The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 16, 1903, Image 6

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State of Neuraska, I
Sherman County. ) '
To all whom it may concern:
You will take notice that all
laads and Iota on which taxes
for 1908 and prior years have
not been paid, will be sold at
the county treasurer's office in
the court house, in Loup City,
Nebraska, on the first Mon
day In November, 1903, be
tween the hours of 9 o’clock
a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m.; said
sale to adjourn from day to
day untill all the lands and
lots have been offered for sale.
The following is a list of the
lamds and lots to be sold and
the amount set opposite the
description is the amount due
and unpaid May, 1st, 1903.
To each amount will be added
interest and cost of advertis
Township 18, Range 13.
Description. Sec. Amt.
ne 4th se 4th and
■ half se 4lh. 2 * 7 25
nw 4th nw 4lh 4 3 07
nw 4th 5 16 81
sw quarter 5 16 81
ne 4th 7 12 61
nw 4th 7 12 61
SW 4th 7 12 61
Be 4th 8 15 56
nw 4th 8 14 68
SW 4th 8 12 61
se 4th 8 14 88
ne 4th 0 10 46
nw4th 0 15 56
sw 4th W 15 56
ne 4th 10 15 64
nw 4th 10 18 68
s half sw 4th 10
n half sw th 10 8 31
Be 4th 10 10 40
ne 4th 11 5 34
w half sw 4th 11 2 64
e halt sw 4th 11 2 64
se 4th 11 6 34
ne 4th 12 6 34
nw 4th 12 5 31
sw 4th 12 6 34
Se 4th 12 5 34
ne 4th 13 6 31
nw4th 13 5 31
se 4 th 13 5 34
w half ne 4th 11 2 64
BW 4th 1 * 6 31
sw 4th 14 5 31
w half of se 4th 14 2 64
e half ne 4th 11
e half se 4lh 11 2 04
nw.4th 15 12 02
sw 4tn 15 lo 46
nW4th 17 10 414
e half ne 4 th 18 8 3s
w half ne 4th und
e half nw 4th 18 18 81
e half se 4th 18 5 21
nw 4th 20 8 71
ne 4th 21
nw 4th 21 1218
ne 4th 22 8 6.1
SW 4th 22 13 75
nw 4th '-2 8 7
so 4tb *oi o 17
no 4lh 26 0 83
se 4th 24) 0 8*
no 4th 28 10 47
se 4th Hu if to
ne 4t 20 11 18
nw 4th 20 10 47
be 4th 20 1- 18
nw 4lh *0 8 71
sw 4lh 35 14 i»
Township 16, Runpe 11.
Description. Seo. An».
se 4th 2 24 13
nw 4th 3 37 31
nw 4th *4 25 26
ne 4th 15 28 34
S8 4th 15 28 48
ne 4th 22 26 78
sw 4th 22 24 87
sw 4 th *5 22 50
Se 4 th 25 2U66
nw 4th 26 2,148
nw 1th 30 0 40
sw 4th 30 10 20
se 4th 30 0 40
no 4th 32 14 06
se 4th 32 1014
u half of nw 4th 33 5 46
se 4th 33 12 40
Township 16, Range 15.
Description. Sec. Amt.
se 4th 1 2o 40
e half we 4th 3 5 ofi
w half se 4th 3 7 01
s half ne 4tb and
■ half nw 4th 4 12 60
ne 4tn 6 11 26
se 4th 5 11 08
se 4th ne 4th 8 6 44
Lot 1 6 0 28
Lot 2 b 2 27
Lot 5 6 2 011
no 4th 10 17 72
nw 4th II 25 61
SW 4lh U 18 61
a half ne 4th 15 7 14
Township 16, Range 18.
Lot 1 in Section 1 2 84
Township 10. Range 1A.
Description, Sec. Amt.
■e 4th CO 4 2£
lots A ami 0 Cl 4 71
lots A and 0 27 0 SS
sw 4ih 28 18 1(
■e 4lb 28 10 m
sw 4lh 30 8 41
n half ne 4th 32 V oc
se 4th ae 4th 02 0 01
ne 4lh of se 4th 32 A 43
nw 4th 32 1C US
a halt sw 4th 32 4 M
BW4lhof sw 4th 32 2 41
sw 4th of ne 4th 32 3 Mi
northwest quarter 33 21 75
southeast quarter 33 0 tW
n half nw 4th 31 4 84
lots A and 6 34 7 11
southwest quarter 34 12 us
sw quartsr se quarter 34 3 An
lot 4 34 3 AS
Township 10, Range 10.
Description. See. Amt.
sw quarter nw quarter 1 2 75
w half se quarter 1 0 i j
se quarter ne quarter 2 3 .a
n huif ne quarter 3 7 2£
n huif uw quarter 3 7 25
northeust quarter 4 11 if
southwest quarter A 10 It
uorthwest quarter 0 11 7i
se qr nw quarter 7 3 *!
us quarter sw quarter 7 3 is
g half se quarter 7 0 5;
northeast quarter 8 13II
s half nw quarter 12 0 31
southwest quartsr 12 1101
north west quurlcr 14 ID
southeast quarter 17 13 ll
n half ne quarter and
n half nw quarter 1U 12 OC
sw quarter nw quartsr 19 3 m
n huif no quarter 22 A 41
a half of ne quarter 22 a 41
n half uw quarter 23 ilir.
a half uw quarter :;1 ti <«
southeast quarter 24 7 7*
southwest quarter 25 12 01
northeast quarter 27 8 41
e half nw quarter 28 3 5i
southwest quarter 28 ♦ 7 81
w half ne quarter 23 4 84
northwest quarter 30 3 to
s half sw quarter 31 4 84
southeast quarter 31 12 01
e half he quartsr 32 t) 01
iv half sw quarter 33 0 oi
Township 15, Range 10.
Description. Sec. Amt,
n half nw quarter 1 5 04
s half nw quarter 1 A 04
a half sw quarter 1 5 11
southwest quarter 2 114;
e half ne qr and
ne qr se quarter 5 0 3;
e half nw quarter A A 54
w half se quarter 5 fi hi
southwest qr A 17 3!
n half nw quarter 0 7 31
h half sw quarter and
e half se quartsr 0 13 91
s half ne qr and so qr of
nw qr and no qr se qr 7 20 65
w 145 a uw quarter 13 10 31
n half nw quarter 14 6 86
southeast quarter 11 13 78
northeast quarter 15 1171
northwest quarter 21 18 44
northeast quarter 23 II71
aorthwest quarter 23 11 02
southeast quarter 23 11 71
ne quarter nw quarter 27 3 08
w half nw qr and
nw qr sw quarter 27 9 64
ne quarter ne quarter 28 3 48
nw qr nw quarter 28 3 48
ne qr ne quarter and
s half me quarter 29 8 87
southeast quarter 29 13 97
w half nw quarter 32 510
e half ne quarter 32 810
n half nw quarter 33 7 66
sw qr sw quarter 33
southeast quarter 34 10 71
southwest quarter 35 1219
s hall ne quarter and
n half se quarter 35 9 85
Township lh, Range 15.
Description. Sec. Amt.
southwest quarter 2 10 5o
northeast quarter 3
northwest quarter 8 10 00
southeast quarter 3 7 50
s half sw quarter and
s half se quarter 4 15 00
northwest quarter 8 13 76
southwest quarter 8 10 50
northeast quarter Id 1100
w half se qr and se qr
of se qr amt lot 3 14 10 20
northwest qr 18 1103
southwest quarter 18 14 28
w half ne quarter 23 7 15
northeast quarter 25 22 00
northwest quarter 26 13 75
northeast quarter 27 10 20
northwest quarter 27 10 20
southwest quarter * 27 10 20
southeast quarter 27 10 20
northeast quarter 29 >10 71
n half nw quarter 3d 510
n 65 acres of s half of
northwest quarter So 4 08
s 15 acres ot s half of
northwest quarter 30 1 92
northeast quarter 32 9 18
southwest quarter 82 12 75
northeast quarter 31 12 00
Touwuship 15, 14.
Description. Sec. Amt.
lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 32 13 75
i,our cm tuh >suir.
Township IS, Range IS.
Description. Sec. Aint
northeast quarter 1 13 81
n half nw quarter 1 19 78
lot 2 11 7 92
lot 3 11 7 18
northwest quarter 12 80 92
southwest quarter 12 26 35
part of soutueast 12 18 91
Township 15, Range 14,
Description Sec. Amt.
uonhwi st quarter b 13 82
part of nw qr so qr 7 44
northeast quarter 12 31 6S
northwest quarter 13 22 18
w half nw u oar ter and
w half sw quarter 14 16 84
e half in'quarter 16 7 92
southeast quarter li 15 64
part at sw quart r of
southwest quarter 18 1 70
part of out h o st qr 18
part sw qr so quarter 1-* 9 80
part ne quarter 18 1 3.
lots 1. 2 and pt lot 3 19 10 30
no quarter n w quat ter 2i * t ti 34
southeast quarter 23 10 74
southwest quarter 34 19 16
northeast quarter 35 25 11
Township 14, Range 14.
Description. Sec. Amt.
southwest quarter II 1191
southeast quarter 11 1194
northeast quarter 12 17 92
southwest quarter 12 29 88
u half ne quarter and
n half nw quarter 14 1194
sw qr ne qr. se qr nw qr,
nw qr se qr and ne qr
of sw quarter 11 1191
part of ne quarter 22 16
northeast quarter 24 16 85
northwest quarter 25 1219
southwest quarter 2i 12 58
southeast quarter 25 12 27
lot 1 36 35
Township 13, Range 14.
Let 1 In Section 1 34
Rockville Township.
Township 13, Range 13.
Description. Sec. Amt.
southeast quarter 3 13 96
northeast quarter 4 10 07
w 30 acres of ne qr of
southwest quarter 5 3 86
w half southwest qr 6 6 27
part se qr sw qr & 4 43
southeast quarter & 13 73
part se qr ne qr nw qr 8 51
part se qr ne qr nw qr 8 13
part se qr ne qr nw qr 8 13
part no qr ne qr nw qr 8 2 41
northwest duarter 9 12 01
southwest quarter 9 14 82
southeast quarter 9 14 14
sw quarter of nw qr. 11 252
n half ne qr nw qr and
nw qr nw quarter 11 3 72
e half se quarter and
nw quarter se quarter 11 8 63
w half sw quarter 11 516
southwest quarter 12 15 47
e % of e half ne qr 13 4 98
northwest quarter 13 1140
e half se quarter and .
n half of se quarter 13 14 03
lot 1 17 180
part lets 2 and 3 22 80
e half ne qr and e half
e half w half ne qr. 23 18 60
Township li, Range 13J
Description. Sec. Amt
northeast quarter 1 21 18
southwest quarter 3 11 39
southeast quarter 4 11 19
northeast quarter 6 14 26
southeast quarter 6 I9 60
northeast quarter 7 10 75
northwest quarter 7 10 75
southwest quarter 7 11 III
southeast quarter 7 10 75
southwest quarter 8 13 20
northwest quarter 10 15 79
s half se quarter 10 8 98
e half ne quarter II 819
southwest quarter 13 li 91
northeast quarter 14 13 76
southwest-quarter 14 12 83
northwest quarter 17 13 19
e half nw qurter and
e half sw quarter 18 1140
w half nw quarter and
w half sw quarter 18 1150
w half se quarter 18 6 69
northeast quarter 21 14 55
northwest quarter 22 1665
• half sw quarter and
w half ee quarter 32 9 95
Asliton Township.
Township 15, Range 13.
Description, Sec. Amt.
northeast quarter 8 12 31
n ball Be quarter 2 All!
northwest quarter 6 14 3fi
southeast quarter 6 15 3#
part ol sw quarter 7 50
u half ne quarter 10 • n 17
ne qr sc quarter 10 3o8
se qr nw quaiter 10 3,7
h half no quarter 10 017
part n half so qr, part
s half se qr ami part
o half so quaruor 15 12 31
northwest quarter 17 13 10
southwest quarter 19 12 93
southeast quarter 19 H 36
northeast quarter 19 143-1
uontiwesi quarter 19 i4 86
southwest quarter 19 1136
southeast quarter 19 I I36
northw est quarter 20 13 38
northeast quartet 21 932
northwest quarter 24 Si 99
northwest quarter 20 13 40
part ne qr of uw qr
northeast quarter 27 5 08
northeast quarter 29 1310
northwest quarter 29 1122
northeast quarter 30 12 68
northwest quarter 38 13 42
Clay Township.
Township 14, Range 14.
Description. Sec. Amt.
southwest quarter 9 17 99
northwest quarter 19 1192
northeast quarter 20 12 40
northeast quarter 21 12 40
north west quarter 21 10 99
southwest quarter 21 10ts9
southeast buarlcr 21 ' 1124
lots 1 and 2 22 2 12
lots 3 and 4 22 9 99
uortbeant quarter 29 10 23
northwest qoarter 28 1019
southwest quarter 29 10 49
southeast quarter 29 10 23
northeast quarter 29 10 66
northwest quarter 29 10 50
southwest quarter 29 10 56
southeast quarter VO 10 56
southeast quarter 33 12 46
Township 14, Range 15
Description. Sec. Amt.
part ne quarter >0 1 to
w 15 acres of nw qr 10 1 20
n half sw qaarter and
»e qr sw quarter 12 g 54
sw qr sw quarter 12 3 86
northwest quarter 12 11 &6
northwest quarter 10 13 34
southwest quarter 19 12 45
southwest quarter 20 13 OS
southwest quarter 22 12 50
northwest quarter 24 . 14 73
e half ne quartor 26 4 24
w half ue quarter 26 3 07
northeast quarter 26 10 76
southerat quarter 28 18 03
southwest quarter 20 12 61
n half ne qr, se qr ne
qr and ne qr se qr 80 12 46
northwest quarter 32 12 39
southwest quarter 34 13 57
Harrison Township
Township It, Range 16.
Description. See, Amt.
northwest quarter 1 9 72
northwest quarter 4 14 97
n half sw qr and
sw qr sw quarter 4 7 48
u half ne quarter 5 4 74
e half se quarter 5 4 77
w half ne quarter and
e half nw quarter 5 9 99
w half se quarter 5 4 75
w half nw quarter 6 4 75
w half sw quarter 6 4 75
s half sw quarter 11 5 41
e 145 acres of se qr 11 9 46
e half nw quarter 12 515
w half sw quarter 13 712
ehalf sw quarter 13 7 12
northeast quarter 14 10 66
southeast quarter 15 18 90
sw qr sw quarter 20 3 53
n half ne qr. se ns qr qr &
ne qr Be quarter 22 17 21
n half ne quarter 23 12 82
sw qr ne quarter 23 3 58
northwest quarter 23 22 23
nw qrse quarter 23 3 22
southwest quarter 23 16 86
southeast quarter 24 13 00
e half ne quarter 24 7 12
w half nw qr, se qr nw
qr and ne qr sw qr 26 15 70
part nw qr sw qr 27 2 06
part sw qr sw qr 26 2 06
northwest qr nw qr 20 3 87
se qi ne qr. ue qr se qr 81 5 35
nw qr nw quarter 33 3 10
n half se quarter 33 6 It
northwest quarter 31 2019
s half se quarter 34 7 33
part w half us quurter 3t 2 44
southwest quarter So 17 32
Scott Towtmlilp,
Township 13, Range 16
Description See. Amt
part ne quarter 1 18 32
northwest quarter U 13 08
pan a half sc quarter I 4*
part ne qr se quarter l 83
part ne quarter 1 5ft
northeast quarter l 12 27
southwest quarter 3 1310
southeast quarter 1 12 27
se qr se quarter 6 3 78
e half ne quarier 11 5 45
southwest quarter 10 13 61
northwest quurtur 10 1127
northeast quarter 11 8 69
northwest quarter 11 13 51
pan SB quarter 12 16
part ne quarter 13 7 81
part ne quarter 13 7 68
southwest quarter 13 16 90
southeast quarter 13 15 82
southeast quarter 14 1176
s half ne quarter and
s half nw quarter 15 14 76
southwest quarter 16 16 86
part of se quarter 15 12 90
part ne qr se quarter 15 1 86
northwest quarter 17 10 88
southeast quarter 18 10 88
se qr ne quarter and
ne qr se quarter 20 5 65
n half sw quarter 81 5 65
s half sw quarter and
e half se quarter 21 12 37
northwest quarter 23 18 40
ne qr ne quarter 24 5 35
w half ne quarter 24 6 77
s S ne qr ee quarter 24 2 68
s half se quarter 24 6 77
northwest quarter 36 14 75
southwest quarter 26 16 93
s half southeast qr 26 8 92
e half southwest qr 27 6 14
southeast quarter 27 14 75
northeast quarter 28 10 29
northwest quarter 30 16 23
southwest quarter 30 13 93
e half nw quaruer 34 6 14
e half nwduarter 35 7 98
e half sw quarter 35 7 98
w half se quarter 35 6 14
Hazard Township.
Tewnship 13, Range 15.
Description. Sec. Amt.
northeast quarter 1 14 82
northwest quarter 1 14 82
southeast quarter 1 14 82
southwest quarter 2 16 74
northwest quarter 2 13 61
northwest quarter 4 14 80
southwest quarter 4 16 80
northeast quarter 6 12 86
northeast quarter 8 13 61
northwest quarter 10 16 74
e half nw quarter 14 7 75
southeast quarter 14 IS 50
northeast quarter 16 1710
s half se quarter 15 7 76
southeast quarter i9 14 82
•outhcast quarter 20 13 68
n half ho quarter 22 7 M
s half ne quarter and
e half nw quarter 22 14 66
w half nw quarter 22 6 50
northwoet quarter 27 13 00
southwest quarter 27 12 41
southeast quarter 27 1104
e half ne quarter 28 6 50
northwest quarter 28 1607
southeast quarter 28 12 48
northeast quarter 29 13 68
southwest quarter 29 15 39
southeast quarter 29 18 98
northwest quarter 30 14 26
northeast quarter 31 15 39
northeast quarter 22 20 78
e half nw quarter 32 9 21
w half nw quarter 32 7 13
eouthwvst quarter 32 16 39
southeast quarter 31 14 54
norteaSt quarter S4 15 08
northwest quartor *4 15 08
partswqrswqr 35 21
lirlstol Township.
Township IS, Range 18
Description Sec. Amt.
Dot 2 and 3 17 518
northwest quarter 17 8 08
h half ne quarter and
s half nw quarter 20 18 27
ne qr ne quarter 21 1 21
ne qr sc quarter and
s half ne quarter 21 10 37
nw qr nw quarter 21 3 oo
s half se quarter 21 3 02
nw qr sw qr and
part lot 0 lot 5 22 1 5i
part lot 6 22 29
se qr nw qr, ne qr sw qr,
se qr sw quarter and
sw qr se quarter 28 8 03
u half *e quarter and
lot 2 and
se qr se quarter 30 8 63
e half nw quarter 38 4 12
n half ne quarter 29 8 15
* half Be quarter 29 9 21
n half se quarter 29 9 21
1 e half ne quarter 3f 5 97
Township 13, Range 14.
I Description. See. Amt.
[ northeast quarter I 11 s9
northeast quarter 7 12 30
n half nw qr and
sw qr nw quarter 12 12 99
I northeast quarter 18 it 13
; southeast quarter 18 1102
northwest quarter 21 is 55
; southeast quarter .1 1524
e half ue quarter and
e half of se quarter 22 15 09
northeast quarter 23 17 79
southwest quarter 21 20 09
northeast quarter 20 13 til
southeast quarter 20 1173
ue qr aw quarter and
nw qr se quarter 27 8 31
w halt sw quarter 27 8 31
se qr sw quarter and
sw ur se quarter 27 8 31
northeast quarter 28 18 90
southeast quarter 28 18 91
northwest quarter 29 17 53
south west quarter 30 13 00
w half of nw quarter 31 7 01
northwast quarter 32 13 52
n half ne quarter 3s 9 48
s half ne quarter and
e half se quarter 33 18 90
n half of northwest qr 93 6 70
s half northwast qr 33 6 40
southwest quarter 33 17 59
southwest quarter 34 20 61
southeast quarter 35 1173
I.itrhfleM Vlllajr*.
I'Ot- Block. Amt.
8 5 1 99
16 8 2 28
17 6 34
3 7 8 70
7 85
7 3 9i»
6 8 4 84
7 8 0 27
8 8 3 99
9 8 2 28
12 8 40
3 9 2 86
4 9 4 50
5 and 8 9 69
8 9 1 99
9 9 1 42
10 9 2 86
11 9 46
12 9 3 99
3 11 4 27
4 11 3 70
6 11 4 60
part 8 11 3 99
12 116 55
1 12 1 71
11 and 12 15 6 70
5 16 23
8 16 28
4 17 " 28
6 17 17
1 18 17
1 19 23
_ _ A
HH/uru MiiHge
Lot. Block. Amt.
fc 6 12
12 7 2»
3 and 4 11 46
1 13 1 43
7 13 91
2 15 07
5 15 06
Attlion \ illlage.
Lot Block. Amt.
7 3 16s
8 3 47
9 and 10 3 56
all 7 1 41
12 9 91
11 11 28
12 114 00
1 12 2 91
14 13 2 50
1 15 8 76
2 15 21
4 10 4 98
5 19 29
11 19 121
Ba tura's Addition to Asht >n.
Lot. B! >ek Amt.
2 5 16>
3 5 1 88
First Addition to Ashtot
Lot. Block. Ano
12 and 13 1 6 ,
14 1 88
Taylor’s Addition to Ashton,
Lot. Block. Amt.
2 and 3 75
17 and 18 94
20 and 21 94
Kockvllle Village.
Lot. Block. Amt.
1 to 4 3 46
8 and 6 3 28
7 3 * 86
8 3 3 73
10 and II 3 23
12 to 14 3 35
16 and 16 3 28
1 to 8 4 92
9 to 12 4 46
2 5 13
4 5 13
« 6 13
7 5 13
8 5 13
9 5 13
10 6 13
11 5 18
12 6 13
13 5 13
14 5 13
15 5 13
2 4 6 8 10 12
14 and 16 6 92
2 4 6 8 7 46
3 8 13
6 8 3 8 35
4 8 13
all 9 93
1 2 4 5 10 46
8 6 and 7 10 37
all 13 46
all 14 137
1 2 8 and
8 to 1* 15 92
4 to 6 16 35
7 15 13
1 to 4 16 48
5 16 13
ail 17 30
1 and 2 18 23
7 to 12 18 69
3 to 0 18 46
I to 4 and
9 to 12 19 92
5 19 18
6 19 13
s half 2 20 13
n half 3 20 13
b half 4 20 13
8 to 10 20 35
II to 12 20 23
all 22 80
1 to 5 and 92
9 to 11 23 98
0 to 8 23 85
12 23 13
1 to 2 25 23
3 to 6 25 46
7 25 13
1 3 4 5 and 6 £6 58
s half 2 26 13
7 20 1 44
8 26 6 90
i 9 to 11 20 35
12 26 13
1 and 2 27 23
9 to 12 27 46
4 27 12
5 7 and 8 27 85
« 27 13
1 and 3 and
6 to 12 28 1 04
2 28 3 56
4 and 5 28 23
1 to 8 29 92
9 to 14 29 09
n half 1 80 1 79
s half l 30 13
2 to 1 30 85
8 to 11 80 46
5 to 7 80 85
12 to 14 80 85
I to 4 33 46
9 to 10 83 23
5 to 8 33 46
II to 12 33 23
Loup City Viliam*.
Original Town.
Lot. Block. Amt.
0 2 78
13 2 78
| 14 2 78
1 5 2 31
2 5 2 31
3 5 2 21
13 0 9 18
14 0 1 33
13 7 92
14 7 92
By special arrangement we can furnish
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Hi - if!
i|| ___
I : SBSB -m
15 7 92
10 7 92
17 7 92
13 10 47
14 10 47 .
21 10 70
22 16 70
23 10 78
21 10 78
4 17 1 23
4 17 1 23
21 17 93
22 17 93
23 17 4 59
24 17 612
w 24 ft 8 18 19 89
s half 18 aud
s half 19 18 7 05
s 105 ft 20 18 1 23
8 105 ft 21 18 4 59
8 105 ft 22 18 4 59
8 105 ft 28 18 4 59
s 105 ft 24 18 4 59
16 19 10 71
17 19 1 07
18 19 12 24
19 19 1 08
20 1 9 6 12
21 19 1 08
5 20 98
6 20 93
7 20 93
9 20 93
10 20 93
11 20 93
12 20 1 53
1 21 92
2 21 612
17 21 6 12
18 21 78
8 22 78
9 22 78
13 22 92
14 22 6 12
15 22 6 12
17 22 78
1 23 93
2 23 78
19 23 60
20 28 60
21 23 60
22 23 60
23 23 60
24 23 60
5 24 78
0 24 78
9 24 78
iU to
13 24 78
14 24 HI
15 24 6 90
10 24 61
17 24 61
18 24 61
1 25 92
2 26 78
3 25 6 89
4 25 6 89
18 £5 60
14 25 60
15 25 7 65
1!) 25 CO
22 25 60
23 26 60
24 2* 60
i: 26 *2 92
14 20 78
22 26 78
28 92
7 28 92
28 92
1 28 60
)•- 28 60
34 92
34 95 95
8 34 92
22 34 92
23 34 93
81 34 78
35 34 78
80 84 60
87 34 60
88 34 00
89 84 00
40 34 GO
41 34 19
4' 34 19
4i 34 19
44 34 31
45 34 31
46 34 31
47 34 31
62 to 64 34 92
60 34 31
67 84 31
08 34 31
69 34 31
70 34 31
1 to 5 85 3 05
10 35 60
19 to 21 35 244
24 35 7 65
25 35 " 65
26 to 83 85 4 90
1st Addition
Lot. Block. Amt.
all 4 2 31
sw 4th. 5 78
100x300 ft 8 1 53
100x300 ft 8 918
100x300 ft 8 1 53
100x293 ft 8 184
100x187 ft 8 1 23
100x295 ft 8 10 71
100x150 ft 8 10 71
100x148 ft 8 1 53
all 12 10 71
Lalk and Krlechbaums ad
Lot. Block. Amt.
4 2 31
5 2 31
6 2 31
8 2 31
9 2 31
4 3 31
5 3 81
6 8 31
1 to 0 4 184
8 5 78
1 8 47
2 8 47
8 8 47
• 8 47
11 8 47
12 8 47
1 to 12 9 5 51
17 13 2 31
It 13 184
19 13 184
20 13 184
1 to 8 16 3 66
7 18 7 15
8 16 8 83
9 16 60
10 16 60
11 16 3 06
12 16 8 06
Barker’s 1st addition
Lot. Block Amt.
10 1 78
11 1 78
II 1 78
1 to 6 2 8 66
7 to 12 2 176
11 6 8 87
12 8 0 12
11 8 93
12 8 93
10 12 012
17 12 6 12
18 12 92
19 12 92
Blackman's Sub-Division.
Lot. Block. Amt.
1 12 6 15
2 12 92
3 12 92
4 12 2 44
Barker’s 2nd. Addition.
Lot. Block Amt.
1 to 9 3 139
10 3 3 83
11 and 12 3 31
part 4 19
i 78
O 5 78
" ;> 6 12
* 6 78 :
J » 73
0 6 78
® 8 4 59
12 , 10 1 «3
1 to 4 14 ^
Unplatted portion
part se 4th.
sw 4th. nw 4th
18 15 14
90x300 ft 2 30
240x300 ft 3 84
Smith's addition
Lot. Block Amt.
1 to 6 2 48
13 to 24 2 24
10 to 11 3 31
13 to 14 3 60
10 to 20 3 48
I to 2 4 5 66
13 to 24 4 3 66
11 and 12 5 60
II and 12 0 60
11 and 12 7 60
1 to 3 8 50
4 to 5 8 31
19 to 22 a 60
23 to 24 8 31
I to 2 9 31
8 to 6 9 80
19 9 18
20 to 24 9 77
2 to 3 11 92
7 to 9 12 139
10 12 50
12 12 50
7 to 12 18 1 84
13 to 14 18 61
16 to 16 18 01
17 to 18 18 61
6 23 61
19 to 21 23 l 84
1 ‘*5 00
2 25 60
« 25 60
7 25 00
8 23 60
9 25 60
10 26 00
II 25 60
6 and 6 20 92
7 and 8 26 92
9 to 12 20 1 84
16 20 31
17 to 20 20 123
1 to 2 34 6 72
1 to 4 36 2 45
Central Addition,
lot 1 to 3, block C. l 53
In witness whereof J have
hereunto set my band and of
ficial seal this 1st. day of Oct
ober, 1903.
S. N. Sweeti.and,
County Treasurer.
Catarrh of the Stomach.
When the Btomach is overloaded;
when food is taken into it that fails to
digest, it decays and enllames the
mucous membrane, exposing the nerves
and causes the glands to secret mucin
instead of the natural juices of digestion.
This is called Catarrh of the Stomach
For years I have suffered with Catarrh
of the Stomach, caused by indigestion.
Doctors and jnedicines failed to benfit
me until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
J. R. Rhea Coppell, Tax. Sold by Oden
dahl Bros.
A Purgative Pleasure
If you ever took DeWitt’s Little Early
Risers tor biliousness or constipation
you know what a purgative pleasure is.
These famous piila cleanse the liver
and rid the system of all bile wi’hout
producing unpleasant effects. They
do not grip or weeken, but give tone
and strength to the tissues and organs
involved. W. H. Howell of Huston
Tex. say’s “No better pill's can be used
than Little Early Kisers for constipation
sick headache, etc.1’ Sold by Oden
dahl Bros.
Good for mother. Good for father.
Good for the whole family. Makes the
children eat, sleep and grow. Rocky
Mountlan Tea Is a family blessing.
Sold by Odendahl Bros,
acter and good reputation in each state
(one In this county required) to represent
and advertise old established wealthy bus
lness house of solid financial standing.
Salary $21.00 with expences additional, ail
payable in cash directly every Wednesday
from head offices Horses and carriage -
furnished when necessary. Reference.
Enclose selt-addressed envelope, Coloni
al, 333 Dearborn St.. Chicago.
Vlaws on Ambition and Dys
"Dyspepsia,” wrote Eugene Field,
"often incapacitates a man for endeavor
and sometimes extinguishes the lire of
ambition." Though great despite his
complaint Field suffered from indiges
tion all his life. A weak, tired stomach
can't digest your food. It needs
rest. You can only rest it by the use
of a preparation like Kodol, which re
Uevec it of work by digesting your food.
Rest soon restores It to Its normal tons
__ ^ Envlgoratlng.
For sale by ODENDAHt, DIUW3.