The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY PRIDAY AT THIS COUNTY HEAT. GEO. K. BEKHCHOTKR, Editor and Publisher TERMS:—11.00 PER TEAR. IP PAID IN ADVANOl Entered at the Loup City Postoftlce for tram, mission through the malls as second class matter. Republican State Ticket For Supreme Judge, JO*iX 13. BARNES, of Madison. For UttlWEsity Regents, W.O. WHITMORE, of Douglas; C. S. ALLEN, of Lancaster. JUDICIAL TICKKr. For Judge 12tt district. 13. O, HOSTETLER, Buffalo COUNTY TICKET G. II. Gibson, Clerk. Geo. Holmes, Treasurer. L. A. Williams, Sheriff. Lewis Omly, Superintendent. Robt. P. Starr, Judge. Geo. W. Hunter, Coroner. Walter Moon, Surveyor. Henning Claussen, Assessor. L. A. Williams, tbe republican nominee for sheriff is a man of ability and experience. He was city marshall at Loup City for several years, when tbe town was over run during the boom, wilh trancient thugs and lawless characters. Mr. Williams at that time performed his duties well and was always found ready to act when his services was most needed to preserve peace. Very few, there are, who areaquaint cd with Mr. Williams and his official work as pity marshall who will not support him for sheriff. The populist papers are very fond of quoting from the Nebraska Inde pendent, but when that paper openly declares in a long article right after the holding of ihe populist state convention that the party had busted and that there would we no more populist party in Nebraska, they studiously avoided reproducing the article, and when it is brought to the public attention by the v repub lican press simply refere to it as a “slop over." It may be a “slop over," but it is not the kind of slop that the pop editors relish. They evidently would rather go off with the democatic party and restablish the soup house in' iStry. Soup is better than slop any way. The Times-Independent tries to dodge the fact that tho populist party solemnly declared in its plat torm that it was opposed to a third term, by saying “the convention that nominated Mr. Angier declared by its vote, that it did believe in giving him a third term.” Now the fact that Mr. Angier was nominated for a third term is no crime, or in anyway reflects against him as an otllcer or candidate, but the populist leaders and stump speakers did, as everybody knows, in former years, make their most bitter campaign against the third term policy. Their altitude now on ^his particular issue reminds us of one of the old say ings of “whipping the devil around the stump.” The Peru Pointer had the follow ing item in its columns last week: Hon. T. J, Mojors was quite sev erely bitten by a dog at his home on Sunday morning. The dog belonged to Mrs. Glasgow, who lived near the Majors’ residence and it seems that it had formed a very strong friend ship for a pony on the place and whenever anyone would attemt to abuse the pony in any way the dog would become very fierce in its de fense. The pony had wandered into Mr. Majors, yard and in driving it out he aroused the dog’s anger and had to defend himself to keep from I being bitten. The dog1 went off home | and Majors went into his grape 1 patch and while there the dog re turned and in spite of his efforts (to keep the animal off, it bit him three times, inflicting a very severe wound which bled quite freely. A I doctor was summoned to dress the wound which at present is doing nicely. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. (nr MISS ELLA roHfEH.) Jay Casada is a ne»v member of tin fifth grade. Miss Ernestine IKlendahl was a vis itor in the grammer room Tuesday. Mi«s Florence Wall and Kmll Ant right are members of the eighth grade The seniors held a class meeting Monday night and organized for the year. The following officers were el ected; Pres., Lillian Conhiser; Sec,, Irene Gibson; Treas., Clarence Sweet land. Miss. Winnifred Leach was absent last Friday on account ol sickness. Hoy lloone is a member of the seven th grade. Mesdames Foster and Esterbrook were high school visitors last Tuesday. Miss. Jessie Culley, one of our high school pupils departed for California Monday where she will makeher home for the present. We will all miss Jes sie :.s she has always made this her home. “Well, seniors are you going to have literary entertainments this winter? The people of our town are asking this question and it remains with you to say. The high school have a tiew globe which will be used mostly in Physicial Geography. Mr. Abbott of Minnesota was a pleas ant caller at the school house one morning last week. Chas. May, Johnnie Hollenbeck and Robert Jenner are members of the first guide. ASHTON NEWS. • (BY JOHN F. SMITH.) Lew llien ot Loup City was an Ashton visitor Monday. Ed Draper of Loup City finished the plastering on Dunker's residence last week. lie also has the contract to plaster the new parsonage. Rev. Quigley of Lincoln preached at the Presbyterian church here Sun day. The cattle sale at the Lukacz ewski farm last Saturday was a fi nancial success. 15. G. Taylor and family spent Sunday at Ashton returning to the county seat in the aveuing. The socialist township primary met Saturday last and placed in nomination the following township ticket: For twp. Clerk, Geo. Mueller Treas., Lidge Gaydecki; Justice of the Peace, Hans Rien; Constable, Chas. Govyriek; Road Overseer, Dist. No. 19, John ltaph. The county convention will be held Sat arday. Lost:—On Friday afternoon of last week, between Ashton and Loup City on the west road, a new dark brown coat by Ye Ashton Editor John Smith. Finder please return same to me and recieve our best wishes. Mr. Adolph Miller and Miss Bertha Kaiser were married at St. Paul last Tuesday. They immediately went to house keeping on .Adolphs farm northwest of AshtoD. - They will hold a public dance for thier many' friends In Knutzens park night of October 5th Miss. Alice Seakeek who has been east on a three wteks vacation re turned to work in Conklin’s store Monday. The law suit of the villiage of Ashton vs. the farmers who want to get out of Ashton village corporat ion will come up in district court this wnek. There is some talk of the farmers withdrawing and dis missing the suit as Ashtonites may form a new school district io the new village limits providing the farmers should stand trial and win Then the farmers would prehaps be left out as regards the school dist. and may have to seek educational facilities in other districts. Th*- tinning of the parsonage roof wasconpleted by Johnnie Jezewski last week. Some one after more rope swiped the picket rope of ye editor horse again Sunday night, and for the sec ond time in two months. We hope they will soon get enough rope to use successtully. Bring it around and we will show you how to make a hangmans not in one end of it. We are always accommodating. Mr. Steve Newman and wife en tertained a number of friends and relatives from Elba last Sunday. Dr. Bogen has been exceedingly busy the past week with accident patients. Doc’s matrimonial ven ture which we published in the item* of two weeks ago were not aulhen tic. We were a little to pre mature. While Mrs. A. N. Conklin and sou Lawerenee were down home Sat urday their horse become (Tightened and overturned thier read cart, throwing both occupants to the ground. Lawerenee rccievod a bad cut under the eye which -hail to be sewed up. Mrs. Conklin was bruis ed about the head and sholders. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Smelser Friday of last week. Papa is wearing a new hat to be in liarmonv with the smile on his face. A Cut and Slash. The Weekly "Hate Journal, which for thirty five years has been one dollar a year, will now be sent to new subscribers a whole year for 25 cents. Every family in Nebraska that does not have a daily paper should get the Weekly State Jour nal at this price, 25 cents a year. A big eight or ten paged news paper published every Friday, with all the news of the world, all of Neb. news in particular ami full of good reading matter for the whole family. At this price you cannot only af lord to take it yourself, but can semi it to your friends in other states All you have to do is send your name and address with a quarter to tiie Weekly State Journal, Lincoln Neb. Why not send in your order Advice to Missionaries. The Indian Witness believes that it would he well for future lecturers to reside in India a full year before they intend to take the platform, that their expositions of Christianity in relation to Indian thought might have more point. AUCTION' SALE. i will sell at public auction at Ash ton. mi Saturday, Oct. in. 1903, |50 head of cattle consisting of milk cows heifers and steers. Terms.--Nine months time will be given, purchaser to give note drawing in per cent iuter st, 2 per cent discount for cash. Sam Flktchkb, Owner. NOTICE TO NON-KESI DENT IXE PENDANT: To John M. Davit: You are hereby uotittod that on the l»t. day of Octo ber, 1903, Anna Dora Davis tiled a petition against you in tlm district court of Sherman county,# Nebraska, tbs object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from vou on the ground tbat you liave wilfully aband oned the plaintiff', without good cause, for the terra of three years last pas1; and also for Iho care, custody and edu cation of the minor child, the issue of said Marriage, to-wit: John Davis, age three years. You are required to answer the said petition on or before the 9tb day of November, 19°3 Dated October 1st., 1903. Anna Doha Davis, by Charles E. Matson, her attorney. DEIGHTFUL BEVERAGE, I A SAFE STiMULENT t A GOOD MEDCIINE For Hale by- » T. H. ELSNER, | bOUl’ CITY, - . - NKHR. ■ pv j promptly obtain U. 8. arid Foreign < i; | 8end model, sketch or photo of invention lor \ free report on patentability. For free book, t HowtoSecureTI}*nr II A Rif Q write < Prtenlsan^MljjUC^WHjjA^tn f mDont Be Fooled? Genuine ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Is put up in white packages, manufactured exclusively by the tfadison Medicine Co.. Madison, I Vis. bells at 33 cents a package. All others ore rank imitations and substitutes, don't rir.k your health by taking them . I'HEGENUINH mokes sick people Well, Keeps you Well. All Honest Dealers sell the Genuine. ^ HOLLISTER DRUG CO, Madison, WIs^ LOW KATES WIST VIA KUK LIRGTON ROUTE. $30.43 to Portland, Tacoma. Seattle. •$26.4."> to San Francisco, Los Angelese. $•23.95 to Spokane. $21.45 to Salt Lake City, Butte, Helens. Proportionately low rates to hun dreds of other points, including Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, California, etc Every day until Nov. 30. Tourist ears daily to California. Personally conducted excursions three times a week. Tourist cars daily to Seattle Inquire of nearest Burlington Home agent. It May Be So. Pittsburg uses over $1.; 0 worth of water each year. Vo;: < not think it to look at her hire.— Louisville (Ky.) rest. Up to New Jersey. How can it be possible that mos quitoes ore killed by music when they are so fond of a little song of their own? lla* Soht a Pile of Chamberlain'* Couijli Remedy. 1 have scld- Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for more than twen’y years and it has given entire satisfaction 1 nave sold a pile of it andean recommend it highly.—Joseph MpEkhinky, Un ton, Iowa. You will tind it a good rem edy when troubled with a cough or cold. It always afford* quick recovery. For sale by Odendahl Bros. Distress After Eating Cured Judge W. T. Hollane of (iroei.sburg La., who is well and favorable know n says; “two years ago 1 suffered gr« Uh from indigestion, After eating, great distress would invariably re-ult, Li-t ing for an hour or so and my nights were restless. 1 concluded to iry Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it cured me entire ly. Now my sleep is refeshing and digestion perfect.'' Sold by Odendahl Bros. Boone takes the best baby pictures. Go to Boone for first class photos. You should sec Boone for photos. Boone, Boone, Boone, Photos Photos, Photos. S- A. ALLEN. nilJYTIST, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. OFFICE.—In ctoaa room of Pllger’s opera bouse. My cquippinent Is modern and iny prices will be us low as can lie expected for "ood work. I would be pleas ed to have you call. Open evenings.. In a dental operation the main consider ation is the resnlt. The pain is greatly modified by modern equlppment. ■ BOUGHT AT TUB B & M. ELEVATORS AfCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for»at Loop Gity anfl AsMon. Will Bay IIOOS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call tnd see our coni and get prices on grain. E. G- TAYLOR. ' i i ■ minim iiimiww—*-^««°miiiiiii n mesam*: :| <*J. 1. DEL’EWi&t | I Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker,! ~ 1 « ^BBOOOOtioaS 4 My shop is Uni largest met best equipped north of the Platte Kliei -*» fy 1 ' ' veu four leinti engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, nia ** Is eh rv, also u foiee ut experienced men who know how to operate it midi* ■ turn ut a Job with neatness nnd dispatch. H |MY PRICKS ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT 1 ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. | i Soliciting your patronage 1 am Yours respectfully, | J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. | fliHiiaai * 402 aaaaoa A, S. Main, Physicians & Surgeons, LOUP CITY, NM1KASKA OFFICE AT UK SI OUNCE W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend In Foreclosure Oases no A General Real Estate Business. .. l.OUr OITT. NRUBAk& V 1 Robert P. Starr, Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, NEBRSSKH. ! Marg A. K. Hendricksun, PHYSICIAN, KoBldence at A, L. Zimmerman'* LOW CITY, N E B It A 8 K A. Dr. a. R NORTON, Veterinary Surgeon and . HORSE DENTIST. OFFICE. At uiy new residence second door cast ol opera house. LOUP CITY, : - • NEBRASKA. Boone, PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NED. Photographs, Farm views. Stock pict ures, etc. Finest Instrument west of the Missouri river. All work strictly guar-, anteed. City Dray AND Transfer Line. .1. VV. &A. T. Conger, Props All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty of moving household good. We solicit your patronage. LOUP OJTY, • NEBRASKA. « __ To Cure a Cold in One Day £»,. J native Bromo Quinine Tablets, js i?-' 1 i boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, »*>■*• ***** BUGGIES! JDa IToxi JSTeed One? IsTew Stock! [ ,.1j AID) SWM WMWte. I also have a good line of farm wagons, press and 5-hoe drills, windmills, pumps and a general line of hardware anti furniture. *|\ M. REED*