The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 02, 1903, Image 6

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Although my feet may never walk your
So other evs will follow you so far;
No voice readier to ring vottr praise,
Tilt the swift coining of those future days
Wli.'ti the world know# 70:1 for the man
} ou are.
7on m et go m kbit T roust stay behind.
We may rtol fare together, you and 1.
Hut, though the p„:h to fame bo Bteep
and blind.
Walk, .strong and steadfastly, before man
IS-ciinre ntv heart must follow till you
Steadfast and strongly, scorning mean
lenient to other*—to yourself severe.
If you must full, fail not In nobleness.
God knows all other failure I could bless
That sent you buck to llud your wel
< -unc here.
- -Scribner's.
•f .or*
I Copyrighted. JMl, by The Authors Publishing Company
Mrs. Barnes put aside the letter she j
had been reading, and gazed into the
tire with a troubled expression.
“What. Is the matter, my dear?” !
quesloned Mr. Barnes.
Why, this letter is from Cousin i
William's children —the twins, you
know. It seems that when property
matters were adjusted after William s
death there was found to be almost
nothing remaining, only an annuity
for his wife: you know she lias been
an Invalid for years Not anything
for the twins, and they are coming to
Boston to tool; for work. I would
really like, Aaron, to invite them to
stay here until they secure positions.” j
“.Suit yourself, my dear, suit your- :
self. Only don’t discourage them tn j
Their attempts to find work; it will do 1
tnein good. They can find something, |
even if it Isn’t quite to their llkiug.
<..w»d, strong hoys—about sixteen,
irK.’t they?—ought to find employ
men* Jf thoy’ro not too proud to take
what they can get, until they cat find
what they want. Now, when I first
• ante to Boston—”
Mrs. Barnes had heard this ioo
nifeliy times to enjoy Its repetition, and
she hastily exclaimed; “But, Aaron,
one 1* a girl!”
“Same thing, same tiling." returned
Mr Barnes, testily—he wrnted to re
late his early Boston experiences—
"but you’d better keep the girt in the
house. Don’t believe In girls going
out to work. What can u girl of that
jtgo do?”
“She Is older than you think,” said
Mrs. Barnes, soothingly; “the twins
are nineteen, and Lillie says she can
do anything that Willie can.”
Invited by Mrs. Barnes, the twins
came a few days later Mr. Barnes
peered out from under his bushy eye
brows and over his gold-rimmed spec
tacles at the girl.
“So you can do anything your broth
er can, can you?” he asked, quizzical
ly, noting her bright, alert look, and
quiet dignity of manner.
“Anything except fight,” she an
swered. proudly. "I can fight, but
we’ve kept together iu everything else.
I can ride and shoot and row. I can
saddle or harness a horse, and I can
dress game as well as Willie can."
The old man smiled grimly at the
list of Lillian’s accomplishments. “Do
you expect to find any of those things
to do here In Boston?”
‘ You are laughing at me. Mr. Barnes.
We are first-class stenographers and
bookkeepers, and t am Just as capa
ble as Willie in every way Our books
look exactly alike; you can't tell our j
writing apart.”
' As for hat," said Mr. Barnes. “I !
can hardly tell you two apart. If you
were dressed alike, 1 know i couldn't.”
“Lillie is a half inch shorter than I,
and weighs less, but we can make up’
to look exactly alike.” and Willie
"I withdraw my application.”
stood beside his sister to show bis su
perior height. "Mother can't tell us
apart when we dress alike.”
"Willie makes the better looking
girl,” said I.illie, laughing, "because
his checks aro always red, and 1 am
usually pale.”
Mr Rarnes lookod at the handsome
ntyty, admiringly. "So you can tight,
eAjjf.vou. Willie?"
•ourttwfet.course. I’m light-weight," said
nVMM'modestly, ‘‘but I can take pret
care of myself in an encoim
tor, and with a much heavier man
than I, too. Father had me in train
ing from the time 1 was seven. He
said I'd have to fight for myself and
Lillie, too. See here. Mr. Barnes—my
hand doesn't look much bigger than
LU’s. but you feel of It—and look
here—” and lie stripped his arm, show
ing hard, firm muscles that stood out
like knotted cords,
Mr. Barnes patted his arni approv
ingly. “You’re all right, my boy,
you’re all right. Now, when I first
came to Boston—”
“Slipper is ready, Aaron; you can
tell that to the children some other
That evening Mr. Barnes and Willie
had a long talk in the library, and
_ e—-1
Landed on his chin.
later Lillie was called in for a “con
fab," as Willie called it.
The next day a tall, stylish young
lady called upon several business men
who had advertised for bookkeepers
and stenographers. She was decided
ly handsome. Behind the chiffon veil
ano caught bewitening glimpses of
rurung yellow hair, great brown eyes
and pink cheeks. One man gazed
rather pointedly at her face while
questioning her as to her ability, and
remarked in unctious tones, "1 think
you'll do very nicely, my uear.” He
was somewhat chagrined to receive
me decided reply: "1 withdraw the ap
licatiou. I do not euro to lake the
Out in the hall the bewitching vision
clenched a well-gloved hand, and
Willie's voice muttered: “Confound his
impudence! To think of his looking at
Lit like that."
the young lady rose gracefully,
gripped the back of her trailing skirt
in the most approved manner, and
sailed serenely out.
The next call brought disaster. The
advertiser scanned the young lady
closely, asked a few questions, and
said: "I will let you try the place. The
salary is four dollars."
The young lady rose Instantly. “I
could not consider it. I must earn
enough to support myself "
“Of course,” answered the man,
Coolly, "and with a girl like you, if she
knows her business, the matter of sal
aries is as easily adjusted as s your
veu." His tone and manner added
meaning to his words, and he attempt
ed to raise the chiffon face-covering.
Quick as thought the well gloved hand
shot out—straight lead with the left—
ami landed on his chin. His head was
thrown violently against, the sharp
corner of the bookcase by which he
stood, cutting an ugly gash. He threw
out his hands awkwardly—the first
blow was followed instantly by one
from the right hand, reaching him on
the side of the body abotu two indies
above the waist. He dropped forward,
falling -avlly to his knees. The
blows had been delivered straight
from the shoulder, with the whole
force of the body behind them.
"Get up," said a sharp voice behind
the chiffon veil, "get up. I've given
you this tor my sister, who might
have answered your-ad. only to
be insulted.”
“I’ll have you arrested for wearing
women's clothes," spluttered the badly
punished man.
"Do," said the other: "do, and 111
tell the whole story in court, and show
'em how 1 did you up." And tno styl
ish young lady calmly adjusted her
veil, gathered her skirts and vanished
from his sight.
Reaching the street rhe examined
her split gloves ruefully. "This means
another pair of gloves before t mats
the next cru.’’
This cail was soon over. The younj
lady gave a specimen of her writing, i
test of her ease ia taking notes anc
speed in transcribing them, and was
engaged at a moderate salary, but suf
flclent to enable a self-respecting worn
an to lead a self-respecting life.
That evening another “confab" was
held in Mr. Barnes’ library, and Willie
gave a graphic description of "How
Lillian sailed in.”
"You're to go to work Monday, LI],
and you're all right there. The man is
square—and white inside. To-morrow
I'll start out for myself."
When alone with Mr. Barnes, he
said: "You were right. Mr. Barnes;
even a nice girl is liable to annoyance,
and your scheme was a good one.”
The old man delightfully patted him
on the shoulder. "You’ve done well,
my boy; you’ve done well. For your
self, you can work anywhere and at
anything. Now, when I first came to
Mrs. Barnes opened the door. "Sup
per is ready, Aaron; tell that to Willie
some other time.”
Heads of Departments Remembered
in This Way by Employers.
Twenty years ago the president of
a big company, the owner of a big
business or industry, would as soon
havo thought of asking his subordi
nate heads of departments to spend
the summer at his country home as
of giving them a formal dinner once
or twice a year. Now the formal
dinner-giving practice is so common
that it is almost taken for granted.
The big corporations of the country
give annual dinners to heads of de
partments which cost thousands of
dollars. Even mercantile firms, small
in comparison, are in tho habit of
meeting their chief employes around
the dining board.
There are several reasons for this
interesting development. In the first
place. Americans are learning to en
joy the formal dinner, with its elab
orate menu, its wine and its speeches.
Then the capitalist has come more
and more to realize how much of liis
success is due to his heads of depart
ments Oftentimes lie gives them an
interest in the concern or corporation,
and immediately they begin to work
for the concern as well as the com
pany. Anything that will bind them
closer to the employer's interests is
not overlooked, and a dinner once in
a while is one of these.
Taming a Terror.
Did; Deadeye was a bandit bold, a bandit
tierce was he, who hold up stages,
trains, and things here In the west
He'd lit* in waiting in n place where chap
arral grow thick, and when the stage
came on apace would turn his little
His name would cause a thrill of fear to
swoop the country o'er, for rumor said
ho quenched his throat on naught but
gurgling gore.
The many men that rumor said he'd
downed in gun disputes would fill a
graveyard to the brim with stiffs yet
in their boots.
The cash and treasure lie had got from
tourists—as a loan—was heap times
more than was required to ransom Kl
len Stone.
"Hands up!" he yelled one day; the man
who drove chewed not the rag; he
knew Deadeye would give him ten per
centum of the swag.
“Climb down an' git In line!'' unto the
passengers he yelled. They quirk
obeyed us tourists do when they are
upward held.
From out the sage a female came. Dick
Deadeye quaked with fear, us near
him drew the ancient dame and seised
him by the ear!
“You good-fnr-nothin' wretch!" she cried,
"you relic of the past, I've sought you
far. I've sought you near, and here
you be at last!
“I’m all Impatient now to hear what storv
you kin teli!" And then she pulled
him by tin car Into the chaparral!
Again the wheels began to hum. the driv
er scratched his head. "That mus' be
Deadeye’s wife, jes come 'yar from the
states," lie said.
Not Taking Anything.
“Have you taken anything for your
trouble?" asked the doctor of a long,
lank, hungry-looking man, who com
plained of being “run down.”
"Well. I haven't been taking much
of anything; that is. nothing to speak
of. I took a couple of bottles of
Pinkham’H bitters a little while back,
and a bottle of Qniekem’s invlgorator]
with a couple of boxes of curem’s
pills, and a lot of quinine and some
root bitters. I've got a porous plas
ter on my back, ami I'm wearing an
electric belt, and taking red clover
four times a clay, with a dose or two
of salts every other day; excepting
for that I'm not taking anything.”
Senatorial Gourmets.
A party of tourists visited the Sen
ate restaurant in Washington. They
peered about in every corner.
“So this is the place where the
senators eat their epicurean feasts,
is it?” asked u lady with gray ring
lets and a determined east of coun
tenance. I
“Yes, ma'am,” the guard replied,
i Precisely at that moment a waiter
gave an order for the two senators
I from Michigan, who were lunching to
He . aid. “Senator Burrows wants
an apple and a glass of milk and Sen
ator Alger wants a dish of tapioca
pudding."—Saturday Evening Post
Unerring Childhood.
The aiiild is so often right. It has
not tbw miscellaneous knowledge of
the grown-up person who reads news
papers and keeps a tame Encyclope
dia Britannica in a carefully devised
cage. But the childish mind has an
unerring logical faculty, not in any
way confused by superfluity of infor
Must Protect Forests.
The Russians are awaking to tha
fact that a less reckless deforesting
has become absolutely Irnperathe.
Their forest resources are not omy
less than those of Sweden, hut even
I less tfcan those of Austria-Hungary
j and of the United States.
For the Individual
1796 } 1872 3 1952
i» for co-operation in information to reduce
mutually expensive mistakes. It is for mechan
ical, commercial and professional people; the
employer, employe and customer; and consists
of extraits Liken by permission from the copy
righted letters, thelecturcs. notebooks and libraries
of Dr. Earl M. Pratt. When you secure on any
subject an idea personally useful to you, and
you wish to give it to him, address him in rare
vf The John Crerar Library, Marshall Field
Building, Chicago. Ife is hunting the whole world
over .for information of every day use to you,
and he regrets his inability, personally to reply
to contributors. So far as possible he wishes to
have in this space the very ideas you would like
to find here. You arc at liberty to send him
any suggestion you may care to. Ifis Arcade
Index libraries were started in lsvj and now con-,
tain unpublished information dating back to 17!U>
with systematic p'ans extending to !9bJ. Your
short story of some example of forethought tie
posited in the Arcade Index collection may prove to ,
U your best monument.
Carl went south and made some
money, then came back to his old
village home, purchased a central
block of land, and this is what it was
and what he did to it.
A dramatic man. by buying several
houses and lots, secured the whole
block for his residence. lie spent
a good deal of money on the place,
then abandoned it. When Carl se
cured the property it was a wilder
ness of undergrowth of an unlimited
variety. It had a good brick barn
and greenhouse, which had been rent
icd for a dwelling. Carl lived in that
while lie tore down part of the big
w'oodcu residence and improved the
The best part of the residence was
sold and removed. With a gang of
men and horses he cut down trees,
dug up shrubbery and plowed the
ground for grading and seeding.
At the end of a year or so he had
up a modern house and was living
iu It. One day while passing the place
with my father, I said to him that I
would like to clean up some subjects
the same as Carl had done to that
place. Father replied that such a
thing would be possible.
There are so many good stories
about Carl in my memory that it is
a sign of brain gain on my part to
be able to stop here and use the above
one for what I intended it.
As another suggestion, please let
me say to you that together we might
go at seme subject which is now in
tho dark and by union study let day
light in on it.
While I have some subjects listed
it might be better for you to think a
little and make the first move after
this introduction.
What do you want to know which
you would be willing others should
I am willing to live in a barn while
clearing up an overgrown subject and
grading for improvements.
How can we prevent errors and mis
takes mutually expensive to buyer
and seller, to employer and employe,
to publisher and reader?
When science or commerce neglect
a live subject it falls into the hands
of the fakir and is perverted.
What is the subject on which you
would like to see unrecorded and un
classified useful information collected
*nd unbiased and impartial reports
The horse that can go in two-two
Dr so enjoys life a hundred times
more than the twenty minute animal, j
We all lose the best of life by lark of
inlmation. One should be a quiet hus
tler and do the many little duties like
the click of a clock.
Regarding the sources of pluck a
'ew words are In order. It may be
lue to the last straw approaching and
n desperation it is fought off and a
lew kind of pluck acquired. It may
;ome by anger or righteous indigna
ion. It may come by better care of j
he health, and a clearer view' of the
'oal. Danger, love, hope, ambition
ind prayer invite pluck to come and
•emain. Just before great battles
tome of tbe most successful com
panders In history have Increased
heir pluck by appealing to their Crea
’»r for help and favors.
Oif account of a lack of a solution foi
a spontaneous zee get e.rcitea
and thus increase complications. Stud)
ahead of necessity.
More than half of my life ago the
cashier of a bank tapped on the win
dow as I was passing and motioned
me in. He was a stockholder in a
factory and offered me a place I had
been seeking. That was Thursday
afternoon and the iast day of high
school for me. The next morning at
seven o'clock I stood by a big chuck
as one of seventy workers. My cloth
ing was not suitable for any machine
and the chuck machine was the worst
one on clothing. The boys smiled and
predicted a change in my appearance
very soon. My work was to knurl the
head of the long screw which moves
the jaw of a monkey wrench. In
those days the chuck had to be stop
pod and started for each screw; as
it started up the oil began to fly and
the faster the chuck revolved the
greater the penetrating power of the
oil when it hit me. In order to do the
work I had to get in the way of the
oil: I did the work but traced the oil
from <ny clothing to the chuck and
the screw which came to me loaded
with it. The oil was secured in the
thread cutting machine where a
steady stream ran on the die; some
would have seen all this at first
glance without thinking, but I did
not; I even studied the bearings as
the source of the trouble, before find
ing it on the screws. When I did find
the place of the trouble I put a bunch
of waste there and laid the screws on
It before putting them in the chuck;
the waste drew the oil off and the
machine lost its name. The machine
lost its name because I was dissatis
fied with conditions, began tracing
the trouble and foi*nd the remedy
When a former workman at that
chuck visited the factory and asked
where oil had gone to. on being told
the plan he opened his eyes *nd said
nothing. He may have been thinking
about the amount of oil he had taken
home on his clothing There are both
big and little opportunities in every
shop and factory for better methods
and originality, mutually useful to em
ployer and employe.
The daily experiences which cost
you and others time or worriment or
money, jot down, one a day or one
a week, an4 reread. Much has been
wasted. Begin saving helpful ideas.
Nearly five years ago I took two
earnest men of intelligence to a room
in which was a blackboard, and on
that blackboard we three tried to draw
an outline on the sources and elimina
tion of trouble. One of the young
men copied the attempt and later lost
it. He tried to reproduce it from mem
ory, but never succeeeded. I will give
It as near as I can with additions.
The sources of trouble arc Ignorance,
sickness, idleness, carelessness, dis
honesty, lack of training, laziness, in
competency, intemperance, misfor
tune, disobeying law, morbid curios
ity, gluttony and an unbridled tongue.
The elimination of trouble is to come
about by education, physical culture,
industry, dfligenoe, righteousness, en
ergy-growing, skill-acquiring, keeping
away from crowds, attending to your
own business while helping those who
are not able to return the compliment,
carefulness and forethought, good
shoes for your feet and healthful lit
erature for your head.
Please send me what you think
should be added to either of the above
lists, and as you look back to your
younger days, also give what you con
sider the primary sources of desirable
forces? What part of your early life
has proven most useful later on?
What do you know about food and
digestion? What is your ideal sys
tem of diet?
How to wisely discriminate w’hen
requested to give is something a good
many of us would like to know more
When to give, where to give, what
to give and to what to give are puz
To sign or not to sign a subscrip
tion paper, aud to give or not to give
when asked to, frequently come up
tor quick decisions.
All kinds of people come to the of
fice and also greet us on the street,
seeking different sized sums for noth
ing or something next to nothing, or
something really worthy of our at
tention and encouragement.
Recently a man replied, “After you
find ninety-nine in a hundred are
frauds you begin to get discouraged.”
Lost money and abused kindness
are frequent sources of cynicism, but
it is a third mistake to let them ba.
Do only the work you are forced to
do and you ^et d.*gradeU Instead of
Begcgrc in a Combine.
The beggars of Spain have formed
a combine and arc going to try to
keep all of the 2 deutimo pieces out
of circulation by holding then when
ever they secure any. The object ot
I this beggars’ trust is to make peopls
give a larger coin.
Iowa Farms S4 Per Acre Casn,
btluua crop till p»M. llULHAM. Stem L'lty, le
She—The lemperature is falling.
Ho—Oh. well, don't lot that worry
you. Perhaps some one will catch it
She—If it falls far enough, all
fresh, green things will catch it
You'd better look out.
Should be lu every home. Ask your grocer
fur it. Large 2 oa. package only 5 cents.
Two Remarkable Families.
In Webster county, W. Va., live twfl
remarkable families. Currenee Greg
ory has thirteen sons, all over sit
feet tall and all weighing more fhaD
—0 pounv.s. They all vote the dem
ocratic ticket. Each boy owns n
farm. Mr. Gregory is still young at
72. His wife does all the housework
at 65 years. The other family is that
of Benjamin Hamrick, a near neigh
bor of the Gregorys. He is six feet
five inches tall, and has nine sons, all
over six feet tall. They weigh from
155 to 226 pounds. All in his family
vote the republican ticket.
How’s This ?
We offer One Hundred Hollars Heward for any 'M
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Haifa Cattarl
Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. I’ropa.,Toledo. O.
We, the nndondaned, have Known F. .1. Cheney fot
the laat IS yearn, and believe blm perfectly honorable
In all Imaluraa traueacilcii* and dnxn tally able t«
carry Out any obligation* made by their Itrm.
West A tbcax. Wholeaale nrugglata. Toledo. O.
Walpiko. Kinaax A Mabtix, Wholeaale Krug
glata, Toledo, O.
Hall'S Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and rnucoua aorfacee of the
system. Teatlmonlala sent free. Price "Jc poa
Wmle. Sold by nil Drugglata.
Haifa Family Fills are the beat.
Think Goats Bring Good Luck.
English medical papers are com
menting on the remarkable survival
of superstition at Cambridge, where
a dairyman possessed of a goat is
Bending the animal, by request, into
and around the houses of his neigh
bors in an area affected by the small
pox. The rnstice superstition that
goats bring good luck is widespread
and the London i^ancet quotes many
When Your Grocer Says
ho does not have Defiance Starch, you may
be sure he is afraid to keep it until bu
stock of 12 or., packages are Bold. Defiance
Starch is not only better than any other
Cold Water Starch, but contains 10 07. to
the package and sells for same money ae 12
oa. brands.
“Tim" Healy’s Tall Hat.
The appearance of “Tim" Healy In
the house of commons wearing a new
silk hat brought out the fact that for
ten years since the fight on the homo
rule bill, when his high hat was
smashed, Mr. Healy had worn a hip#
hat sent him by the corporation of
Alexandria. He prized the hat high
ly, and wore It to its utmost limits,
l^ast week he was forced to buy a new
tile, and the present from the corpor
ation of Alexandria is carefully pre
served on a shelf as a relic of stren
uous days for home rule.
The Family Jewel.
"Mr. Br—Brown,” said the young
man, stammeringly, “1—I want to ask
your consent to my marrying your
daughter. 1 know it's asking a great
deal; she’s the pride and comfort of
your heart, the jewel of the family,
“Young man,” interrupted the pros
pective father-inlaw, “five nights in
the week, on an average, I’m kept
awake till midnight with banging on
the piano, cackling, giggling, rat
tling of the furniture and slamming of
doors. I’m gettin’ darnation tired of
u and anything that promises rellet
is welcome. Take her, Tny boy, and
hvrry up the happy day.”
Texas Finds a Remedy.
Fate, Ter., Sept. 21st.—Texas hail
seldom. If ever, had such ti profound
sensation, as that caused by the Intro
duction recently of a new remedy for
Kidney diseases. This remedy has
already been tried In thousands of
cases, and in almost every case tho
results have been wonderful..
Henry Vaughan, of Rural Route,
No. 3, Fate, says of It:
“I suffered with Kidney Trouble for
over 18 months. I was very bad and
could get nothing ta help me till I
heard of the new remedy, Dodd's Kid
ney Pills. I began to use these pills,
and very soon found myself improv
ing. I kept on and now I can say I am
absolutely cured and free from any
symptom of my old trouble.
“I am very glad I heard of this
wonderful remedy and I would
strongly advise anyone suffering with
Kidney trouble to try It, for I know it
will cure.”
Preserve, by all means in your
power, "a sound mind In a sound
Avoid politicians who have a new
specific for all public ills.
Hove is the lever that lifts and
honor is the foundation that holds the
structure of the home.
^V1***' Winslow* s. oof loner syrup.
For children teething, softens the gumi, rodueas In*
QHiauidtion, alleys pain, cures wted colic. 25c a bottle.
The world soon forgets a man who
wins his laurels and then quits.
It doesn’t cost any more to be cheer
ful than sad and It does a heap more
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itrhing, blind, bleeding or protruding Piles
positively cured or monev refunded.
discovery that absolutely cures all kinds of
Piles. Prepared for Piles only. All Drug
Stores, 50c. Sent by mail on receipt of
price. Address Lock Box 852, Le Roy, N. Y.
Prudence is merely well trained com
mon sense.
When some men get their freedom
In this glorious land of the free they
%re In ex-convict class.