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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1903)
TIME TABLE, LOP P PITY NEB It. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis, San Francisco, and all points and all points ast and south. West. TflAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No. 52 Passenger.!2U« p. in No. on Freight.11.28 a m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger.11:00 No. 5» Freight. I MU p. tn. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and Imggage checked to any point In the United states or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to K. L, Arthur Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Geu'l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. RAIWAY. No. Hd leaves dally except Sunday (pass enger), 7:85 a m. No. hs leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. in. No. DO leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2:85 p. in. ) No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday imixed 12;05 p. in. No. 85 arrives dally except Sunday (pass engef) 7:85 p, m. First class service and close connections east, west and south H. J. Clifton, Agent, COUNTY OFFICIAL U1KECTOKY. S II E B M A N COUNTY, NEB. G. II. Gibson. Clerk. H. N. Swkbti.ano, Treasurer. J. A. anoikk, Judge. J. S. I’kih.kk, Attorney. Ed w a no Snyder, sherltr. It. 1). HENDRICKSON, Suot. Public IllSt. K IS Ooknino, Surveyor, geo. W. Hunter, Cornor. SUPERVISORS : I) 0 Grow, Dist. No. 1., Chalrinan., P O address, Loup City, Neb. ANDREW GOR8TKA, Dist. No. 1., Ashton P O Peter Tiiodk, Dist. No. 2 Loup City, •' “ W o Brown, Dist. No. 3, Loup City, " John MaieFski, Dist. No. 5, Ashton, “ “ WM. Jakob, Dist. No. 0, Kookvillo, “ W II. Chapman, Dist. No. 7, Litchfield “ “ LOCAL LODGE DIRECTORY. Loup City Lodge No. 33. A O U W. —Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Friendship Lodge No. 10, I) of H.—1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Loup City Council No 1344, L M L A—1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Mate land Castle, No. 163, Royal Highlanders. 2nd and 4th Monday of euch month. Excelsior Lodge No. 1#8, I O O F—1st and Sad Saturday of each month. Marimon Lodge, No. Ill, K of P—2nd and 4th Wednesday of ear'll monlh, Loup City Camp, No. (>3(5, M W A—Is d 3rd. Tuesday of each month. Loup City Camp No. 837. II N A— d 4th Tuesday of each month. Porter Lodge, No. Iixi. A F & A M—Tuesday on or before full moon and 2nd Tuesday thereafter. Joppa Chapter, No. 51. R A M-lst Monday of each monlh. Orentnl Chapter. No. 78—1st and 3rd Sat urday of cash month. L of (1 A R—2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, at 2 o'clock p. m. For Sale Choap. A second hand threshing machine, complete.— T. M. Reed. If you want fire, wind, storm or hali insurance call on or write F. K. Brewer Olllee with T. S. Nightingale, Loup City Nebraska. Good for mother. Good for father. Good for the whole family. Makes tue Children eat, sleep and grow. Rocky Mountian Tea is a family blessing. Sold by Odendahl Bros, u. u. urnw, or toe Northern Muling company feed store wants to trade dour for wheat. He also has a due grade of whole wheat dour for sale. NOTICE. I have a ear load of Maitland Pea coal of excellent quality. Good f«i steam threshers. Call and examine it. E. G. Tayou, NOTICE. Loup City park is now open for picnics and private parties. Apply to. II. Jenner. Annie—Better docior your health be fore applying beautiful remedies. Kid yourself of constipation, Indigestion with Kocky Mouution Tea, and you'll have a beautiful ‘complexion’ "Scents. Hold by Odendabl Bros. Don’t fail to calf on Johnson Lorentz & Co if you need a taylor made suit. Perfect fit and satisfact ion guaranteed. If you have butter and eggs to sell take them to Swanson A I)ahl.‘ High est prices for produce. Lowest prices for groceries. For Sale.—A good large sized River Side heating stove. Apply to Mrs A. (J. Ilendrtckson The time to sell Is when some one wants to buy. List your land with D. C. Leach A Co. Ltocial Dsws. N. H, Thompson was in town Fri day. Highest market price paid for chickens at E. A. Chase. D. C. Leach & Co. have nothing to do but to sell land. List your farm with them. Get your tailor made suits at Johnson, Lorentz & Co. we can fit you right. County treasurer, S. X. Sweetland and wife were visiting at the home of X. Daddow on Wiggle Creek Sunday. It is reported that the thieves who operated several days ago on the Dan nebrogdepot have been caught at Al bion. E A. Smith principal of Ashton schools came home last Friday evening and spent Saturday and Sunday with him children. A very large crowd was in town last Saturday and the merchants report a good trade. Many people took in the race at the fair grounds, Frank Dennis and wife and two children were here Saturday and Sun day visiting his brother and family. Frank says of course he came over to see his little niece. Mr. John Goldworthy and family moved to town Mondav, he haying pur chased the property formerly occupied by Fred Odendabl. His daughter Mrs. May will make her home with them. We have reeieved an invitation to the weedding of Miss. Pearl Wall, of Arcadia to Mr. Chas A. Scott which will take place at the home of the bride on Wednesday evening, October 14th Prof. Joy the hypnotist, who gave exhibitions at the opera house last week did some very clever work, but his audience was very small each night and the receipts was not more than sufficient to pay ball rent. Win. Lamion, of Washington town ship called Saturday to make the editoi happy by leaving two dollars. Mr Landon says that there will be lots ol good corn in his neighborhood not withstanding the heavy frost. Kev. Madely and wife left for Lex ington last Tuesday morning when they go to attend the annual confer ence. Mrs. Madely’s mother. Mrs Smith, wijl visit her relatives neai McCook during their absence. Gust Shultz of Bristol township was in the city Saturday with a wagon load of onions w hich be was selling at sixty cents per bushel. Mr. Shultz raised 800 bushels of onions this season. They are of a very dine quality and he seems to find a ready market for them. He will probably ship some of them to Omaha. II. Gibson and wite of Osceola Mills, Clearfield county, l’a. is here visiting his brother Chas. W. Gibson. They ar rived last Monday and will probably remain a week. We acknowledge a pleasant call from Chas. and his brother Herbert. Mr. II. has a position on the railroad and owing to scarcity of help is obliged to cut his visit short. 15. L. Goodell, of Bladen, Webster county Nebr. has leased the Dickey cattle ranch south of Loup City for a term of three years and has already located thereon w ith his family, lie is a pleasant gentleman and we are glad to welcome him among us. Mr. Dickey and daughter returned to their home at Council Blurt's. They have been here all through the summer months looking after the extensive in terest on the ranch. Don't forget that we have all kinds of display type, we have added oytr 50 fonts of display and job type faces to our plant this year and get out the finest lot of sale bills you have about ever seen. Your job of sale bills don’t have to be of the old sterotyped form that was got out last week for I the other fellow if you get it done at i this office. We can and do change the form on every bill that goes out, un expressly want it like the other fellows. Come and get a sample of our work. Lewis Bechthold will have a cattle sale at the Round Front barn in Loup City, Saturday, October, 3rd, when he will offer for sale 30 head of cattle, one fine high grade Red Durham bull and the rest are cows, heifers and Steers. The sale will be conducted by Jacob Albers aucitoneer, and one years time will he given by purchaser giving note with approved security and draw ing ten per cent per annum. 5 per cent discount for cash on all sums over ten dollars. All suns under ten dollars to be cash w ithout discount. In looking over the house recently constructed by George Zimmerman we find that he has built for a home in this city an up-to date dwelling. It is of a very good size with six very nicely arranged rooms and a porch the entire length on the south and extending a considerable distance on the west The sitting room is lighted on the south and west with two hug* double win dows set with plate glass. The well is on the kitchen poarchon the south and everything about the house is arranged equally as handy. lie has also built a hue barn and has a city property that anyone might feel proud to own. We understand that Mr. Zimmerman will «>ccupy the house fora home. C. W. Sours, photographer op posite 8f. Klmo Hotel. John Cliipps, of Oak Creek town ship was at the county seat Saturday. Stewart If. Conger, of Webster township was doing buisness in town Saturday. Try some of the Red School House school shoes for boys and girls, just recieved at Swansons. Gasteyer is selleng out some odd lines of shoes at half pi ice. Look them over and purchase a pair at a bargain. Jas Landers, Geo. Thompson, Jake Freedman, Ernest Milburn and Frank Gilchrist, all of ArcaiUa wera down to the races Saturday. Our readers will please excuse us for being late this week. We have double the amount of work this week on ac count of having to put up the delin quent tax list. A girl’s •‘complexion’'may be stamped on her lover's heart, but most of tbjir ‘complexion’ comes off unless put there by Rocky Mopntlan Tea. ‘'Powder's a bad thing.” 115 cents. Sold by Oiler dahl Bros. This week we publish the delinquen t tax list of Sherman county which will he found on another page It is per haps the shortest delinquent tax list that has been published in the county for twenty years. The horse race at the fair ground bust Saturday afternoon between Jimmie Ilicks, owned by Mr. Dody of Sargent and Sundance, owned by C.C, Out bouse of this city was won by the former. The race was a half mile d ish. Geo. Brill,of Council Bluffs, son of Mrs. A. Wall is here visiting his mother, lie has been out in the Powder river country next to the Big Horn basin on a hunting expedition and is returning home. lie reports having killed two antelope and some other small game. Mr. Brill drove over from Ravenna Sunday and will remain a few days. District court convened last Monday and adjourned Tuesday noon. Two or three divorse cases were desposed of, among them the case of Mrs. Hauck who was granted a divorse with the custody of her children and possess ion of the Hunch residence proper ty in this city. A jury term will he held October 15, when the Deusterhoft case will come up for trial. Louis Hein ex-county clerk has built him a line coal house and did the car penter work himself. You ought to see it dressed in its new coat of paint. It is 12 by 18 in size, conviently arrang ed and in every way a model out build ing. When John Eggers learned how handy Mr. Hein was with the carpen ter tools he wanted him to take the contract to build him a house. J.W. Hannaford, of Brownville, was in the city, Friday, on his way home from Litchfield, in the central part of the state. He says that Sherman coun ty has a great hay crop this year, and that thousands of tons of the product will not he cut. The dairy interests in that section are very important and bring the farmers good sums of money. Land values range from 816 to $25 per acre and the crops each year are almost enough to pay for the land. In his judgment it is a great country for a man to get a good start in life.—Ne maha county Herald. A farewell party was given Marvin Lee last Friday evening at the home of his parents. And at which there was a good attendance of his young friends and school mates. Marvin goes to Grand Island this week to work in a butcher shop which lias recently been purchased by his brother James and Will Cording. There was quite a crowd of young folks from town who attended the party and reports a good time. After a supper of ice cream and cake the merry crowd departed for home. Marvin leaves with the best wishes of all lus friends. We went, one day this week to see the new residence of Mr. A.M. Bennett mid found that gentleman very busy putting on lath and getting ready for the plasterers. IIis house is a two story frame and very conveniently ar ranged, both.up stairs and down. The dinning room, with a bay window looking to the west, is 12x24 in size. The hall way is of good size and from it is a door to the right into the parlor. It also contains a (light sf winding stairs to the upper story which con tains three large bed rooms with a splendid view to the north, south and west. The view in the west is over looking every part of the city and directly through the main street of the town. This roomv Mr. Bennett has chosen as his o\vn. The other rooms to the south will be for Miss Blanch and to the north is for her brother Charley. Below is also a large bed room to the east of the dinning room and south of that a large and commod ious pautery, which opens into the kitchen on thesouth and faces the din ning room on the west with a glass door cupboard. Each bed room has commodious closets. The house pre sents a pretty appearance on the out side but the inside is even more beauti ful because of the convenience it af fords in each department. We congrat ulate Mr. and Mrs. Bennett upon this accomplishment, the result of pinny years of hard work. . / Col. Young is very sick. Last Sat uniay night he was very low. Mrs. 1*. T. Howe and children re turned from their visit to Lincolr Tuesday. _ Mrs. E. E. llensclmter has been quit* sick w ith cold and sore throat thii week. Miss (irace Ilegelin left for Collet’* View oil the passenger Tuesday noor where slid goes to attend college. Mrs. M. L. Stewart, sister of AV L Marcy, with her two sons returned t< her home at Ottawa, Kansas. Mon day. Mike Krolikowskl, Frank Dennis Jake Freedman and lien AVall are are new subscribers to this papet since our last issue. Farmers don’t fail to see the line ol robes, fur coats, fur mittens, and horse blankets at AV, S. Owen’s liar ness store, I- rank liohhins has sold his building toO. F. Peterson and lias purchased the Morgan barber shop, lie will move in !.is new quarters Monday. Mrs. E. A. Esterbrook, of Arcadia came down Tuesday and remained over night with her brother's family ^lr Fred Foster. She took the train AVed nesday for Lexington, Nebraska to attend the Methodist conference. In talking with several parties fripi np the valley, among them, Jake Freedman, we get the idea that the corn crop in the northern part of the county is better than it was last year Closing out of the best line of horse blankets, robes,^ fur coals, fur mittens, trunks and valises ever brought to your town, at the harness store ot W' .S. Owen. Die Baptist Aid Society will give a New England dinner at Society hall on Saturday, October 3rd,, beginning at il;30a. m. Lupch in the afternoon. Supper from 5.30 to 7:30. The pro ceeds of this dinner is to go towards putting a furnace the churh. We see by the St Paul paper that the Northwestern Milling Co. of that place have been msking some very extensive improvements in its plant. Frank Dennis, whom our people know so well is one of the managers of the busi ness. Frank Is a rustler and no doubt the company values bis service high as they have kept him in their employ for several years. Ben Wall and daughter Florence, of C hadron, Neb. is in the city visiting wit h Ills brother A. Wall. Aoout thir teen years ago Ben was a resident of this town and Ills old friends are glad to see him again. Mr. Wail is foreman in the blacksmith department of the car shops at Chadron. Miss Florence will remain and attend the Loup City school this winter. Dr. II. C. Chase, living near Mason City in Custer county and father of W. T.and A. £. Chase, Mrs. A M Ben nett and Mrs, W. Hawk, of this place, died at his home last Tuesday morn ing. Ilis children went over to at tend the funeral. We understand the remains will be taken to his old home at Strawberry Point, Iowa for interment. mis l,. uartiner, who hat recently purchased the M. H. Mead property ami will move to town, was a pleasant caller Saturday. She'informs us that she has been granted a pension from the goverment, in the sum of *8.00 per month, with *300 back pen sion, from the time of her husbands death. Mrs. (lardner is a worthy lady and her many friends will be glad to learn of the favorable termination of ber just claim. Wm. Jacob, probably the most successful wheat growers in this sec tion ot the country raised 130 acres of winter wheat and 70 acres of spring wheat the past season. lie thrashed last week and reports a yeild of 20 bushels of winter wheat per acre and 12 bushels of spring wheat. His total wheat crop amounts to nearly 3,500 bu shels. He also raised 40 acres of oats which yielded 40 bushels per acre. —Ravenna News, A. 1’. Culley, wife and two daught ers, Jessie and Mildred, started tor Los Angeles, California where thev go to spend the winter months. 'They shipped some of their goods and will take up tliier residence theirduring the winter. Mr. Culley informs us that lie intends to return in the spring and build a tine residence and make this ids permanent home. He lias not by any means turned his buck on Loup City and Sherman county as some have thought he would do, luit instead thinks that Loup City is a good place to live, at least, as lie puts it “it is good enough for me." The Nobthwkst khn wishes Mr. and Mrs. Culley and family a most pleasant winter vacat tion. Persons suffering from indigestion, dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will find that Kodol Dyspepsia cure digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet This remedy is a never failing cure for Indigestion and Dyspepsia and all complaints effecting the glands or membranes of the stomach or d'gestive tract. When you take Kodol Dyspepsin Cure everything you eat taste good and every bit of the nutriment that youi food contains Is assimilated and ap propriated by the blood and tissue. Sold by Odendahl Bros. JMMNVSS) I , Liiusry, RssJ an<d Sals Rarri ! , j Tran dent | Business • . / specialty. Oats, Hay, and all kin ds oj drain al ways on hand. Come and see me for good rigs. J. T. HALEi Loup City ISTel> I SPECIAL SALE OF MEN’S and BOY’S * TWO PIECE SUITS DOUBLE BREASTED ' SLIGHTLY DAMAGED ON ACCOUNT OF LEAK AT OUK STORE. . * These suits will go at cost hh long as they last. Bring your boy and get him a suit for school. A full line of Mon’s and Boy’s Clothing from $4.00 to $20.00 per suit Get our prices and taka a look at our goods. We also have some dress goods which we are selling out at cost to get more room, These will be yours Ht your own price. JOHNSON LORBNTZ & CO. - LOUP CITY. ; : NEBRASKA. A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Casin' r. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY • - General Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. # CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska. llZRHnDSSW WR\P IN THE WUST TWO HUNDRED MILES ALONG THE BEAUTIFUL COLUMBIA FT-VEF BY DAYLIGHT $5.00 BUYS A DOUBLE SLEEPING BERTH To Portland TOURIST CARA- EVERY DAY _ have for sale very desireable res idence property In Loup Oily whjch I can sell for 805000, 81.000 00 81,200 - 00, 83,000.00, and 83,500.00. T. S. Nightingale, Real Estate Agent. TO CUKE A COLD INONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure. E, W. Grove’s signature Is on each box. U5ct. PUBLIC SALE Of Household Furniture As I will soon move to Kearney and do not make shipment of goods 1 have quite a list of household furniture Which 1 will offer for sale at public auction on the streets ot Loup City, Saturday afternoon, Octo ber 3rd. Respectfully, Mns. A. o. Hendrickson. The Caiitiliin v». (joiintc rfaiti. The genunine is always better than a countefrit but the truth of this state inent Is never more forcibly rt lized or thoroughly appreciated than when you compare the genuine DcVVitt’a Witch nav.el Salve wtth the many counterfeits and worthless substitutes that are on the market. W. S. Ledbetter, of Sheye port, La., says: “After u*ing nmner. ous other remedies without ben.-tit one box of DeWitt'g Witch Hazel Salve cured me,” For blind, bleeding, itching, KTJW'V* P11*'* no r‘,rne,|y is equal thtp* T LVo * ich Hazel ShIve. Sold by Odetidabl Bros T back to the old home. ~ On September 1th, 8th and Kith and October Gth the Burlington offers round trip tickets, good thirty days, to many points In Indiana and Ohio at fare and one third rate. An exclient opportunity to visit old friends in the east. Ask the ticket agent for furthur paticulars