A II11 fry A FREE game insjd* each package of Lion Coffee 60 different games. TIME TABLE, LOTP Cl TV NKBIi. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City, Kansas City. Portland, St. Louis. San Francisco, and all points and all points ast and south. West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No. Ml Passenger.,..!2:03p. m No. 60 Freight.ilaifla. m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger.11:07 p. m. No. 50 Freight. 1H0 P- ™. Sleeping, dinner and reclining clialr cars (seats tree) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the Butted stales or Canada. For Information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to tt. L. Arthur Agent. Or J. Francis. Uen’l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. raiway. No. 86 leaves dally except sur.day (pass eugor). 7:35a. m. No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m. No. 00 leaves Tuesday, Thursday anil Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 p. m. ) No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed 12:05 p. m. No. 86 arrives dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7:35 p, m, First class servlc and close connections east, west and south ll. J. Clifton, Agent. COUNTY OKLIU1AL DIRECTORY. S II K It M A N COUNTY, NEB. G. II Gibson, Clerk. 8. N. 8wketi.an!», Treasurer. J. A. ANOlhR, Judge. J. 8. Peoi.kk, Attorney. Edwarii 8NTOBK, sheriff. U D. Ubnouickson, sunt. Public lust. E It Corning. Surveyor, GKO. W. IIuntbu, Cornor. SUl’BIl VISORS : D 0 GROW, Dist. No. 4., Chairman.. P O address, Loup City, Neb. Aniiriw Gorhtka, Dist. No. 1„ Ashton P O Pktkh Thodk, III**. No. ii Loup City, “ " W O Ituow.v, Dist. No. 3, Loup City, •• *• John Msikpski, Dist. No. 5, Ashton, •* “ We. Jakob. Dist. No it. Rockville, •• •• W H. CHATMAN, Dist. No. T, Lltehfleld '• “ For Sale Cheap. A second hand threshing machine, complete.— T. M Reed. _ If you want lire, wind, storm or liali insurance call on or write F. E. Brewer Office with T. S. Nightingale, Loup City Nebraska. Pligbest market price paid for chickens at E. A. Chase. D. C. Grow, of the Northern Milling company feed store wants to trade Hour for wheat He also has a line grade of whole wheat flour for sale. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. K, W. Grove’s signature is on each box. i&et. Its like a dip in the fountain of youth. Touches the cheek so gently that "youth lingers in the face of old age.” Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea does.—Oden dahl Bros. Children's sleeping garments at Gusteyer's for 35 cents. WANTED.—Three corn buskers, w ith or without teams. T. D. Wilson, Ashton Nebraska. NOTICE. Loup City park is now open for picnics and private parties. Apply to. H. Jknnkk. "notice. To those indebted to uie please call and settle. Must have money to meet my obligations —T. M. Rekd If you have butter and eggs to 8*11 take them to Swauson & Dahl. High est prices for produce. Lowest prices for groceries. FOR SALE. A span of mares, 7 years old, weight 950 to 1,000, Also two colts, buggy, and harness Easy terms. T. s. Niohtinualb. FKOM SOUTH AMKK1CA. New Way of Using Chamberlain's Cough Kamedy. Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from Durban, Natal, South Africa, says: “As a proof that Cbamberlain’a Cough Rem edy is a cure suitable for old and young I pen you the following: A neighbor of mine had a child ju»t over two months old. It had a very bad cough and the parents did not know what to give it. 1 suggested (hat if they would get a bottle of Chamberlain,s Cough Remedy and put some upon the dummy teat the baby was sucking it would no doubt cure tbo chi Id.This they did and brought about a quick relief and cured the baby.” This remedy is for sale by Odendabi Bros. Lsoaa! D»ws. I). C. Leaeh bus moved bis family into one if the Pyke residences. W..J. Fisher sold the (lei. Porter town property to Aiv .i Clark last Fri day. A line of lio cloaks fir lull's i>t Johnson Loreutz A o. All new goods and I itest s \ 1 s. C >nger Pros, shipped a carload of lee to St. Paul last, j u tsciay. The ice plant at that place was destroyed by lire F. F. IIrewer sold the l)ar Crow property to Ileiman Feb'g lust Friday Mr. Febig will move to town shortly having sold his farm on Oak Creek. Oasteyer is selleng out some odd lines of shoes at half puce. ‘ Look them over and purchase u pair at a bargain. Farmers don’t fail to see the line of robes, f ir ooa s, fur mittens, and horse blankets at W. S. Owen’s har ness s tore, The B. V. 1*. IT. meeting w ill be led Sunday evening by Miss. Amanda Vanscoy. The subject w ill be “Giving’ All a.e Invited. Huron, the great Woodmen humorist w ill bj at the opera house, in Loup City, Sail rday evening, Oct. 81. Don’t fail to hi ar him. August Reiman has purchased six resident lots in the south east part of j the city of Lewis Bechthold and ex perts to build on them after a while Closing out i f the b‘*t line of horse blankets, robes, f r coais, fur n ittens, trunks and valises ever brought to your *i wn, at t ie harness store of W- S. Owen. Ladies, Clo tks for sale at Johnson, Lorentz A Co’s. Clothing store. Large assortment, fine and strictly up to date. Ladies’ Jackets, Collars and muds of all ki ids. Mrs. C. E. Robins, San Fransco Cal.: Would not be without Rocky Mountain Teg in our house. Its a great family remedy. Makes anil keeps us well.— Odendabl Bros. We rec ivi d a pleasant call from Frof Omov last Mi nd iy. who is the ca ulid aie i n the r u ublican ticket for county superintendent an 1 is meeting with general favor in eytry part of the county. Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. French, w lio have been living in Lincoln tor several months past came back last Wednesday and we understand will make this their home again, llenrv has been working in the State Journal otlice. Mr, and Mrs. 1* rank t ook of Bristol township was at the county seat last I Tuesday. Mr. ('ook made this office a pleasant call and renewed his subscrip tion. Ho 1.1 an enthusiastic republican and hopes for a complete republican victory this fall. Lewis Sadler and Lewis llallcr are doing a rushing work in ihe well mak ing business They have been making wells all over the country and this week put one down for J. 1‘. Leminger at his city residence to a depth of ]7ti feet. Last Tuesday they put a well down for (»eo. Leininger, 4s feet in just thirty minutes after having set their ma chine. 1 had dyspepsia in its w orst form and felt miserable most all the time. Did not enjoy eating until after I used Kodol Dyspepsia Lure which has completely cured me.—Nrs. W. W Saylor, Hilliard, Pa. No appetite, loss of strength nervousness, headache, constipation,, bid breath, sour risings, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles are quickly cured by the use of Kadol. Kadol represents the natural juices of digestion combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive proper ties. It. cleanses, purifies anil sweetens tue stomach. Sold by Odendahl Bros Laid to Rest. "Uncle” Joseph Simmons, one of Sherman county's oldest and most re pected citizens, was laid to rest in the Cleoria Cemetery last Sunday, Oct 18, 1903. “Uncle Joe” as he was funiliar. ly called by his many friends, had a kind and amiable disposition, nore knew him but to love him and during his many years among us the sunshine j of his every day life was never marred by a cloud. Ilis neighbors ministered carefully and with pleasure to his ever growing needs as “Uncle Toe” neared the other shore, and when his spirit took its Might, kind hands that he had grasped oft in friendship laid him tend erly away. Joseph Simmons was Dorn in YVoolton Bassett, YVilksbire, England on March 1st, is"9. He came to the United States in ls49 and to Sherman county in 1882, and at i o’clock, Oct. 17, 1W3 his spirit went to the God that gave it. Ilev. Stephens preached Ins funeral sermon,assisted by Rev. Sparr, minister of the United Rrethern church of which the deceased was long a member, and many a tear dropped to his memory when the casket lid for ever closed from view, a kind and lov ing friend. Napoleon’s Buttons. Dug up from the camp at Bou logne which Napoleon formed In the hope of Invading England, a collec tion of buttons representing twenty French regiments has been presented to the Army museum at Paris. -—— Twentieth ^©dd'n; Anniversary. The many invited guests v\h> at-1 ten led the twentieth wedding anniver s rv of Mr. and Mrs. VV. H. Meliur a' their home in tiiis city, list Friday evening, Oititur Hi, 1003, express great delight fir the manner in which they wen received and entertained by tiiis much esteemed ‘couple. Several days ago invitations were sent out to their friends and in re sponse more than one hundred and fifty people went to their home, at the appointed hour (eight o’clock) on the evening ment >ne,d In other words the large residence was well tilled with admiring friends. It was never our pleasure to meet a more jolly and appreciative gathering than on this occasion, and the expres sion of admiration for Mr. and Mrs. Mellor, as valuable and helpful citi zens Wi s in every woid, < very face and every heart. The delightful man ner in which they entertained added much to the pleasure of the occasion. By h o’clock nearly all the guests had arrived and Mr. Mellor opened the entertainment with a beautiful vocal solo, with Mrs. Mellor seated at the piano playing the accompaniment. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mellor are gifted with rare musical tallei.t and the .‘el ection was well given and received with a cheer. Mrs.RobertP. Starr give a beau tiful piano solo which was very much appreciated. A male quartette also sang some nice songs. The grapha phone was ail amusing feature of the en t itainmcnt and the social part was very much enjoyed. Mr. Mellor had carefully prepared a sketch of their recent trip to the Yel low’ Stone Park md he read it to those present. It was listened to with very much interest. In this production he lead his heare -s through the entire journey and detailed his experience and observations in such glowing terms th tone could almost iiu gine t iat be had s en instead of heard. About 11 o’clock an elegant lap supper wis served, and to say the least a more complete feast of good tilings could net lure been piep. red. At midnight i lie guests d< parted, wish ing Mr. and Mrs. Mell «r a long con tinuation of happiness and prosperity Twenty years ago Mr and Mrs. Mellor were married at Michigan City hid. and in 188-5 or eighteen years ago they moved to Loup City where they have since resided. Among those present at the anui ver ary wedding were Mr. and Mrs. S C. Hassett of Gibbon and Mr. and Mrs II. L. Cook of St. Paul. Mr. Hassett and Mr. Ceok are members of the state board of agriculture as also is Mr. Mellor. Other members or’ the board were invited but sent their re grets for not being able to attened. Buy 0116 of those new cloaks at Gasteyer's. Everyone is a guaranteed garment. J, II, Parshsll made a buisness trip to Arcadia and Sargent Monday re turning Tuesday. Try some of the Red School House school shoes for hoys and girls, just recievtd at Swansons. Don't forget that Huron, the great est humorist in the west will be at the opera house, Oct. 31, in the evening. Mr. E. G. Paige of Rockville town ship was a pleasannt caller Tuesday while doing business at the county seat. Jens Christiansen, candidate for sheriff on the Independent ticket was in town last Monday with two wagon loads of hogs. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Odendahl returned from their eastern visit last Friday. Mr. Odendahl seems very much benefit ed by the change. Mens’ and boys’ overcoats, a large variety of styles and sizes at Johnson Lorentz & Co. Prices right. You should call and see them. We had the pleasure ot meeting C. II. Brown of Batavia, 111., last Saturday. Mr. Brown and wife are here visiting his brothers \V. O. and E. A. Brown. Miss. Viola Gouley and the two Misses Chases from Custer county were visiting relatives in the city 1 *st Friday and Saturday. They returned home Sunday. The Ladies Aid Society will give a “Thimble Bee" at the home of Mrs. J. A. Angier Thursday afternoon Oct. 20 for the benefit ot the Baptist church. All the ladies are cordially invited to come and bring their work and enjoy a pleasant afternoon. James and Ashley Conger have re new* d two new dray licenses durir g the past week and will renew the third one as soon as It runs out. They keep three dray teams on the strict all the time and have arrang'd to stoie goods whenever necessary. They have the large ware house in the Porter block tor a store room. Dra. Davis it Farnsworth, of Grand Island, N«braskaare prepared to make X ray examinations and use the X ray in the treatment of cancers and tumors. They are experienced In use of this tnethoXimd have recently added to their equipment of one of tire strongest aid finest X ray coil* made. It is used in examination of all important, case® and is a great aid in locating disease that can he discovered in no other way HIGH SCHOOL NOTE. (BY MISS HIXA rOSTEIi l Ida Draper, a pupil of the granmier room is l»s*nt this week on account of sickness Messers Waite and nnedy were visitors in the primary room last week. Don’t forget to attend the literaries which are given every other Thursday, beginning Oct. A good many of the non-resident pupils were absent last week on ac count of the rains. The seniors have been finding the re lative Hp i-iry of s *eciflc gravity of lead this week without the use of any kind of a sc>:]e except a graduate ve-sel. The gramtner rooip enjoyed the pleas ure of examination last w'eck. Mrs. I)r. Jones was a pleasant caller at the school hou-e Monday morning. Hoy Keith is a new member of the seventh grade. M iss Mary Gibson re-entered the ninth grade Monday after an absence ow ing to sicl- ne Island BBANIT1 ABB 9ABB1B V6BKS. IRA T. PAINE & CO. IVJONUJVIEN-TS. MARBLE GRANITE AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK. BEST OF MATERIAL. LOWEST PRICES FOR GOOD work. See us or write to us before giving an order. GRAND 1ST,AND, . NEB. A. P CLILLEY, President. \V. F. MASON, Cashier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY General Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: t Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska ..III I ■ I ■ ■ ■ ' ■Ill——— I I ARE YUO FOOLISH? Boy,— Say, Pa, what do thev mean by saying “Penny wise and pound foolish”? Father,— Why, it’s where a man loses a dollar tc save a uickle. Boy,—Well, Pa, were you that way when you let your hogs die because you did not want to pay out money for ■*> Liquid Koal that John Solms sells so much of. Father,—Johnnie, don’t talk so much. National Modiclne Co. Coleridge NeD. , Dec. IS, 1909. Sire:—I can say that I am more than pleased with Liquid Koal. A. year ago last October my hogs took sick and 1 tried every thing I could think of but no good came of It. So your agent Kirkpatrick came along and I took a can of Liquid Koal. I had about 90 hogs all sick, I shut them up In a small pen and made every hog lake his medicine and I saved one half of my hogs. If I had not used Liquid Koal I am sure [ would not j have saved a hog. I think a man stands In hisown light that does not keep Liquid Koal on hand. Use this as you see fit. Yours Wm. I.omuabd. One hundred dollars deposited in the following banks for anyone who finds any of the testimonials we publish front time to time are not genuine:—ciy National Bank, York, Neb; Sheldon State Bank, Sheldon, la.; Oklahoma Trust ami Banking Co., Oklahoma City,Okla. Manufactured by National Medicine co., Sheldon, la., York, Neb., Oklahoma city Okla, PRICE One Quart Can. $1 Oil i Ten Gallon Keg, per gallon.92.50 One Gallon. 3 on ) 2s Gallons, half bbl per gal,. 3-85 Five Gallons per gallon. 2.T5 | 60 Gallons, 1 bbl per gall. 2,00 A25c 32 page book on diseases of animals sent free on application. MANUFACTURED BY Nationol Medicial Co. “^2"* For pale by J. SOLMS, Loup City Neb The Halve That Hf»l« without leaving a tear is DeWitl’s. The name Witch Hazel is applied to many salves, but DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve is the only Witch Hazel Salve made that contains the pure unadulterated witch hazel. If anyone other Witch Hazel Salve is offered you it is a coun terfeit. E. C. DeWItt invented Wnch Hazel Salve and DeWItl’s Witch Hazel Salve is the best stive in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, or blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by Odendahl Bros. Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy Is Pleas- ■ ant to Take ™ The finest quality of granulated loaf sugar is used In the m&nuficture of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the roots used in its pieparation give ltafla vor similar to maple syrup, making it quite pleasant to take. Mr. W. Roder ick, of I’oolesviUe, Md., in speaking of thli remedy, says; “I have used Cham* ) berlainV Cough Ri medy with my chil- < dreti for several years and can truthfully say it is the best preperation of the kind 1 know of. The children like to take It and it has no Injurious after effect Kor sale by Odendahl Bros.