Loop City Northwestern GEO. E. BENSCHOTER, Ed. a.td Pub. LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA. The woman who Is going out In an tel gown had better begin to get into t now. It is only natural that trolley sleep ers should be provided for our restless population. Theresa Vaughn, before the clouds gathered about her, scattered much sunshine in the world. The concert of the powers will prob ably not be moved to do anything un til “Hiawatha" is played, Servla has a new cabinet, but old Stojan Protics is still on deck. They can't run the thing without StoJ. If some explorer were really to dis cover the pole, he would put an end to a very thriving literary industry. Charley Ross has just been found In Texas, but he is likely to turn up in Maine or Montana by to-morrow. 0 __ Riches still manifest a tendency to , take unto themselves wings, particu larly the kind of riches that exist on paper. They have finally produced a play In f4ew York that Is naughty enough to ihock the natives, look out for broker records. A woman’s logic is cut so on the bias that when she is all tired out from shopping she goes to a dance to rest herself. Some one has said that the game of football bears the same relation to physical culture that a bull fight does to agriculture. Talking of a rich men’s panic, there was one in Kansas City when a milk wagon ran away and collided with a coal dealer’s rig. The dressmakers’ convention at Chi cago pleased the women, but only add ed a distressing financial outlook to tho man of the house. Those young women of the Brooklyn Heights school who paraded In the streots with reversed clothes must have reversed Ideas of ladylike con duct. This settles the Filipinos: News has just been received that the insurgent are organizing football and baseball leagues. May as well call hack the army. Ctr Archibald Hunter says he Is sorry that he sneered at the navy, but cannot alter his opinion. And Ad miral Lambton accepts this as an apology! August Belmont Is to sell all his lace horse3. Farewell to the Bcarlet, maroon and black which have been worn to victory so many times in the years gone by! We Bpend in this country $40 a year for liquor and tobacco and 40 cents for churches per capita. Need we won der why there are more saloons than places of worship? The Germans in the fatherland are fretted by the girl who eternally plays the scales in the next house. They would be glad to swap the piano pest tor the gypsy moth. A brass band down in Jackson, Miss., frightened a mule to death. From the meager reports we are at a loss to determine whether this reflects on the mule or the band. Could there be a more pathetic sight than that of Russed Sage, bowed with the weight of years and trying to sava money enough to pay $113 and save his humble farm from the maw of the ta:; collector? There are in London more Scotch men than in Aberdeen, more Irish than in Dublin, more Jews than In Pales tine, more Roman Catholics than in Rome, and more Americans than in Oskaioosa, Iowa. Following the example of the chil dren of Israel, who, by the rivers of Babylon, hung their harps on the wil lows and refused to sing, the choir boys of a church in Watervllle, Me., have gone on strike. The crown prince of Germany is re ported to have wrecked a pianola while having a high time in Munich the other day, but he doesn’t seem to have become infatuated with any American heiress lately. If Sir Thomas Lipton wants to make nimself solid with the colored people of Georgia, where he has just bought large plantations for the raising of fruits, he has but to put a brand of Lipton watermelons on the market. The sighing swain of San Francisco who encountered some parental objec tion in the shape of a large red brick bat is doubtless convinced that the course of true love was not exagger lnsomnta a physician to pedal the feet In respiration, the pedal mplished from the for heaven's fellow going to PARTY OBLIGATIONS TO WHAT EXTENT ARE POLIT1 CAL PLATFORMS BINDING? If They Are Mere Platitudes They May Be Easily RepudUted, but If They Are Pledges Ought They Not to Be Faithfully Carried Out? Why do we frame and adopt party platforms? Are they platitudes, or are they pledges? And If the latter, are they to be broken or kept? These questions would seem to be superflu ous, and yet we appear to be on the eve of breaking a distinct Republican promise, for as such a plank in a po litical platform is understood. Tho Republican party in its half century of existence has made few promises that it has not kept or attempted to keep. No matter how often Democrat ic pledges have been broken, the Re publican legislators and executives have tried to keep faith with the ma jority which elected them. Going back to 1860, the Republican platform de clared that “sound policy requires such an adjustment of imports as to encourage the development of the in dustrial interests of the whole coun try." Time and time again Republi can platforms have declared for pro tection to labor and industries, some times in general terms, sometimes more specifically. And the president elected on those platforms was ex pected to carry out or preserve their provisions so far as lay in his power. The same was expected of congress, and never have the legislative and ex ecutive power broken the platform pldges. For the first time in the history of the Republican party it is proposed to break faith with the people. In the platform adopted in 1896 the only in dustry singled out for specific pledge the blissful sweetness of the Cuban climate, one is forced to conclude that it were better to own and cultivate a single acre of land in Cuba than to drag out a weary and profitless exist ence on a hundred acres in Michigan. If the half is true of what is bo flamingly set forth as to the vast sums of money to be made out of agricul ture In Cuba, that Island has no need of special reciprocity privileges in |he A/saerican market. It not only does not need them, but, from the stand point of the American farmer, it ought not to have them. What Senator Hoar Said. "Senator Hoar has now said right out in meeting that the Dingley sched ules ought to be revised after presi dential election. Will the American Economist be able to believe its ex pansive ears?’’—Hartford Cotirant. Senator Hoar has said nothing of the sort. What he said, in substance, was that the tariff should not be re vised at all until the people have by their votes directed congress to under take revision. A very different thing, is it not? Perhaps, if the Courant will read what Senator Hoar really said, it may be able to believe its strabismic eyes.—American Economist. Let Congress Bear in Mind. The Cuban agrarians have transmit ted to President Roosevelt their thanks for his efforts in behalf of Cu ban reciprocity. Well they may, for if Congress ratifies the pending treaty It will add several dollars to the Cu ban planter’s profits on every ton of sugar he sells. As that sugar all comes to the United States market, this extra bonus will come out of the domestic consumer. Two years ago we were told that the Cubans would 3tarva if Congress did not grant a heavy reduction in duties within thir ty days, but the fact is Cuba has been almost entirely regenerated Industrial OUGHT HE TO TURN THE OTHER CHEEK? ttPirw ’ was the sugar industry, and this was the declaration: "The Republican party favors such protection as will lead to the produc tion on American soil of all the sugar which the American people use, and tor which they pay other countries more than $100,000,u00 annually.” Immediately upon the election of McKinley and Hobart and a Republi can congress, capitalists, having faith in a Republican promise, invested their money, and farmers, having the some faith, began the cultivation of beets. The beet sugar industry year after year grew amazingly, first be cause the Industry could be estab lished with adequate protection, and second, because protection had been promised and it was believed it would be cortinued so long as the Republi can party remained in power. Again, in 1900, the party declared unequivocally for protection, and again monied men and farmers of the country, having faitn in that pledge, renewed their energies in the devel opment of a domestic sugar Industry. From an output of 20,000 tons a few years ago, an output of more than ten times that amount has been reached, and even though this is less than one tenth of our consumptive capacity, it is belioved that in a few years more, with the knowledge and experience gained and the impetus already giv en, our output would reach the full amount of what we use. And yet the president and senate have taken the first steps toward nulli fying the protection given to our sugar Industry in accordance with promises of 1896, as embodied in the Dingley law and reasserted In the platform of 1900. It remains now for the house of representatives to complete the break ing of the pledge, or, by refusing to confirm the action of the president and senate to enable us to keep our pledge to our sugar industry and our honor as a party. Overdoing Things. It is at least a curious coincidence that Michigan, the home of the sugar beet, phould selected as a field for exploiting the fascinations and allure ments of Cuba as an agricultural para dise. A company has been organized in Detroit to boom things. Its pros pectus and printed matter give out a high temperature. Reading the "hot stuff’ about the phenomenal fertility and productiveness vf Cuban soil and ly, and her sugar crop this year bids fair to be one of the largest in ber his tory. Let Congress bear in mind the interests of domestic producers of sugar, tobacco, cigars, early fruits, vegetables, etc., in considering the pending treaty.—American Agricultur ist. The Farmer Is Satisfied. The slight falling off in exports seems to be giving considerable com fort to the free traders, as they wel come anything that will serve as an argument against the Dingley law. They do not note that the failing off 1*3 in agricultural products, while our exports of manufactures are increas ing. High prices naturally have the tendency to check exports and in crease imports, and exports of agri cultural products will always fluctuat* But it is no argument against protec tion, when our farmers can market at home more nearly all they produce and at profitable prices. The table of the prosperous American is loaded three tlme3 a day, and full stomachs, full dinner pails and full lunch bas kets are full testimony to the efficacy of protection. When to Revise the Tariff. The fact is that the tariff will be i* vised when the people at the polls de mand it, and not before.—New York Times Right, for once. That is precisely when, and only when, the tarift will be or should be revised. When the peo ple, being tired of prosperity, or for any other reason satisfactory to them selves, want the tariff revised, reduced or removed, they will say so, and it will be done. But until that time comes, until the people have said so, the proper thing to do is to let the tar iff alone. Helpless Without a Tariff. Here is a little lecture on protective tariAa, from the Birmingham (Eng.) Post: “America attracts our skilled workmen by the larger wages that are poalcle under protection and gets, year by year, a larger helping of the limit ed supply of potter’s clay; and so a onco prosperous industry is approach ing starvation point. Having no tar iff, we are helpless to check these pro ceedings.” Higher wages and the de velopment of home industries cause no complaint in the United States.— St. Louis Glob •‘-Democrat IN COLONIAL SYTLL PLANS FOR NEAT AND COMFORT ABLE HOME. Only One Story in Height, but Econ omical Arrangement of Space Gives Effect of Roominess—Large Attic an Attractive Feature. Finished suitably can be put up for $1,500. While the dimensions are re stricted, there is such an economical utilization of the interior spaces that the effect of roominess is attained. The style 1b Colonial, one story, with a gambrel roof. The roof and sides are shingled, those on the roof being left to weather finish, and those in the gables and on tho sides being stained a dark brown. The front door opens into a large hall, which may bo used as a reception room. At one end of the room is a window seat, and under the stairs there is a well-lighted coat closet or lavatory. There is an eight-inch base at the floor and a wood cornice at the ceiling. The stairs are Colonial in de sign, with turned newel post and bal usters. The one large living room has many advantages over the two small ones that are usually found In a house of this size. The kitchen and pantry open from the end of the room that is used as a dining room. The other end has a fireplace with a mantel of Colo nial design, a built-in bookcase and a comfoi table window seat. At the side of the room next to the veranda there are two windows extending to the floor which open to the veranda; This room has a paneled wainscot about four feet six inches high and a wood cornice at ihe ceiling.' The woodwork of the reception hall and living room Is painted ivory white and the floors are soft green. The Vails and ceiling of the reception hall tire left a rough sand finish and kal somined a gold color. The walls of the living room are covered with icream colored cartridge paper. The pantry contains dressers, closets, sink, ice chest, etc. The kitchen is fitted up in the usual way. with range, sink, kettle closet, etc. It is a; ranged in such a manner that the alcove con taining the sink and the range may be screened off and the remaining space used as a small dining room. The stairs leading from the kitchen to the second landing or the main stairs are especially convenient, making it pos sible for those working in the kitchen to get to the attic without passing through the hall. The stairway to tho cellar opens out of this room. There is a wainscot of matched and beaded boards about five feet high around tho room. The wall above the wainscot is covered with a washable paper. The second story has three weJl ilghted and well-ventilatod bedrooms, with an ample amount of closet space for each, a linen closet and a bathroom which also has a large closet. The bathroom ha? a wainscot five feet high of cement martted off and enameled to represent tiles There is a stairway leading from the second story hall to the attic. The attic has provisions for a large room, which may be finished at a slight cost, and a'so a large space lor storage. The cellar will have provisions for laundry, coal bins, vegetable closet ( aud furnace.—L. S Beardsley in New York Herald. To Keep Roof From Leaking. In building, the shingles should be dipped In paint before being laid, for In painting a roof after the shingles WO laid the paint forms a ridge at the' butts of shingles and causes them to' decay underneath. It would cost very little more to put on a new roof, when It begins to leak, than to go to the, expense of putting on a tar and gravel’ roof over the old shingles, and then you would not have as good a job unless the root is very flat. i -- I To clean lamp tops boil a few min utes in soda and water. Then the .light will burn steady. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, LESSON VI., NOV. 8—DAVID’S GRIEF OVER ABSALOM. Golden Text—“A Foolish Son Is a Grief to Hia Father”—Prov. 17:25— Sowing to the Wind and Reaping the Whirlwind. 1. The Story of David's Flight from Jerusalem.— In our last lesson we left Absalom with his army marching from Hebron toward Jerusalem to take possession of his father's throne. As soon as David learned of this he pro posed and prepared to tieo from Jerusalem and leave the city and the kingdom to his son. Why David Fled. This action seems very strange. "But. politically con sidered, David's action was the wisest that could be taken. For (1) so sud den was the outbreak that the city was not in a condition to stand a siege; and the popular excitement had so seriously affected the citizens that David scarcely kuew whom to trust.” —Tuck. He might be betrayed if lie remained. (2) Ho would not fight against his own loved son. (3) David's kind nature induced him to spare Jerusalem the horrors of a siege and the risk of being taken by assault. (4) He probably judged, too, and rightly, that delay would be unfavor able to Absalom's plans, an opinion which Ahithophel held, too (2 Sain. 17:1, 2), and riushai (2 Sam. 17:7-13). 2. The Procession. “It was appar ently early on the morning of the day after he had received tho news of the rebellion that the king left the city of Jerusalem. The body guard of Philis tines moved at the head; then fol lowed the great mass of the regular taoldiery; next came the high officers .of the court; and last, immediately (before the king himself, the six hun dred warriors, his ancient companions, with their wives and children.”— Stanley. The sad procession moved 'from one of the eastern gates down into the ravine of the brook Kidron. crossed the stream, and rested by an olive tree at the branching of the roads that passed over Mt. Olivet. Here they were joined by another pro cession consisting of the high priest and the Levites, bringing the ark of the covenant. 3. The Ark Returned to Jerusalem. The ark of the covenant was the cen ter of religious worship and the sym bol of the presence of God. It was felt that where the king was there was the place for the symbols of re ligion; and, possibly, the high priest felt as the sons of Eli had felt almost a century before, that God's presence and power would go with the ark, and thus be David’s defense and source of guidance. But David or dered them to return with the ark to Jerusalem and place it again in its home on Mt. Zion, (1) chiefly because that was the place for it, and David would not disorganize the whole re ligious system of the nation for any private advantage; he was not super stitious and would not use the sacred ark as a charm. God was with him, wherever the ark might be; (2) it would he well to have the priests, his trusted friends, in the city. 6. Stones and Curses Hurled at David on the March. ‘‘At Bahurim, at the head of the pass toward Jericho, where Phaitiel. the husband of Michal, had been turned back, a fresh humiliation awaited the king. Snimei, the son of Gera, a Benjaraite and a member of the house of Saul, suddenly made his appearance on the crest of the hills lining the road. Along the ridge he ran, throwing stones as if for the adulterer’s pun ishment, or when he came to a patch I of dust on the dry hillside, taking it up, and scattering it over the royal party below, with the elaborate curses of which only eastern partizans are fully masters—curses which David never forgot, and of which, according to the Jewish tradition, every letter was significant. David’s friends wished to kill the vile man, but the king would not allow it. The curser seemed to be voicing the verdict of David’s own conscience. 7. The Encampment by the Jordan. David and his company, weary with the march and the exciting scenes, camped toward night In the plain of the Jordan, not far from the fords of Jericho, and awaited news from the capital. As soon as Ahithophel had. given his counsel a messenger war. dispatched to David telling him what might take place. That same night he broke camp and crossed the Jor dan, out of immediate danger. 8. The Now Capital. With his com pany, David proceeded to the fortified town, Mahauaim. near the Jabbok (see "Place”), which he made his tem porary capital. Here an army of Israelites was assembled and organ ised, and three neighboring chiefs sent in provisions. David and his people began to recover from their panic. II. The Decisive Battle.—After David left Jerusalem, Absalom and his army took possession of the city and the palace that same day. 1. The Council of War. A council of war was called. Ahithophel, the wise, advised an immediate attack. Ills advice was "a masterpiece alike of sagacity and wickedness.” This man had been David’s close and trust ed friend and counselor, so wise that his advice was "as if a man inquired | of the oracle of God” (2 Sam. 16:23). | He had a grievance since he was the j zrgndfather of Bathsheba (as Inferred i from 2 Sam. 11:3 compared with 2 ' Sam. 23:34); and he saw the weak ness of David’s position at the time, and the strength of Absalom against the other heirs. Heaving out divine Providence, Absalom seemed sure of success, and Ahtthophel chose the stronger side. But David had another counselor, Hnab&i the Archite, a elate on the southern borders of Ephraim, six miles west of Bethel. He met David, offered his services, and wa* sent to Jerusa'em to defeat the politi cal wisdom of Ahithophel, by pretend ing to be on Absalom’s side. He de feated Ahithophel’s wise counsel by proposing a foolish plan which ap pealed to Absalom’s vanity by a flat tering picture of himself at the head of an immense army, like a world conqueror, and all the nation, a3 it were, singing “Hail to the Chief,” as they did to his father when he re turned from his victory over Goliath. Ahithophel felt so certain that Absa lom’s cause was now lost, and all his hopes w’ere ruined, that, like Judas, he went out and committed suicide. 2. The Brief Reign of Absalom. This delay enabled Absalom to reign three months in Jerusalem while he was assembling his army. 3. The Battle Array. The armie3 assembled In the forest of Ephraim. “The nature of the country gave ev ery advantage to David's little band of trained warriors." The army of David was divided into three divisions under three able generals. “Gideon had divided his handful into three, that ho might make a simultaneous impression on three different parts of the Mklianite host, and thus contribute the better to the defeat of the whole. So David divided his army into throe, that, meeting Absalom's at three different points, he might prevent a concentration of tne enemy that would have swallowed up his whole force.”—Blaikie. The armies met, and David’s army under Joab gained a decisive victory. III. The Death of Absalom.—“Amid this scattered tight Absalom was sep arated from his men, and as he fled from a party of the enemy, the mule on which he rode carried him beneath the low branches of a spreading tere binth and left him hanging by the head, probabiv in a forked bough. The first soldier who came up spared his life because of the king's command, and went to tell Joab. The unscrupul ous chief hurried to the spot, and thrust three javelins into Absalom’s heart. There was probably a true regard for the king and kingdom in this act of Joah. He knew that Absa lom could r.oi with safety be suffered to live, and that it would be diffi cult to rid the ntatc of so fout a mem ber at any other time than jiow, when a ju t right to slay him had been earned in open battle.”—Kitto. Absa lom’s body was cast into a great pit. and a great heap of stones were cast upon him, either in detestation of his memory, or ns a monument to dis tinguish the place. IV. How the News Was Brought to David.—Vs. 24-32. Two famous run ners brought the news to David—the Cushite, and A’llmaaz, the son of the high priest. Joab would not permit Ahimaar. to go at first, because he did not wish the son of David's friend 10 bear the sad news. He therefore sent a well-known runner, “the Cushite,” that is, “the Ethiopian,” who would think he was carrying good news of the victory to David. But after he had obtained a good start, Joab permitted Ahimaaz also to go. 24. “David sat between the two gates.” The inner and outer gates. 25. "If he be alone, there is tid ings,” for if he were a fugitive after defeat, there would be others with him. 28. “Ahlmaaz . . . said . . . All is well.” He spoke the truth, but not nil the truth. It was well that Absalom was defeated, and that he was dead; well for the kingdom, and well for David. Ahlmaaz would state the good news first in order to break the shock of the other news about Absalom. 2'J. “Is the young man Absalom safe?” David’B heart turned toward his wayward son In Infinite love. “A great tumult, but 1 knew not what it was.” This was a falsehood (v. 20), but it was altered to soften the sad news. 31. “Cucl.V (the Cushite) “came.” He was not so delicate in his an nouncement of the news. 32. “The enemies of my lord,” etc. “The Ethiopian slave then comes, tells the same news, hears the same ques tion; and, with no touch of reverence for the father’s sorrow, nakedly blurts out. as if he were the bearer of good news, that which filled up the measure of David’s woe.”—E. H. Plumptre. V. David’s Lament for Absalom.— V. 33. “Went up to the chamber.” To be alone iu his sorrow. ‘‘And wept. O my son Absalom!” “There Is not In the whole of the Old Testament a passage of deeper pathos than this.”— Cook. “Would God I had diod for thee.” “So Moses (Ex. 32:32), and so St. Haul (Horn. 9:3). would have sacrificed themselves, had it been pos sible, to save others. His wish to die In Absalom’s stead was no mere ex travagance of grief. David knew his own peace was made with God; he could die at any time. If Absalom were spared In life, ho might yet re pent. But -ueh an exchange could not be.”—Hanna. VI. Lessons for To-day. Absalom’s Hand. Absalom from out. the far-off past Is still pointing our modern youth to certain great ltosoim his ca reer teaches us; (1) The way cf trans gressors Is hard. (2) The nuccesa of the wicked Is short., and then he is like chaff which the wind blowsth away. (3) Sin is sometimes attrac tive at first, but at last it biteth like a serpent and stingetb like an adder. (i> The way to true success I3 not through disobedienco to parents. (5) No failure Is so terrible as the failure of u life; no ruin like the ruin cf a soul. (G) The des.vu.of vne wickel la, lighted by no ray of hope. (7) They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.