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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1903)
Loup City Northwestern. VOLUME XX. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1903. NUMBER 42. or ODUKSC FOR JTtlE AMEREN CUP IttCC^ J BLACK IS CHOSEN SELECTED AS COMMANDER-IN CHIEF OF THE G. A. R. NEBRASKA HAS A NOMINATION The Arizona Candidate, However, Wins Out on the Second Ballot. Boston Selected as the Place of Meeting for 1904. Commander-In-Chief—General John C. Black of Illinois. Senior Vice Commander—Colonel C. Ma lon Keene of California. Junior Vice Commander—Colonel Harry C. Iveasler of Montana. Surgeon-in-Chlef—George A. Harmon of Ohio. Chaplain-Chief—Winfield Scott, Arizona. BARNES NAMED FOR LEADER. Nominations by Nebraska Republicans in State Convention. For Supreme Judge. -JOHN B. BARNES. Madison For University Regents— W. O. WI5ITMORE, Douglas. C. S. Allen, Lancaster. State Chairman . ... .HARRY C. LINDSAY, Pawneo LINCOLN—The republican state convention here Tuesday nominated this ticket with practical unanimity, adopted a declaration of principles, and by resolution launched the boom of John L. Webster of Omaha for vice presidential place on the presidential ticket. The convention was marked by a spirit of harmony and absence of con tentious struggles more pronounced than in any state convention of recent years. Considering the fact that there were no issues to be fought out, or conflicting candidacies to champion, the attendance was better than was expected. On the roll call 1,028 votes were recorded out of a total of 1,061, the eleven counties which were unrep resented being those most sparsely settled and remote while of the dele gations presont most of them were fairly represented. SAN FRANCISCO.—The Grand Army of the Republic Thursday se lected Boston as the place in which the encampment of 1904 will be h«ld, and elected 'officers. The only contest was over chaplain, for which two ballots were taken. On the first ballot Bross of Nebraska re ceived 288 votes, Scott of Arizona, 306, and Bradford of Washington, 35. Bradford withdrew and Scott was alected on the second ballot. Boston and Denver were the only places named for the next place of meeting. Before the ballot had pro ceeded far it became apparent that Denver had no chance and it was with drawn. Boston was selected by accla mation. The remaining officers will be chosen Friday and the committee on resolu tions will report. It is expected that the encampment will be adjourned at noon Friday. During the afternoon a reception under the auspices of the Press club was held -at Mark Hopkins Institute of Art. In the evening there was a re union and dog watch by the naval re serve which during the day had paid a visit to the Mare Island navy yard. The commander-in-chief was received by the Ladies of the Grand Army in Union Square hall and the Woman’s Relief Corps, department of Massa chusetts held a reunion in Golden Gate hall. All the social functions were well attended. The trip across the continent proved too much for one of the veterans, and the convention heard the sad news Thursday that Samuel Ditch, a mem ber of Boser Post, No. 379, Arcanum, 0., was dying at a local hospital. The Medical department reports the health of the veterans as good as ever since their arrival only sixty-five cases being under treatment, all pf a trivial character. PRESIDENT WILL NOT TALK. Is Disappointed at the Action of Col ombia. OYSTER BAY N. Y.—Upon the re turn of the president to Sagamore HIM Monday evening from reviewing the fleet, he found awaiting him news of the rejection of the Colombian canal treaty. While he naturally was dis appointed at the action of the con gress, he does not desire at this timo to make any comment upon It. When it was learned recently that the Colombian congress intended to amend the treaty, It was understood that an intimation was conveyed to the Colombian government that such amendments as were proposed would be unsatisfactory to this government. The rejection of the treaty followed. It is quite certain that the action of Colombia will Induce some consulta tions of importance in the near future and possibly some action by congress at the extraordinary session. OYSTER EAY THEIR MECCA President Has Many Callers During Dav at Summer Home. OYSTER RAY, I,. I.—Financial leg isl-ation and New York state politics were the principal topics of discussion Friday between the president and hi3 guests. Early in the day Representative Hill of Connecticut talked with the presi dent of the prospect of enacting remedial financial legislation at the approaching session of congress. William D. Murphy of New York, a long-time friend of the president, also discussed financial legislation with Mr. Roosevelt. In tile evening Secretary Corteiyou of the department of commerce and labor and Representative Babcock of Wisconsin were dinner guests of the president. Secretary Corteiyou spent the night at Sagamore Hill. Governor Odell of New York also had a three hours’ conference with the president. A novel writer doesn’t necessarily write sotnething novel Crosses Arctic Circle in an Auto. WASHINGTON, D. C.—Postmaster General Payne has received a cable gram from Charles J. Gliddon, who Is making an extensive automobile tour af Europe, saying that he had so far covered 3,500 miles, and that he had crossed the Arctic circle in bis ma chine. He also stated that he had of ficially deposited with the Swedish government an American flag which he had carried across the Arctic circle. Death cf John Ellsler. NEW YORK.—John Ellsler, father 5f Effle Ellsler, the actress, and him »elf a veteran actor and theatrical manager, died of heart disease at his Aome here, aged 82. GREAT MAN GONE DEATH WINS THE STRUGGLE AT HATFIELD HOUSE. LORD SALISBURY IS NO MORE End Comes Peacefully to Former British. Premier—Unconscious to the Last—Members of Family Gath ered at Hatfield House. .. LONDON.—Lord Salisbury died peaceully at 9:05 Saturday night. During the past forty-eight hours the end was seen to be inevitable, the great frame of England’s ex-premier being sustained only by the constant use of oxygen, which at last became ineffectual. The village of Hatfield, which still retains many features of the feudal period, was filled with anxious resi dents awaiting ine news of his lord ship's demise. The great Hatfield house, hidden behind the screen of pine trees, was lighted at every win dow, and gave no sign of the ap proaching fatality. Groups of watch ers clustered under the Elzabetlian arch and of the lodge gates anxiotiB ly questioning each latest passer from Hatfield house. Finally the news came, when a hat less servant rushed down the grav eled roadway saying as he passed, “He has gone,” and then disappeared in the church. Soon thereafter the bell from the tower above tolled slow ly and the villagers at the street cor ners uncovered in acknowledgement of the nassing of their neighbor and friend, England's great statesman. Viscount Cranborne, who now as sumes the title of marquis of Salis bury, immediately notified King Ed ward and Queen Alexandra, the Prince and Princess of Wales and others, including Lord Edward Cecil, the soldier son of Lord Salisbury, who is now in Egypt, and whose was the only child of the marquis absent from the deathbed. Soon messages of condolence began coming in and the little telegraph office at Hatfield was swamped with unprecedented busness. The death -of Lord Salisbury oc curred on the fifteenth anniversary of his entry into a public life as a member of the house of commons for Stamford. When death became imminent the attending physician summoned the waiting members of the family, who gathered at the bedBlde and took fare well of the dying man, who, however, was unconscious of their presence. It is understood that Lord Salis bury recently expressed a wish to be buried beside his wife at Hatfield. A proposal will undoubtedly be made to bury him at Westminster abbey but this will be declined by the rela tives in accordance with his ktrd ship's wishes. I _ THE BEST BOAT WINS, First Blood for American Reliance In International Contest. NEW YORK—In a Bplendid twelve to fifteen knot breeze, over a wind ward and leeward course of thirty miles, the gallant sloop Reliance Sat urday beat Shamrock HI in command ing style bv exactly nine minutes ac tual time, or seven minutes and three seconds, after deducting the one min ute and fifty-seven seconds which the defender concedes to Sir Thomas Lip ton's third challenger on account of Reliance's larger sailing plan as at present measured. It was a royal water fight for the ancient trophy which carries with it the yachting supremacy of the world, and by a strange coincidence the first victory in the cup series of 1903 oc curred on the fifty-second anniversary of the day on which the old schooner America captured it in her famous race around the Isle of Wight. Re liance beat the British boat three min utes and twenty-four seconds in the thresh to windward and five minutes and thirty-six seconds in tfle run down the w ind. Prize Sugar Beet Exhibit. OGDEN, Utah.—H. O. Havemeyer of New York, on behalf of the American Sugar Refining company, has offered a cup valued at $500 for the best ex hibit of sugar beets raised in the arid or semi-arid regions, to be shown at the irrigation congress In Ogden next month. Commander Booth Tucker of the Salvation Army will appear before the congress and speak on “Coloniza tion.” YACHTS SAIL IN VAIN. Reliance Gaina Many Minutes In Drift ing Match for America’s Cup. NEW YORK—One of the biggest crowds of sightseers and yachtsmen that ever sailed down Sandy Hook to witness a battle for the yachting su premacy of the world, returned to New York Thursday night disappoint ed because the wind failed, leaving the yachts disabled. Nevertheless the crowd was jubilant in the conviction that Sir Thomas’ latest challenger, like the two which had preceded it. was doomed to return to England empty-handed. The first race for America’s cup was declared off at the turn when Re liance was sixteen minutes in the lead, having gained that much in a fifteen mile drift. Of course the race was not absolutely conclusive owing to the light and shifting character o. the air, but in a fifteen mile beat to windward, a portion of which was sailed in a driving rain, Reliance showed its heels to Shamrock III in commanding style, and that, too, under weather conditions supposed to be to the par ticular liking of the challenger. Fife’s latest creation has been heralded as a wonder in light breezes in windward work, especially with a jumpy sea on, while Reliance, in its trials, had done its best reaching and running in a whole sail wind. Yet today, with a breeze varying from one to twelve knots and against a long ground swell, the defender outfooted and out pointed Shamrock III. ROOT LEAVES FOR ENGLAND Declares He Will Leave Cabinet Dur ing the Winter. NEW YORK.—Secretary Root sail ed for Liverpool Friday on Celtic, of the White Star line. He goes to Eng land to act with Senator Lodge and former Senator Turner of Washing ton as the United States representa tives in the Alaskan boundary dis pute. Before sailing he declared he would, according to his present plans, get out of the cabinet about the middle of the winter. He would not dscuss his future plans, except to deny that he was going to actively enter politics in this state. With the secretary went Mrs. Root and Miss Ethel Root, while on the same steamer sailed Judge John M. Dickinson of Chicago, J. W. Foster of Indiana, former secretary of state, and Hannls Taylor of Tennessee, former minister to Spain, who, as councillors for the United States, will present its side of the dispute beore the commission. TURKS DEFEATED IN BATTLE. Three Battalions of Troops Make At tack on Insurgent Band. SOFIA, ulgaria.—A fierce battle is reported to have occurred in the neigh borhood of Monastir. Three Turkish battalions attacked 1,000 insurgents and after the fight had raged for six hours the Turks were re pulsed with the loss of 210 men killed and wounded. The insurgent loss is not given. Reports received here from Con stantinople and believed to be authen tic confirm the previous statements to the effect that when the Turkish troops recaptured Krushevo they slaughtered the entire Christian popu lation without exception, and it is pointed out that among those killed were the employes of the government tobacco establishments, which were under European control, as the pro ceeds from these establishments were assigned to the payment of the Turk ish debt. STRENGTHENS CHAMBERLAIN. Death of Salisbury Contributes to Tar iff Policy. . PARIS—The death of Lord Salis bury made considerable impression here. Although the late statesman had retired from politics, the feeling prevails here that his disappearance will contribute to strengthen the po sition of Colonial Secretary Chamber lain, w’hich circumstance is not thought likely to promate friend ship between the two countries. The ability, prudence and moderation of the former premier are frankly recognized, though some of his sar castic utterances are recalled. It is acknowledged that while he firmly up held Great Britain’s Interests, at the same time he always strove to pre vent a rupture with France, and it is admitted that, the Fashoda incident would have been far more dangerous had ani other statesman been in pow •r. SESSION IS OVER ATTENDANTS AT G. A. R. MEET ING STRIKE CAMP. GEN. BLACK APPOINTS OFFICERS Traynor la the Nebraska Member 01 Council of Administration—Report* of Officers—Resolutions Eulogizinf General Miles. SAN FRANCISCO.—The national encampment of the Grand Army, of the Republic cloned ita thirty-seventh an nual session Fridny afternoon, after a protracted morning meeting. The newly elected officers, with the excep tion of Junior Vice Commander Kes sler, who is now on his way from the Philippines, were installed. The following appointments were announced by Commander-in-Chief Black: Adjutant General—C. W. Partridge of Illinois. Quartermaster—Major Charles Bur rows of New Jersey, reappointed. Judge Advocate General—James Tanner of New York. Inspector General—E. B. Wessen of Iowa. Council of Admlnstratlon—Nebras ka. Andrew Traynor; Alabama, M. D. Wiekersham; Arizona, George Atkin son; Arkansas. A. A. Whlssan; Cali fornia and Nevada. A. V. Barrett; Col orado and Wyoming. U. S. Hollister; Connecticut, A. C. Hendricks; Dela ware. Samuel Worrell; Florida, Chas. Donovan; Georgia. G. A. Sumerford; Idaho. George M. Parsons; Illinois, T. B. Scott; Indiana. H. A. Root; Indian Territory, James Redfleld; Kansas, T. H. Coney; Kentucky. Jacob Seibert; Louisiana and Mississippi, C. C. Shute; Maine, Louis W'elblnz; Maryland, R. S. Sunstrom; Massachusetts, J. W. S. Harsey; Michigan, E. B. Fenton; Min nesota. L. W. Collins; Missouri, J. T. ew; Montana, S. H. Hansell; New Hampshire, I. H. Foster; New Mexico, John R. McFle; New York, James Owens; North Dakota. S. K. McGin nis; Ohio, A. A. Taylor; Oklahoma, A. W. Taylor; Oregon, W. M. Ingram; Pennsylvania, Thomas C. Sample; Po tomac, B. F. Entreken; Rhode Island, J. T. Lenyon; South Dakota, A. B. Nelson; Tennessee, N. Hacker; Texas, R. M. Moores; Utah, W. W. Bostaph; Vermont, A. C. Brown; Virginia and lngton and Alaska, 3. W. Clark; West Virginia, G. B. Woodcock; Wisconsin, Philip Cheek; Iowa, 3. C. James. The reports of the various retiring officers were adopted and a vote of thanks given each for efficient service. It was resolved to telegraph President North Carolina, E. W. Fuller; Wash Roosevelt the resolution favoring the pensioning of veterans of 62 years of age, which was adopted yesterday. The encampment . unanimously adopted the following resolution, in troduced by Captain P. H. Coney of Topeka, Kan.: Resolved, That we congratulate that splendid soldier, exemplary, command er and patriotic citizen. General Nel son a Miles, upon his attainment of a distinguished and honorable retire ment after a matchless record as a soldier of over forty-two years of service, without just criticism of his official conduct, which began as lieu tenant in the Twenty-second Massa chusetts Infantry, progressing by the brightest grade of heroic patriotism from Manasses to Appomatox, during the greatest of all civil wars, from 1861 to 1865 and illuminating this rec ord by his great military achievements as a successful Indian fighter, and again as a great mi tary disciplin arian and organizer. FEARS OF MORE MASSACRES. Powers Very Anxious Over the Sit uation in Salonica. CONSTANTINOPLE.—The ambas sadors of the powers have again drawn the attention of the porte to the fears of massacres at Salonica, and have demanded the adoption of immediate and effective measures for the pro tection of the foreign consulates and the subjects of the various powers. Letters received here from Uskub say there is evidence there of a great feeling of unrest. The mosques are guarded by troops, and It is feared they may be attacked. Servian refugees are arriving at Us kub from Dibra, having fled from that place owing to the fear of a massacre. The Albanians in that district have burned a number of Bulgarian vil- i lages. THAT CANAL PACT. Ct la Rejected by the Senate ol Colombia. WASHINGTON —A cable dated August 12 has been received at the 8tate department from Minister Beu pre, at Bogota, saying the Panama canal treaty has been rejected by the Colombian senate. President Roosevelt was immediate ly advised of the news, Mr. Beaupre’a telegram being forwarded to Oyster Bay. Little additional Information con oerning the action of the Colombian senate could be obtained at the State department and Mr. Adee, acting sec cretary, would not indicate what course the government was likely to pursue. It will be impossible for President Marroquin to again submit the treaty to the Colombian congress in its pres ent form, as the senate, having re jected it, cannot again come before that body except by its own vote. President Morroquin, however, can re submit the treaty with slight amend ments to the senate and thus reopen the canal debate. It is believed at the Colombian legation that President Marroquin will adopt some such course. Dr. Herran, the Colombian charge d’affaires, has received an official ca ble from the Colombian secretary of state dated August 13, containing the brief announcement of the senate's rejection of the treaty on the day pre vious. The reason given for the rejection of the treaty was the alleged encroach ment on Colombian’s sovereignty which It was contended would result from the treaty. This information was contained in a dispatch received by Dr. Herran, the Colombian charge, from Foreign Minister Ricos at Bo gota. The view taken by the senate was at variance to that held by the gov ernment of Colombia, which felt sat isfied when It submitted the treaty that there would be no loss of Colom bia’s sovereignty if the treaty wsb rat ified. Incidental to the general Question of sovereignty was that of the lease of the strip of land through which the canal was to be constructed and the debate in the senate indicated that this was regarded as paramount to s sale of the land and therefore objec tionable. When the treaty waB sub mitted to the senate by the commit tee to which it had been referred, seven of the senators favored it with certain amendments. COLON, Colombia—The rejection of . the canal treaty by the Colombian senate has produced a tremendous sensation on the isthmus. It was gen erally believed the treaty would pass with some modifications. There is reason to suppose the majority of the members of the senate regard the Spooner amendment to build a canal by the Nicaraguan route If the Pan ama route was rejected as a mere threat on the part of the United States. They are convinced that the Nicaraguan project Is irapossslble and that the Unltel States will again deal with Colombia. Russian Demands Presented. CONSTANTINOPLE—The Russian demands on Turkey, growing out of thc recent murder of the Russian consul at Monastir, M. RostkovsKi, were for mally presented at the Yildiz palace yesterday. Notwithstanding the warn ing which Russia addressed to the Bul garian government it is generally be lieved here that the Russian naval demonstration in Turkish waters will dangerously encourage the Macedoni ans, who, it Is asserted, will interpret Russia’s action ns being the first step towards intervention in their behalf. More Rioting in Crotia. VIENNA—A fresh outbreak of riot ing has occurred In Crotia. At Za* cresio, upon the occasion of the cele bration of the birthday of Emperor Francis Joseph today, 1,000 peasants gathered In the town and destroyed a Hungarian banner. The rioters were resisted by the gendarmerie, who shot three men and wounded many others. At Komesina the peasants pillaged stores and killed two persons. Longest Fence in the World. Helena, Mont.—The fence about the Fort Belknap reservation, which is forty miles long and sixty miles wide, has been finished. It probably is the longest fence in the world and has ♦aken years in building. The plan is to protect the flocks and herds of the Groventres and Asslnlboines from in trusion, as well as to keep them from straying.