The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THIS COUNTY 8* AT. GKO. K. BENSCHDTKR, Editor and Publisher TERMS:—$1.00 PBH TEAR. IP PAID IN ADVANC1 Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans, mission through the mails as second class matter. Republican State Ticket For Supreme Judge, JOHN B. BARNES, of Madison. For University Regents, W. (L WHITMORE, of Douglas; C. S. ALLEN, of Lancaster. COUNTY ticket G. H. Gibson, Clerk. Geo. Holmes, Treasurer. L. A. Williams, Sheriff. Lewis Omky, Superintendent. IIobt. P. Starr, Judge. Geo. W. Hunter. Coroner. Walter Moon, Surveyor. Claussen, Assessor. HOSTETLER FOR JUDGE SIXTEEN HUNDRED AND TWELVE BALLOTS TAKEN. The long deadlock in the Twelfth Judicial District republican conven tion held ut Grand Island was broken about 2 o’clock Tuesday atternoon when Dawson county g ive four of her votes to 13. O. Hostetler of Buffalo county, thereby making it possible for Sherman, with her little six votes to decide the contest. Ac the final break custer gave 10 votes to Wall and Daw son. with her balance of power, was drifting to Hostetler. The convention, though one of the closest contested of any that lias ever been held In the state, was attended with the best of friendly feeling of both candidates and deligates to the last. From Onr Boys in ttie Navy Charley Gibson and Hid Taylor Write Home.—Their ship llu* Best Kecor4. — Proud of the Victory. Chee Foo, China, July 29 1903. Editor Northwestern. As I have time I thought I would drop you a few lines and tell you of our doings away out in this no man's country. Well, we left Bremerton, Wash ington May 15, for Honolulu where we arrived on May 24, and coaled ship. We went up to and alongside iof the goverment pier. It is cast jomary for the large man-of-war that Jdraw 27 foot of water under way, to I lay about a mile outside, but our cap ) tian aud admiral decided to go in so / we did and was the largest man-of war that ever went in there. Honolulu is a very nice place. It lookB like a regular park. The street are lined on both sides with tall trees. It still has the King and Queens castle We could not get in the Kings castle because it is used for the U. S. officials. The ships company shoveled on something like 1,100 tons of coal in about twelve hours. We left then for Yokohoma, Japan, on July 30, having arrived there June the 14. We had a fine trip over, except the last day or two. We thought we were going to run into one of those Aregons storms or typhican and we made four knots an hour, a little over four miles. We come to Yokohoma on a line day. It is a very nice place. The natives can talx pretty good English. Things are awful cheap there. The navy hospital is situated on a high hill overlooking the bay. It is finely fitted and has the best of doctors. There has been only two Blue Jack ets die since the building was built. Well, we left Yokohoma for Chee Foo China, June 27, and we got to Kobe the next day where we laid over for three days. We got shore liberty in Kobe. It is a better sit uated place than Yokohoma. It if cleaner and its people are more I civilized. The streets are theregulai width of those in the states. We left Kobe June 30 by way of inlant sea. It is a very bad place to gc through and we had to have a pilot all the way. It is so narrow ir some places that one could throw s rock ashore. We passed the wreck of Mougau city, a U. S. Transpor and also a good many small steam ers and towns, and more beautifu scenery 1 never saw. It was ceraio ly grand and we were on deck nearli all the time. We hail a pleasant trip from there to Chee Fooand when we got there found eleven other man of war ships. They were as follows: The Flag ship of the South Asiatic Squadron, the U. S. S. Kentucky. The Oregon, The Moniter, Monad dock Monterey and three tugs Wampotuck all of the suthern fleet. Ours was the U. S. S. Wisconsin Flag 9hip. Theu there was the first class Cruiser, the New Orleans, the Wilmington gun boat, Vicksburg gun boat, and some others. Fighting Hob Evans, as people call him, or simple Evens as we call him, is commander incheif of this station He is a cripple. Chee Foo is a desolate place. There is nothing here at all but a few old buildings. The Chinaman are very filthy, it makes me sick to look at them. They are noted for living so many in one house. They have to send a guard with the liberty now because if they don’t tbe blue jackets would raid every place in the dirty dump. Well, while out for practice we took the worlds record in fireng thirteen inch gun. The Alabama U. S. S. bold the record before, out of32 shots she mode 22 hits at sixteen and tighteeu hundred yards and an average of G7 and 75. Our crew, the U. 8. S. Wisconsin made 24 shots out of 32, and an average of 8G. Wc gave a minstrel show last night and it was something grand. It was the best show ever given out here. We have an Indian club swinger from Calafornia who ranks next to Gusfiie Hill, the worlds champion club swinger. On the Fourth of July we were at sea and got into Ghee Foo the 5th In the sports on the Oth we beat the best ship in this station, the Kentuck y in a large race. She had the best record of any fleet before but now sic is nothing and out ship, the U. S. S. Wisconsin, has the honor of being the swiftest of them all. How does that sound? We were at great disadvantage in the race because we were just in trom sea and had no practice. On the 15th of August we will race the Vicksburg is a gig race. We had a storm Saturday that killed 400 Chinaman. This ship has travled nearly 50,000 miles since she has been in commission, two years last April, more than aoy others ship for the same length of time. Well, 1 must close for this time. Wish you all well and happy as I am. 1 remain as ever your trend. Ciias. E. Gibson. U. S. S. Wisconsin. Chee Foo China. Chee Foo, China July 27,1903. Dear Fapa and All. Your letter recieved a few days ago, and as I have some spare time will try to answer it at once but there is no telling when this letter will leave here as I don’t know just when a steamer leaves for the States. We arrived in this place on the 5th. of July, just one day to late for the 4tb., but as good luck none of our fleet had the sports till the sixth on account of rain. We of course took part in the boat races but didn’t expect to get anything out of them as we bad no practice whatever and the rest of the fleet had been practicing for six weeks. But we won the main race and that was the pulling barge race. There : was only this ship and the Kentucky in that race as only flag ships have pulling barges. The Kentucky ie considered the cock of the station, hav ing won everything that was going on out here and thats what made the race the main event, as we are a new snip here and what they calls sloper becau se they came from Sac Francisco. There are only two slop ers here These are the Oregon anc ours, the U. S. S. Wisconsin AH the rest are eastern ships ex cept a few relics * captured fron the Spanish. We had target pract ice last, week and won the worldt record. We made 24 hits out of 3S shots with our 13 inch guns at* distance of 1700 yards at a targei 10 ft. square. The record was, 2S hits out of 32 shots. The rest ol the fleet are tickled to death the way this ship is making records as they want to see us get ahead of tht Kentucky. We have got the name as cock of the station now. We have got a race matched with the U. S. S. Ship Yickberg for the loth, of Aug. It is to be a gig race. We also have a barge race with the Flag ship liaiobow when we meet them. About all they do down here is boat race and I tell you there is some big money bet on them. Tbe Oregon had a cutter race with a dago ship that was here last week for $1900, thats all tbe dagoes would put up but they beat tbe Oregon. That night the Kentucky went over and challenged them and so did we but they wouldn’t take either of us up. This is a great place here, there is nothing to see at all except a lot of Chinks. Yokabamo is all right though. On our way down here we stuped at Kobe and went to an ex position about 20 miles to a place called Osaka. It was all right. I was surprised to see how they had it riged up. They had a building to represent every nation. But the finest thing I have struck in this county yet is the railroad trains. They are about as big as a good sized soap box. When you go to the depot and buy your tieket you go up over a kind of bridge to the other side of the tracks and waite for your train. When your train comes there is a fellow to let you out through a gate ns he punches your ticket. The cars are all mark ed 1st., 2nd. and 3d. class. You are supposed to get in the car jour ticket calls for, say it is a 3d. class ticket, you get a 3d. class car. nut here is where the fun comes in, we all bought 3d. class tickets and got in 1 st class cars. There is a door at each side of the car and when you get in the plug shuts the door and away you go. They don't collect the tickets as there is no wayr ot getting through the cars. Hut when you get to the stopping place, you get of and before you can get out of the yard the train runs in, you bare to give them your ticket. They don’t know wheather yon rode 1st. class or not. It cost us 32 sew, that is less than 15 cents in our money to go to Osaka. The train runs a bout six miles an hour. We expect to leave here before long for Yokohoma, then for Hong Kong, China. # 1 got a letter from Tom last week he is in Manila now. I hope 1 go down there before he leaves for the states as he has ooly G months to do yet. You ask me what my duties are now. Well we have three drills a day, two in the morning and one in the afternoon. They consist of general quarters, that is where you man all yonr guns like in time of war. Then we have clear ship for action, but that only comes once a month as it takes about one day and a half to do it. Then we have fire quarter, as if the ship was on tire. Then collision drill, as if you run into another ship. And board 6bip, thats used when the ship is sinking, all the crew leave in the boats. Al so, arm and away for distant service thats used in time of war when you land a party ashore, like they did in Manila. We also have small arms and wig wag general signal. I guess thats about all. Yes, we have a fencing and pistol drill. I like it a whole lot better than I did on the station or training ship. I belong to the torpedo crew and we have tor pedo practice. We lost one tor pedo which aank. We had the steam launchers out dragging but could not find it. They cost $35,000 apiece so you see it was no small loss. They fix a torpedo up with what they call a drill head and they won’t explode, end when they run a cer tain distance they will float aud you can pick them up again. A torpede is 14 feet long, IS inches thick and weigh* llOSpounts, pounds more than a 13 inch shell. 1 forgot to tell you that Pope made four of the best shots in the ship with a six inch gun at target practice and it was the first time he ever fired a big gun, in fact any gun at all in tbe navy accept a rifle and pistol. Well Papa I will close for ihif time. Your son Bid. U, 5?. S. Wisconsin Cbee Foo, China. BRING THIS ADVERTISEMENT -TO ! joup City, Nefor. % AND HE WILL ACCEPT IT AS Fifty Cents In part payment on any suit of HOYS CLOTHING which he has in stock. FROM SEPTEMBER 1ST. TO SEPTEMBER 15. To Cure a Cold in One Day sssu Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. i Seven MBBon botes sold hi past 1 ? months. This Signature, ^ The Genuine v«. uounte rfelt*. The genunine is always better than a eountefrit but the truth of this state mentis never more forcibly relized or thoroughly appreciated than when you compare the genuine DeWitt’s Witch nazcl Salve with the many counterfeits and worthless atubstitutes that are on' the market. W. S Ledbetter, of Shove port, La . says: “After using numer ous other remedies without benefit one box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo cured uie,” For blind, bleeding, itching, protvaudlng piles no remedy is equal to DeWitt's Wich Hazel Salve Sold bv Odendahl Bros. In Fralie of Ohaaaborlalu's Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea ttemoiiy “Allow me to give you a few words , In praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Choi- j era and Diarrhoea Remedy,” says Mr. John llamlett, of Eagle Pass, Texas. “I suffered one week with bowel trouble and took all kinds of medicine without getting any roller, when my friend, Mr Johnson, a merchant here, advised me to take this remedy. After taking one dose I felt greatly relieved and when I had taken the third dose was entirely cured. 1 thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting this great rem edy in the hands of mankind."—For sale by Odendahl Baos. Emergency MenlcIneH. It Is a great convenience to have at] hand reliable remidles in case of ac cident and for slight injuries and ail ments. A good liniment and one that Is fast becoming a favorite If not a household necessity Is Chamberlain's Pain Balm. By applying it promptly to a cut, bruise or burn It allays the pain and causes the Injury to heal in a bout one third the time usually required and as It Is an antiseptic It prevents any danger of blood poisoning. When Pain Balm U kept at hand a sprain may he treated before inflamation sets in, which insures a quick recovery For sale by Odendabl Bros. BACK to the old home. On September 1th, 8th and Tilth and October 6th the Burlington offers round trip tickets, good thirty days, to many points in Indiana and Ohio at fare and one third rate. An excllent opportunity to visit old friends in the east. Ask the ticket agent for furthur paticulars. A Purgative rleaaure If you ever took DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers tor biliousness or constipation you know what a pnrgatlve pleasure is. These famous pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without producing unpleasant effects They do not grip or weeken, but give tone and strefigth to the tlssuos and organs involved. IV. II. Ilowell of Huston Tex. say’s “No better pill’s can be used than Little Early Risers for constipation sick headache, etc.1’ Sold by Oden dahl Bros. Boone take a fine group picture. TO CUKE A GOLD INONE DAY Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E, W. Grove’s signature Is on each box. ilftet. BOUGHT AT THE • 8 & M. ELEVATORS AlCALl’INii, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loop City aid Asltoa. Will Boy HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our coal and get prices on gruin. E. G- TAYLOR. A girl’s “complexion” may he stamped on her lover’s heart, but most of their ‘complexion’ comes olT unless put there by Rocky Mountian Tea. “Powder's a bad thing.-’ 35 cents. Sold by Oden dahl Bros. S. A. ALLEN, DEJYTIST, LOUP CITY, - • NKB. OFFICE.—In clona room of Ptlger’i opera house. My equippment is modern and my prices will be as low as can be expected for "ood work. I would be pleas, ed to have you call. -■ ■ -- ■ ■■■ ■■ .. ■■ | PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. Photographs, Fartn views. Stock pict ures, etc. Finest instrument west of the Missouri river All work strictly guar, anteed. - A, S. Main, Physicians & Surgeons, LOUP CITY, NE BRASKA OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will iJefond In Foreolosar* O&m*. AJ.BO DO A General Real Estate Business. r out* CITY, - NEBRASKA. Rnberi P. Starr, Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA Marg A. K. Hendrickson, PHYSICIAN, Residence at A. I.. Zimmerman’s LOUP CITY, NEDHASKA. THa 1’leaaure of Eltllf. Persons suffering from indigestion, dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will ilrid thatKodol Dyspepsia cure digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet This remedy is a never failing cure for Indigestion and Dyspepsia and all eomplaints effecting the glands or membranes of the stomach or digestive tract. When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure everything you eat taste good and every bit of the nutriment that your food contains is assimilated and ap propriated by the blood and tissue. 8old by Odendahl Bros. City Dray AND Transfer Line. J. W. & A. T. Conger, Props All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty of moving household good. We solicit your patronage. LOUi* CITY, • - NEBRASKA. DEIGHTFUL BEVERAGE. I A SAFE STIMULENT A GOOD MEDCIINE For Sale by T. H. ELSNER, I LOUP CITY, - . . NEBR.