The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 30, 1903, Image 4

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    A FREE game inside
each package of
Lion Coffee
60 different games.
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City,
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
and all points and all points
ast and south. West.
No 52 Passenger.12:03 p. in.
No 60 Freight.11.25 a. m.
No. 51 Passenger.11:07 p. m.
No. 59 Freight. 1:40 p. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(scats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and Imggage checked to any point In
the United states or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to K. L, ARTHUR
Agent. Or J. Francis. Uen’l Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
No. 86 leaves dally except Sunday ipass
euger). 7:35 ft. m.
No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 p. in. )
No. 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed
12;0i p. m.
No. 85 arrives dally except Sunday (pass
enget) 7:35 p. in.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south
li. J. Clifton, Agent.
G. H. Gibson. Clerk.
S. N. Sweet land, Treasurer.
J. A. ANOiKK, Judge.
J. H., Attorney.
Edward Snyder, Sherltr.
R. D. Hendrickson, Supt. Public Inst.
E B CORNING. Surveyor,
Geo. W. Hunter, Corner.
D O Grow, Dist. No. 4., Chairman., P O
address, Loup City, Neb.
Andrew Uorstka, Dist. No. 1., Ashton P O
PETER TIIODK, Di-t. No 2 LoupCity, “ “
W O Brown, Dist. No. 3, Loup City, “
John Maiefski, Dist. No. 5, Ashton, “ '•
WM. Jakob, Dist. No. 6, Rockville, •• «•
W H. CHAPMAN, Dist. No. 7, Lltcblield *“ "
For Sale Cheap. A second hand
threshing machine, complete.—
T. M. Hoed. __
If you want fire, wind, storm or hali
insurance call on or write F. E. Brewer
Office with T. S. Nightingale, Loup
City Nebraska.
Highest market price paid for
chickens at E. A. Chase.
1>. C. Grow, of the Northern Milling
company feed store wants to trade ilour
for wheat lie also has a tine grade
of whole wheat Ilour for sale.
Take Lnxative Broino Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It fails
to cure. E, W. Grove’s signature is on
euoh box. aOct.
Its like a dfp in the fountain of youth.
Touches the cheek so gently that “youth
lingers in the face of old age.” Thats
what Rocky Mountain Tea doe*. — Oden
dabl Bros.
Farmers don’t fail to see the lino of
robes, fur coats, fur mittens, and
horse blankets at W, S. Owen’s har
ness store.
Children's sleeping garments at
Gasteyer’s for 35 cents.
WANTED.—Three coin buskers, w ith
or without teams.
T. I). Wilson,
Ashton Nebraska.
Loup City park is now open for
picnics and private parties. Apply
to. II. Jknnkk.
To those indebted to me please call
and settle. Must have money to meet
my obligations.—T. .M. Heed
If you have blitter and eggs to sell
take them to Swansou & Dahl. High
est prices for produce. Lowest prices
for groceries.
A span of mares, 7 years old, weight
050 to 1,000, Also two colts, buggy,
and harness. Easy terms.
T. S. Nightingale.
FOR SALE —I have one registered
Scotch Topped Short Horn bull, a few
good Short Horn grade bulls and some
pure bred Poland China boars for sale.
L N. Smith, Loup City, Neb
TAKEN UP.—At my place, on the
old Conger ranch, six miles southwest
• of Loup City, on October 14, 1903, one
black yearling heifer, with tips off of
each ear. Owner can have same by
proving property aud paying all costs
of advertising. C. YV. Thobnton,
Loi r C'itt. Nan.
Lional Daws.
Dr. Chase lu.s a large frame barn in
course of const rue’ion.
Miss Ella Tavlor came home from
York where she is attending school.
A. 11. Sadler called on us Monday
and renewed his subscription.
A line new cattle barn is going up on
the lteinarisen farm in Hazard town
John Ross of California ami brother
of Mrs. W. H. Hickman is here visiting
E. Holcomb and Henry French have
the new barn of Geo. Leininger about
A line of 150 cloaks for ladies at
Johnson Lorentz A Co. All new goods
and latest styles.
Gastever is selleng out some odd lines
of shoes at half puce. Look them over
and purchase a pair at a bargain.
The foundation for another new
house in town has been laid this week.
E A. Draper is the man who is build
ing it.
Huron, the great Woodmen humorist
will he at the opera house, in Loup
City, Saturday evening, Oct. ill. Don’t
fail to hear him.
We are pleased to add the name of
Frank Smidra of Ashton township to
our subscription list. Frank sends us
a big dollar along with the order.
E. A. Smith while up from Ashton
Saturday renewed his subscription to
this paper and left an order for a years
subreription to the Nebraska State
Mr. A. L. Zimmerman will take
charge of the H. Y. P. U. meeting at
the baptist Church next Sunday even
ing at 7 o’clock. Something good may
he expected.
Frank Foster came up from Grand
Island last Monday and will accom
pany his father to his farm in Valley
county where the latter will have a
stock sale this week.
Mrs. C. E. Roberts, San Fransoo Cal.:
Would not be without Rocky Mountain
Tea in our house. Its a great family
remedy. Makes and keeps us well.—
Odendahi Bros.
The Litchfield Monitor states that
our old friend II. V. Capellen, of Sweet
water is going to build a new frame
house on his farm. Ilenry is one of
the oldest settlers of Sherman county
and we are glad to note his prosperity.
J.T. Hale was up at Battle Creek
last week and cried his brothers large
stock sale. Troy purchased a fine stal
lion and jack and several jennets at
the sale. His brother gave him a fine
span of two year old bays for his ser
vices as aucti nicer.
James Kentfrow was doing business
at the county seat last Wednesday. Mr.
Itentfrow had over a hundred acres of
corn which hi is now husking and will
only realize about 3,(X)0 bushels when
he expected about twice that much and
would have got it but for the early
County Clerk Gibson and Attorney
Starr met with quite an accident last
Saturday afternoon while driving home
from Ashton. The neekyoke broke
and the team became unmanagable.
In the upset theoccupants were thrown
out and the buggy badly demolished.
No injuries resulted.
1 had dyspepsia in its worst form and
felt miserable most all the time. Did
not enjoy eating until after I used Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure which has completely
cured me.—Nrs. W. W Saylor, Hilliard,
Pa. No appetite, loss of strength
nervousness, headache, constipation,,
bad breath, sour risings, indigestion,
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles are
quickly cured by the use of Kadol.
Kadol represents the natural juices
of digestion combined with the greatest
known tonic and reconstructiAe proper
ties. It cleanses, purifies and sweetens
the stomach. Soi l by Odendahl Bros
The Times says vote the populist
ticket so they can keep the paper up
It says; “With populist officers we re
ceive the patronage” and “with repub
lican officers it goes to the other fel
low." Well the Times has had the
patronage for the last thirteen years
and we have kept our paper up during
that itime without it. So then it is
necessary to vote the pop ticket to
keep the Times up. Well, if your ticket
should happen to get defeated we will
occasionally lend you a column or two
of second hand niiscelaneous reading.
But come now, give us some other good
reason for supporting the pop ticket
Beople don't care anything about pay
ing taxes to keep the Times up.
$26.45 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle.
$20.45 to San Francisco, Eos Angelese.
$23.95 to Spokane.
$21.45 to Salt Lake City, Butte, Helene.
Proportionately low rates to hun
dreds of other points, including Big
Horn Basin, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho
Washington, Oregon, British Columbia,
California, etc.
Every day until Nov. 30.
Tourist cars daily to California.
Personally conducted excursions
three times a week.
Tourist cars daily to Seattle.
Inquire of nearest Burlington Route
1 I
Frank Dennis of St. Paul was in the
city Wednesday.
liny one of those new cloaks at
Ga f ever's. Everyone is a guaranteed
Try some of the lied School House
school shoes for hoys and girls, just
reoieved at Swansons.
Don’t forget that Huron, the great
est humorist In the west will be at the
opera house, Oct. HI. in the evening.
The high school scholars gave an
entertainment last Thursday evening,
the first of the season. It was a success.
Albert Mead and John Mead of Clear
Creek have each built them a line
dwelling on the farm and have them
about ready to move into.
Mens’ and boys’ overcoats, a large
variety of styles and sizes at Johnson
Lorentz. & Co. Prices right. You
should call and sec them.
It adds spice to dreary life, encour
ages the human heart, lifts one out of
despair, breaths new lifeand confidence.
Tbats what Tocky Mountain tea will
do. 35cents,—Odendah) liroB.
Threshing throughout the county is
nearly all done and corn husking lms
begun in earnest. The crop is estimat
ed at abou til fty per cent.
Drs. Davis A Farnsworth, of Grand
Island, Nebraska are prepared to make
X ray examinations and use the X ray
in the treatment of cancers and tumors.
They are experienced in use of this
method, and have recently added to
their equipment of one of the strongest
and finest X ray coils made. It is used
in examination of all important, cases
and is a great aid in locating disease
that can be discovered in no other way.
Minnie Iloogenboesem enteren the
primary room last Thursday,
A large crowd gathered at the school
house last Thursday evening to wit
ness the program given by the lugh
school and they were Jnot disappointed
either, as the program was rendered in
a way to do credit to the school.
IMonia lloogenoesem is a new mem
ber of the sixtii grade.
Myrtle Wilson and Walter Amiek
are absent from the sixth grade this
Lucile May entered the second pri
mary Monday.
It was a familiar sight Monday
morning to see Miss Ella Taylor at her
old place as organist but alas it was
but tor one morning as she departed
for York on the passenger.
Cora iloogenboesem entered the fifth
grade last week.
The next literary will be held at the
school bouse November 5th. Admis
sion five cents. All are cordially invit
ed to attend. The following program
will be rendered:
Instrumental Solo.Meroe Outhouse
Recitation.Archie Kcar»s
Solo.Alice McLaughlin
Recitation .Otis Riser
Dust .Jessie anil Cora Lelninger
Recitation.Lillian Conhlscr
™ . i Lucile and Lizzie Erazem and
1 rl°.i Maria Coeper.
Recitation.Della Hollenbeck
Duet.Ella Foster ami Winnlefreil Leach
Recitation.Lena Smith
Instrumental Solo.Vivian Nightingale
Recitation . Lyman Pray
Duet.Mary Gibson and Grace Uenaclioter
Reading. .Selected
Divide Happenings.
A. XV. Throckmorton has resigned his
position as postmaster at Divide.
Miss Emma Bell, who is teaching in
Dist. No. 47. visited at her home in
Loup City Saturday and Sunday
Mrs. Knox who has been quite sick
is slowly regaining her health.
Messrs A. W. Throckmorton and L.
E. Sadler started for Wheeler Co. last
Thursday to look for land. They ex
pect to he gone about two week.
Mr. Chas. Schoening returned from
the hospital at Omaha last week, where
he has been undergoing treatment for
his eve which was accidentally shat at
a couple of months ago. lie says the
sight is greatly improved.
Tlie Sulv« That Ileal*.
without leaving a scar is DeWitt's. The
name Witch Hazel is applied to many
salves, but DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve
is the only Witch Hazel Salve made
that contains the pure unadulterated
witch hazel. If anyone other Witch
Hazel Salve is ottered you it is a coun
terfeit. E. C. DeWItt invented Witch
Hazel Salve and DeW Itt’s Witch Hazel
Salve Is the best saive in the world
for cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, or blind,
bleeding, itching and protruding piles.
Sold by Odendahl Bros
Chamherluln'n Cough K«incily In Pleas
ant to Take.
The finest quality of granulated loaf
sugar is used in the manufacture of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and the
roots used in its preparation give it a tla
vor similar to maple syrup, making it
quite pleasant to take. Mr. W. Roder
ick, of I’oolesvllle. Md., in speaking of
this remedy, says: “1 have used Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy with my chil
dren for several years and can truthfully
say it Is the best preperation of the kind
1 know of. The children like to take it
and it has no injurious after effect.
For sale by Odendahl Bros,
Die Deutschen, von Loup City und
Umgegend werden hiermit auftntrk
sam gemacht aid' die Missionsfeier.
welciie am
1 Nov. 190.}.
iri der Deutschen Evangelise lien
Kirclie ztt Loup City stattflmien wird.
Ucdner sind: Herr Pastor Kahmeier
von Hampton, Neb. und pastorloci.
A lie sind zu dieser Feier herzlick ein
ge'aden. Kommr und feiert mit.
Achtungsvoll, (i. A. Kanzi.i u.
rnoM MiiTii amkhica.
New Way of (Jaing Chamberlain'*
Couijh Kamedy.
Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal. South Africa, s.<ys: “Aa
a proof that Chamberlain's Cough Rem.
cdy is a cure suitable forold and young
I pen you the following: A neighbor
of mine had a child jmt over two
months old. It had a very bad cough
and the parents did not know what to
give it. I suggested that if th< y would
get a bottle of Chamberlain,s Cough
Remedy and put some upon the dummy
teat the baby was sucking it would no
doubt cure the child.This they did and
brought about a quick relief and cured
the baby." This remedy is for sale by
Odendahl Bros.
The undersigned will s -11 at public
auction, at the southwest corner of the
public square, in Loup City, Oct. 31, at
2 o’clock p. m., four head of horses con
sisting of two good work mares and
two colts coming three years old,
one set of good work harness and a lot
of household furniture.
Cash on all sums under $10.00; oyer
$10.00 one years time will he given, by
purchaser giving note w ith approved
security and drawing ten per cent in
terest. Jacob Albers. Auet.; J. S.
Pedler, Clerk and C. C. Anderson,
Dinting Invites Dlseune
To cure Dyspepsia or indigestion it
is no longer necessary to live on milk
and toast. 'Starvation produces such
weakness that the whole system be
comes nil easy prey to disease. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach
and digestive organs to digest and as
similate all of the wholesome food
that one cares to eat. and is a never
failing cure for indigestion, dyspepsia
and all stomach troubles. Kodol di
gests what you eat—makes the stomach
sweet. Sold by Odondahl Kros.
To John M. Davis: You are hereby
notified that on the 1st. day of Octo
ber, 1903, Anna Dora Davis filed a
petition against you in th« district
court of Sherman county, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which are to
obtain a divorce from you on the
ground that you have wilfully aband
oned the plaintiff', without good cause,
for the term of three years last pa9i;
and also for the care, custody and edu
cation of the minor child, the issue of
said Marriage, to-wit: John Davis,
age three years.
*You Are required to answer the said
petition on or before the 9th day of
November, UK'S
Dated October 1st,, 1903.
Anna Duka Davis,
by Charles E. Matson, her attorney.
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at the south
east corner of section Twenty-two (22)
and south west corner of section Twen
ty three (23) in township Fourteen
(14), Range Thirteen (13) and run
nlng thence two miles north on sec
tion line and terminating at the north
west corner of section Fourteen (14)1
and northeast corner of Sec. Fifteen (15)
Township Fourteen (14.) Range (13), in
Sherman county, Nebraska, lias report
ed In favor of the establishment thereof
and all objections thereto or claims for
damage must be tiled in the county
clerk's office on or before noon of the
12ch. day of December, 1903, or such
road will be established without refer
ence thereto. Dated this 3rd day of
October, 1903.
G. II. Giiison,
County Clerk.
To all whom it may concern: The
Commissioner appointed to vacate a
Road commencing at road No. 139, near
the North West corner of the North
West Quarter of Section Four (4)
Township Fourteen (14) North of
Range Thirteen (13) West. and which is
known as the old Loup City and St.
Paul Road, and running thence diagon
al y South East to within about twenty
rods of the South East corner of said
North 'West Quarter of Section Four
Township Fourteen North of Range
Thirteen, West, and terminating at *a d
point on Slid South line of North West
Quarter, aforesaid, has reported tn favor
of the vacation thereof and all
objections thereto or claims for dam
age, must be tiled in the county clerks
otlice on or bef< re noon of the 3Utb.
day of December, 1903, or such road
will be vacated without reference
Dated this 23rd day of October, 1903.
Geo. H. Gicson, County Clerk.
Open our catalog to page 5.
There you will see samples of
the suits for men flJQ AA
that we sell for . . ^• 'J'J
These suits are made by a manufacturing tailor who is so jeal
ous of his reputation that he wont permit us to mention his name in
our advertisements unless we mamtain his high prices. We couldn't
do that. If we did we would make more proiit than our rules require,
so we let this statement suffice. The quality of the materials is not »e
much better, but the patterns are so exclusive, the tailoring, besides
having the perfection of other high grade clothing, has been given in
numerable touches of elegance which have the effect of classing it witli
the kind your tailor could not make for less than $30.
If you havn’t our catalog—
Send for It at once.
flfrj£a®l<d island
EMEOT1 MI fflMMvE Willi.
work. See us or write to ua before giving an order.
A. P. GULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
General Banking
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska
Boy,— Say, Pa, what do thev mean by saying “Penny
wise and pound foolish”?
Father,—Why, it’s where a man loses a dollar to save a
Boy,—Well, Pa, were you that way when you let your
hogs die because you did not want to pay out money for
Liquid Koal that John Solma sells so much of.
Father,—Johnnie, don’t talk so much.
National Medicine Co. ° Coleridge Neb. , I)ec. 13, 1902.
Sirs:—I can say that I am more than pleased with Liquid Koal. A year ago last
October my hogs took sick and 1 tried every thing I could thlDk of but no good came of
it. So your agent Kirkpatrick came along and I took a can of Liquid Koal. I had about
90 bogs all sick, I shut them up in a small pen and made every bog take liis medicine
and I saved one half of my hogs. If I had not used Liquid Koal I am sure I would not
have saved a hog 1 think a man stands in his own light that doos not keep Liquid
Koal on hand. Use this as you see flt.
Wm. Lombard.
One hundred dollars deposited in the l'ollowing banks for any one
who finds any ofthe testimonials wo publish from time to time are not
genuine;—cCy National Bank, York, Neb; Sheldon State Bank,
Sheldon, la.; Oklahoma Trust and Banking Co., Oklahoma City,Okla.
Manufactured by National Medicine co., Sheldon, la., York, Neb.,
Oklahoma city Okla,
Lilli. fit)
One Gallon. 300
Five Gallons per gallon. 2,75
Ten ballon Keg, per gallon.$3.60
25 ballons. ball bbl per gal,. 2-25
60 Gallons, 1 bbl per gall . 2.00
a -3>c .5* page book on disease* of animals sent free on application.
Nationol Medicial Co. !";„L.T»iS,A
For sale by .1. SOLMS, Loup City Neb.