The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 21, 1903, Image 5
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY HEAT. GEO. E. BKNS0HOTER. Editor and Publisher TERMS:—11.00 PKK Tr.AH. It PAID IN ADVANCl Entered at the Loup City Postortlee for trank mission through the malls as second class matter. Judicial CoEmtion for Twelftli District. The republican electors of the Twelf th Judicial District of the State of Nebtaska are hereby requeted to send delegates trom the several counties com prising said district to meet in convention in the city of (hand Island, Nebraska,on Tuesday, August —Atli, at two o’clock T. M . for the pur pose of placing in nomination a can didate for judge ot said district to he voted for at ihe next general election and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the hoard. Tiie b.isis of representation is the same as that fixed i»y the State Central Committee for the State convention giving the several counties ot said district the following number of del egates Buffalo. 18 Custer. in Dawson. 1 Sherman,. t> Total. 55 K 1). Owens, F M. II.vllowkll, Secretary. Chairman Republican State Ticket For Supreme Judge, JOHN IS. BARNES, Of Madison. For University Regents, W.G. WHITMORE, of Douglas; C. S. ALLEN, of Lancaster. Ilarry C. Lindsey was again chosen Chairman of the Republican State Cen tral Committee. The Republican County Con vention G, il. GtiisoN, Clerk. Geo Holmes, Treasurer. Ii. A. Williams, Sherilf. Lewis Omky, Superintendent. Rout. 1*. Staiir, Judge. Geo. W. Hunter, Coroner. Walter .Moon, Surveyor. Henning Ci.aussen, Assessor. As per call of W. R. Mellor, Chair man and W. S. Waite Secretary of the Republican county central com mittee, the Republican convention lion tor Sherman county convened at Society hall, in this city, last Friday, at 11:00 o’clock a. id., and placed in nomination a full county ticket, elected delegates to state and judicial conventions and trans acted such other business necessary to be done. The canvention was called to or der by chairman Mellor, who, after reading ihe call announced the ap pointment of R. J. Nightingale as temporary chairman and Ed. B Arthaud, of Ashton as temporary secretary. The appointed officers took their respective positions and after a ring ing speech by Hr. Nightingale, the convention proceed to work. On motion the chair was instruct ed to appoint the various commitees which he did as follows: Credentials—Theo. Ojendyk, Geo. \V. Holmes, H. It. Palmer and Geo. II. Whitman. Permanent Organization.—L. N. Smith T. C. Chamberlain and Ed. Aogier. Order of Business.—W. Reynolds, Carsten Truelsep and Wm. fallen. Resolutions.—Geo. E. Bensehoter, H. Smelser, and Wm. Strankman. After the committees were a[ - pointed the convention took a recess to 1:30 p. m. AFTEKNOON SESSION. The afternoon session was called 'to order by chairman Nightingale and the committee on credentials was asked to report. The report was as follows: “We, your committee on credentials beg leave to make the following report and reccoinmend the following named persons be declared tho duly authorized delegates to the Republican county convention to be held at Lcup City Nebraska, on the 14th day of August A. I). Ill 13. Oak Creek.— Logan.— J. Albers, C. J.Tracy. J. Fisher, W. Strankmann, A. Clark. M. Chilewfki. Washington.— O. If. Whitman, II. Claussen, C. L. Landon, L. W. Callen, A. Malm, S. C. Mowery. Elm-— H. J. Burtner, T. C. Cham berlain, A. Zahn, 8. C. Kasterbrook. Webster — W. B. Reynolds, E. Angier H. 8. Conner, W. Hawk. M. Gilbert. Loup City—K. J. Nightingale, L N j Smith, Geo. E. Benschoter.C. 1L French L. Pechtholrt, N. 15 Tnompson, W. II. Morgan. C Trulsen, II. J. Johausen II J. Cole, P. Rowe, E Zakgrtwski. B .1 ! Swanson, F Robbing, YV. J. Fisher, M H. Mead, A. S, Main. T. L. 1’ilger, YV. D French, J. Bitz,G. Chapmuu. Ashton—II Stuelstr, 1'. Ojendyk, C. J. Sbaupp, L. A. Williams, J Beuahauaen, E B. Arthauil. iioi kville.— E. G. Paige, YY’. M. 9 uelser, M. YVUzork, (J. II. Plambeok Geo. KUz. Clay.— A. YYT Throckmorton 8. Me F.ulden, N. L. Talbot, J. Daddow, II Go: d« In. llariison—A II. Ylead, II. R. Palmer G Van, H. II. Beck .1. J. llaller, (J. E Act'd.bach, N. Powell J. I). Fugleman, : YV. L. Fugleman, Louia O ney. j Scott.— Hazard.—E. Munn, G. Newberg, .1. j Greasier, F. Ba.tsk, J. Brown, \Y\ do la : Motte, F. II. Fuller. Bristol.— J. A Mawhinney, A. Edwards, J. Hatzel, G. YV. Holmes, Respectfully submitted f Theo.Ojendyk, I G. II. YVhitmau, j Geo. II. Holmes, I II. H Palmer, Committee. I ho report on the permanent organ ization then followed and reccom rnended that the convention proceed to elect a chairman and secretary. It was adopted and a motion pre vailed to make the temporary organ ization permanent. The next committee reported the following order of business: We, the undersigned do recconunend that the business of this convention be transacted as follows; First the nomination of County ofli cers be as follows: 1st 2nd. 3d. 4th. 5 th. «th. 7th. 8th. 9ch. County Clerk, “ Treasurer “ Sheriff, ,l Superintendent, “ Judge, " Coroner, “ Surveyor, “ Assessor, Six delegates to the state con vention. 1 Oth. Six delegates to the judicial convention. 11th. Klect'ou of county central com mitteemen. i Wright Reynolds, Committee Carsten Trulsen, I f,. VV. Callen. The report of the committee on resolutions was theu read and ad opted and committee discharged. The resolutions as accepted will be found following these minutes. The convention then proceeded to business and a resolution was pas sed to proceed to the nomination of county officers by ballot, the chair, man of each township to deposit the vote of his delegation at the sec retary’s desk. S. 11. Conger, of Webster township and Cal Shaupp of Ashton were duly appointed tel lers and according to the rules a dopted, an informal ballot was or dered on the nomination of a can didate for county clerk. The informal ballot was almost unanimous for G. H. Gibson for county clerk, and by motion it was made formal and Mr. Gibson was declared the unanimous choice of the convention and its nominee for the olfioe mentioned. An informal ballot for county treasurer brought out several nameB among them the most prominent be ing, Geo. W. Holmes, Gen TrulseD, and C. Trulsen. The third ballot however resulted in the nominat ion of Mr. Holmes whose nomination was made unanimous. Mr. Holmes thanked the convention for the hon or conferred and his remarks were received with a cheer. Several ballots were taken on skeritT, the most prominent of the candidates brought out to fill thiB important place on the ticket were L. A. Williams, of Ashton Henning Claussen of Washington and C. J. Tracy of Logan; each started of with a good following, Williams, however in the lead. Some five or six bal lots were taken which resulted in Mr Williams Leing chosen as the candidate. The next in order being the nom ination of superintendent, an in formal ballot was taken and the Dames of Louis Omcy, of Harrison and Kd. B. Artbaod were brought out. Although Mr. Authaud had a good vote, the first ballot showed a clear majority for Mr. Omey and a motion to make the informal ballot formal resulted in the latters nomin ation. Mr. Omey accented the nomination in a few well chosen words and as be took his seat was heartily applauded. I An informal ballot was then taken on a candidate for county judge and though several of the beat men in 'lie county were named for that ■ (lice none of ibern seemed to be in a position to stand for the nomination and one after the other respectfully declined. At this juu cilon a happy solution to the quest ion was made when Smelser, of Ash ton moved to suspeud the rules aD(1 nominate llobt. I*. Starr by acclaim alien The motion prevailed and Mr. Siarr, almost before he was aware of i', was unanino usly chosen as can didate f< r county judge It was » cod choir e arid 'Ir Slarr accepted the nomination m a ringing speech which was cheered In the echo The rules were suspended and Walter Moon was chosen by adaim lion to take place on the ticket as candidate for county surveyor and .Judge Hunter was named for coroner Next in order came the nominat ion of county assessor. Among the most formable candidates for this most important office were Jacob Albers, L. Bechthold, Carl de la Motte, E. G. Paige, Wm. Callen Hennig Clausseu, and John Mathew son. Each had a good vote and it soon became apparent that as re gardes the first four mimes, who seemed to have a good lead on the start, could not be nominated and after several ballots had been taken the change drifted to Mr. Claussen who received a handsome majority on the ninth ballot. Mr. Claussena nomination was made unanimous and the convention seem ed well pleased with the result of the contest. Continued on Eight or Ashton Page. Fond of Milk. Bishop Coleman, of Delaware, takes a long walking trip every summer. Usually he goes alone, but on one occasion several gentlemen accom pained him. The party toured the White Mountains. On an August af ternoon they stopped, very warm and thirsty, at a farmhouse and bought several quarts of milk. Even now, though, they were unsatifled, so the farmer’s wife fetched from the spring house no less than three gallons of milk In a pail. Setting this before them, she said: "One would think, gentlemen, that you had never been weaned."—Detroit News-Tribune. Get your umberella of Johnson Lor entz, & Co. Fly nets, tlv nets. Ily nets at Owens’ harness shop. “Use Liquid Koal for chicken chol era, mites, lice, etc. For sale by J. Solms.” D. C. Leach & Co. have nothing to do but to sell land. List your farm with them. The time to sell is when some one wants to buy. List your land with D. C. Leach <fe Co. Go to Owens’ harness shop for fly nets where there is a large assortment, the best on the market. Trices right. If you have butter and eggs to sell take them to Swanson A Dahl. High est prices for produce. Lowest prices for groceries. A woman should be as young as possi ble. The fewer years she caries in the eyes of others the greater her power to charm and wiu the battles of life. Kocky Mountian Tea keeps one young and beautiful. Odendahl Bros. PHOTOGRAPHER, LOUP CITY, NEB. Photographs, Farm views. Stock plot, ures, etc. Finest instrument west of the Missouri river. All work strictly guar, an teed. A. S. Main, Physicians & Surgeons, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend In Foreclosure Oases ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. LOUT CITT. . - KK B BASK A Robert P. Starr, Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY, NEBRHSKH Marg A. K. Hendrickson, PHYSICIAN, ICoMidttiM'tt at A. 1a, Zimmerman** LOPP CITY* NKIUtASKA. DON'T FORGET THAT T. M • HEED HAS ALWAYS ON HAND 3STew IBxxggies and Carria "es: GOOD GOODS AT REASONABLE ✓ BRICES s I’HKV Ai’t; AS IN{■) A LOT AS Has K\ i :: r>LL'.\ SI 1 j PJ'KI) Tii LOUi* c,’jTV. or anything you may need iu the harvester line. 1 have also a eomplete WASAING AM SEWING MACH INKS ORGANS. ETC. We also do a gene al line of well work and solicit your order. Respectfully, T. M REED. To Cur 3 a Cold In O it Day Et Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. > rv 6 Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. ThlS Signature, ^ J NOTICK TO TilK rilBUC "Loup City, July 7tb, UMII) The ponplnof Loup City and vicinity will take notice that the undorstcn«*d, merchants and business men of Loup City, have agreed that on and after July 12th 1003, *h«ir places of business « ii| be closed nr 8o'clock, 1’ If. every ev« to ing and that they vill also closed on Sunday except meat market, open until 10 o'clock, Suutotv morning. Ciias. Gasteyer, O. F, I’eterson K. Ki.evoldsco, Johnson L. A, Co., K S Hay hurst, B. J. Swanson, Bemontl Swanson A J>abl, C. 'V Cotibiser, A. E. Cha o, T. M. heed John Solms, S. F. Reynolds, A Miller, Catarrh of the stomach. Wbeu the stomach is overloaded; when food is taken into it that fails to digest, it decays and eDilames the mucous membrane, exposing the nerves and causes the glands to secret mucin instead of the natural juices of digestion This ig called Catarrh of the Stomach For years I have suffered with Catarrh of the Stomach, caused bv indigestion. Doctors and medicines failed to bentit ine until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cut*-. J. R. Rhea Coppell,Tax. Sold by Oden dahl Bros. ltOAD NOTICE. To all wbomit may concern? The commissioner appolnteil to view and report upon the vacation of a road commencing at a point where the Loup City and yt. l'aul road strikes tint North East quarter of section Ten (10), Town ship 14, Kauge 13, and which is now ang ling through the said decrtbed quarter, be vacnttd as It Is no longer needed, has reported in favor of the vacation thereof and all objections th«reo or claims for damage must be tiled in the < 'ounty Clerk’aotRce on or before noon <if the 25 day of S pet ember, l',*03 <»r such road will be vacated without re ference thereto. Dated this 20 day of July, 1903, Geo. If. Gibson, County Clerk. NO TICK TO LAND OWNERS. To all Whom it May Concern The com missioner apppointed to locate a road cum ending at a point HO rods south of the North West corner of Section 27, Township U, Range 14, intersecting with road No 36, running thence South on Section line, three and three-fourths miles, to the South West corner of Section to. Township 13. Range U, lias reported in lavor of the establishment thereof, aud all odjection thereto, or claims for damages must lie tiled in the County Clerk's Office on or before noon of the 1st day of Sept. 1903, or such road will he etsablished without reference thereto. Dated this 1st day of July. 1903. (seal) tiKOKOK H. CtHSOU, County Clerk. The Foundation oi Health. Nourishment Is the foundation of health-life-strength. Kotlol Dyspepsia Cure ts t he one great medicine that en ables the stomach arid digestive organs to digest, assimilate and transform ml food into the kind of blood that nourish es the netves and feeds *the tis-ues. Kodol lays the foundation for health. Nature does the rest. Indigestion. Despepsia, and alt discords of tin* stomach and digestive organs arc cured liy the use of Kodol. Sold by Odendalii Bros Eugene Field’s Vtawa on Ambition and Dye* i pepsla. "Dyspepsia," wrote Eugene Field, "often incapacitates a man for endeavor and sometimes extinguishes the Are of ambition." Though great despite his complaint'Field suffered from indiges tion all his life. A weak, tired stomach j can’t digest your food. It needs rest. You can only rest It by the use | of a preparation like Kodol, whioh re lieves It of work by digesting your food. Rest soon restores It to Its normal tone. .«„..h.«aUing Envlgoratlng. Prepared only by E. O. DsW itt&Oo., (Jhlcasa Tite $L bottle contains Hines tbs Wc. six*. For sale by ODENDAHL IIRUH. CIIOLOKA INFANTUM. Thin has lout; been regarded as one of the most dangerous anil f ital diseases to which infants arc: subject. It can ice cured however, when properly treated. All that is necessary is to give Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera, and diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil,as directed with each bottle, and a cure i* certim. For sale bv Odendahl Bros TO CUKK \ UOLD IN (INK DAY Take Laxative Itroino Quinine. Tablets. Alt druggists refund the ltionej if It falls to cure. E, W. Urovo’s signature is on each box. -Set 222 South Peoria St., Chicago, III., Oct. 7, 1902. Eight months ago I was so ill that I was compelled to lie or sit down nearly all tho time. My stomach was so weak and upset that I could keep nothin* on it and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great pain and I couched so much that my throat and lungs were raw and sore. The doctors pro nounced it Bright’s disease and others said it was consumption. It mattered little to mo what they called it and I had no de sire to live. A sister visited mo from St. Louis and asked me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardui. I told her i had not and she bought a bottle. I believe that itsaved my life. I believemany women could save much suffer ing if they but knew of its value. Don’t you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui and make one supreme effort to be well. You do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. You p»n have a woman’s health and do a woman’s work in life. Why not secure a bottlo of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to day? winecardui City Dray AND , Transfer Line. .! *W. & A. T. Conger, Props All kinds of haullnc will be given prompt ui motion and will make a specialty of m ivlng household iioort. We solicit your piitromiKc Lot'I* CITY, NKKIlASKA. Needed in Every Home w WEBSTER'S \lNTEHN ATIUNAL f . DICTIONARY J THE NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION OF WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL Dictionary A Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc. New Plates Throughout 25,000 New Words Phrases and Definitions Prepared under Uio direct super vision of w. T. HARRIS, Ph.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Edu cation, assisted by a largo corps of com petent specialists and editors. ' Rich Bindings 2364 Quarto Pagss 5000 Illustrations l$$~The International teas first issued in 1890, succeeding the “Unabridged The New and Enlarged Edition of the International was issued in October, 1900. Get the latest and best. Wo also publish Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary with Glossary of Scottish Words and Phrases llOOPogM. 1400 Illustrations. Size 7?;t0r3 6-8 inches. “ First-class In quality, stvond-c lues In size." Specimen paxes, etc. of both books sent on application. G.&C. MERRIAMCO* Publishers, Springfield*, Mass. DEIGHTFUL BEVERAGE, A SAFE STIMULENT A GOOD MEDCIINE For Sale by T. H. ELSNEll, 1,01'P CITV, - • • SKim.