The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 28, 1903, Image 4

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    It Doesn’t Scare Folks
to be told the truth about
Lion Coffee
The scare-crow coffees are those
that hide under a glazing of factory
eggs, glue and such stuff.
Lion Cofts? is pore, wholesome,
unglazcd, rich in flavor un<l uniform
in sdn-ngth. The air-tight, scaled
package insures cleanliness, fresh
ness and uniformity.
Route 1
8t. Joseph,
Kansas City,
8t. Louis,
and all points
ast and south.
Salt Lake City,
San Francisco,
and all points
No 5c* Passenger.,..12:03 p. rn
NO. (10 Freight.11.26u in
No. 61 Passenger.11:07 p. m.
No. 60 Freight. 1:40 p. in
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(Heats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and Imggfigo checked to uny point In
the United Stales or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to U. L, Aktiii’r
Agent. Or J. Francis, Gon’l Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
No. 8« leaves dally except Sunday (pass
enger). 7:36 am.
No. H8 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:80 p. m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2;63 p. m. )
No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday i mixed
12:06 p. m.
No. 86arrlves dully except Sunday (pass
enger) 7:35 p, m,
First class service and close connections
east, west and south
H. J. Clifton, Agent.
G. II. Gibson, Clerk.
S. N. Sweeti.and. Treasurer,
J. A. angikr, Judge.
J. S. Pedler, Attorney.
Howard Snyder, shorin'.
R, I). Hendrickson, Supt. Public Inst.
K 1$ Oounino, Surveyor,
Geo. W. Hunter, Oornor.
O 0 Grow, Hist. No. 4., Chairman., P O
address, I.oup City, Neb.
Andrew Uokstka, Hist. No. 1., Ashton P O
PETEK TlloDE, LM-t. No. 3 Loup City. •• *•
W O Kuown, IJist. No. 3, Loup City, " *•
John Maiefski, l)lst. No. 5. Ashton, “ '•
W.m. Jakob, Hist,. No. 6, Rockville, •• “
W H. CHATMAN, Hist. No. 7, Lltohtield “ “
Loup City Lodge No. 33, A O U VV.—Moots
End and 4th Thursday ot each month.
Friendship Lodge No. 1W, II of H.—1st and
3rd Thursduy of each month.
Loup City Council No 1311, L M L A—1st and
3rd Monday of each month.
Matcland Castle, No. Ifi3, Royal Highlanders.
3ml and 4lh Monday of each month.
Excelsior Lodge. No. 1(50, IOO F—1st and
3nd Saturday of each month.
Murlmon Lodge, No. Ill, K of I’—End and
4th Wednesday of each month,
Loup City Camp, No. 686, M W A—1st and
3rd, Tuesday of each month.
Loup City C»mp No. 837, It N A—3nd and
4lh Tuesday of each mouth.
Porter Lodge, No. Ulfl, a F A A M—Tuesday
on or before full moon and 3nd Tuesday
Joppa Chapter, No. 51, it A M—1st Monday
of oach month,
Orental Chapter, No. 78—1st and 3rd Sat
urday of rush month
L of O A R—2nd and 4th Saturday of each
month, ut 3 o’clock p. m.
If you want lire, wind, storm or hall
Insurance call on or write F. E. Brewer
Office with T. 8. Nightingale, Loup
City Nebraska.
Makes homely women beautiful good
locking women handsome. Greatest
beautifyer in the world. Such as Rocky
Mountain Tea. :!5 cents. Never fails.
Odendahl Bros.
D. C. Grow, of the Northern Milling
company feed store wants to trade Hour
for wheat lie also has a line grade
of whole wheat Hour for sale.
Public Notice.—All persons in
debted to C. Ilaueh for blacksmith
work done at his shop will please
pay their accounts to T. 8. Nightin
gale who will credit the same upon
the books.
I have a car load of Maitland I'ea i
coal of excellent quality. Good fei
steam threshers. Call and examine it.
E. G. Tayob,
Loup City park is now open for
picnics and private parties. Apply
to. 11. Jknnku.
James—Don’t figure on marrying a
modle wife unless you are a mind reader
and know for certain that she takes
Kocky Mountain Tea. Odendahl Bros.
For rent.— 100 acres of good
prairie hay land, 3^ miles west of
Ashton. Cash rent or put up on
shares. Apply to
August Jaeschka.
Don’t fail to call on Johnson
Lorentz & Co if you need a taylor
made suit. Perfect (it and satisfact
ion guaranteed.
Uoaal Daws.
Emry Lambert is on the sick list
ibis week.
H. S, Conger is a uew subscriber
to this paper.
C. W. Sours, photographer op
posite St. Elmo Hotel.
If you want to buy a good milk
cow call at this olfice.
Do you need a new wagon? T. M.
Reed has them.
E. S. Havhurst received a carload
of wagons last Tuesday.
The mill is beginning to look
s imething like it use to.
New stock of furniture just arriv
ed, call and see T. M. Reed.
Miss Gladys Zink returned from
a visit to Omaha last Tuesday even
Get your tailor made suits at
Johnson, Lorentz & Co, we can fit
you right.
T. M. Scott came up from Auroia
to attend the funeral of his brother
in-law, Geo. Finch.
Willie Benschoter stepped on a
rusty nail yesterday and is quite
lame in consequence.
While in St. Paul Wednesday we
had a pleasant chat with our old
friend Geo. Ware.
Mrs. Geo. E. Benschoter and child
ren returned from their visit to Fre
mont last Tuesday evening.
Mrs. O. J. McCartney and daugh
ters and Mrs Stewart Ware of St.
Paul are visiting with their sister,
Mrs. J. N. Fisher.
Mrs. Converse ami Miss Grace
Tracy returned from a visit to her
daughter, Mrs. Nerna Walker at
Gibbon last Tuesday evening.
Presiding Elder Crane filled the
M. E. pulpit at the fourth quar
terly conference held in this city
Saturday evening and Sunday morn
Rev. Kennedy late of Pilger, Neb.
has accepted the unanimous call of
the Haptist church of Loup City to
become its pastor fcr the coming
year beginning with September.
Mrs. Troy llalc and Miss Ella
Long returned Tuesday evening
from their trip to the Hot
Springs where they have been for
the past few weeks.
Troy Hale’s shettlands seem to
have plenty to do in the way of
affording amusement to the bildren
about town by giving them al. a ride
which is pretty often.
W. R. Mellor, Geo. W. Hunter,
W. T. Owen, P. T. Rowe and Geo.
E. Benschoter went to Grand Island
last Tuesday as delegates to attend
the judicial convention.
Rev. Madely left tor the northwest
part of the state last Tuesday morn
ing where he will remain a few weeks
in the hope of getting relief from
his severe attack of bay lever,
Fred Buck was in the city last
Tuesday looking for a harvest hand
to help put up his hay. Mr. Buck
was kicked by a horse just below
the kuee and badly hurt, making it
impossible for him to do bis work.
J. W. Conger has been very sick
for several days past, the result of
having badly sprained his back
while lifting freight. He was taken
to his brothers, S. II. CoDger, in the
country Monday. He is slowly
II. II. Bristol, of Washington
township was a county seat visitor
last Saturday. He was in to get
some repairing done to his windmill
which, with his barn and outbuildings
was destroyed in tho big wind storm
of four weeks ago. Horace says
that several of his neighbors sutured
quite heavy losses also.
As Miss KidtLi Ainger was carry
ing a pail of water at the home of
Mr. Gue last Monday night, onen
tnug the house she slipped and fell
striking the pail as she fell. In
some way her right limb was twisted,
forcing the knee cap out of place.
She was at once carried across the
load to her brother, Ed. Angiers
and in laying her down the knee cap
slipped back into place and although
very painful it is thought she will
get along allright. Word was sent
to town at once and her father and
mother with the doctor went to her
relief. She is doing as well under
the circumstances as could he ex
Ed. Dunlap remembered the prin
ter this week.
VV. H. Morris cnme up from West
Point last Saturday.
Highest market price paid for
chickens at E. A. Chase.
Ray Kearns returned from a visit
to Grand Island last Wednesday.
II A. Wilson is back from a bus
iness trip to Omaha and Council
All who have boys should not fail
to read C. Gasteyer’s new ad. this
week. It will interest you.
Arthur Eisner took the noon train
Tuesday for Effingham where he
goes to learn the photographer
(j. R. Conger and wife visited over
Sunday with relatives in Loup City.
C. It. has charge of the U. P, station
at Dannebrog.
The Epworth League of the M
E. Church will meet next Sunday
evening at 8:00 o'clock instead of
7:30 as here to-fore.
Rev. Madely was obliged to stop
in Grand Island Tuesday night while
on his way to the south west part
of the state. A big washout on the
Grand Island and St. Joe road
was the cause of the delay.
The ball game between Loup City
and Arcadia, Giltner & Co. played
here yesterday afternoon resulted
in a victory for the visitors. The
score was 1 0 to 0. Areadiahadonly
three of their home men. The bat
tery were league players with several
other men hired to help them out.
They made eight score in the first
four inoings. Knight was then put
in the box and but two more scores
were made during the rest of the
game. Loup City’s battery were
Majors, Knight and Johnson.
ltev. F. D. Kennedy returned a
few days ago from his home at Pilg
ar, Neb. lie has been filling the
pulpit at the Baptist church in this
city for nearly two months past and
the Baptist organization was so
well pleased with his work that its
members, at a business session last
Saturday evening made arrangments
whereby he will remain their pastor
the coming y ear. Mr. Kennedy has
given good satisfaction during his
short stay among us and the Baptist
church will no doubt continue to be
of great interest for good in our com
munity under his able pastoral lead
A Cut and Slaih
The Weekly State Journal, which
for thirty five years has been one
dollar a year, will now be sent to
new subscribers a whole year for 25
cents. Every family in Nebraska
that does not haye a daily paper
should get the Weekly State Jour
nal at this price, 25 cents a year.
A big eight or ten paged news
paper published every Friday, with
all the news of the world, all of Neb.
news in particular and full of good
reading matter for the whole family.
At this price you cannot only af
tord to take it yourself, but can send
it to your friends in other states.
All you have to do is send your
name and address with a quarter to
thi Weekly State Journal, Lincoln
Neb. Why not send in your order
at once?
Cannot Be Found.
Mrs. Carl DeisterhoflT, living on
the Geo. Ware farm, in Logan town
ship has misteriously disappeared
and cannot be found. While her
husband was away from home last
Saturday she left home and has not
been seen or heard of since and it
is feared that some terrible accident
has befallen her. The husband,
after searching for her Sunday,
came to town and reported the case
to the county attorney, and a party
was at once formed and a further
search instituted. For several
months past Mrs. Deiaterhoff has, at
times become mentally unbalarced
and it may be that she has simply
wandered away and may finally be
-- .
Notice To Parents
You are hereby notified to keep
your children away from m> black
smith shop unless sent there on
bnisncss as they are liable to get hurt
by the machinery or otherwise ser
iously injured and I will not be re
sponsible for any such accident.
James I. Depew.
Mrs. Outhouse, mother of A. B.
and C. C. Outhouse, died at the
home of her son 0. C. Outhouse in
this city early last Sunday morning,
August 23d., 1903 of cancer of the
stomach. She had been in very
poor health for several months past
and for some three or four weeks it
was quite evident that she could not
recover. The best of medical at
tendance was secured and all that
hands could do was done to alleviate
her suffering. The funeral services
were held at the house Monday and
the remains, accompanied by A. B.
Outhouse, were taken to her old
home at Carlyle, 111. for burial.
Mrs. Outhouse was 68 years old at
the time of her death. After break
ing down in health some two years
ago she came to Loup City to live
with her sous and her kind disposi
tion and gentle manner had won the
hearts of all who made her aquaint
ance. The sorrow stricken rela
tives have the sympathy of all our
Mr. Gpo. Finch, of Da vis Creek,
8on-in-law of Mrs. G. H. Scott of
this city died at his home in Valley
county ou Thursday, August 20th.,
li)03, of rkumatism of the heart
Mr. Finch is a well known citizen
to many of the old settlers of Sher
man county. We have no particu
lars of his death other than it is
thought that it was over hard work
which caused the rhumatism to go
to the heart. Mrs. Scott and his
brother and sister-iD-law, Mr. aud
Mrs. William Sharp, drove over fiom
here Friday to attend the funeral
which took place at the Finch home
Friday, August 2 1st.
We hoped to ne able to get a short
biographical sketch of each of the
republican nominees for this weeks
issue, but we doubtless will be able
to get them in the near future.
Boone takes the best baby
Go to Boone for tirst class
You should see Boone for
Boone take a tine group
Boone, Boone, Boone, Photos
Photos, Photos.
For Sale Cheap. A second hand
threshing machine, complete.—
T. M. Reed.
It is decided that Sherman County
will have an exhabit at. the Nebraska
State Fair to be held at Lincoln, Sept
4th to 11th 1903 and farmers of She; man
County are urgently requested to aid
in making this exhibit a credit to tiie
county, by furnishing for said exhibit
the choicest samples of the following;
Corn, Wheat, Oats, Barley. Rye, other
varieties of Grain, Native Grasses and
Forage plants, tame grasses, including,
Millet, Potatoes. Onions, Cabbage
Beets, Squashes, Mellons, Pumpkins,
Grain in Shief. Miscellanous embracing
varieties of soil ind other farm products
not enumerated in this schedule.
All above to be delivered by the last
of August.
Report as to what you enn furnish,
and for any information enquire at any
real estate ofllce in Loup City.
Lonp City, ISTelir
Fifty Cents
In part payment on any suit of HOYS CLOTHING which he has in stock.
We carry in stock all kinds of FRESH W SALT
MEATS, and can fill all orders promptly and satisfactorily.
We solicit a fair share of the public’s patronage, and
will give you your money’s worth at all times. >*•
Highest Market Price Paid for Hides.
A. P. GULLEY, President. W. P. MASON, Cashier.
General Banking
Paid up Capital Stock S20.000.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City. N. Y.
Omaha National Bank. Ome ;a, Nebraska
Wagon Maker,
O '
^35000000 *3'f
My shod is the largest and best equipped north of the I’latte River
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma
chinery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and
turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch.
Soliciting your patronage I am
Yours respectfully,
J. I. I3EPEW, Loup City, Neb. {
jrihu'UI vikw ■
To Portland