The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 02, 1903, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern.
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Diagram showing how electric whip Is used.
A unique device for the cure of
balky horses by means of an electric
shock has recently been tried in Chi
cago. Under its Influence a horse
whose owners have been making inef
fectual attempts to break it for over
a year was induced to start up in
stantly and gallop down the street as
though its past bad habits had been
entirely forgotten.
The device, which is called an "elec
tric horsewhip," consists in a battery
placed in the front part of the vehicle
and connected by wires running along
the shafts, with a pair of copper
plates fastened to the harness saddle.
By pressing a lever connected with
the battery a slight shock or succes
sion of shocks can be administered at
the will of the driver.
It is a Bill Contracted by a Former
President Who Borrowed Money,
Supplies and Munitions of War in
Large Amount.
States minister Powell has made a
very vigorous reply to the Dominican
foreign minister on the question of
the Dominican government's bill for
establishing the neutrality of the Do
minican waters and making certain
ports free. In his note Mr. Powrell
says the United States* government
cannot accept this measure, that the
foreign minister’s response to his re
cent protest is very objectionable to
the United States.
The Dominican foreign office has in
formed Mr. Powell that it will pay the
claim of J. Sala & Co. within a few
days, accepting the American minis
ter's proposition for the adjustment
vf this claim.
The Sala claim has been in dispute
for some years. Sala was a French
man who loaned money and supplied
munitions of war to the late Presi
dent Heureaux of the Dominican re !
public, about $215,000 in all. The Do
minican government at first recogniz
ed the claim, but afterward contest
ed it. Saia died, leaving his claim to 1
his wife, who is an American. Min
lster Powell was instructed to en
deavor to effect a settlement.
The international tribunal consti
tuted to consider the claim awarded I
the company damages In the sum of
$523,000, with interest at 6 per cent.
Salvador then declared the award
void owing to certain irregularities j
pointed out which Secretary Hay re
fused to recognize. With the con
sent of this government, however, a
compromise was effected on a basis
of 67per cent of the amount \
Defaulting Treasurer In the Philip
pines Given Severe Sentence.
MANILA.—Dean Tompkins. the
defaulting treasurer at San Fernando. !
convicted recently of forgery, has
been sentenced to seventeen years’ ,
imprisonment. His trial on the other
charges filed against him has been
set for December 1.
A Filipino named Kalbaza. presl-;
dent of the nationalist party, was ar- 1
rested upon a similar charge as that j
which has just been preferred against ;
Dominador Gomez. He is accused of !
being concerned with the latter in
fomenting the disturbances which
have lately taken place In the north- I
ern province of Luzon, where a guer
rilla warfare has been carried on for
some time past by the ladrones
against the authorities of the United
Two prisoners named Rudd and
Black, escaped fugitives from United
States military prison on Malagi
island, in Laguna de Bay, Luzon,
have been killed by natives. In de
fense the later claim mat the killing
took place during an attempt to cap
ture the fugitives to gain the reward
which was offered for their arrest and
return to the military authorities.
Cardinal Gibbons Returns to America
from Rome.
NEW YORK—Cardinal Gibbons ar
rived here Tuesday on Kaiser Wilhelm
tier Crosse. A delegation of priests
and laymen from Baltimore went down
the bay on a revenue cutter to greet
him and welcome him home. Heading
the delegation were Rev. D. J. Stafford
of Washington, Rev. B. Singleton of
Baltimore, and R. B. Tibbett of Balti
more. supreme president of the Cath
olic Benevolent legion.
The cardinal will remain in this city
a guest at the home of Mrti. Kelly of
Brooklyn, until Friday, when he will
accompany the delegation to Balti
more. When the welcoming party
boarded Kaiser Wilhelm off Quaran
tine Mr. 'tibbett cade an address of
welcome, to which the cardinal briefly
Another reception awaited the cardi
nal when he went ashore at Hoboken.
The pier was crowded with ecclesi
astical friends from this city. From
the pier Cardina' Gibbons and his
party went to the Passioniat monas
tery at Hoboken. This afternoon ho
will go to Brooklyn.
The cardinal had a pleasant voyage
and he said the ocean trip had recu
perated his strength, which had been
greatly taxed by the severe spell of
fever he suffered, due to the intense
heat in Rome during the progress of
the conclave.
Of the new pontiff, the cardinal
spoke in terms of the greatest enthus
iasm. He 3aid that the choice of the
conclave had been most happy from
an American viewpoint, as Piux X was
deeply Interested in the development
of the church in this country and was
singularly familiar with American in
stitutions. The cardinal had several
lengthy interviews with the pope re
garding church afTairs in this countrv.
The cardinal was not inclined to dis
cuss the probable policy of the new
papal regime, but said that no radical
changes in American church adminis
tration would ensue. He said that one
of the first steps taken by Piux X was
to instruct his acting secretary of
state. Mgr. Merry del Val, to provide
for an extensive exhibit of the Vatican
treasures at the St. Louis exposition.
He said the exhibit would probably
comprise some of the magnificent jub
ilee gifts of the late pontiff and a num
ber of rare historical manuscripts anil
maps from the Vatican library relat
ing to the early settlement and mis
sion work In the Ix>uisiana Purchase
territorry, most of which was pene
trated by Catholic missionaries within
a quarter of a century of the discovery
of the continent.
Filipinos Likely to Be Admitted.
WASHINGTON, D. C—Upon repre
sentations made by the war depart
ment, the immigration bureau has
wired its agents in San Francisco, Ta
coma and Seattle to exercise every
facility for admitting the Filipino car
penters brought over on the transport
Sherman to prepare the Filipino ex
hibit at the St. l^ouis exhibition.
Preparing His Message to Congress.
OYSTER BAY, L. I—Already the
president has begun work on his an
nual message to congress. The mes
sage to be presented to the extraordi
nary se38ioi* will be comparatively
brief. The call will be issued in Oc
Nearly Four Thousand People Have
Fled from the Infected City—The
City Being Placed in a Thoroughly
Sanitary Condition.
& -
LAREDO, Tex—The yellow fever
seems to be on the Increase in this
city, despite the rigorous efforts that
are being taken to stamp out the
scourge. Two deaths and twelve
new cases were reported at the close
of Sunday.
Dr. Guiteras, in his house to house
canvass saw many cabes of fever and
at the conclusion of the day's ex
amination made the announcement
that twelve of the cases were genu
ine yellow fever. The daughter of
the Mexican boilermaker, Juan Cor
tlnas, who died of the fever recently,
died late Sunday afternoon, and an
other Mexican woman also died of the
This city now presents a dead ap
pearance, all those who could get
away having departed for points
north of the state of Texas and for
points south. It is estimated by the
authorities that nearly 4,000 people
have fled from here since the begin
ning of the yellow fever scare. The
city is now quarantined against It in
all directions in the state, and no per
son can get beyond the limits of Webb
county. Other Texas counties have
established a shotgun quarantine and
are turning all back who are endeav
oring to get away in coaches, bug
gies and carts. The quarantine ap
plies to all persons, freight, baggage,
express, mail or other matter orig
inating in the city of Loredo and
points south, the only persons hav
ing authority to leave the corporation
limits being the health officers of the
state of Texas and of the United
The work of placing the city in a
thorough sanitary condition is being
carried on under the direct supervis
ion of Dr. Guiteras and a corps of ex
pert assistants.
The situation In Nouvo Laredo is
unchanged, no deaths or new cases
having occurred as far as can be
learned. Dr. Mariano Trevino, a
Mexican government yellow fever ex
pert, is In charge. He believes that
within eight days he will have stamp
ed out the fever.
The Mexican oustom house author
ities have temporarily removed to
Lampasas, where all incoming bag
gage and freight over the National
railway is examined, thus permitting
trains through to Laredo, Tex., with
out stopping at Neuvo Laredo.
TAMPICO, Mex.—Five new cases
of yellow fever have appeared here,
though they are of a mild form, ap
parently. Houses numbering 116
were disinfected and the authorities
are uniting in their efforts to kill the
MEXICO CITY.—Refugees from
Valles, Victoria, Santiago, Linares
and Tampico, fleeing through fear of
the yellow fever, are making their
appearance at Mexico City, and the
capitol is the oasis for a throng of
Kansas City Votes Bonds.
KANSAS CITY—An election held
In this city Tuesday to authorize the
city to issue bonds to the amount of
$2,176,000 for the improvement of
the water works, the parks, market
house and other things resulted in
8,161 votes for the bonds and 2,670
votes against the issuance of the
Colorado Populists Nominate.
DENVER, Colo.—The populist state
convention nominated District Judge
Frank Wow ers of Leadvllle for justice
of the supreme court. Resolutions
were adopted condemning, in vigorous
language, the republican state demo
cratic party because its recent state
convention failed to denounce the use
of the military at Cripple Creek.
New Panama Canal Plan.
WASHINGTON, D. C.—The follow
ing bulletin was posted at the state
"Under date of the 14th Instant.,
Mr. Beaupre telegraphs the depart
ment of state that the report of the
canal commission passed the senate
Express Messenger Opens Fire, Kill
ing a Robber.
PORTLAND. Ore—The Atlantic ex
press on the Oregon Railroad and Nav
igation Mne, which left here at 8:15
o'clock Thursday night, was held up
by four masked men an hour later near
! Corbett station, twenty-one miles east
j of this city.
One of the robbers was shot and
1 killed by Express Messenger Fred Hor
ner and Engineer Ollie Barrett was
seriously wounded by the same bul
: let. After the shooting the robbers
fled without securing any booty.
Two of the highwaymen boarded
' the train at Trontdale, a station eigh
teen miles east of here and after the
train had got under way they crawled
over the tender and, covering the en
gineer and fireman with revolvers,
told them to stop at mile post 21,
which Is near Corbett station.
When the train slowed down two
more men appeared. Two of the rob
bers compelled the engineer to get out
of the cab and accompany them to
the express car, wh 'e the others
watched the flreman. The men car
ried several sticks of dynamite and
when they came to the baggage car,
thinking it was the express car, threw
a stick at the door. Express Messen
i ger Horner heard the explosion and
' immediately secured his rifle and
opened Are. The bullet pierced the
heart, of one of the robbers and went
through his body, entering the left
breast of Engineer Barrett, who was
; Just behind him. Barrett's wound
! is above the heart and is not neces
sarily fatal.
- i
I Former Senator From llllnoia and
Prominent Business Figure.
CHICAGO, III.—Former Senator
I Charles B. Farwell died at his home in
j Lake Forest Wednesday of heart
I trouble after several months’ illness.
Mr. Farwell had been a prominent
figure in local, state and national
politics since 1844, when he came to
Chicago from Ogle county, Illinois. In
his business life he engaged success
fully in real testate and banking, and
in 1864 purchased an interest in the
present house of J. V. Farwell & Co.
He was born in Steuben county, New
York, eighty years ago. After serving
as county clerk member of the state
board of equalization, state senate and
house of representatives, he was
elected to the United States senate
from Illinois in 1887. He leaves
three daughters, Mrs. Reginald De
Koven, Mrs. Budley Winston and Mrs.
Hobert Chatfleld-Taylor, and one son,
Walter Farwell.
4 ...
The Assault Upon the Jews at Gomel
Set Forth.
WASHINGTON—The following bul
letin has been posted as the state de
“The department of state has receiv
ed advices from the American charge
at St. Petersburg to the effect that
in the Gomel riots, in which five
Christians lost their lives, no foreign
ers or foreign interests surtered.
“In view of the position taken by
the Russian government at the time.
of the Ki8hineff affair, that the im
perial authorities would decline to re
ceive foreign representatives concern
ing domestic matters where no for
eign interests wre involvd, the repoi #
of the American charge at St. Peters
burg that no foreign interests were
jeopardized in the recent anti-Semitic
riot at Gomel closes the incident so
far as the state department is con
Prince Alert Lowers the Record by
Two Seconds.
NEW YORK—Prince Alert, the pac
ing hero of 100 races, and the cham
pion of a score of half-mile tracks,
went against the world’s pacing rec
ord of 1:69, held by Dan Patch, and
beat it most decisively at the Empire
City track Wednesday. It was the
first, day of the autumn meeting of the
Empire City Trotting club, and In ad
dition to a strong card of four races,
Prince Alert was billed for what look
ed like the impossible feat of break
ing the record. But Prince Alert had
| recently won the half mile track cham
pionship in 2:03^, which had been
won only the week before by Dan
Patch in 2:04 and good judges were
sanguine. The weather and track
high early in the day, kindly subsided
so that the conditions were favorable,
were perfect, and the wind; which was
Revolting Crime for Which He Paid
the Penalty—Sleep* in Same Room
With Man He Murdered—Blow*
Out Hit Victim’s Brain*.
CHEYENNE, Wyo—James Keffer
was hanged at Lander at 10:15 Friday
morning. Everything moved oft like
eloekwork. Keffer was on the verge
of a collapse, but by a superhuman
effort he calmed himself and walked
bravely to the gallows.
Just before the trap was sprung
Keffer made a talk and said he had
no grudge against any one. He ex
cused the Jury, but said they made a
mistake and would some day realize
the fact. The Judge of the supreme
court and governor, he said, were no
Keffer's neck was broken by the fall
and he was cut down In eight min
The crime for which James KefTer
paid the penalty on the gallows is one
of the most revolting in the annals
of criminology In the state of
Wyoming. He crept softly Into the
room wherein an aged and almost
decrepit man lay sleeping peacefully
and not even dreaming of the fate
soon to descend upon him. Keffer at
first did not deny, the crime, but said
he was under Influence of liquor at
the time the deed was committed.
Keffer worked on the Carmody
ranch near Bruce, and old man War
ren was stock tender for the Lander
Rawlins Stage company at the same
place. The story of Keffer's crime in
detail is as follows:
On the afternoon before the killing
KefTer went over to Bruce, and while
there drank several times. About 3
p. m. he started hack to the ranch,
and after looking after the stock
there started for the camp of a
freighter known as “Scotty,” about a
mile from the ranch, ’in company
with old man Warren. Scotty had
whisky in his wagon and ail three
drank. After spending hours In camp
both went back to the ranch, and
after doing chores about the place
both went to bed.
They slept in the same room, their
beds being in opposite corners. Dur
ing the night KefTer, who had not
slept, rose and crept silently to the
old man’s bed. Turning, he crept
noiselessly to the wall, where hung
an old double-barreled shotgun, which
he look down and loaded. Waiting
a moment to see if his movements
had been heard, he crept back to
where his victim lay sleeping. Kef
fer placed the muzzle of the shotgun
under the old man’s chin, pulled the
trigger and blew his victim’s brains
Major Oelmar is Second Horse to
Make Two-Minute Record.
NEW YORK—The big event Fri
, day at the Empire City track was the
effort of the champion gelding, Ma
jor Delmar, to beat his own record of
2:00^4 and to beat the world’s rec
ord of two minutes held by Lou Dil
He trotted a most wonderful mile,
and, In a game but tiring finish, shot
under the wire in record time.
After a preliminary warming up the
gelding champion came out for bis
trial at 4:20. He went around the
first turn, broke and came back. At
the second attempt be went away as
steady as a clock, and, though a slow
beginner, got to the quarter in 30V4
seconds. Up the back stretch he shot
with such lightning rapidity that he
flashed by the half mile pole in 59
seconds. Then the grand stand rose
and cheered as the gallant son of Del
mar flew around the top turn to the
three-quarters pole In 1:29 and came
home to the wire in 2:00, thus equal
ing the time of Lou Dillon.
Knox’s Assistant Resigns.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Judge H.
Tyler Campbell of Bristol, Tenn., has
resigned his position as assistant to
Attorney General Knox, to which he
was appointed a few months ago. The
position kept him on the road a great
deal, which was objectionable to him.
Judge Campbell was the republican
candidate for governor at the last
election in this state.
•' ' ; J
• ■■
Triple Murderer is Well Armed end
Has Stolen a Team.
throughout this section of the state
are In horror over the acts of Thomas
Madison, charged with the recent trip
le murder In this county. Madison
has successfully eluded both officers
and bloodhounds thus far, but It Is
thought that he Is somewhere In the
vicinity of Cowles, Neb., about fifteen
miles from the state line.
Word received here says Madison
is armed with two revolvers and plen
ty of ammunition, and that he held
up a number of people, threatening to
shoot them If they told of his pres
ence in the country. He entered a
farm house near Cowles and forced
the women to give him a meal. He
has stolen a team of horses and seems
to be thoroughly at home In the neigh
borhood. Officers expect to capture
him within a few hours as they say
he has only temporarily eluded them.
Priest, Single Handed, Attacks a Load
of American Soldiers.
MANILA—A detachment of the
Twenty-eighth Infantry embarked In
boats had a sharp engagement on
Toros lake, I,anao. on the 10th Inst,
with a band of fanatical Moros, dur
ing which Private E. O. Barnett was
One of the leaders of the enemy, a
priest, single banded, attacked a boat
load of the American soldiers. He
was killed.
A band of ladrones attacked the
town of Taisan In the province of
Batangas, Luzon, on Saturday last;
and secured the guns of the municipal
police. They met with no resistance
during their raid and subsequently es
caped unmolested.
Large Party of Engineers Are Now
Surveying a Proposed Route.
SALT LAKE CITY. Utah.—A large
party of civil engineers employed by
D. H. Moffat t’s Denver, Northwestern
& Pacific road la in Salt Lake City
starting the work of surveying the
new’ line from this end. *
While official confirmation Is lack
ing, it is understood the Moffatt road
may occupy the same terminals as the
Rio Grande and the Western Pacific,
for which the Rio Grande is now seek
ing a franchise from the city council.
Preliminary work, it is said, has in
dicated that the route via Provo. Utah,
is easier from an engineering stand
point than that via Park City.
Georgia and Alabama to Be Visited,
but Time Not Decided Upon.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala.—Internal Rev
enue Collector Joseph O. Thompson,
who Is Just back from a conference
with the president At Oyster Bay, said
that Mr. Roosevelt is considering mak
ing a trip south this winter and speak
ing in two or three cities each In Geor
gia and Alabama, including Atlanta
and Birmingham.
He says the president was anxious
to come south, though he did not say
definitely just when he would come.
The president added that he had often
been tempted to visit this section but
he was afraid his mission would be
misunderstood; that the people might
think the trip was for vote-getting.
International Peace Congress Thanks
Thie Country.
ROUEN. France.—The International
Peace congress which is meeting in
this city, passed resolutions regretting
the acts of hostility committed by
Germany and Great Britain against
Venezuela, particularly the destruction
of property which gave rise to claims
for indemnity, expressing satisfaction
that the warlike attitude soon yielded
to diplomacy and arbitration, prais
ing the intervention of the United
States, and congratulating President
Roosevelt and United Slates Minis
ter Bowen on their Efforts to bring
the dispute before The Hague tribunal.
Minister Powell in Hurry.
ported in government circles that
United States Minister Powell inform
ed the Dominican ministers of foreign
affairs that the government made by
the late Dominican government re
specting claims of the Santo Domingo
Improvement company o£ New York
must be respected and its provisions
carried out without further delay.