The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 30, 1903, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern.
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Estimates of Departmental Expense—
Interior Department Will Require
Less Money, but War Department
Asks for a Little More.
WASHINGTON—Postmaster Gen
era! Payne on Friday signed an order
debarring IT. J. Barrett of Baltimore,
nephew of former Attorney General
Tyner and for some years law clerk
and acting assistant attorney general
for the department, from practice be
fore the department. Barrett was in
dicted by the grand jury in connec
tion with the investment cases.
The postmaster accepted the resig
nation of William H. I.andvoight. chief
of the division of classification of
malls of the postoffloe. to take effect
at the close of lousiness Saturday.
Estimates for Interior Department.
The secretary of the interior has
completed and forw arded to the secre
tary of the treasury his estimate of
f > the appropriations necessary to con
! duct the affairs of the interior depart
ment for the fiscal year ending June
30, 1906. The estimate places the
total requirement for the department
at $156,000,000, which is about $3,
000,000 less than the appropriation for
the current year. The proposed re
duction will be made in the pension
bureau and the Imllau office. The es
timate for pensions is $136,800,000, or
$1,700,000 less than the appropriation
•made for this year. There also is a
rut of $1,300,000 in the estimate for
the Indian bureau. The estimate for
the expenses of conducting the affairs
of the five civilized tribes of Indiana
ds $528,656. The reduction in the pen
sion estimate is due to the calculation
of deaths of pensioners made by the
commissioner of pensions.
War Department Estimates.
The estimates for the war depart
ment for the fiscal year ending June
30, 1903, show a net increase over
the estimates of the previous year of
about $130,000. This, including $16,
000,000 for river and harbor improve
ments. for which no estimates were
submitted last year. The estimate
for the military, which includes the
pay,equipment and supplies for the
army, is about $78,000,000, $200,000
less than last year. The estimates
for public works of a military char
acter, which includes arsenals, forts,
barracks, buildings and grounds, ag
gregate $24,000,000. which is about
$16,000,000 less than last year.
* Bristow's Report Ready.
Friday's meeting of the cabinet was
brief. Only four members. Secretary
Hay and Cortelyou, Postmaster Gen
eral Payne and Attorney General
Knox, were present. Postmaster Gen
eral Payne announced that the report
of Mr. Bristow on the postoffice in
vestigation would be placed in the
hands of the president either Satur
<fay or on Monday. It has not been
decided when the report will be given
to the public.
Money Made by Selling Cans and
Empty Barrels.
NEW YORK.—The War depart
ment is investigating charges of
wholesale fraud in the quartermas
ter's department on Governor's
James R. Seville, wbo resigned his
clerkship In the quartermasters de
partment of construction at Gov
ernor’s Island, and F. H. Ewald. chief
clerk of the quartermaster’s depart
ment at that poet, have been for
years selling the empty oil cans and
oil barrels that accumulate In large
quantities at that post, and that no
accounting has been made to the gov
ernment of the proceeds. The bar
rels have a market value of $1.15
. Creditors Lose $40,000.
ST. PAUL, Minn.—A special from
Mankato, Minn., says that the losses
of the creditors of Alfred H. Buck,
missing cashier of the Mapleton State
bank, are now estimated at $40,000,
Plot to Kill Russian Consul.
quence of the discovery of a military
plot to kill M. Belaieff, the Russian
consul at Uskub, the government has
rushed six battalions of troops thlth
Ier from Koprulu and Perlepe.
President Issues Summon* for Both
Chamber* to Meet.
WASHINGTON—The president Is
sued tbis proclamation:
By the President of the United
States of America, a Proclamation:
Whereas, By the resolution of the
senate of March 19, 1903, the ap
proval by congress of the reciprocal
commercial convention between the
United States and the republic ol
Cuba, signed at Havana on Decembei
11, 1902. is necessary before the said
convention shall take effect, and
Whereas, It is important to ihe
public in these United States that the
said convention shall become oper
ative, as nearly as may be. Now,
therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, pres
ident of the United States of America,
by virtue of the power vested in me
by this constitution, do hereby pro
claim and declare that an extraordi
nary occasion requires the convening
of both houses dt' the congress of tho
United States at their respective
chambers in the city of Washington
on the ninth day of November next
at 12 o’clock noon, to the end that
they may consider ' and determine
whether ihe approval of the congress
shall be given to said convention.
All persons entitled to aci as mem
bers of the Fifty-eight congress are
required to take notice of ibis proc
Given under my hand and the seal
of the United States at Washington
on the 20th day of October, in the
year of our I,6rd, one th nine
hundred and three, and of the inde
pendence of the United States the
one hundred and twenty-eight.
By ihe President.
JOHN HAY, Secretary of State.
America Gains Title to More Terri
tory Than Anticipated.
pression prevails at the State depart
ment that all the details of the Alaskan
Boundary Commission’s decision will
not be known until the mails brings
copies of the maps and other docu
ments actually laid before the Com
mission. There is a slight gap in the
outline description of the boundary in
the northern portion which will prob
ably be filled in when the full tran
script is received.
Closer inspection of the charts
here, in the light of Mr. Foster's dis
patch of yesterday, adds to the satis
faelion of the officials, particularly-as
the commission actually extended the
American title over a large territory
north of the Kliehini river boundary
line claimed by Secretary Evarts a
quarter of a century ago, instead ol
limiting it to that stream, the bound
ary tentatively fixed by the Ilay
Pauncefote modus vivendi.
Tlie treaty requires expert survey
ors to personally fix the boundary line
on the general data furnished by ths
commission and the State department
intends to turn this work over to the
coast survey and to prosecute it with
all vigor, to obviate further friction
among the miners along the boundary.
Federal National of Pittsburg Fails to
Open Its Doors.
PITTSBURG.—The doors of the
Federal National bank were not
opened for business Wednesday morn
ing. The following notice was posted
in explanation:
“Closed by the .authority of the
comptroller of the currency.
“Signed I
Some such action as this has been
within the possibilities for the past
two days, forecasted by the deter
mined raid made upon the institu
tion's stock on the Pittsburg Stock
Exchange. The positive statements,
however, of the president, J. A. Lang
fitt, to the effect that the bank was
not in need of money, that its losses
would not affect its capital or surplus,
did much toward allaying distrust on
the part of its depositors, thus pre
venting a run.
Sentenced to Fifty Years.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo.—William Mat
zinger, aged 23, member of a good
family, wss sentenced to prison for
fifty years for the murder of Miss
Alta Msy Gallimore, which occurred
two months ago.
The Chief of Bureau Makes His Re
port—Rate of Progress on Vessels
Under Construction is Satisfactory
and Twenty-Five Are Being Built.
WASHINGTON — Hear Admiral
Howies, chief of the bureau of con
struction and repair, in his annual re-j
port to the secretary of the navy re
views at length the progress made by
this government in naval construction
during that period. It is shown that
the following additions have been
made to the effective force of the
navy during the year:
One battleship, four monitors,
twelve torpedo boat destroyers, one
torpedo boat and seven submarine tor
pedo boats. The list should have
been increased by two battleships and
five cruisers, the report states, but ow
ing to slrikes and other causes their
completion was delayed. The report
states that the "rate of progress of !
vessels under construction at the pres
ent time presents some very encour
aging indications for completions of
many of the most important contracts,
but, considered as a whole, the pro
gress made during the last fiscal year
has been very unsatisfactory.”
Speaking of the battleship Connec
ticut, which is being built at a gov
ernment yard, and which is a sister
ship of the Louisiana, being built by
a private company, the report says
that although slightly behind the
Louisiana, the progress made has been
well up to the present previous aver
age of contract.
Appended to the report is a complete
list of all the vessels In the navy, with
elaborate data concerning them, also
a summary which shows there are 252
vessels in the navy fit for service, j
forty-five building and twenty-three
unfit for sea service. Vessels fit for
sevice, including those under repair,
are as follows:
First class battleships, ten; second
class battleships, one; armored crui
sers’ two; armored ram, one; single
turret, harbor defense monitors, four;
double turret monitors, six; protected
cruisers, fourteen; unprotected crui
sers, three; gunboats, twelve; light
draft gunboats, three; composite gun
boats. six; training ship (naval acad
emy), one; special class. Dolphin, Ve
suvius, two; gunboats under 500 tons,
twenty-one; torpedo boat destroyers,
sixteen; steel torpedo boats, twenty
nine; submarine torpedo boats eight;
wooden torpedo boats, one; iron cruis
ing vessels, steam, five; wooden cruis
ing vessels, steam, six; wooden sail
ing vessels, four; tugs, thirty-nine;
auxiliary cruisers, five: converted
yachts, twenty-three; colliers, seven;
supply ships and hospital ships, four
The following are under construc
tion or authorized; hirst class battle
ships. fourteen; armored cruisers,
eight; protected cruisers, nine; gun
boat for Great Lakes (not begun),
one; composite gunboats, two; steel
torpedo boats, six; training ships,
two; training brig, one; tugs, two.
_ i
William H. Landvoight of Postal De
partment Resigns Upon Request.
WASHINGTON—William H. Land
voight, chief of the classification di
vision of the Postofflce department,
on Thursday presented his resigna
tion to Postmaster General Payne.
The resignation was requested by
Mr. Payne as a result of the Investiga
tion by the inspectors of the charges
growing out of the employment of
Mr. Landvoight’s son in the General
Manifolding company of Franklin,
Pa., which had a contract for supply
ing patented registry books to the
Mr. Landvoight was chief of the
registry division of the department
prior to his comparatively recent
transfer to take charge of the classi
fication work of the department.
Cullom Call6 on President.
WASHINGTON—Senator Cullom,
chairman of the senate foreign rela
tions committee, had a conference
with the president. He discussed
with him the Cuban reciprocity legis
lation to be taken up at the extra
ordinary session of congress next
president on the award of the Alas
kan boundary commission.
Some Canadians Favor Joining the
United States.
VANCOUVER, B. C —Local feeling
is very bitter over the award of the
Alaskan Boundary Commission. There
is much talk of annexation and of
Canada becoming independent. Busi
ness men are generally much dissatis
fied al what they pronounce British
disregard of Canadian interests to
please the United Slates. It is a mat
ter of comment that the loudest
amongst the discontented are En
glishmcn residing here. Many of
these say that Canada will never
achieve its greatest possibilities un
til it becomes a part of the United
Stat es,
Rev. Elliot S. Rowe, the leading
Methodist minister of British Colum
bia and who, with Chief Justice Hun
ter. constituted the Labor commis
sion which sat this summer, in an in
terview hpre, said:
‘ I am a Britisher and 1 have al
ways been a Britisher, but if Croat
Britain is lo hand Canada over piece
meal to the United States, I say let
us join the American republic also.
By doing so now we are large enough,
populous enough and important
enough (o have something to say re
garding the terms of such annexation,
and also would be potent enough to
have something lo say in the affairs
of the republic, of which we would
form a part. But it we wait until our
best and richest territory is given
away we shall simply bo absorbed
It looks to me as if Canada had won
The case and lost the territory.”
Mayor Needlands of Vancouver
thinks that the Alaskan award may
lead to the establishment of Canada
as an independent nation.
Congratulates American Members.
WASHINGTON.—On receipt of of
ficial advices concerning the award of
J the Alaskan Hrtlnidary Commission
President Roosevelt sent the follow
ing cablegram to .Messrs. Lodge, Tur
ner and Rool, the American members
: of the commission:
“Congratulate you heartily In the
name of the people of the United
The Bank Caahler Makes Confession
of His Transgression.
PRINCETON. VVls.—J. E. Limner,
cashier of the Princeton bank, has
been arrested and taken to Dartford,
where he is in jail.
State Bank Examiner Bergh stated
Monday night that Liemer had con
fessed that the forgeries amount to
the sum of $69,000.
The Princeton State bank is closed
and the Monticeilo State bank, of
which Leimer is vice president, has
been ordered by the state officials not
to open its doors for business for a
few days.
Speculation in grain. Leimer says,
was the cause. Leimer came here as
cashier of the Princeton bank eight
years ago, and the examiners believe
that the forgeries have covered a pe
riod of six years.
Italian Cruiser Has a Brush in So
ROME-~The government has re
ceived the following Information con
cerning the engagment between the
Italian cruiser Lombardia and forces
of the Mad Mullah near Illig, in Ital
ian Somaaliland:
“Owing to the close watch kept on
the Somalliland coast by British and
Italian ships, the M&d Mullah was
unable to get arms and ammunition
by sea as previously. He decided to
make a desperate attempt to take
possession of a point on the coast
with 600 men, who, on October 14,
attacked the Italian boat and killed
several men. The following day the
Lombardia bombared the Mullah’s po
sition and obliged his followers to re
San Antonio Quarantined.
AUSTIN, Tex.—Governor Lanham
on Saturday quarantined all Texas
again San Antonio on account of the
yellow fever there. The order is
mandatory upon all railrpads to oper
ate no trains in or out of San An
Marking the Battlefields.
VICKSBURG. Miss—The Vicks
burg battle park commissioners of
Iowa are here engaged in marking the
positions occupied by Iowa troops
during the siege
j - i ■■ ii
Awarded Contracts to Favored Bid
ders and Were Extravagant and
Wastefu—Ono is Guilty of Petty
WASHINGTON, D. C. Postmaster
General Payne on Wednesday remo\
cd from office Michael W. Louis, su
perintendent of supplies of the post*
offlvJ* department; Louis Kempner,
chief of the registry division of the
third assistant postmaster general's
office, and C. H. Terry, a $!*00 clerk in
the postoffice department, and direct
ed the postmaster at New York to re
move Otto Weis, a clerk.
These removals are the flrst result
of Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral Bristow's report on the irregu
larities in the postofflee department.
Information on the contemplated dis
charges did not leak out at the depart
ment untt' after 4 o'clock, and at 4:30
the postmaster general made an offi
cial announcement of his action as
"Michael W. Lewis has been remov
ed from the offiee of superintendent
of the division of supplies because
the recent investigation shows that he
Influenced the awarding of contracts
for supplies to favored bidders; that
lie has been extravagant and waste
ful in the administration of his of
flee, and that he has paid excessive
prices for supplies to favored contrac
"Louis Kempner, superintendent of
the registry system, has been removed
for incompetency; for wasteful and
reckless extravagance In sending ex
pensive manifold registry books to a
large number of small fourth-class
offices, and for violating the revenue
laws by n system of petty smuggling
"C. B. Terry, a clerk In the division
of the supplies, has been removed fot
making false affidavits; attempting to
obtain money from the clerks under
the guise that he could influence their
promotion, and general Inefficiency.’
The postmaster general also stated
that the postmaster at New York had
been directed to remove Otto Wela
clerk In the New York postofflce, for
collecting money from clerks to influ
,ence legislation and to secure promo
In reply to questions Mr. Payne said
the discharges were the result of die
closures made by the Bristow report
“I have read the report,” he said,
"and am free to say that my action
was the result of Its perusal.”
Preliminary Hearing Before Supreme
Court for Furnishing Satchels.
WASHINGTON—Leopold J. Stern,
the Baltimore contractor arrested In
.Toronto under two warrants charging
false pretense In the supply to the
government of satchels for rural free
.delivery carriers, was given a pre
liminary hearing In the supreme court
^Tuesday. Stern pleaded not guilty.
Postofflce Inspector Walter B. Mayes,
who worked up the case against Stern,
was called to the witness stand, but
before his examination was concluded
court adjourned for the day. The
case will be continued Wednesday.
Assistant District Attorney Taggart
reviewed the charges against Stern,
who, he said, submitted a bill and re
ceived money for satchel straps
which he never furnished. "The bill
on Its face,” said Mr. Taggart, “was
a lie. There were 1,667 satchels sup'
piled, but they did not have the straps
stipulated In the contract.”
On croBB-examination of Inspector
MajeH the defense brought out the
admission that Stern had claimed
that he secured the permission of two
postal officials to furnish the satchels
without straps.
Election Don’t Affect Contract.
WASHINGTON.—On a question
raised in the case of a representative
elect in congress, who owns property
leased to the Postofflce department,
it has been decided that a contract
made by the proper officer with a per
son who, during the existence of a
contract, is elected a member of con
gress, is not affected by such election.
This is based on a decision of Attor
ney General Rodney, rendered in 1809,
a ymr after the passage of an act
of congress prohibiting any member
of congress from making a contract
with the government.
Canada la Not Reconciled to thoi
LONDON.—The engroased copy of
the Alaskan award was signed at 2:10
p. m. The Canadians declined to sign
the award.
The Alaskan award relating to the
Portland canal gives the United
States two islands. Kanaghunut and
Sitklan, commanding the entrance of
the Portland channel and the ocean
passage to Port Simpson and destroy
ing the strategic value of Wales and
Pearse Islands, which are given to
The mountain line adopted as the
boundary lies so far from the coast
as to give the United States substan
tially all the territory. The line com
pletely clears all the bays and Inlets
and means of access to the sea, giving
the United States a complete land
barrier between Canada and the sea,
from the Portland canal to Mount St.
Ellas. Around the head of the Lynn
canal the line follows the watershed
somewhat In accordance with tho
prpsent provisional boundary.
In consequence of the attitude
maintained by the Canadian commis
sioners, la>rd Chief Justice Alverstone
decided I his morning not to hold the
proposed public meeting of the Alas
kan boundary commission, but to
hand Its decision to Messrs. Foster
and Stfton, respectively agents of the
American and Canadian governments.
The fauadian eommisaioners not
only declined to sign the award, but
said they would publicly withdraw
from the commission.
They, as well as the Canadians
connected with the case, are very
Telegrams front Premier Laurier
and other prominent persons in Can
ada show that this sentiment is
shared generally throughout the do
Messrs. Aylesworth and Jette have
Issued a long statement in the nature
of an argument explaining the con-;
tent ion of Canada and why It should
have prevailed.
Sleslrs. Aylesworth and Jette will
submit their contrary opinions to the
tribunal, so as to go officially on
record and while they declined to sign
{he award, they signed the maps
agreed on by the majority.
* i.
Cresceus Beats the World's Trotting
WICHITA, Kan.—Cresceus broke
the world's trotting record for a mile
Monday afternoon, going the distance
in 1:59%, beating the previous rec
ord held by, Lou Dillon and Major Del
mar by a quarter of a second.
The day was Ideal and the track
could not have been better. Mr.
Ketcham worked the horse out before
the final test In 2:15 and then sent
h:m the record. He broken when he
first scored for the record, but on the
next attempt was sent off, going to
the first quarter in :30 flat. There
was a cheer when he reached the half
in :69% and when the three-quarters
was passed in 1:30 the cheer became
an uproar.
Just before he reached the wire
Cresceus broke and it is believed lost
fully three-quarters of a second. He
caught handily and flashed under the
wire in 1:59%. No wind shield was
used. Cresceus was paced by Mike
the Tramp.
" Such an ovation as was given Cres
ceus when he trotted a mile in 1:59%
and made a new world's record has
rarely been witnessed. The stallion
was nearly smothered, so eager were
the people to pat him or get neat
enough to touch him.
George H. Ketcham, who owns Cres
ceus and drove him, Baid: “The condi
tions were perfect. When I was here
week before last the track was wet<
but I saw its advantages and deter
mined to come back. The result Jus
tified my expectations. I knew be
fore the race that the stallion would
beat his record, but 1 did not antici
pate a triumph so complete. I shall
go to Oklahoma City and Fort Scott
right away to keep engagements and
that will be the last time Cresceus
will appear In public.”
Steamer Loaded With Gold.
1 PLYMOUTH, Eng—The sum of
$5,000,000 In gold was landed here Fri
day from Bombay. This Is the largest
shipment every brought to Engjand
on one steamer.
Electric Car Attains High Speed.
BERLIN.—An electric car on Fri
day in the high speed experiments on
the Marlennelde-Sososen line attained
the speed of 130 2-5 miles per hour.