The chicken looks Ilk# a benevolent •ye upon the amateur gardner. Children are won by randy, women by bonnets, men by schemes. ton never bear any one complatn about "Defiance Starch." There ta none to equal It In quality and quan tity, 1C ounces. 10 cents. Try It now and save your money. It Is more blessed to give than to have to pay for your own gifts. The voice of a mob reaches into tha marrow. GREATLY REDUCED RATES Via WADA3H RAILROAD. Home Visitors’ Excursion to points In Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, sold Sept. 1st. 8th, 15th and Oct. Otli. at very low rate, long limit returning. HALF FARE raltlmo-e, Md„ and return sold Sept. 17th, 18th aDd 19th. Little Rock, Ark., ami return sold Oct. 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Detroit, Mich., and return 3old Oct. 14th, 16th, lGth and 17th. Homeseekers' Excursion to many points South and Southeast, one way and round trip tickets sold the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The Wabash is thp only line pass ing the World's Fair Grounds, gtving ail a view of the buildings and grounds. Through connections. No bus transfer this route. Elegant equipment consisting of sleepers. FREE reclining chair cars und high hack coaches, on ail trains. Ask ycur a^ent to route you via the Wabash. For rates, folders and all Information, call at Wabash City offlee, ICO! Farnam street or address HARRY E. MOORES, Gcnl. Agt. Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb. To Visit All the Capitals. Jpan A. (’rone, a newspaper man of Augusta. Me., who Is to visit every state capital in the United States, cov- I erin ga distance of over 21.009 miles 1 lr.Ei.le of three years and six months. Is nearing Lansing. Mich ..having al- I rea l” covered 2,194 miles since April J 1 He is making the journey on a wager of $6,000 ami is walking the ; entire distance, pushing a wheelbar row-shaped contrivance which he calls a trolyette, which contains his cloth ing, Bleeping tent, food, etc. If yon wihh beautiful, clear, white clothes ns« Hoi Cross Hall Blue. Large 2 os. package, & ceuts. Five Kings at a Wedding. At least five sovereigns will attend the marriage of F'rince Andrew of Greece and Pilneoss Alice of Batten berg. The czar. Emperor William. King Edward, King Christian and j King George have promised to at tend the ceremony. Try me just once ana I am sure to come again. Defiance Starch. A baby’s first attempt to walk is a trial balance. PI»o'» Cure'.« the best mrdleln* w« ever used for all alTeeUou* of the throat anil lung*. -Wa O. K.vusi.kt, Vanburen, tod.. Feb. to, 1000. Wine Testing by Telephone. Wine testing by telephone Is the lat est contrivance of a Paris Inventor Unscrupulous venders will not blame TO. Maneuvrier. assistant director ol 'be laboratory of researches of the Paris faculty of sciences. He has just discovered an Infallible method of as certaining by the uso of the telephone how much a given quantity Ci wine has been watered. The principle on which the Invention rests is the variable con ductivity oi different liquids, notahly ; of wine and water. The aparatus works as follows: Two vessels, one containing wine known to be pure, the other the same quantity of the wine to be tested, are placed on an Instru ment outwardly resembling a pair of scales. The telephone Is i:i contact with both liquids. If the sample ol wine utjder observation Is a3 pure as T».e standard lued for comparison nc sound Is heard; if. on the coutrary, it contains water, the telltale telephone "speakH, and the greater the propor tion of water the louder the instru ment complains. A dial on which a number of figures are marked is con nected with the telephone. To ascer tain the proportion of water in the wine tested, the operator moves a hand on the dial until the telephone, which has been "speaking" all this time, lapses Into silence. The hand has thu3 been brought to a certain figure on the dial. Thiis number Is then looked up in a chart which the ingenious and painstaking Inventoi has drawn up, and corresponding to it Is found Indicated the exact propor tion of water contained in the quan tity of wine. DOCTOR SAID “Quit Wrong Food and Eat Craps Nuts.” An Illinoisan who has boon through tho mill nays: "Last Spring I was so bad with Indigestion I could not. digest even soft cooked eggs and doctor said I must eat predigested food and pre scribed Grape Nuts. I changed for the better before I bad used one package, eating it throe tidies a day. "AJy improvement on Grape-Nuts food was so wonderful that I con cluded to use your food drink Postum In place or tea and to make a long story short 1 have not been without Grape-Nuts and Postum since and my present health proves my doctor's wisdom In prescribing Grape-Nuts. 1 have got strong as a horse and well and I owe It all to your delicious food and Postum.'' Name given by Pos tum Co.. Hattie Creek, Mich. In the making of Grajie-Nuts food all the Indigestible starches of the grain are transformed into Post sugar. Every partlclo of Grape-Nuts is digest ible in tho weakest stomach. Physi cians have never found a stomach too weak to digest and assimilate It I.ook in each package for a copy ol the famous little >ook, "The Road to WeJIrille.” the: old, old story Up anchored fast his Ashlng-bont. Hp made a cushion of his coat. And sat anil watched his bobber float From early morn till night. At hour on hour thus Idly spent Tn slow succession came and went, He passed the time In sweet content While waiting for a bite. When shadows bade bim fish no more. He piled the limy, dripping oar And sought a lad upon the shore. His string of bass to buy. Next morning in the busy mart He told a tale all knew by heart. Yet told It with such Wondrous art None knew the old. old lie. —Brooklyn Kagl*. A LITERARY EPISODE Ilf LENA MARY KVANH. Copyrighted. 190.1. by The Authors Publishing Company hand: “Head, and you will find your answer." Word for word, their conversation stared him in the face, only his name was absent. The answer of the hero ine, for a moment, banished all hope. He read: "I cannot. Literary fire, eventually, would destroy our happiness. I must be true to my calling. You see ne cessity just now required literary material, and my love for my career has overpowered the love I had for you, so far, that 1 have submitted to the public eye that which should have been sacred." He returned the sheets, and she placed them in an envelope. “Thanks for your timely aid," and she impulsively extended her hand. He grasped it firmly, as with a smile be remashed: "Thl3 ending will not please. Do you think so?” With out giving her time to reply, he con tinued: "The majority of the reading community prefers stories which end with the marriage of the heroine and hero." His eye held hers until the love light kindlod in her glance. "Let me show you how to conclude the story," he said. "Look upon me as a figure needed as literary food Come; it will take but a moment; one short act of drama of life!” He was masterful, and an irresist ible power made her lips meet his. I Her will became subservient as he lolded her In his arms. “Choose,” he said, with command in his voice, “shall It be love or lit erature?” "Love,” she whispered. “Is this answer merely for the ben efit of the story, or am 1 to hold it in reality as a sacred promise to be my wife?" She whispered tremulously: "Love has gained. I will be your wife." A glow of satisfaction lit his life and he said—holding her at arms' length to admire her exquisite beauty: “I will always teach you how to write your love scenes.” WILD CREATURES DIE OUT. Dwindling of Spec'ss Something Be yond Our Control. Attempts at the reintrodnotion of any wild creature that has become ex tinct very seldom meet with success. "We are afraid." says Loudon Coun try Life, "that the efforts made by the late laird Lilford, Lord Walsing ham and others to reintroduce the great bustard Into Suffolk have met with the usual fate. Sixteen birds were turned loose in 1900 and now only one pair remain and. unfor tunately. their domestic arrangements succeeded as badly this year as they did last, the eggs laid being infertile. It is worthy of note that the nests this season and last season were both placed in the field where the last great bustard nested sixty years ago. before the bird disappeared from Suf folk. The history of the experiment goes tar to show that the dwindling of a species is generally due to causes over which ruau has no con trol. There are cases, such as that of the bittern, where one can under stand that extinction has been due tc such causes as the drainage of the moss and mire, but there are others for which no explanation is given. For example, why should the kite, once the commonest of London birds, now be esteemed a rare visitor? Or why should the red-legged chough have almost vanished, while the jack daw and the rook are even as the sea sand for multitude?" Evening Hymn. To the sound of evening bells All that lives to rest repairs. Birds unto their leafy dells, Beasts unto their forest lairs. All things wear a home-bound look, From the weary hind that plods Through the cornfields, to the roof Sailing towards the glimmering woods ’Tis the time with power to bring Tearful memories of home To the sailor wandering On the far-off barren foam. What a still and holy time! Yonder glowing sunset seems Like the pathway to a clime Only seen till now in dreams. Pilgrim' here compelled to roam. Nor allowed that path to tread: Now. when sweetest sense of home On nil living hearts Is shed. Doth not yearning sad, sublime. At this season stir thy breast. That thou oanst not at this time Seek thy home and happy rest? —Richard Chenevlx Trench. Horse Dies of Broken Heart. A horse owned by John Dillon o Holyoke and known an the “Old Wald horse." dropped dead in the stable the Other day. after over thirty years of continuous service. Just a few mo ments before bis death the old horse, which had been recently moved to new quarters in the stable, broke his hatter and went back into the old berth rvhicn he had occupied for several years. Fall in Birth Rate. The best calculation that can be shows that the average number of children in the white native family a century ago in the United States war. more than six; in 183d it had fallen to less than five: in 18(50 to less than four; in 1872 to less than three; in 1900, among the "upper classes” in Boston, to less than two. World’s Marriage Statistics. Marriages average 3,000 a day in the whole world. Of 1.000 men who marry 3:72 marry younger women, 570 marry woman of the same age and ninety night older women. Indians in the Ministry. in the Dakota presbytery composed entirely of Indians, there are twenty seven churches and 1,458 communi cants. ministered to by fifteen India* preachers. UNAKE FOOLED ITS TORMENTOR ' Story of Intelligent Reptile That Needs Verification. The naturalist, Joun Burroughs, is opposed to nature books that treat oi animals too imaginatively—that im pute to animals sentiments of love, pity, tenderness and refinement which mankind has no way of proving that they possess. ‘‘Sometimes, in reading one of these fictitious nature stories—stories that | many persons believe to be true—I am : reminded,” Mr. Burroughs said one I day, "of the story of the intelligent, I copperhead. This story is quite a: I true as many that are implicitly cred ited. ' According to it, there was a man who had the habit of teasing copper heads. ITe would find a copperhead's hole, and then he would wait beside it till the snake returned—till it had got ten so far into the hole that only the end of the tall protruded. This he would seize, and with a quick move ment he would throw the snake twen ty or thirty feet away. When the snake returned to its hole the opera tion was repeated, and so on until the joker was weary. "One day the man did this to a cop perhead cf unusual intelligence. The snake, on alighting the first time, did not make for its hole again immediate ly, as the others had always done; but it lay stir, and regarded its tormentor, thinking. Then, very slowly, it ap proached the hole, turned round, and entered backwards—entered tail first —sneering slightly at the man whom it had thus duped.”—Detroit News Tribune. HAD THE EEDT OF IT. Teetotal Friend Was Dead, but He Still Lived. He was an elderly man. very disrep utable in appearance, and showing all the sign3 of having been on a spree. His niece, whom he had not seen for some years, had come across him on Twenty-eighth street quite by accident and had taken him home and given him “a square meal.” He expressed his thanks and they sat for some time talking about the people they both knew and what had become of them. The niece, who was married, was in clined to resent the waywardness of this particular member of her family, and at last cave expression to her thoughts. ' "Jini,” she said, severely, “why don’t you turn over a new leaf and be a man? Why. If it hadn’t been for drink you’d be worth a lot of money now. Yon've had lots of opportunities, but drink always kept you poor. And now look what you are.” He looked at her a minute or so in sIIodcp There was a resentful gleam in hi;, eye that was half pitying. “Umphi” he murmured. Then, af ter a pane#: ‘ Sue, your father was a teetotaler, wasn't he?” “Yes.” “Well, he’s dead. I’m not!”—New York Times. Bluff Seaman Inspires Pastor. From a primitive village in Hong Island comes the story of a congre gation whose pastor was debarred from preaching to them because ol illness. To fill his place one Sunday there came a newly ordained minis ter. who had never had a chance be fore to preach. He was nervous, and as he ascended the pulpit stairs his knees smote together. The sexton, a bluff old reitred sea captain, was sorry for the youth and, leaning for ward, he said in hoarse whisper: "If you know this congregation as well as I do. you wouldn't care a cuss for the whole of them!” A calm settled upon the preacher's nervous system, for the ancient mar iner had spoken a word in due sea son. A Useful Wife. Prof. I.add, the psychologist, of Yale university, having had trouble with ills eyes, went to a-n oculist, who asked him what ho had been do ing to get himself in such a state. ”1 have been looking at the sun to note the effect of the rays on the human brain,” said the professor. “But you will destroy your sight if you keep that up,” the doctor warned him. Sk; months later the professor had .his eyes examined again. The oculist declared thorn to bo ell right, and asked him bow be managed his ex periments with the sun's rays. Prof. Ladd said: “Oh, I have ray wife look at the sun for me now.”— New York Times. Poppies. These be the sunset flowers Apollo, the port, doth paint; Scarlet and ruby showers. And shimmer of amber faint; These to the Hebenn hours Are Bohemian chalices paint. Slumbrous In three cool bowers We. the Utopians, dream: Rejoicing In Nature's dowers, This be our song and our themai Laugh when Fortune’s brow lowers. And quaff from these goblet* thul glca m. Hold high these chalices gemmed, Pledge we the dryads and fays; Flora, the queen, diademed. Ruleth the Hours and the Days; We, nt her feet, flower-hemmed. And loyalty give and our praise. An Unceasing War. Few people know that an almost continual state of warfare exists in this country, the incidents of which remain unchronicled by the general press. Few weeks pass down on the banks of the Rio Grande, which sepa rates the United States from Mexico, without some battle between smug glers or bands of cattle thieves and the men of the ranger service, in which the Mexican troops sometimes * co-operate with Uncle Sam's. I The castle that % never stormed ' will surely stand. Eeflanre Starch is put up 16 ounce* in a package. It) cents. Oc» third more starch for the same money. Some men kill their friends by swords; others by words. ^ ARE YOCB CLOTHES FADED? T7so Red Cross Ball Blue and make them white again. Large 2 os. package, 5 cents. "Fools go in crowds"; man loves companionship. --—-—- t+7 Mrs. Winslows ror csiidreu teettilni?, «oi lamnmt! ,>n, Ml*'* pain, m It is the friction of life that polishes up its rough edges. To Cure n Cord In one day. fake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund money if it fuils to cure. 2ic, A ten cent argument often ends in a $10 quarrel. MANY CHILDREN ARE SICKLY. Mother Gray’3 Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mothr*- Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, cure Summer Complaint, Feverishness, Headache,Stomach Troubles, Teething Disordets and Destroy Worms. At all Druggists', 25c. Sample mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, J.e Roy, N. Y. The boy of twelve who doesn’t know more than his father, needs attention. The shield of faith was not meant t< protect the ccnsclence. ^ootnvng Fyrnn. t'-m ttm trum*. reduce* !* rr* »led colic, ascabottle. Try One Package. If "Defiance Starch" does not please you, return It to your dealer. If It does you get one-third more for the same money. It will give you satisfaction, and will not stick to the iron. A woman is rarely jealous of an elderly spouse—and yet! All the world's a stage, but many of the actors are only understudies. Often they who try to uproot Chris tianity only shako down its fruits. It’s no sign that stocks are feverish because they absorb water freely. The Popular Fad of "Munching.” One of the popular fads in Newport at present is "munching," which means merely eating very slowly. Munching is one of the numerous pre ventives of growing avoirdupois, and as it has the recognition of King Ed ward it is naturally regarded with much favor in Newport. The theory is that every particle of food must lie chewed slowly and carefully until no solid material remains to be swal lowed. Slow eating i3 merely carried to an extreme by the new treatment. All Loudon society, threatened with too much flesh Is said to be chewing very long and very thoroughly and American converts to the system are already numerous. Its effect is said to be noticeable at dinners, which have come to be known as munching parties and are much less vivacious than they were when eating and drinking went on rapluly. Persons who eat slowly also eat much less than those who eat rapidly. An Old Soldier’s Experience. Dennard. Ark., Sept. 7th. Mr. E. J. Hicks, merchant of this place, haa written for publication, an account of a personal experience, which is very interesting. ‘1 am an old Federal soldier,” writes Mr. Hicks, "and shortly after the close of the war I was taken sick. I had aches and pains all over me, fluttering of the heart and stomach trouble. I Just simply was never a moment without pain. I could not sleep at night, and I was always tired and tearfully weak. “I toon medicine all the time, but for a long time I was more dead than alive. Altogether I sufforod for over twenty years, and I believe I would have been suffering yet, or in my grave, if 1 had not read of Dodd's Kid ney Pills. "I got an almanac which told me of this remedy, and I bought some of it. 1 started with three pills a day, but increase 1 the dose to six pills a day. I had not used many till m> pains be gan to disappear. I kept on and now I can sleep and eat a3 well as ever 1 could, and i feel like a new man, with no pains or aches left. "I will always recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills, for they are a wonderful remedy." Much of our happiness depends upon the amount of affection we are ca pable of Inspiring. [Pommel slickers KEEPTHE RIDER DRY Ruin can't g't at tClothlnf. occupations. I genuine. [your d«a l«r t Kc*p them, writ# fur catalogue H. 9. Sawyar Jh Hon, Sola_ Kaal (ambrMf*. Baa*, BROMO SELTZER CURES ALL Headaches 10 CENTS-EVERYWHERE Her sanctum bespoke the literary | woman. With pen poised in hand she sat courting inspiration; but the power to attract its influence seemed to have drifted away. Again and again she plead for just a slight touch to awaken sleeping imagination to assist in writing the story she must send in at 5 o'clock. With doleful ; countenance she looked at the clean sheet of paper spread invitingly be fore her, and awaited suggestion: 1 ' This is the practical side of the literary career for which I sighed.” Her eyes wandered to the broad patches of sunlight, which came in through the open window, lighting up with vivid gold the hunch of roses, in a vase on her desk. She gathered the flowers in her hand and buried her fare amid their yellow petals. “Ah.” she said with a sigh, “my supplication is disregarded,” and she replaced them in the vase. The pine-laden air rannert her cheeks, and she invoked the Sylvans, but they answered her not. At sixteen literary anticipation had placed upon her a pinnacle. Now she acklowledged herself the victim of conceit. She glanced at the clock, saw the hands were gliding on towards three. The door opened, and a gentleman entered. He said, extending his hand: "I knew you would forgive my en tering unannounced. I knocked, and receiving no answer took the privlege ot an old friend.” “When did you return?" she asked, thinking of the incomplete story. “This morning,” he replied, taking a seat by her side. Her heart sank. Evidently he had settled himself for n visit. She watched the clock; the minutes were flying. “Do you still believe that literary women should not marry?” he asked. “Yes,” came in hesitating tones. Then hope kindled a spark, and she added, with animation. "They are not suited to domestic life.” “Why?" he asked, thinking how in teresting she was. "Because they cannot descend to the matter-of-fact ways of married life." She glanced at the blank sheet be fore her; then at him. Her eyes sparkled; there was an expectant look on her face. “You think more of literature than of love?" and he endeavored to still the regret in her heart. "No; it is because 1 place love upon r throne worthy of an undivided wor ship, which a literary career will not permit." Beading glowing eyes upon her, he ea'd passionately: "I would be satis fled to divide.” “You say so now, because, per haps. you are iu love, but love allows * u Her sanctum bespoke tbe literary woman. eo interference. Literary women are ever on the ulert for material, and I fear a husband’s love would soon weaken for want of attention. Mr. Ainsworth, a woman must give up a literary career if she desires to be coira a wife." "If she loved sincerely she would be more than willing to make the sac rlfice,’’ and he cuostionetl her with a glance. “If she can make the sacrifice, a literary career is not her vocation." she spoke with emotion. Just one hour remained to write the story. In spiration had answered, but courtesy demanded delay. What should she do? Would he never go? The situa tion was provoking. He leaned near and tried to clasp her hand, but the sharp point of the pen pricked his palm, and he hur “Love has gained. I will be your wife." riedly withdrew. The contact of her fingers thrilled him. and he longed to tell her what was in his hpart. Literary ambition incited her in tellect. Her penholder demanded at tention. “What will compensate you for this offering you place upon the altar of literature? You are giving up the best part of your life. Tell mo what xeturn you expect?” “Lame,'' and she reached out as If to draw the paper nearer. “An empty bauble at the mercy of fickleness. The world will bestow it upon you for a little while, until your novelty is eclipsed by a later favor ite; then will snatch the bauble, and leave you alone and ‘‘forgotten. Tell me. will this satisfy you? Will you not be miserable?" “Shakespeare gained this empty i bauble, as you call it. and not only retained it while living but after death. The world at large has en circled his name with an aureole which will shine forever.” He smiled; she had a high opinion of her literary ability. “He was one of the fortunates. Will your name ever rank with his? You will still crave adulation. There 1 will ever be an unsatisfied desire, and you will have spent your youth vain ly grasping after fame. Ambition has been your aim; you have not taken time to consider your lonely hearth. Now the praise is yours, what is left? Nothing Gradually you view flie teality—an empty heart and cheerless home. Tell me. can you bear this?” She was contemplating him earnest ly, as he added: “I nnj going to ask yon the same question 1 put two years ago.” The click of the clock startled her, and she cried excitedly: “Oh, Just wait twenty minute3.” In wonder he watched her. as she wrote rapidly. Apparently she had forgotten his presence. He feasted his eyes upon her bow ed head with its wealth of golden hair, as sh^et after sheet was covered by dainty writing. At last, with countenance ail alight, she faced him. "I must send this story in at 5 p. m. The clock warned me lhat I had screcely time to write it. You see I waived all ceremony,” and she flashed the splendor of her glaneo upon him. ‘T thank yon for allowing me to re main while you performed the task.” ' lie took her hand, and she let her i lingers close around his. Her eyes i v/ere warm with gratitude; his with ; love, as he said: “May 1 ask you a question?” “Yes,” she murmured. ”Do you love me well enough to give up your literary career and be come my wife?" She hesitated and a shadow of re I gret settled on her face, as she saftl, { placing the written sheets In his