The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THU COUNTY SKAT. GKO. K. BKNSOHOTKR, Editor and Publisher TERMS:—#100 PER TEAR. IT PAID IN ADVANCt Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trant, mission through the malls as second class matter. Republican State Ticket h For Supreme Judge, JOMX B. BARNES, of Madison. For Univorsity Regents, W. (i. WHITMORE, of Douglas; C. S. ALLEN, of Lancaster. JUDICIAL. TICKKT. For Judge 12tt district. B. O. HOSTETLER, Buffalo. COUNTY TICKKT G. II. Gibson, Clerk. Geo. Holmes, Treasurer. L. A. Williams, Sheriff. Lewis Omky, Superintendent. Rout. P. Starr, .Judge. Geo. W. Hunter. Coroner. Walter Moon, Surveyor. Henning Claussen, Assessor. A Clean Campaign. This issue of the Northwestern is the last before election and we are pleased to state that all through the carapagin oot a word has been said by us disrespectful of any of the opposing local candidates. The same may be also said of the local candidates on the republican ticket. They have treated their op pouents with respect and in turn have been extended the same court esy by the local candidates on the populist ticket. It has been one of the cleanest campaigns we have gone through for years. With the exception of the meau tilings that has been said by the Times about some of the republican candidates a cleaner campaign in local politics could not have been made. So far as our observation goes we have no doubt but what the populist candidates condemed the course the Timet has pursued and they are only at fault in so far as they did not follow our suggestion in the opening and put a muz zel on that sheet. The article concerning the dis trict judge published in this issue is a re-production from the Kearney Democrat and is a defence of the statements made against Mr. IIos tetler, and published in circular let ter form. It explains itself. The country comprising this 12th judicial district has been flooded with circular letters purporting to have come from the populist judi cial committee. This letter, as it appears, has the name of J. W. Long, Chairman of the populist committee of Loup City attached to it. The letter sets forth the good qualities of the populist nominee, W. L. Hand, and make* a shameful attack upon hiB opponant. B. 0. Hos tetler, the republican candidate. So far as Mr. Long’s Dame is con cerned the letter is a forgery. It was presented to Mr. Long for his signature and he refused to sign it. Several of the pop papers over the district which have copied the letter have already undergone the humilia tion of taking it back, as Mr. Long has issued a statement to the effect that the letter was unauthorized by him and that he did not sign it at all. A full explanation of the , matter is given in this issue. This outrage perpetrated upon the voters of this district will do Mr. Hand no good. If he will go so far as to allow a letter to be published and circulated denouncing his opponant with a forged signature attached what kind of a judge will he make? We commend Mr. Long for makiog a clear statement of his position in the matter, and ask the voters to think twice before supporting Mr. Hand for district judge. We are accused ot branding the Times as a liar. We used no such language but plainly showed that the statements it made respecting some of the republican candidates were misleading and without found ation. However if the coat fits be can wear it. WILLIS L. HAND, THE _ CORPORATION LAWYER JOHN W. LONG DENOUNCES THE SIGNING HIS NAME TO POPULIST CIRCULAR A FORGERY. Circular Preseuted to Judge Easterling lor His Signature Who Refused to Sign It ADVERTISED HIMSELF AS SUCH. It is really amusing to the people in Buffalo county to know that Col. Hand, the democratic (?) candidate for district Judge in the Twelfth judicial district, is advertising him self as the anti-corporation candi date, and that he expects to be an nuti-corporation judge. Did you ever hear the corporation candid ates raising the cry of “stop thief?” Did you ever hear the corporation tools, when attempting to slip into a place where they were needed to take care of their masters’ interests' going about claiming that “I am holy,” out charging that “he is vile?” Before Col. Hand began a campaign of that character he should have acted discrete and displayed his wisdom by first destroying the kind of evidence that couvicts; ev idence that needs no corrobortioD, as it corroborates itself. While Col. Hand is pretending to be an anti-corporation lawyer, the evidence says he is a corporation lawyer, and Col. Hand not only furnishes the evidence himself, but he paid for it out of his own pocket. IHK KV1DKNCK During the month of July, 1890 —and for many months thereafter— there appeared in the advertising columns of the Kearney Daily Hub the following professional advertise ment: WILLIS L. HAND, Attorney at Law, General Law Business, Real Estate and CORPORATION LAWYER Rooms 11 A 12, Midway, I.oan A Trust Co’s Building. We defy Mr. candidate Hand or any supporter of Willis Hand, can didate for district judge to deny the above self convicting evidence. We defy Mr. Hand or any supporter of Mr Hand to show where Mr. Hostet ler, bis apponent for election of dis trict Judge of this district, has ever, at anytime, or under any condition or circumstances, advertised himself to be, or ever claimed to be, or ever bas been a corporation lawyer. And it was not because Mr. Hostetler did not have abundance of business in our courts—he has bad twenty cases in the district court to Hand’s one and sometimes more. As an evidence of the fact we will place in evidence the record of the district court of Buffalo, county, as follows: At the June term of district court in Buffolo county, in 1897, at the time Mr. Hand was advertising him self to be the great corporation lawyer, B. O. Hostetler had at that term of court ONE HUNDRED AND SIX CASKS, while Willis L. Hand, the great corporation Lawyer at the same term of court, had just FIFTEEN CASES We will drop down to the April term of 1903, the last jary term of district court held in Buffalo county, •and we find that B. 0. Hostetler bad TWELVE CASES, while the self advertised great corporation lawyer, Willis L. Hand, DID NOT HAVE ANY CASE AT ALL, and be has never appeared in the district court in this district since Judge Gutterson has occupied the bench. And following the evidence still further we discover that while Mr. Hand was advertising himself to be tho freind of the great corporations, Mr. Hostetler was engaged in fight ing Mr. Hand’s self-advertised friends, the great corporations, in the courts, and prevented the pay ment of $00,000 of fraudulently ob tained Kearney & Blank Hills Rail road bonds. And the courts of the state and of the United 8tates sus tained Mr. Hostetler and THE BONDS WERE NEVER RAID. Where was Willis L. Hand, the self, advertised great corporation lawyer? While mayor of the city of Kear ney, Mr. Hostetler caused to be passed a water rental ordinance re ducing tbe exborbant rates charged by the great American Water Works corporation from FIFTEEN TO FORTY PER CENT. It was after word repealed and more exhorbant rates than ever existed betorc were established by Mr. Hand’s candid ate for mayor who succeeded Mr. Hostetler. Where was Willis L. Hand, the self advertised great corp oration Lawyer? Mr. Hostetler is seldom the plaintiff attorney in litig ation; he is almost always the de fendant attorney. Mr. Hand almost invariably appears as the plaintiff attorney. Or, in plainer words, Hand begins suits in courts against his neighbors, and those against whom suits are brought emply bos tetler to defend them in court. THE J. W. LONG LETTER. As a rule when a dog barks up tbe wrong tree, and he Suds it out, he Dot only feels bad, but he looks it. Mr. Hand’s Broken Bow dog seems to have barked up the wrong tree; treed the wroDg coon; exposed the yellow streak down his own back; kicked up his cluven foot into full view when he brayed and brought forth the false, scurlious and malic ious circular making unwarranted and ungrounded assertions against Mr. Hostetler. The circular was conceived and boon at Broken Bow and the man who wrote it knew he lied when he indicted it. If he didn’t at the time, he did know it when the circular was presented to Judge James M. Easterling, chair man of the populst committee of Buffalo county, who absolutely refus ed to sign bis name to it as an en dorsement to the falsehoods against Mr. Hostetler which it contained. If that did not convince him that the circular was a lie, not only in the assertions it contained, but also the signature it bore at tbe bottom as vouches for its trutbfullness, he knows it now since John W. Long chairman of the populist committee of Loup City, in Sherman county, who, over his own signature, and! under date at Loup City, Oct. 19, 1903, declares that his signature to the circular is a forgery. John W. Long says this to the world and his letter was seDt, to and published in the Kearney New Era-Standard, the populist official organ for Buffalo county last Friday, in which Mr. Long says: “In your issue of October 16th, appears an address ‘To the Voters of the 12th Judicial District/ pur porting to be signed by myself as Chairman of the Populist Judicial Committee of the 12th Judical Dis trict. M Y NAME IS SIGNED TO SAID ADDRESS WITHOUT AU THORITY and I DECLINED TO SIGN IT because I knew nothing personally of the truth or falsity or the statements therein contained. _JOHN W LONG.” Now, Mr. Honest Man, Mr. Hon orable Citizen, bow would you like a judge upon your district court bench who secured his election by such methods? Mr. Long’s name did not become attached to that false circular by error, or through apprehension or belief about the matter, because Mr. Long says it was presented to him and be RE FUSED TO SIGN IT. Then it was a deliberate and premeditated forgery. Who committed the forg ery? We do not think Willis L. Hand did, bat Willis L. Hand would have become the benificiary of the ciime had not Mr Long de nounced it. And did Mr. Hand denounce it as a grist of falsehood* which he new they were? Has Mr. Hand denounced the forgery and demanded the forger be exposed and punished? If he has done so it lias not yet reached our notice. There is but one way to rebuke each and every one of these false positions aud falsehoods' and that is to vote for B. O. Hostetler aDd against Willis L. Hand the corp oration lawyer—Kearoey Democrat. The Times said in its issue < f two weeks ago that they had it from headquarters that Prof. Omey was not offered a position in the St. Paul Business Collage, but when Mr. Omey flashed a letter under his nose, showing the proof of the offer, the Times man was forced to take it back in his next issue. That pa per has made several other statements in this campaign equally as brazen and should have been forced to take it back in each and every instance, but the source from which these accusations come is considered and passed without much notice. Tiie Callaway Queen wonder if W. L. Hand, “the man who never rode on a pass,” remembers the “big streaming sign” that lie hung up when be came to Kearney, on which appeared the magic words “Corpor ation Attorney.” If perchance he has forgotten, there art' still llio.-e in Kearney who remember—Kear ney Hub. Tim Beat I.tnltimnt. “Chamberlain’s Pain Brim is emi'id ered the best liniment on tic market" write Post & Bliss.of Ccoreis, Vt. No other liniment will heal cut or bruise so promptly. No other i II nil- -neb quick relelf from rheumatic c i * S' other is so valuable for Imp senoil pains like lame back anu p in in 0 >• chest. Give the liniment a trial -md you will never wish to bo without it. Sold by Odendahl Bros. A Perfect F»lnle»» Fill is the one that will dense the system, set the liver to action, remove the bile, dear the complexion, cure herdaehe and leave a good taste in the mouth The famous little pills for doiug such work plesant ly and efl'eotually ore DeWltt's Little Eatly Risers. Bob Moore of Lafayette. I lid. says: “AH other Pills 1 have used gripe and sicken, while DeWltt’s Little Early Risers are aim ply perfect” bold by Odendabl Bros. ; . WU '.^LfaUTa^iXi , . . WHISKY I Ja DEIGHTFUL BEVERAGE, A SAFE ST1MULENT A GOOD MEDC1INE For Sale by T. H. ELSNER, LOUP CITY, - . . NEHK ■■ - ■ ■*.i» w — inimin a * •. w jDont Be FoolloA Genuine KOCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Is put up in white package-, m;a > ict i o . exclusively by the JWadison Mediim. Co.. Madison, IVis. tv-lls et 3> package. All others are rank . nhuUoit. , ond substitutes, don't risk your health by » taking them . IHEGENUINE makes sick • people Well. Keeps you Well. All Honest , Dealers sell the Genuine. HOLMSTEK DRUO CO, Madison V i / ^■■MHMnMMnHMaNMtMnarwvi .* . .m* 1 ■ * BOUGH! AT THE B & M. ELEVATORS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Goa] for Sale at Loim City and Ashton. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Gall il ace »or coal and gel prices on grain. E. G. TAYLOR. J. I. DEPEW8&* Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker, ^BDOOOOOO *■£ My shop Is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River i I i, vp afoiir hi id' ■ I'gine and a complete line of the latest improved, mi* ch . v, alsou force ot experienced men who know how to operate It and ( turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PKITES AHE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATT ENT lON ( 1 \ EX T() ALL CUSTOMERS. Soliciting your patronage i am Yours respectfully, J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend Id Foreclosure Cases AI .SO OO A General Real Estate Business. A t.OVW CITY, - - MEDUA8HA. RohErt P. Starr. Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CATY, NEBRASKA Martj A. K. HEndricksun, PHYSICIAN, K«atd«tH‘f at A. L. Zimmerman’* LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. S. A. ALLEN, nJEJVTIST, LOUt’ CITY, • • NKB. OFFICE.—One door cast of St. h lino Hotel. My equlppment la modern and my priors will be as low ns can bo ex pected for wood work. I would bo pleased to have you call. Open ■ veniiius. In a dental operat ion the main consider, at ion is the result. The pain Is greatly modified by modern equlppment. Dr. a. R NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon and HORSE DENTIST. OFFICE. -At my new residence second door east ot opera house. LOUP CITY. : . NEBRASKA. Boone, PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. Photographs, Farm views, Stock pict ures, ete. Finest Instrument west of the Missouri river. All work strictly guar, anteed. City Dray AND Transfer Line. J. W. & A. T. Conger, Props All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty of moving household good. Wo solicit your* pat ronage. LOUP CITY. - - - NEBRASKA. ? [To Cure a Cold in One Day in Two Days. 1 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, j* g* Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This Signature, »OX. 23>C. | . . i — ■■■■ - -- -——— v».wrv-'-viry B S * IDo You ISIeecL One? UsTe'W Stools:! I also have a good line of farm wagons, press and 5-hoe drills, windmills, pumps and a general line of hardware and furniture. T- M. REED.