The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 27, 1903, Image 4

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    60 different games—all new
—one in each package of
Lion Coffee
at your Grocer’s. .
G. H. Gibson. Clerk.
8. S. 8wketlanii. Treasurer.
J. A. Angie R, Judge.
J. 8., Attorney.
KDWARl* Sntdku, Sheritr.
H D. llKNUlilCARON. 8ui)l. Public Inst.
E It Corning. Surveyor,
CKO. W. Ulster, Cornor.
supervisors :
11 C Grow, lltst No. 4., Chairman.. PC
address, LuupCitv, Neb.
Aniikrw Uorstka, Dist. No. 1., Ashton PO
PETER TiloKK, III t. No. a Lotipt'lty. •* "
W o Brown, Hist. No. 3, Loup City, •• ••
John MaikFski, Hist. No. 5. Ashton, “ “
Wm. J a K' ilt. Hist. No. 6, Rockville. “ "
W H. Chapman, Hist. No. 7, Litchfield “ “
Mens’ and boys’ overcoats, ti large
variety of styles and sizes at Johnson
Lorentz & Co. I’rices right. You
should call and see them.
Buy onfe of those new cloaks at
Gasteyer's. Everyone is a guaranteed
I>. O. Grow, of the Northern Milling
company feed store wants to trade Hour
for wheat lie also has a line grade
of whole wheat Hour for sale.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it fails
to cure. K, W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25ct.
Its like a dip in the fountain of youth.
Touches the cheek so gently that “youth
lingers in the face of old age.” Thats
what Rocky Mountain Tea does. —Oden
dahl Bros.
For Sale:—Two good milk cows Will
be fresh soon. L N. Smith.
Children’s sleeping garments at
Gasteyer’s for 35 cents.
For Salk.—A good five room
located opposite Dr. Main’s residence.
Will be sold cheap. For particulars
call on me at St. Elmo hotel.
A. Krazim.
It adds spice to dreary life, encour
ages the human heart, lifts one. out of
despair, breaths new life and confidence.
Thats what Tocky Mountain tea will
do. 35 cents,—Odendahl Bros.
For Sale.—A second hand 4 hole corn
sheler and eight horse power. See T.
M. Reel.
825 00 HEWARD~“
The above reward will he paid by
the Litchfield Telephone Company for
information that will lead to the arrest
and conviction of the party that is
cutting the wires of the line between
Loup City and Divide.
, J. R. Lang, President.
To the Tax Payers ok Sherman
County’:—According to Section 150
of the new Revenue Act personal
taxes will become delinquent and
draw interest on and after November
1st. S. X. S W MET LAN I),
County Treasurer
I, Ueo. H. Gibson, County Clerk of
Saermiin county. Nebraska estimate that
the following books, blanks and stationery
will be required for the use of the county
officers for the coming year:
LOT ONE —Three gross lead pencils best
grade; one gross pen holders; twelve quarts
Arnolds writing fluid; twelve gross steel
pens; flve bundled blotters; twenty,
fourgross of assorted rubier bands;
two dozed sponge top mucilage; two
reams Cranes Japanese linen legal cap;
two renin Columuia legal cap; one
indelible election pencils; gross three
dozen election ink cones; eight quire
record books (four plain and four printed
forms) patent flexible back flap opening
best ltuen paper; 3000 triplicate tax receipt,
blocked; 3SOO tax reciepts in triplicate
bound and perforated, goo in book lor coun
ty treasurer, to fold for use with carbon
paper; thirteen sets of poll books and
envelope; six chattel mortage tiles, IMO in
the file; ouegrussone Inch by ten Inch.
Olobe Congress tie envelopes.
LOT TWO.—1000 l-« sheets blank: WWO 1-4
sheet blank; .9000 1-i sheet blanks; 10(K» full
sheet blanks; all blanks to bo good heavy
. paper; 3tNiO note heads; BiH) letter heads;
note and latter heads to be ot good heavy
paper; 4,000 0 l a Inch x x x envelopes; aOOO
lo Inch xxx envelopes.
LOT THKKE.—Court dockets, one case to
page, indexed, with rules of court, list of
Jurors, court officers and resident atlorn
evs, on flat cap paper, In lots of forty ; WH O
election ballots.
■ealed huts for each or any of the above
three lots of supplies must he tiled with
the county clerk at his office In Loup City,
Nebraska, on or before the first day of
January, 1901,
Sealed bids will also bo recleved and
must be filed In the county clerk's office
on or before January 1st. 19li3 for tlie follow.
Ing: Publishing delinquent tux list; pub
lishing county treasurer's finaiiciul state
ment; publishing road and bridge notices
and other notices required by the county
The county board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated at Loup City, t his Situ day of No.
vein her 190.1. (». II, tiinsoM,
(SEAL) County clerk,
Lionel T?fws.
.las. Itentfrow ret unfit from a visi
to Missouri last week.
Try a pair ot the warm lined con
cure sho s at H. .1 Swanson’s.
<ieo. Pinsdale received a car load o
oil cake for his cat le Fridav.
J. II. Parshall, Ilf miller is puttim
up anew residence at the mill.
Charles Anderson is doing an artist a
job of printing on H. T, Snyder's res
dem e.
Floyd (iibson is making himself use*
ful with the type writer In his fattier';
office on Saturdays.
Jacob Albers has been laid up,sever
al days with a severe attact of infor
(nation of the hi dde>.
Chairman II Smelser, of the Repub
lscun county central committee, wai
a pleasant call yesterday.
A. F. Kuhn was a pleasant eallei
Monday and renewed Ins subscription
lie lias just finished husking his corn
Farmers don’t fail to see the line ol
robes, fur coats, far mittens, ami
horse blankets at \V. S. Owen’s har
ness store.
Miss Beth Zimmerman came home
from York. Saturday She will remain
until alter the holidays and then re
turn to her studies again.
Canned fruit took a tumble at A. E.
Chase's store last Monday, coming
down from the top shelf and breaking
in a show case.
Geo. Nick informs us that he will
have about 4,000 bushels of corn trom
175 aeres of ground. He has about 50(1
bushels already in the crib.
Allie Baillie had a severe experience
with a gathering on the back of his
hand. He had his hand lanced one
day last week and it is much better
Miss Ida Draper gave a birthday [tar
ty last Saturday night to r. number
ot her young friends. There was a
good house full pro ent and the event
was greatly enjoyed.
Mrs. C E. Roberts, San Fransco Cal.:
Would not be without Rocky Mountain
Tea in our house. Its a great family
remedy. Makes and keeps us well.—
Odendahl Bros.
Mis. J.O. Douglas will lead the 11,
V 1’. U. at the Baptist church Sunday
evening, Nov. 20th. Subject: “A pict
ure of a ransomed city. Services be
gin at 7 o'clock. Preaching at 7:45.
The society people ot the town have
reorganized their <1 mee club for the
winter and are now holding club
dances every two weeks. Bast Friday
night a very enjoyable time was had.
The glass to the front door of tlit
bank was broken out Tuesday. Bank
er Mason's only explanation as to how
it happened when we questioned him.
was that he pitched out an unruly cust
Win. Shull was in tbe city last Tues
das with a line lot of potatoes. lit
unloaded live bushels at the editor'.
residence, and not only paid up hi
arreages to this paper but set his sub
scription in advance to Nov, 18, 1904
Mr. Shull raised a lot of produce for the
market this year and it will take bun
some time to get it ah hauled.
G. 11. Gibson received word last
Wednesday of the death of Rev. ,J. D,
Stapp, former pastor of the Bap
tist church of this city, who died at
his home in West Seattle, Washington
on November 2o, ]'io:t. Mr. stapp
was at the head of the Baptist organ
ization here at the time the church was
The members of the Highlander
lodge of tins city gave a reception and
dance in honor ot John Dahl who left
Wednesday for Philips, Nebraska
where he expects to open a general
merchandise store. Mr. Dahl has
been an active member of that ordei
since his residence here and many re
gret to see him leave.
The figures in the tabulated state
ment of the official returns of the Iasi
election were wrong in regard io tin
number of votes cast in Hazard town
ship for treasurer. In Harrison town
ship we should have reported 50 votes
for Holmes instead of 20 and in Ha/,
ard township Mr. Holmes received ;
majority of 8, getting 42 to Mr. Sweet
lands 34. The error was typographical
the figures getting mixed in some way
The new restaurant which lias beet
open to the public in the Oltman build
ing this week by Messrs F. E. Joues
.1. M. Bayne of Aurora is about tin
finest tiling of the kind that has beei
established in our city for years and
adds greatlv to the business appear
ance of our city. Those gentlemer
have spared no pains or expense ti
make a first class restaurant of theii
place and wbe espeak for them a good
I had dyspepsia In Its worst form an<
felt miserable most all the time. I)h
not enjoy eating until after I used Kodo
Oyspcpsia Cure which has complete^
cured me.—Nrs. >V. VV Saylor, Hilliard
I’a. No appetite, loss of strengi!
nervousness, headache, constipation,
bad breath. ;>our risings, Indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles an
quickly cured by the use <>f Kxdnl
Kadol represents the natural juice
of digestion combined with the greafes
known tonic and reconstructiAe proper
ties. It cleanses, purlti 's and sweeten
the stomach. Sold by Odendahl Bros
Chris iolians* n lias enrol led In?
name on our sul s ription list.
August Jaeuhk* was a Imsinesi!
v isit* r to the county seat last Monday.
A line of iso cloaks for 1 dies »t
Johnson Lorcntz Ac Co. All new goods
and 11test stxles.
If you are looking for g >od arctics
felt hoots, <} rman socks or knit l oot
call on 1>. J. S i anson
Charley True and Ashley (’anger
have teen * ngagetl to furnish music
for the Thanksgiving danco at Liteh
S. II, Conger hought the sorrel four
year old colt of J. s. I’edler last Mon
day, for which he paid the handsome
sum of ®100.00.
George Truelsen, one of Logan
township's leading farmers and stock
raisers was auioung the immense
crowd of county seat visitors Saturday.
The county treasurer informs us that
liis office has issued, up to date of this
writing 2,779 receipts for taxes for the
year 1901 and 2,404 receipts for the
A program will be rendered Decem
ber 3rd at the school house by the liter
ary society which will be different
from any one yet given Admission
5 cents. All are cordially invited to
Mr. D. L. Howard and three sons
who have been at work on the mill
started for Oregon last Friday, having
completed their woik here. We under
stand that they have a mill to con
struct in that state.
John Rentfrow of Oregon and broth
er of Jas. Rentfrow arrived here the
tirst, of the week and if he can find a
suitable location will settle here perm
anently. The two brothers made us a
friendly call Wednesday.
Ernest Rowe brought down eleven
quads while out limiting on the fair
grounds last week. Our informant
says that lie discovered them roosting
in one of the barns on the grounds and
closed the door on them. Great ex
citement followed but Ernest got his
B. J- Swanson, our popular shoe mer
chant has his store room completely
loaded down with hoots and shoe of
the best makes on the market We
visited his store last- Saturday and
noted that lie was doing a large amount
of business.
Clarence Bensclioter gave a social
party at his home last Friday at which
about forty of his friends and school
mates were present. It was a jolly
crowd which gathered and all seemed
tdhavea good time. At 11 o'clock
supper was served and all did justice
to the occasion.
One of the handsome little Shetland
ponies, (linger they called him, belong
ing to J. T. Hale, died last Monday.
The animal was not only a favorite
with the family but was very much
admired by many. Its loss breaks the
match teamo*' little Slietlandsof which
it was Mrs. Hale’s delight to drive.
W. G. McNulty, W. I). French, Chris
and Henry Johansen, Skip Thresher
and Millie Simpson, who took the con
tract to clav a mile of road west of
Arcadia in Valley county. They were
just fourteen days at the job and rt
eieved $950.00 for it. The people of
Arcadia and vacinitv seemed well
pleased with the work.
Evangelistic meetings will be held at
the Baptist church, beginning Sunday
evening, November 29th. Hev F. A.
Beyl, of Ord is expected to help the
Pastor for two weeks. “Come with
us and we will do you good.’’
F. J). Kennedy, Pastor.
Drs. Davis & Farnsworth, of Grand
Island, Nebraska are prepared to make
X ray examinations and use the X ray
in the treatment of cancers and tumors.
They are experienced In use of this
inetbo I. am) have recently added to
their equipment of one of the strongest
and finest X ray coils made. Ir is used
in examinat'on of all important, cases
and is a great aid in locating disease
that can b<* discovered in no other way.
Public Sale.
If you arc interested you should not
fail to attend the > ig sale of cattle
horses and implements at my farm 7
miles northeast of Litchfield and one
mile vest of Divide P. O..on Thursday'
December 1. 1903, commencing at lo
o'clock a. m., at which time and placb
1 will sell at public auction til head of
cattle, 12 head of horses and 31 head of
shoats, 1 will also sell a line lot of
implements, some rough feed and corn
All sums of $lo, cash. A credit of
three months will he given on all sums
over $lo. without intcic-t if paid when
i due. ami if not paid when due lo per
cent m erest will be charged 1'iom date
of sale. Kknkst E. Voss, Owner.
\Vm. Purcell, Auctioneer.
Tie tlMlve Vital lieu I
I without leaving a sear is DeWiriV. The
name Witeh Hazel is applied to many
salver, but DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salvo
, is the only >' itch Haz/d Salve made
that contains the pure unadulterated
witch hazel. If anyone other Witch
, Htz'd Skive is offered you it is a coun
terfeit. E O. OeWItt invented Witch
, Hazel Salve ar.d OeW Ill’s Witch Hazel
t Snivels the best stive in the world
. for cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, or blind.
* bleeding, itching and | roiruding piles,
Sold by Odendahl Bros.
Chamberlain's Cum-li K« inrU.v Is I'lrsa.
ant to Sake
Tiie rtfiesr qioiltv of gr.ifTul iteij lot f
sugar is used in the mi.ruif iciure of
<'lisnihcrlain’s Cough ll''ti|pdy, an I the
toots used in its |rei'ar,|tion give it atl.i
vor similar u> rn ipi ■ syrup, making it
quite pleasant to take Mr \V. Ruder
iek, of Poolesvllle, Md., ill speaking of
this remedy, says; "I have used Cham
Iv’rl iin's ( nuuh K no dy with my chil
dren for several \ ears and can truthfully
sue it is tlie tv 5i | reparation of the kind
1 know of, i'lie children like lo take it
md it has no injurious after effect.
For ale by Odendahl Bros,
- ——- —
The NoKTinvi:sTiis\ inadvertantly
stati d at the top ot its local column
last week that there was "smallpox
in town" when in fact we meant chick
en pox, It was only a local of three
works but it had the effect of attract
ing »s much attention as the big scare
headlinesm a metropolitan daily. How
ever we are glad that it is not true
even if we did sav s >.
New Way of I slug C'liamlierlaln's
Cough Remedy.
Mr. Arthur Chapra*t writing from
Durban. Natal. South Africa, says: “As
a proof that Chamberlain's Cough Real- 1
edv is a cure suitable fur c.ld and young
I pen \ou ttie following: A neighbor
of mine had a child juit over two
months old. It, bad a very bad cough
and the parents did not know what to
give it. I suggested ihat if they would
g >t a bottle of Chamberlain,s Cough
Kt taedy and put some upon ihe dummy
teat the baby was sucking it would no
doubt cure the child. I’his they did and
brought about a quick relief an ! cured
the baby." This remedy is for sale by
Odendahl Bros.
1 desire to tender my sincere thanks
tor the generous support I received at
the let* election and to ray friends oi
other political parties. I will ever
feel proud of the support that my
home (Ashton township) gave me, also
Louy City township; many of them
not bound by political ties to support
me. I hope and trust that 1 may never
forfeit the conlidence and friendship
bestowed on me. Thinks fo all.
L. A. Williams. Sheriff elect.
The above was sent to us for publication
last week but we Inadvertently omitted
It.— E blToit.
Gastey^r is selleng out some odd lines
of shoes at half pi ice. Look them over
and purchase a pair at a bargain.
Dieting Invite* Disease
To cure Dyspepsia or indigestion It
is no longer necessary to live on milk
and toast. Starvation produces such
weakness that the whole system be
comes an easy prey to disease. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach
and digestive organs to digest and as
similate all of the wholesome food
that one cares to eat, and is a never
failing cure for indigestion, dyspepsia
and all stomach troubles. Kodol di
gests what you eat—makes the stomach
sweet. Sold by Odenduhl Bros.
To ail whom it may concern: The
Commissioner appointed to vacate a
Road commencing at road Ne. 139. near
tin* North West corner <t the North
Wes Quarter of Sect inn Four (4)
Township Fourteen (H) North of
Range Thirteen (13) West and which is
known as the old Loup City and St.
Paul Road, and running thence diagon
ally South East to within about twenty
rods of the South East corner of said
North West Quarter of Section Four
Township Fourteen North of Range
Thirteen, West, and terminating at **a <1
point on s lid South line of North West
Quarter, aforesaid, has reported in favor
of the vacation thereof and all
objections thereto or claims fi.r dam
age. uiust be tiled in the county clerks
office on or before noon of the 30th.
dav of December, 1903, or such road
will he vacated without reference
Dated th;s 23rd day of October. 1903
Gf.o. li. Giiison. County Cle*-k
The commissioner nppolnted to
locate a road commencing at the Valiev
countv line, at the north west corner
of Section 3, and the north ea«t corner
of Section 4. Township 10, Range 14.
and running thence south on the section
line between Sections 3 and 4, 9 and 10.
1 ."> and 16. three miles diieetly south and
ns near as practicable on the section line :
and terminating at road No. 31, on the j
north line at the norrh west corner of
Section 22, Township 16. Range 14. all
in Sherman county, Nebraska, has re
ported in favor of the establishment
thereof and all objections thereto, or
claims for damages uniat b<- filed In
the county clerks office on >>r be fore
nonri of the IS It dav of January, 11*04
or «iich road will he established with*
j out referance thereto
Dated ibis 17 dav of November. 1903
Geo. II Gibson. Countv Ork.
To a'l whom if miv concern :-Th*'
Commissioner appointed to locate a
Road commencing at the. North West
: corner of Section TwenM-four. Town
| ship Sixteen, Range Thirteen, and
Northeast corner of Section Twenty
i three. T 10. R. 13, and tunning thence
; south on Section I.ine. between Sect ions
i 23 and 24, all in Sherman County, Neb
rask. and terminating at Road No. 172
I lia» reported In favor of the establsh
1 ment thereof, and all objections thereto
or claim® for damage, must be tiled In
I the County Clerk's Oflice, on or before
noon of the 29th. day of January 1904,
or such Road will be established witb
oue reference thereto.
Dated this 24th day of Nov., 1903
County Cleik,
Iy reader of this ;j
id for samples |
:ial $10 sun
d a deal where we closed id
hese suits will be sold ic „
lers only. |
ies on earth.
ee as to quality and wear.
te your choice, or you discover the L
t was
ind we will re- j
loney . . ._.
^ ~s"_Cor. ISth and Farnam, OMAHA. |
« _
work. See us or write to us before giving an order.
A. P. GULLEY, President. \V. F. MASON, (V-lii r.
General Banking
Paid up Capital Stock 520.000.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City. N. Y.
Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska
Tfiree ltnicl Trains Daily j
-TO- !
The Fast Trains from Omaha teaches Pacific coast
Trains Handsomely i:<jui|>prd. Accommoda
tions provided for all classes of passengers.
Full information cheerfully furnished on application
to U. E. Bailey, Agent.
The Best Liniment.
‘ Chamberlain'll Pain Balm is consid
ered the best liniment on the market,”
w.ite Post & Bliss,of Georgia, Vf. No
ottier liniment will heal a cut or bruise
so promptly. No other afford* such
quick releif from rheumatic pains. No
other is so valuable for deep seated
pains like lame back aim pains in the
chest. Give the liniment a trial ami
you will never wish to be without it.
Sold by OdendahIBros.
A Perfect Painless PHI
is the one that w ill < 1 ‘nse tin* system, set
j the liver to action, remove the bile, clear ,
' the Complexion, cure tierdache m.d leave *
a good taste In the mouth. The f minus
little pip- fordoing such » oik | lesa it
ly and effectuallv are DeWitt's Little
Katly Kisers Bob Moore of Lafi.yetn ,
Ind. says: “AH other Tills 1 have u'ed
gripe and sicken, while DeWift’s Little
early Kisers are simply perfect'' Sol 1
| by Odendahl Bros,