-.-. The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AIT THE COUNTY MAX. BEO. E. BENACHOTER, Editor and Publisher TERMS:—11-00 P*8 TBAK- IF PAID IS ADTANC1 Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for tract mission through the mails as second class matter. Republican State Ticket For Supreme Judge, JOHN B. BARNES, of Madison. For U»ix*C'ity Regents, W. (}, WHITMORE, of Douglas; C. S. ALLEN, of Lancaster. JUDICIAL TICKET. For Judge 12tt district, B. O. HOSTETLER, Buffalo. COUNTY TICKET^ G. H. Gibson, Clerk. Geo. Holmes, Treasurer. L. A. Williams, Sheriff. Lewis Omuy, Superintendent. Robt. P. Starr, Judge. Geo. W. Hunter, Coroner. Walter Moon, Surveyor. Henning Claussen, Assessor. Speaking of county nominees this fall it is pleasiug to note that all who have been named for county office by either party are gentlemen and are not given to abuse of their opponanta or in any way sanction any of the stories that have or may fcome up about any of tbe candidates upon the other side. With the ex ception of the ugly stab that was made by the Times at County Clerk, Gibson, and the republican nomi nee for county judge, Mr. Starr, and which has already cost their opponant many votes, the cam paign has been clean ar.d highly com mendable on the part of all concern ed. We hope it will continue so to tbe end. It is also pleasing to note that many democrats and populists throughout the county and the coun try in general have approved the Roosevelt policy and openly state that if this same policy is continued and the president is nominated next year they will be fount in the republican column. With this feeling prevailing everywhere it is quite evident that the tendaney is drifting towards the present administration and that such influance will be felt in no uncertain measure at the com ing election this fall. The campaign on supervisor in Bristol and Hazard townships has now developed into a three cornered fight with excellent chances for suc cess for the republican candidate. Some weeks ago Geo. Brammer was nominated for supervisor by the pop lists, thus turning down honest “Billie” Jakob, and at a time when he had had only one term. It Is alledged that it was done at the instance of some of the populist wire pullers, by setting the day for the convention when Mr. Jakob was obliged to be at the county seat in attendance at a meeting of the board of supervisors, and by substituting some one else in Mr. Jacob’s place as a delegate during his absence, he being the regular delegate. The turning down ot Mr. Jakob without apparant cause has instituted a fact ional fight in the populist party and Mr. Jakob’s friends have shown their displeasure bv circulating a petition to have his name, as a candidate by petition, printed upon the ballot. Since the filing of this petition with the county clerk, the republicans ot that district have held their supervisors convention and placed Mr. E. Munn, of Hazard in nomination. Mr. Munn is a strong candidate and although the district is naturally populist by a considerable majority, with this factional feeling in the opposing ranks be is almost sure to be elected. Our contemporay has tnrned its battering ram loose on G. H. Gibson and every time the blamed thing goes of, which by the way, is every Thursday, it increases Gibsons vote. The amount of Gibson’s plurality can be largely estimated by the number of Thursdays between now and election. Robt- P- Starr Nominated* From the Loup City Northwestern we learn that Bobt. P. Starr, who recently removed from this place to Loup City, Sherman county, recieved the nomination for county judge in tbe republican county convention of Sherman county, held at the above place on Friday August ] 4th. Although we cannot agree polit ically with Mr. Starr, we are pleased to see him nominated 7or ao an im portant a position, as be ia a deserv ing young attorney and if elected Sherman county will find the right kind of metal in this young man that is required of one to ably fill the office of county judge. Here is how it happened, judging from the proceedings: “An informal ballot was then tak en on a candidate for county judge and though several of the best men in the countv were named for that office none of them seemed to be in a position to stand for the nomina tion and one after the other respect fully declined. At this junction a happy solution to the question was made when Smelser of Ashton moved to suspend the rules ard nominate Roht P. Starr by acclama tion. The motion ptevailed and Mr. Starr, almost before he was aware of it, was unanimously chosen for coun ty judge. It was a good choice and Mr. Starr accepted the nomination in a ringing speech which was cheered to the echo.”—Aurora (Neb.) Sun, (Democrat) Aug. 28, 1903. VVe reproduce the above at this time for the reason that the Times ludependent has, in some of its re cent issues cast somo unpleasant reflections at Mr. Starr, it insinu ates that he is not qualified and says, ••Ask the Aurora people." Some have also insinuated that he came here as an office seeker. It is not necessary to ask the Aurora people as to his ability and fitness, for the Sun, a democratic paper, volun teers this information. From the above you mu6t kuow that such ac cusitions are trumped up and are entirely without foundation. Mr. Starr had no idea of getting a nom ination for any office when he came here. He simply chose this for a home because he like the place and liked the people. The convention that nominated him did so without even consulting him, and he accept ed the place on the ticket from loy alty to bis party rather than from a matter of choice. The Aurora Sun is a democrat or fusion paper, well established and published at Mr. Starr's former horns, and although it differs from him politically, has the very best to say of him. It says: “If elected Sherman coun ty will find the right kind of mettal in this young man that is re quired of one to ably fill the office of county judge.” “Ask the Aurora people.” Yes ask them. Bat what more evidence does the Times need to prove itself to be a self constituted prevaricator. The opposition would have you be lieve that Mr. Starr was and office seeket. Does the proceedings of the convention warrant such a couclus ion? Surely it would not look so much so as with the man who rues for a third term, or who evidently wishes to hang on to an office as long as time and fusion will permit. Every republican should nse his vote and his influence to elect Mr. Starr. Vote for him, pull off your coat and work for him, elect him. Where does Mr. Hand, the pop ulist nominee for district judge get bis support? Surely it is not at home because last week we quoted the Kearney Democrat of being in favor of Mr. Hostetler and this week we quote the following from the Kearney Hub: “The nomination of our townsman, B. O. Hostetler, for judge of the twelfth district, has been more than favorably received throughout the four counties com pricing the district, and his election is foreshadowed by an old time re publican majority.” Both are Kear ney candidates with Hostetler as a favorite at home. But then Hostet ler is a 8ne fellow, a bright Jawjer and a man of great ability. Per haps this accounts for it all. ——m*mmmm————**.!■■■ iw in— ■ Some one who sighned his uai ; a ‘ Hep I*op o-Crat” is reaching ik after our scalp through the columt of the Times this week. It ramble: after the fashiou of the Brjan-Math ew style. We will analyze the prod action next week although there ie little satisfaction in it when the writ er hides behind an assumed name. Geo. Holmes, republican condid ate for county treasurer has been a resident of Sherman county for many years. During that time he has been engaged in tarming. He has been an active worker iu the republican party, standing by it through all the years of populism and fusion, and never faltering a moment in bis devotion to its prin ciples. For the first time he is now a candidate for offlte, nod with his loog record as an upright citizen, a good business man and a faithful republican, he has earned the hearly support of every republican in the county. It adds spice to_ dreary life, encour ages the human heart, lifts one out of despair, breaths new life and confidence. Thats what Tocky Mountain tea will do. 36 cents,—Odendabl Bros. Dieting Invites Disease To cure Dyspepsia or indigestion ii is do longer necessary to live on milk and toast. Starvation produces suel: weakness that the whole system be comes an easy prey to disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest ami as simllate all of the wholesome food that one cares to eat. and is a neve failing cure for Indigestion, dyspepsie and all stomach troubles. Kodol di gests wbat you eat—makes the stomacli sweet. Sold by Odemlahl llros. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE FENDANT: To John M. Davis: You arc hereby notified that on the 1st. day of Octo ber, 1903, Anna Dora Davis tiled petition against you in tlm distrie court of Sherman county, Nebraski the object and prayer of which arc t< obtain a divorce from you on tli ground that you have wilfully abarn oned the plaintiU', without good cause for the term of three years last pas' and also for the eare, custody and edu cation of the minor child, the issue o'. said Marriage, to-wlt; John Davis, age three year9. You are required to answer the said petition on or before the 9th day of November, HK'3 Dated October 1st., 1903. Anna Dora Davis, by Charles E. Matson, her attorney. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to lo cate a road commencing at the south east corner of section Twenty-two (22) and south west corner of section Twen ty-three (23) in township Fourteen (14), Range Thirteen (13) and run ning thence two miles north on sec tion line and terminating at the north west corner of section Fourteen (14) and northeast cornerof Sec. Fiffeen(15) Township Fourteen (14.) Range (13), in Sherman county, Nebraska, has report ed in favor of the establishment thereof and all objection* thereto or claims for damage must be tiled in the county clerk’s office on or before noon of the 12th. day of December, 1903, or such road will be established without refer ence thereto. Dated this 3rd day of October, 1903 G. II. Giiison, County Clerk. Tr.iabrwaaa— rided in Every Home THE NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION OF WEBSTER’S International Dictionary A Dictionary of KNGI-1SH. Biography, Geography, 1'lctlon, etc. New Plates Throughout I I25,000 New Words I Phrases and Definitions Prepared under the direct super- | vision of W. T. HARRIS, Pli.U., L.L.D., L United Slates Commissioner oX Edu- | cation, assisted liy alurpn corpsof com- j* petent. specialists nml editors. Alch Bindings 236-1 Quarto Pages 5000 Illustrations The Internalioned mi8 first issued , eding the ' ‘ l n abridged. J Enlarged Edition of tin i ! teas issued i e October Jj t the latest cud Lest. Vo also publish Collegiate Dictionary « f Scottish Words and Phrases.]} lllostrolicuu. .Sizo 7.10x3 iMHncboa. fi luqltty, second-class In ■ us, etc. of both | ii application. / IRlAMCO.f WEBSTER’S U< , /. 1 COLLEGIATE / * shers, J Vdkt ionary/ { till. Mass. \-^ | LOW RATE8 WIST VIA III K L1NOTON UOU TE. j #26.45 to Portland, Tacoma, Sont.le, #26.45 to San Francisco, Los Angelese. #23.115 to Spokane. #21 45 to Salt Lake Citv, it itte, Hrlens. Proportionately low rates to hun dreds of other points, including Rig Horu Basin, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, California, e.tc. Every day until Nov. 30. Tourist cars daily to California. Personally conducted excursions three times u week. Tourist ears daily to Beattie, Inquire of nearest, Burlirco > Route agent. i ■—ii i ■ ■ a — -jnsj^a Better Mail Service, European mall can now be dis pat ched to the Far East by means of the great Transelberian railroad. Let ters can to-day be sent from Paris Berlin or Vienna via Moscow to V vostock and Port Arthur in from twenty-two to twenty-four day® while the time required by steamer mail via the Suez canal route is irom six to eight weeks. A Perfect Painless Pill Is the one that will dense the system, set the liver to setion, remove the bile, clear the complexion, cure berdaclie and leave ; a good taste in the mouth Th famous little pills fordoing such work plesant- . ly and effectually are DeWitt’s Lime Eaily Kisers Bob Moore of Lafayette, Ind says: “All other Pills I have used gripe and sicken, while Do Witt’s Little Karly Kisers are simply perfect” Sold by Odendabl Bros, ; Bimi.mini i I DEIGHTFUL 3EVERA, •, | A SAFE STiMULENT | A GOOD MEDCIINK' ;; p For Sale by T. H. ELSNER, fi L l,OUl* CITY, - . - NKIt 11 jfcj ■*“- ■c*iNnu' . *• ■ . . MDont Be Fooled * Genuine ROCKY MOUNTAIN TI'A I* put on in v,'otr packages, me exclusively by flic JUuuiso i .*f Co.. MgZ'si -. XY is. iolls at ,*.,s . ; package. All ,Auers ore rank imituT.. and .substitutes, 'ion't risk your health !\» taking them . i'HEGUNUINh maki Nrk ; people Well, Keens you Well. All tlci. Dealers sell the Genuine. V HOLI.ISTBR DRUO CO, Medium, V ^•Wirnrr ~r~iiir i i n laai—wiraei am | To Cure a Cold in One Day HSw H Ta'ia Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. ^ /VL& P“ «""T ni'« ut A. 1,. Zimmerman's LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, s. ft. ALLEN, DEJYTIST, LOUP CITY, - • NEB. OFFICE—One door cast of St. Hrno Hotel. Mv equlpptnent ih modern and my prices will be as low as can be ex. peeled for rood work. I would bo pleased to have you call. Opon < venings. In a denial operation the main consider ation Is the result. The pain Is greatly modified by modern eqnlppment. Dr. a. R NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon and HORSE DENTIST. ... . OFFICE. At my new residence second door east ot opera house. I.OUP CITY. : . . NEBRASKA. Boone, PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. Photographs, Farm views, Stock pict ures, etc. Finest instrument west of the Missouri river. All work strictly gnar I anteed. City Dray and . Transfer Line. J. W. &A. T. Conger, Props All kinds of hauling will he given prompt ai lent Ion and will make a specialty of moving household good. We solicit yonr patronage. LOUP CITY, • • - NEBRASKA. Do You j v oecl On©? 2sTe-w Stock! c&vj«a» avmid wav wmmm. I also have a good line of farm wagons, press and 5-hoe drills, windmills, pumps and a general line of hardware and furniture. '[\ REEDi I. V