The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 06, 1903, Image 5
1 vi f. Nor t h w e s i f r n PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THB COUNTY SKAT. GKO. K. BBNSCHOTKK, Editor and Publisher TERMS:—*100 PKR TKAH. IP PAID IN A DP A NCI Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans. mission through the mails as second class matter. REPUCLICAN VICTORY. RESULT IN THE STATE. 10, 000 for Barnes, Rtgents Get More. 1000 FOR HOSTETLER _» THIS TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT KKFUBLIOAS AGAIN. (From The Omaha Bee.) Complete returns have been re ceived from thirty-nine of the ninty counties in the state and partial ones from practically all the remainder. The thirty nine counties complete, including Douglas and Gage, rep reseuts a little over half the total vote of the state. In these count ies Barnes, Rep., for supreme judge has a plurality of 4,407. In the same counties tvyo years ago Sedg wick had a plurality of 7,077. These figures taken in connection with the partial returns from the remaining counties indicate that the plurality of Barnes, in the state will he 10,0(10 | The heaviest loss for Barnes aaenm pared with Sedgwick vote, was in Douglas county, where it averaged almost tweuty to the precinct. Out in the state, particularly inthecouut ie9 having no large towns, he has not lost anything or at the most only a fraction of this figure. These counties are, as a rule, the ones only partially reported. From this it would seem a safe estimate to put ] Barnes’ plurallity at the figure narn-1 ed. | There is nothing at hand upon | which to base an accurate estimate of the votes for regents, but the meager reports would indicate that they will have a larger plurality than the bead of the ticket. In the judicial districts the repub licans have . been successful as a rule, though the figures are incom plete. Iteavis, rep., in the first dis trict is defeated, though the repub licans elect the other judge. This is due to a bitter factional fight which was waged upon him. In this, the l2tb judicial district Hostetler the republican eaudidate won by a round thousand majority. f During the recent campaign the charge was made to my detri ment in Bristol township that 1 had tried to collect $2.50 from John Hockreiter, of Ravenna, for cancel ling a real estate mortgage against him that had already been dis charged. I told Mr. Mortz, the mortgagee that the statement was talse and offered to pay him $25.00 for any letter written by me on the subject. Mr. Mortz kindly procured the letter and it is given below in full: Loup City Nebraska Aug' 8, 190ft. John lloebreiter Esq. Ravenns, Neb. Dear Sir: I And that the mortgage to Peter Moritz covering land in 20-13 and 10 has not been released. If you wish and will send me §2 50 I will prepare a proper release, send it to Peter Moritz for his execut ion, and on «eeuring it back from him will have it properly recorded and then send it to r you. Yours truly II. M. Mathew. In justice to Mr. Mathew I would say that the rtdease of the mortgage ft referred to was a marginal release, therefore does not appear on the numerical index only in the two words “marginal release,” which is written in the column for “remarks” just after the description of the land and Mr. Mathew overlooked it when 1 looking the matter up for Mr. Hoek reiter. Geo. H. Gihson, “If you are a friend of the Times Independent vote for Christiansen for sheriff',” says the Times in its issue just before electiou. Alas, wheft are these friends. Billy Jacob, as a candidate by petition for supervisor of Bristol and Hazard towDsbips failed to win out Geo. Brammer. the populist nominee received a nice plurality ©ver both Muun and Jakob. IGAIMNG GROUND, _ | Sherman County Doing Better All The Time. ONLY 112 POP MAJORITY. It Used to be About Three Hun dred and Fifty. The result of the election in Sher man county is about the same as most people had figured it out. Judge Angier, Mr. Sweetland, Mr. Gibson and Mr. Hendrickson have all made good officers, and the com mon expression of leading citizens from every part of the county was to the effect that they would be hard to beat. Anil so it seemed. The republicans however had up a splen did ticket. Every man of them was worthy the support of ever loyal republican blit in some town ships this was not done, and we j can only attribute this fact to the I popularity and good record of the op posing candidates The some cause may be attributed to the fact of so much of the populist vote having drifted towards Mr. Gibson. The vote for candidates on the sheriff and assessor was close. All were new men for the ollice. The fact that Mr. Williams is an old citizen anil is very popular gave him some advantage over his opponent who is not so well known over the county. Both Mr. W'illiains and Mr, Chris iansen carried their own townships by majorities that the\ tun\ will ii« ptcu'i of. Mr. Claus sen, on the republican ticket for as sessor made a splendid race, lie had a big in jj <rity in h:s own town, ship and ntri hwhv ahead of his I ticket in the county. He was only j defeated 8'3 and when you ennsidt r the usual populist majority in this i county and that liis opponant, Mr. ; Peters is an old citizen and more generally known, it is plain that Mr. Claussen made a good run. Regarding Mr. Starr, the repub Mean candidate for county judge we will sav that in the city where he has become well known the re publican vote wa9 cast for him, but when the country vote came in there were evidently republicans, who not being very well acquainted with bun during his short residence here, and kuowing Mr. Angier to have made a good officer, voted for the 'latter. Mr. St rr's decreased vote in other parts of the county may be ( attributed to the same causes. Mr. Omey fur superintendent is also a uew tnan and was much In the same position as Mr. Starr. Being well known to the people of his township, however, ho was able to carry it bs a handsome majority. It was a victory for the republi cans never the-less, and with a good organization and another good set of candidates we are quite sure 'of success in the future. Loup Oitv township polled the largest vote she has ever polled, 288 ballots having been oast. Of these D. U. Grow, rep. nominee for super vtsor received 183 and W. A. llayes the populist nominee got 7S. The balance of the republican town ship ticket was elected by majorities ranging from 20 to 05. The result was a splendid endorsement of Mr. Grow’s official record. THANKS I desire to extend my sincere thanks through the press to the vot ers of Slreiraau county and of all political (omplfxtions for your kind assistance during the campaign just dosed and for the ge nerous majority polled op for me on election day. It shall he my aim and fondest de sire to merit your confidence so gen erously given, and my fondest hope that I succeed. Yours Truly, G. H. Gibson. L. A. WILLIAMS, THE OLD SOLDIER WINS THE FIGHT. 'Pime: 13 years, several months and some days. That is to say that we have not had a republican sheriff for that length of tune. But now, ah now; Well, our place of business is just south of tho court house square. Bring them legal notices this way Mr* Sheriff, please. ABSTRACT OF VOTE Polled in Sherman County Nebraska, Nov] 3rd., 1903. ©I H ^ ttj 3S1 t"> S 2 £ S£ K 5 nis g O K c1 » o a 2 ST - 8 s= g ©.is wwi^E JE.c ars.i^^.gSg’ a r: -' Z ■ 2. v £<: n. q e - ! 3 TOWNSHIPS: i r f : 5, «! ? 2 : § ; & : : |F 9? ■ C • ; I f j ; ; ; : ; ; • ; ; For Supreme Judge:— I I i John B Barnes, ren. 10 28 30 11 24'157 45 28 29 57 17 41 85 518 John J. Sullivan, fus... 30 84! 84 10 20*107 74 07 24 54 32 36 77 030 ]j9 George I. Wright, pro...1 12 0 0 1 0 () 0 1 5 11 11 O'. Christenson, soc. 2 1 2 2 0 3 17 4 1 3 0 1 6 42 For Regents.— ; ('has S Allen, rep. 10 28 38 11 26 102 47 27 30 56 16 41 34 526 Win G Whitmore, rep. 8 27 34 11 26 153 44 29 27 52 14 40. 33 498 Wm. A. Jones fus.... 29 82 32 16 21 06 66 96 22 52 31 32! 75 600 74 Ernest O. Wieber, fus.. 30 30 29 16 21; 83 68 01 23 53 28 27 68 567 nr) C A. Barker, pro. 3 0 0 2 rt 0 1 4 2 1; 2 15 H. V. Muir, pro. 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 2 1; 2| 18 T. B. Lippineott, soc... 2 1 1 2 0 4 13 4 1 3 0 1 6 38 F. S. Wilbur, soc. 3 1 J 1 0 4 13 4 1 8 0 1 0 37 For Judge 12th Dist.:— i . 15 () Hostetler rep . . 10 33 39 11 26 171 55 34 27 61 1!) 42: 381 566 Willis L. IIhihI. fus_ 80 31 37 18 21 101 77 92 28 53 20 33,72 022 55 For Countv Tteas:— Geo. W. Holmes, rep... 9 28 39 10 17)16 40 27 20 20 55 15 42 460 S \ Sweetland p. 1 .. 31 37 34 17 32 156 <8 97 34 55 ,12 34; 64 701 041 Fred Hein, soc. ...... 3 1 3 8 0 4 23 5 0 5 0 2 8 57 For County Clerk:— _ Geo IT. Gibson, rep.... 13 46, 50 20 81 185 50 40 37 65 22, 58 47 658, 432 C. F. Bueshausen p. i.. 28 18 28 8 19 89 78 83 19 44 271 24 61 526 Andrew Garstka, soc.. 3 2 0 2 0 1 0, .> 0> 5 Oj 1 6 31 For SheriII:— I ! i I L. A. Williams, rep.... 14 40 28 1(! 29 182 96 40 311 58 19 40 38 631 j 8ft Jens Christensen, p. i.. 27 26 48 12 21 88 38 85 24 50 27 86 69, 551 K. II. Ladeg.ird, soc_ 2 1 1 2 0 2 7, 4 ] 8 lj 3 6 38 For County .Judge:— 1 „ , Hobt P Starr rep 10 33 85 12 17 132 33 28 25 52 19 36, 33 464 J A Angier.’ p. 1..’!!. 301 83 37 16 33 140 69 95 j 31 50, 28 j 4*-M 73, 683 219 John F. Smith.’. 3j 3 3 0 6; 34 51 0 5 0, lj 9 69 For County Snpt:— ! i J .J .J , I I I • re«is Omey rep 8! »» 34 11 9.117 4* 27 20 70 20 43 32, 466 H. D. Hendrickson, p. i . 33 44 4 2 18 40.165 7» 98j 30 44 2s! 35 78 723 257 Walter^Moon r'm> r 11 29! 85'10 22 1681 41 3oi 81 54 17| 42- 3nI 526 E 15. Corning, p] 30 361 40 181 23 104 , 83 93 23| 01 30 35 74 050 122 For Coroner:— Geo W. Hunter, rep... 1<> 33 40 12 23 175 45; 29 32 57 is, 42, 117 555 F. E. Brewer, p i..... 81: 88 35 17 24 100 81 97 24] 55. 27 35 73! 682 77 For Assessor:— 1 Henning Claussen, rep. B>, 34 50 11 27,170 31, .to 3; 51 is, 40 36 542 Lawrence Peters, p.L . 81 30, 29 15 23 101 94 91 23 SO 28 88j 70 625 m J. W. Ileapy, soc. 3 ® 3 b 3j 11 6. 2; 12. •> 1| < 49 Bounty on Wolf Scalps: i y ’ ‘ 15 32 56 12 33 102 34 40 87 67 23 53 36 640 Nq..’.7.710 4| fi 1 6 37 B'i 5-l 3 20 7; 7] 32 291 Tot A r. 43: 67i 79i 30 50288 141*120; 5^ 119 50 79 1201236! For Supervisor Dist. No. 2: Logan. Wa^tiing'nii Majority. S. C. Mower?. 27 32 Henry Leininger. IHJ 41 18 For Supervisor, Dist. No. 4: Loup City D. C. Grow. 182 105 VV. A Hayes. 78 For Supervisor l>ht. No. 6: Hazard. Riistol E Munn. 27 10 G. W. Braininer. 28 74 50 Win. Jakob. 21 31 IF YOU GET UP IN TEE mcrning with determination, von arc going to bed with satisfaction, provided you are determined to buy Liquid Koal for your bogs before they get the cholera. This is the lime of year when they are full of worms as a result of feeding new corn Cattle will soon begin to get corn stalk disease, oi ii Liquid Koal will prevent all thi-*. It is the best.worm destroy* i known. OUR Price, One Dollar per Qt., Three Dollars per Gallon. OUR Motto is “Don't adver tise if you can’t Make Good.”! For sale and guaranteed by John Solins, Loup City ^seb. I Manufactured by National Medical Co., Sheldon, Iowa. Okla. City, Okla., York, Neb. WHISKY DEIGHTFU f, SEVER A IF., A SAFE STiMULENT A GOOD MEDCHNE For Sale by T. H. ELSNER, LOUI* CITY, - . . NKHR. Don’t Be Fooled^ Genuine KOCKY MOUNTAIN TF-A li put up in v,Cite packages, manufactured exclusively by tiie Madison Medicina Co., Madison, rVIs. Sells ut JE t-ils i< package. All o.lieis are rank imitations and substitutes, don't risk your health by taking them. I MKOENUINli makes sici. people Well. Keeps you Well. Ail tionest Dealers sell the Genuine. ■ HOLUSTfitf DRUG CO, Madison Wis BOUGHT AT THIS ; B & M. ELEVATORS I UCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING. ASHTON AND FARWELL. Gosi for Sale at Lonu City and Aslton. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call sod see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G. TAYLOft. j +^J. I. DEPEWS*. Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker o ' £o>oooooo **f I » My shoo la tlin largest and beat equipped north of the Platte Rlv* i « 1 hive a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, mi. J eld.H tv, also u force of experienced men who know how to operate it >id| turnout a job with neatness nnd dispatch. | MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND I ROMPT« ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. Soliciting your patronage 1 a in Yours respectfully, J. X. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. j I W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. WUl Defend In Forecloanr* Ohm also DO A General Real Estate Business. , _ __ >*• - • • - t.OOF OITV, MEUBAIKA. Robert P. Starr, Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, NEBRHSKH Marg A. K. Hendrickson, PHYSICIAN, Koiiidfiicfl at A. L. Zlmiue rnian'A LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. S. A. ALLEN, DEJYTIST, T.OUP CITY, • - NEB. OFFICE.—One door east of St. I lino Hotel. My cqulppinent 1h modern and my prices wi^l be as low as cun be ex pected for !?ood work. I would be pleased to have you call. Open iveninus. In a dental operation the main consider, atiou Is the result. The pain Is greatly modified by modern equippinent. Dr. A. R NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon and HORSE DENTIST. OFFICE. At my new residence second door east of opera house. LOUP CITY, : . NEUHASKA. Boone, PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. Photographs, Farm views, Stock pict ures, etc. Finest instrument west of the Missouri river. All work strictly guar anteed. City Dray AND Transfer Line. J. W. &A. T. Conger, Props All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty of moving household good. We solicit your patronage. LOUP CITY, - - - NEBRASKA. To Cure a Cold in One Day fK.'SU Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, y; 7 Seven MiMon boxes sold In past 12 months. This signature, n°‘ ^ ..... .. ■ .... - BUGGIES' Do You ISTeed One? IsTe-w Stools:! (©alb hsxstjh smw wmwm. I also have a good line of farm wagons, press and 5-hoe drills, windmills, pumps and a general line of hardware and furniture. T- M. REED.