GRATEFUL, HAPPY WOMEN Mis* Muriel Armitage. THANK PE-RU-NA FOR THEIR RECOVERY AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING. Miss Muriel Armitage, 3<5 Greenwood Ave , Detroit, Mich., District Organizer of the Royal Templar* of Temperance, in a recent letter, says : " I think that a woman naturally shrinks from making he- troubles public, bat restored health has meant so much to me that I feel for the sake of other suffering women it is iry duty to tell what Peruna has done fo» me. “ I suftered for five yearn with uterine irregularities, which brought on hysteria and made me a physical wreck. I tried doctors from the different schools of medicine, but without any parceptible change in mv condition. In my despair I called on an old nurse, who advised me to try Peruna, and promised good re sults if I would persist and take it reg ularly. I thought this was the least I could do and procured a bottle. I knew as soon as I began taking it that it was affecting me differently from anything 1 had used before, and so I kept on tak ing it. I kept this up for six months, and steadily gained strength and health, and when I had used fifteen bottles 1 considered myself entirely cured. I am a grateful, happy woman to-day.”— Miss Muriel Armitage. - -»• Peruna cures catarrh of the pelvic organs with the same surety as it cures catarrh of the head. Peruna has be come renowned as a positive cure for female ailments simply because the ail ments are mostly due to catarrh. Ca tania is the cause of the trouble. Peruna cures the catarrh. The symp toms disappear. Female Weakness is Pelvic Catarrh. Always Half Sick are the Wome:t Who Have Pelvic Catarrh. Catarrh of any organ, if allowed to pro gress, will affect the whole body. Catarrh without nervousness is very rare, but pelvic catarrh and nervousness go hand in hand. What is so distressing a sight as a poor half-sick, nervous woman, suffering from tne many almost unbearable symptoms of pelvic catarrh ? She does not consider herself ill enough to go to bed, but she is far from being able to do her work without the greatest exhaustion. This is a very common sight and is almost always due to pelvic catarrh. It is worse than foolish for so many women to suffer year after with a disease that can be permanently cured. Peruna cures catarrh permanently. It cures old chronic cases as well as a slight attack, the only difference being in the length of time that it should take to effect a cure. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from tho use of Peruna; write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case, and ho will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. rftTCffESTBR RIFLE ®. PISTOL CARTRIDGES. “ It’s the shots that hit that count. ” Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit, that is, they shoot accurately and strike a good, hard, pene trating blow. This is the kind of cartridges you will get, if you insist on having the time-tried Winchester make. ALL. DEALERS SELL WINCHESTER MAKE OF CARTRIDGES. LAST MOUNTAIN VALLEY LANDS ASSINIBOIA, CANADA. The Garden of the Northwest. The wheat crop this year will average 30 bus. per acre. Good Water. Ample Fuel. Good Hoads. Land in this favored district may be bought for S7.00 to $8.00 per acre. 23 TOWN3HIPS TO SELECT FROM Buy direct from the owners. Why pay agent's commission ? We prefer to deAl direct w ith purchasers. Write to us for particulars. WM. PEARSON & CO.f 383 MAIN ST., WINNIPEG, CANADA. We would teach the lady who buy*. Lesson number ona. Starch is an extraction of wheat used to itif* fen clothes when |lanndere OILED CLOTRING ( haw m toxn we rruxm) WILL COVER YOU 10* AND Ktff YOU PRY IN r*£L TUWITTHT WEMWt tLi*’*"*"* A.J.TOWW <0. BOSTON. MASS, USA. TOWM CANADIAN COulUM. TODONTO.CAH ON SALE CVKYWIME. TAM NO SVDSTITUTVV Millions of U.M.C. Shot Shells are sold each year. They are made In the largest cartridge factory In the world. The UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE GO. ■ RIDaCPOnT. CONN. Voar4taler sella them. Ila them. Catalog seat For the Individual 1796 5 1872 5 1952 t WHERE OTHERS GIVE UP IS JUST WHERE WE GET OUR J* SECOND BREATH. THIS ACCURACY REVIEW DEPARTMENT is for co-operation In information to reduce mutually expensive mittakrt. Jl it for mechan ical, commercial anil profettional people; the employer, employe and customer; a,vl contittt of extracts taken by permission from the copy righted letter!, t/Ulecture!, notebooke andhhrariet of Dr. Karl SI. Pratt. H7i»i you eecure on any subject an idea personally useful to you, and you with to give it to him, adiirete him in care of The John i’rerar Library. Wart hail Field iluilding, Chicago, lie it hunting the whole world over for Information of every day uee to yo\:, and he regrete his inabi'ity, personalty to reply to contributors. So far at poeeible he withet to hate in thie space the very ideas you would l‘Ko i to find here. Yon are at liberty to tend him ; any suggestion you may care to. Hie Arcade Index libraries were started in 1ST! and now con-, tain unpublished in formation dating back to 17M with systematic plans extending to 19S2. Your short story of some example of forethought de posited in the Arcade Index collection may prove to Is your best monument. Dead Stock Possibilities Saturday morning 1 had a 10 a. m. appointment with a Chicago man and iie had telephoned that he would be an hour late. After debating in my jnind and waiting twenty minutes I decided to borrow paper and find a idesk and start this subject. After writing a few words a man came In and laid a package on the desk and be ■gan talking with a man at a nearby desk. Thinking he used the desk 1 was at I left it and again sat down on the eallers' couch by the elevator door and before I had written a jninute there, my 10 a. m. man walked i n at 10:25. Now. I had reasoned that as he had been de tained beyond 10 a. m. he might be released before 11a. m.. and he was. When he came in he politely explained and as he had a man with him he said he would see me in a moment. Soon he came out and invited me into his office, saying that he could give me a half hour. It took us about fifteen minutes to advance our subject a step and make another appointment for 10 a. m. Jncpday. I got thero seven minutes late that morning, and he was much later, but 1 got at this letter again. Now po liteness pays. Had I been indifferent to the man who put the bundle on the desk Saturday morning I would not have seen my man when he came in. Inquiry pays also, because just now by more thorough inquiry than I made on coming in, I find my man is sick at his home and not likely to he down this a. m. Waiting time is “dead stock” time and it pays to be able to Invest it by thinking or writing. The skillful handling of irritating things produces pearls—even an oyster knows that. A foundry salesman on the road told me if he had to wait two or three days to see his man he got so rattled that he seldom sold any thing in that town that trip. If he had studied how to use his time aright while he waited he might have made an extra good sale. While speaking to some men at the Ravenswood asso ciation I asked the secretary if he had any cards which were printed on only one side and which he intended to throw away. He said yes. and got a bundle for me. I passed them out to the men, explaining that the cards were known as “dead stock” in the stock room and that we could bring them to life, and as I talked to them I wanted tncm to write some thought or question on the back of the cards for my work. Then I collected the cards and secured some informt.tion personally useful to me. I have res cued a strong catalogue from the waste basket and turned it into a *25 scrap-book. All of us see, hear, read and think of things every day woich ire worth saving and exchanging with other people. There is such a thing as ‘dead stock” ideas, latent or idle in vour head, note book, or in bundles )f papers and magazines which you frequently throw away and it is an occasional rescue of such a one you ire Invited to make for your continued growth, tue benefit of others and the iuccoss of The Arcade Index which Is an index to indices—a continually frowing. unpublished guide to the most reliable sources of up-to-date nformation on any personal, meohan cal, industrial, commercial and pro etsional subject. Desirable L»onubs« rlbed in my |treieato, thin 6th day of December. A. I>. »—*—*! A. W. GLKA80XT, yotary PubUG, Heir* Catarrh Cure 1« taken Internally, and acta directly o:i the t» ootl and mucous surfaces of tho tysteru. Send for t *k» *rfree. v. .1. rofosr'c Adkln will se« " Add-os. p-of-«sor Thomas f. Adkln. offle* 327. Rochester, N. T„ U. S. *