blit a dream.” “Not much it ain’t,” snorted the hard headed man. “In nearly every dream ! 1 ever had 1 was gettin’ more money than I knew what to do with.”—-Phil adelphia Ledger. I I M e want every reader of this I paper to se::d for samples a of our SPECIAL $10 SUIT | We have just consummated a deal where we closed | out 1,000 suits, and these suits will be sold to | our Mail Order Customers only. | They will he on sale for 15 days i hey are the greatest suit values on earth. i \ ou have our positive guarantee as to quality and wear. If your wife or friends don't like your choice, or you discover the M garment is not what you thought it was Sand it back and we will re- | turn your money . . . . I I Cor. 15th and Faruatn, OMAHA. 1 HI1H1TS MB BABBU V0BK& IRA T. PAINE & CO. IVIONUJVie NTS. MARBLE GRANITE AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK. BEST OF MATERIAL. LOWEST PRICES FOR GOOD work. See us or write to us iiefore giving an order. GRAND ISLAND, - NEB. A. I*. CULLEY, President. W. P. MASON, Cashi r. or LOUP CITY 3 General Banking BusinessTransacied. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS Seaboard National Bank, New York City. N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska JOU>' J. (7.A !’LK WSKI’S j Polish Grocery arid Shoe Store West side Public Square, Fine, large stock of groceries on hand at the open ing and more goods coming. I handle everything in the grocery line and will sell on close margins. I will pay highest market price for butter and eggs. My stock of Shoes will be here in a fow days and | I invite the public to call, get. acquainted and learn my prices. It Open* Here I _I EASY TO CLEAN Trial (tinned; “ 4 Perfeet Chopper,” says Write for *ook book by X^lTSa IVOrer Roll man Beat and Food Chopper No. 11. At vour doalrr’s, .r»0«. By mai lor e*press Tee. Your RONLY II.4CK if uot satisfactory. bOLLXl.1 irii, CO., 140 Pena Ate., Boast Joy, I’m. [ K AUOI. IJYM'M'SI/V CUKK Digests all classes of food, tones and -trengthens the stomach nnd digestive organs. Otma Dispepsja, It.digestion, Stomach Trotib'es, and makes rich red b'0"d. lieutli and strength Kadol Dv s pepsia t'ur ' r • 1» tills wornu'it tissues. t>utifi>- ar r*'ng t t|i>ns aid sweetens the stout * ft*. (Ji)V. O. W. Atkinson, of VV. V». -a "I Invn u-d u tit.tuber of tin tl"s, III K'lit || D.spcps 1 Ihf'H Mini have 11 it' it it r., ii • t very etfVotite 4 mil, jnil i t, po verful rent l\ fur -toiiaeli ail in' 't-. I reCOUHUeeil it to me friend-. Solti tiv Odenditil Bro^ It warms tte* heart like sunshine, cheer- the soul like and 'lit wine, gives hope for the future, tijo s out the past. I hut's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cents at Odendahl Bros. 0