The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 25, 1903, Image 1
Loup City Northwestern. ■■■■■ - ■ ■■ * 1 Ml " 1 ' " --i ■ —»■ — VOLUME XX. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 1903. NUMBER 40. TO PUNISH THEM PROMISES MADE TO AMBASSADOR BY SULTAN. ABOUT THE BALKAN SITUATION Sultan Said to Bo Firmly Resolvod to Avoid a War— Expresses Regret at Excesses Committed by Turkish Troops. LONDON—The Balkan situation presents few new features. The Ger man emperor's influence at Vienna la said to have been thrown in favor of allowing the sultan the utmost free dom in suppression of the insurrec- j tion. Both Turks and Macedonians claim the victories in the daily en counters. A report from Sofia states that Bulgarian military preparations are reaching the state of perfection ; that will enable the concentration of . 200,000 men on the frontier within a week and that the stocks of provi sions, weapons and ammunition are rapidly becoming efficient. According to a aispaicn irom Con stantinople to the Daily Telegraph the sultan is so firmly resolved to avoid a war that on the report that France was sending a fleet to Turkish waters and again when it was stated that Bulgaria was mobilizing, he drafted a decree forbidding massacres in Mace donia and conforming more extensive local administrative pledges than had been demanded by the insurgents themselves, but on each occasion, find ing the rumors unfounded, the decree I was rescinded. It is believed, how- j ever, that should any power threaten a demonstration in Turkish waters the ! decree will be signed. The Servian newspapers are discuss ing the probability of a reconciliation with Bulgaria on the basis of free trade between Servia and Bulgaria and a defensive alliance against the Turks. A dispatch from the monastery of Rita, adds the Daily Telegraph’s cor- 1 respondent, sai’s the Greeks are join ing the revolutionists in the district of Menlik. CONSTNTINOPLE—In an audience With M. Zienoff, the Russian ambassa dor. Friday, the sultan expressed his regret at the excesses committed by the Turkish troops in the villayets of Monastir and Adrianopie. He said that orders had been sent to the au thorities concerned to prevent their repetition and he gave the Russian am bassador to understand that the guilty parties would be punished. The German ambassador, Baron Marschall von Bieberstein, also had an audience with the sultan, who showed himself most optimistic. The latter declared that the insurrection was drawing to a close; in fact, it bad a!readv been suppressed in some districts and tlie porte would, there fore. Immediately issue proclamations announcing the resumption of the ap plication of the reform scheme. Heroic Work of Hospital Nurses. GALT LAKE, Utah.—Heroic work on the part of the nurses and attend ants prevented a serious loss of life in a Are that started from a defective flue in the Keough-Wright hospital in this city shortly after noon Tuesday. The loss will not exceed $10,000. Two patients, William Dalton and George Black, were so badly shocked by the excitement that their recovery is doubtful. Grant Favors Army Canteen. WASHINGTON, D. C—The annual report of General Frederick D. Grant, commanding the Department of Texas, which was prematurely published some weeks ago, was made public at the war department Friday. General Grant favors the canteen and dis cusses the question of maintaining strong military stations along the Mexican border. Plague Condition ■■ oerlous. MARSEILLES.—The unofficial re ports make the plague situation seri ous. The dead, it appears, includes four women and one man whose bodies were covered with bubos, leav ing little doubt as to the nature of the disease. Insurgents Annihilated. SALONICA.—An insurgent band of 430 men was annihilated by the Turks September 14, between Istib and Kra- | tova. Another band, which attacked ihe railroad near Demirhissar, was re pulsed with loss. MISS RUTH BRYAN ENGAGED. Announcement Made That She ia to Wed W. K. Leavitt. LINCOLN.—The engagement of Mias Ruth Bryan, daughter of W. J. Bryan, to Mr. W. H. Leavitt of I.ew port. R. I., was announced Wednesday evening. Th*' announcement was made at a party given by Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald. After the party Mr. Leavitt and Miss Bryan attended the theater. Mr. Leavitt is an artist and among other things, he painted a portrait of Mr Bryan, and it was while engaged in tills work that he became acquaint ed with Miss Bryan. He has been in Lincoln for the last three months, a portion of the time a guest at the Bryan home. This announcement disposes ot two recent stories concerning the future of Miss Bryan—one that she was en gaged to Captain Richard Hobson, for merly of the navy, and the other that she was intending to devote her life to the work of Hull house in Chicago. KILLS TEN THOUSAND. Massacre at Kastoria by Turk • In describably Terrible. SOFIA, Bulgaria -Further reports from Kastoria say the city is burning and that the massacre of its popula tion, estimated to have numbered 10,-» 000 persons, was indescribably terri ble. The Turks slaughtered indiscrimi nately Bulgarians and Greeks, men, women and children. A Turkish war balloons is reported to have been seen hovering for the last three days close to the Bulgar ian frontier iu the vicinity of Has kovo. A severe tight has occurred at Uli vit/.a. in the mountains of Kratovo, be tween 2,000 Turks and eighty insur gents. It continued for eight, hours. The insurgents used bombs with deadly effect. About 100 Turks are re I»orted to have been killed and many wounded. The insurgents had two men wounded. MILITARY ATTACHES ABROAD. One Group of General Staff to Vieit Other Countries. WASHINGTON, D. C.—Announce ment has been made at the war depart that one group of general staff offi cers has been designated for duty as attaches abroad and will be given spe cial instructions in the military in formation divisions prior to their de parture. The following are designated as attaches: Captains Sydney A Clontan. Twen ty- third infantry; William G. Haan, artillery corps; Horace M. Reeve, Third infantry; Dennis E. Nolan, Thir teenth infantry. The present scheme is to utilize one half the general staff in Washington and to distribute the other half among the various department, headquarters and on special duty elsewhere. THREE HUNDRED ARE KILLED Bulgarian Insurgent* Worsted in Battle With Turks. SALONICA.—Three hundred Bul garians have been killed in a fight be tween insurgents and Turkish troops between Okrida and Dibra. The Bul garian dead include many officers, one of whom wore a Russian decoration. A battalion of Redifs attacked the Christian gendarmes at Mitrovltza September 16 and several of the latter were killed and wounded. The rest of the gendarmes took refuge at the Rus sian consulate, where they are be sieged. The situation at Mitrovltza is extremely critical. The Bulgarian villagers, who are opposing the Turkish forces in the neighborhood of Melnik, are estimated to number 1.000. Battleship Maine All Right Now. PHILADELPHIA—The new battle ship Maine, which has been undergo ing repairs at Cramps' ship yards for structural weakness which developed under tests of her heavy guns, left the works of her builders Friday and pro ceeded to the League Island navy yard. The Maine, which is in com mand of Captain 11. (5. Leutze, will stoj) only long enough to take on a supply of provisions and coal and have her magazines stored with am munition. She will then sail for Cule bra, West Indies, where she will par ticipate in the fall maneuvers of the Atlantic coa3t squadron. The Maine will also undergo an official speed test. CABINET BROKEN — THREE MEMBERS OF BRITISH MINISTRY RESIGN. THEY ARE PROMPTLY ACCEPTED i Mr. Chamberlain'* Letter Setting Forth Reaeon* for Hie Resignation —Official Announcement as Made by the Associated Press. I ——— LONDON—The official announce ment of the resignation of Mr. Cham berlain and two other members of the ; cabinet is made, as follows: j “Three prime ministers have ten dered their resignations, which have been actepted by the king. Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, secretary for the colonies; Right Hon. C. T. Ritchie, chancellor of the exchequer, and I»rd (ieorge Hamilton, secretary for India." Here follows Mr. Chambariain’s let ter, dated Birmingham. September 9 in which he sets forth his reasons for his resignation: “ror the present, at any rate, a preferential agreement with our oolo nies Involving any new duty, however small, on articles of food hitherto un ! taxed, even if accompanied by a re duotion of taxation on other articles of food equally universal In their con sumption, would lie unacceptable to the majority of the constituencies. “However much we may regret the decision, however mistaken we may think it, no good government in a democratic country can ignore it. I feel therefore that as an immediate practical policy the question of prefer i ence to the colonies cannot be press ed with any hope of success at. the present time, although there Is a very strong feeling In favor of the other branch of the fiscal reform which would give further discretion to the government in negotiating with for eign countries for commodities, and would enable our country to retails tion if opposition was made to our just demands. ‘ “If, as l beieve, you share these views, it seems to me that you will be absolutely justified in adpting them as the policy of your government, ai though it will necessarily involve some changes in its constitution. “As secretary for the colonies dur ing the last eight years, I have been in a special sense the representative of the policy of a closer union which I firmly believe to be equally neces sary In the interest of the colonies and ourselves. I believe it is possible today and may be Impossible tomor row to make arrangements for such a union. 1 have had unexampled op portunities of watching events and ap preciating the feelings of our kins men beyond the seas. I stand, there fore, in a different position than any of my colleagues and I think that I should justly be blamed if I remained in office, and thus formally accepted the exclusion from my political pro gram of so great a part thereof. "I think that, with absolute loyalty to your government and no fear of embarrassing It in any way, I can best promote the cause I have at heart from the outside, and I cannot but hope that In a perfectly independent position my arguments will be re reived with less prejudice than wtH attach to those of a party leader. Ao cordingly, I would suggest that you limit the present policy of the gov ernment to an assertion of our free dom in the case of all commercial relations with all foreign countriei and that you should agree to my ten dertng my resignation of my present office to his majesty, and devoting myself to the work of explaining anC popularizing these principles of impe rial union which experience has con vinced me are essential to our welfare and prosperity. Yotrra very sincerely. “JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN.” New Panama Canal Plan. WASHINGTON, D. C.—The follow Ing bulletin was posted at the state department: “Under date of the 14th instant., Mr. Beaupre telegraphs the depart ment of state that the report of the canal commission passed the senate unanimously. Mellen Refuses to Talk. NEW YORK.—President Mellen of the Northern Pacific railroad, declined to discuss the statement that he is to resign from the Northern Pacific to succeed President Hill of the New York, New Haven & Hartford road, that the report is coiToct. REPORTS ARE EXAGGERATED. Crept Art Not at Badly Damagtd aa at FI rat Reported. NISW YORK—R. O. Dun * Co.’» Weekly Review of Trade aays: Business has made moderate prog ress during the past week, despite ntv usual opposition front the element* When all other Industries are to a considerable degree dependent upon agricultural conditions, reports of se rious Injury to crops bv cold and wet weather are not calculated tc stimulate confidence. Subsequent cor reapoudeuee indicated that the amount of damage has been exaggerated at usual and prospects brightened. The car shortage Is beginning to be felt, especially in the Pittsburg dis trict. where sufficient labor cannot be secured for handling freight. Man ufacturing plants are well occupied as a rule, eveu the textile mills re porting less idle machinery, and at Chicago there 'a notable pressure for Implements and hardware. I.umber Is In better demand as structural ac tivity revives. Payments are season ably prompt, except where late crops 1 delay settlement, and the outlook for fall and winter business contains much that is encouragiug. Railway earnings thus far reported for Septem ber show an average gain of 10.3ti over last year. In the Iron and steel Industry quotations have been declin ing for some months and a large ton nage of business is held back In the expectation that still better terms may be offered. Uneasiness over the labor situation aggravates the difficulty, al though late developments in the building trades are most encouraging in this respect. GOVERNMENT CROP REPORT. Condition of Corn in Nebraska and Other States. NEW YORK—The weal her bureau's weekly crop bulletin says in part: Except in Iowa, northern Missouri and eastern Nebraska, where exces sive moisture has prevented rapid ri pening. the corn crop has made sat isfactory progress, the bulk of early planting over the southern portion of the belt being practically safe from frost. In Iowa, northern Missouri and eaatern Nebraska the advance has been very slow, and the bulk of the crop over the northwest portion of the corn belt will require from two to three weeks of ripening weather. The northwest portion of the corn belt has been threatened with dam age from the recent cold, the freezing temperatures occurring in the north ern Rocky mountain districts having extended as far eastward as the west ern portions of Dakota and northwest Nebraska on the 14th and 15tth, but with the exception of the Dakotas no serious injury has resulted. BRAINED WHILE SOUND ASLEEP. Triple Murder Committed Near Red Cloud by Unknown Fiend. RED CLOUD.—Mrs. Elsa Payne, her daughter, Mrs. Ada Williamson, and her granddaughter were murdered Tuesday night at their borne, fourteen miles south of this city, in Kansas. The bodies of the old lady and the child were found in bed. Mrs. Wil liamson had been dragged from th« house through a wire fence, which tore off some of her night clothes. Her body was found In a draw, with Indications of an attempted outrage.' Her head was beaten almost beyond recognition. Indications are that the murderer used the beam of a corn cultivator to kill his victims. A beam that had been broken had been in tbe barn sev eral weeks. It was found In the ravine near the body of Mrs. Williamson, covered with blood. A close examina tion of this beam disclosed that mix ed In with the blood were gray, brown and black hairs. SEARCHING FOR X MURDERER. Sheriff of Webster County Out on the Trail. INAVALE, Neb.—The sheriff of Webster county is here with a posso of thirteen men searching for the murderer of Mrs. Payne, her daughter and granddaughter, at their home near Red Cloud last night. A man resem bling Thomas Madison was seen here Just before the arrival Af the sheriff. He went to a corn field south of town and has not been seen since. While there is no proof that Madi son killed the women, if found he will be held, pending an investigation, or at least until after tbe inquest is held by the coroner. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S NARROW ESCAPE. No one better than President Roose velt realise* how n«ar he was to death at the hands of a erased would-be as sassin when, attracted by the noise of a disturbance In the grounds sur rounding Sagamore Hill, Mr. Rouse At the aame tine two men, who hare not yet been captured or Men tided. were prowling about the ground*, while the president was left entirely unguarded In his house, alt the secret service men having hurried Diagram Showing How Close the Would-Be Aseasein Got to President Roosevelt. veil stepped out to ttie porcn. lAts* than one hundred feet away in & buggy stood Henry Wellbrenner, a young farmer of Syoaaett, L. f„ with a revolver aimed directly at the presi dent as he stood silhouetted by the light from his library. W'lthln a frac tion of a second a bullet would have been sped on its way had not the maniac's revolver been knocked from his hands by a secret service agent. i to me spot wnere weiiDrennar wan overpowered. Apparently these strangers were scared away. The diagram shows the road by which Wellbrenner drove to the preBt den't house, the spot where Mr. Roosevelt was standing, and the posi tion of Wellbrenner when 3eiced by the secret service agent. THEIR WORK DONE IRRIGATION CONGRESS IS NOW OF THE PAST. CHANCE OF CERTAIN LAND LAWS The Great Fight of the Seaaion Comes Upon Report of the Committee on Resolutlona—Delegates Finally Get Together. OGDEN. Utah.—The eleventh Na tional Irrigation congress came to an end Friday afternoon. It re-elected Senator W. A. Clark of Montana pres ident and decided to hold the congress of 1904 In El Paso. It adopted a plat form which requested congress to make needed modifications of the ex isting land laws in order that spec ulation and monopoly of public domain be prevented. The great fight of the congress came up when the report of the committee on reaolutions was made. Over the adoption or rejection of the clauses the majority report re questing that congress repeal the desert land act, and Umber and stone act and the commutation clause of the homestead act occurred a debate of four hours’ duration, exceedingly bitter at times and participated in by some of the most prominent men in the work of irrigation. i lif1 opposition to the isauonai ir rlgatlon cotigress committing itself In any such manner was led by former Senator Carey of Wyoming, Congress man Mondell of Wyoming and former Congressman Sbafroth of Colorado, and when a substitute for these pro visions of the majority report was of fererd by Congressman Needham of California, simply requesting congress to modify the laud laws, the whole strength of the opposition was thrown in its favor. The result is regarded by them as & decided victory, in that the national body of lrrfgatfonlslB did not come out In direct opposition to the laws they so strongly defended. The debate was prolonged until evening, and although a number of in teresting papers were to have been presented by bureau chiefs of the de partment of agriculture, the congress, tired out by the long, and at times' acrimonious, discussion, adjourned without listening to them. El Paso wont its picturesque fight for next year's congress on the first ballot. A desperate effort was made by the northern stales to bring the honor to Boise, but it was unsuccess ful. It was apparent that the desire :o go to Portland. Ore., in 1905 had much to do with the action in giving the honor for 1904 to the southwest. Many delegates left for their homes Friday. Several hundred will go on »n excursion through Cache Valley, /iewing the state agricultural school it Logan and the great irrigation works of the Bear river valley. Fully half our earthly trouble is the result of catling things by another uame. % OUR ARID ACRES. Irrigation Congreaa Considers Colo nization Scheme. OGDEN, Utah—It developed Wed nesday that the fight over the prop osition to commit the nationat irriga tion congress in favor of a repeal of several of the extinguished land laws, including the desert land act, the tim ber and the commutation clause of the homestead act, will he a very close one. Champions both for and against such action were heard at the ssssion of the congress. George H. Maxwell df the executive commit tee and Senatorvf'aria Gibson of Mon tana favoring such action, while Con gressman Mondall, in a lengthy speech, took strong grounds against such repeal. It was evident from the feeling dis played that if the congress does rec ommend the repeal of these laws, and: it is the belief that the committea on resolutions will report favorably, that it will only be after a hard fight. Interest in the possible action Of the congress on this point, in fact, over shadows everything else that has come before it. Wednesday was a day of hard work for the delegates. Resides listening to half a dozen interesting speeches, numerous resolutions were Introduced and referred to the resolutions com mittee, of which Senator Smoot of Utah has been elected chairman. Ac tion on the long considered consolida tion with the Trans-Mississippi con , gross was also taken. The committee, through Its chair man, Senator Carey of Wyoming, re ported against such action on tho ground that the time had now come tor such action and the Irrigation congress would best preserve its Indi viduality in ihe work it aet out to do. The report was adopted. The morning session of the con gress was devoted to colonization ami the opinions of railroad n en and so cialists on the best methods of set tling the arid region with a desirable class of farmers and small stockmen; were listened to with much interest. The feature of the morning session was the speech of Commander Booth Tucker of the Salvation army, who gave a very complete description of ! the methods pursued by the Salvation army colonies of California and Col orado in settling them with people from the tenement districts o7 the east. The commander made a plea for government aid for the great coloniza tion projects of the Salvation army, to be under the control of the secre : tary of agriculture. All of the speak ers urged more complete co-operation j between states, land owners and rail 1 roads in the general scheme of colo nization, without which, they claimed, | the scheme of irrigation would he of no value. Aerography on Battleship. WASHINGTON. D- C.—Rear Ad miral Barker, commaader-in-chief of the North Atlantic fleet., has lecora mended the equipment of aU the bat tleships and large cruisers of tfea navy with wireless telegraph apparatus