The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 21, 1903, Image 4

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    The Keystone
of Good Health
is pure food.
Lion Coffee
is all coffee—no glazing of
eggs or glue to conceal de
fects and cheapen its quality.
Fresh and uniform, rich
in flavor, because always in
sealed packages — never in
8t. Joseph,
Kansas Oity,
St, Louis,
and all points
ast and south.
Salt Lake City,
San Francisco,
amt all points
No. 58 PSMSMSt.. !2SU3 p. tn
NO. GO Freight.11.85 a. m.
No, 51 Passenger ..11:07 p. m.
No. 50 Freight. 1:40 p. tu.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining cliaif cars
(scats Irce) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point in
the United stales or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to it. L, Annum
Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Geu'l Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
No. 8ti leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 7:85 a. tn.
No. ss leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 18:80 p. m.
No. !K) leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 8:55 p. m. )
No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed
l‘2,0.i p. tn.
No S5arrives dally except Sunday (pass
enger) 7)35 p, ui.
First class service and close connections
cast, west and south
11. J. Cukto», Agent,
(i. It. OinsoN, Clerk.
s. N. SWRrtland, Treasurer.
,J. A. ANOIkR, Judge.
J. 8. reui.KK, Attorney
Kdwahi*8ntpbr, Sheritr.
It 1). IIKNURICKKON, Sunt. 1’UbliC Inst.
K B Corning, Surveyor,
CKo. W. lIUNTBlt, Coruor.
n O Grow, Blat. No. 4., Chairman., I* o
address, Loup City, Nel>.
Vnpkkw Gorstka, l)lst. No. 1., Ashton I’ O
I'KTKit Tiiouk, Ul-t. No.2 Loupcity. “ "
W O BROWN, Bint. No. 3, Loup City, “ *•
John Maikfski, Dlst. No. 5, Ashton, *• ••
W\t. Jakob, Dial. No. «, Rockville, “ ••
W II. CHAPMAN, Uiat. No. 7, Lltohtloid “ “
Loup City Lodge No. 33, A O U VV. — Meets
2nd and 4th Thursday of each mouth.
Friendship Lodge No. 19, D of H.—1st and
3rd Thursday of each month.
Loup City Council No 136, I, M L A—1st and
3rd Monday of each month.
Mainland f'astlo, No. US, Iloval Highlanders.
2nd and 4th Monday of each mouth.
Excelsior Lodge. No 166, 1 O O F—1st and
3nd Saturday of each month.
Martmon Lodge, No. ill, K of 1’—2nd and
lth Wednesday of each month,
Loup City Camp. No. 636, M W A—1st and
3rd, Tuesday of each month.
Loup City Camp No. 627, R N A—2nd and
lth Tuesday ol each month.
Porter Lodge, No. 106, A F & A M—Tuesday
on or before full moon and 2nd Tuesday
Joppa Chapter, No. hi, It A M—1st Monday
of each month.
Orentol Chapter, No. 7S-- 1st and 3rd Sat
urday of cash mouth.
L of Cl A K—2nd and lth Saturday of each
month at 2 o’clock p. m.
If you want lire, wind, storm or hall
insurance call on or write F. E. Brewer
Ofllee with T. S. Nfghtlngule, Loup
City Nebraska.
Makes homely women beautiful good
locking women handsome. Greatest
heautifyer in the world. Sueliasltocky
Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Never fails,
Odendahl Bros.
1). t'. Grow, of the Northern Milling
company feed store wants to trade Hour
for wheat lie also has a tine grade
of whole wheat flour for sale.
Public Notice.—All persons in
debted to C. llauch for blacksmith
work done at bis shop will please
pay their accounts to T<* S. Nightin
gale who will credit the same upon
the books.
C. Hauck.
I have a car load of Maitland Pea
c'*al of excellent quality. Good (hi
steamtlireshers. Call and examine it.
E. G. T.\ voi*
Loup City park is now open for
picnics and private parties. Apply
to. 11. Jexnek.
Fok Sai.e.—A good Leering binder,
has been in use only two years. Will
sell very reasonable. Enquire at this
olllce or see owner, one half mile south
of Loup City. ACOUST Kkiman. Owner
For rent.— 100 acres of good
prnirie'hay land, miles west of
Ashton. Cash rent or put up on
shares. Apply to
AratTBT Jaescuka.
Don’t fail to call on Johnson
Lorentz & Co if you need a taylor
made suit. Perfect tit and satisfact
ion guaranteed.
Uoaal Daws
C. W. Sours, photographer op
posite St. Kimo Hotel.
If jou want to hey a good milk
cow call at this oflice.
Highest market price paid for
chickens at E. A. Chase.
Do you need a new wagon? T. M.
Reed has them.
New stock of furniture just arriv
ed, call and see T. M. lteed.
Oust Lade of Hazard township is
building a new barn 20x40 feet in
Get your tailor made suits at
Johnson, Lorentz & Co. we can fit
you right.
Mrs. G. H. and Mrs. W. T. Gib
son returned from their visit Wed
Vivian and Zoe Nightingale are
visiting at the home of their uncle
Jas Gouley in Custer county.
Mrs. Emma Courier, of Salem,
S. L>., is visiting her parents Mr. I
and Mrs. Theo. Wilson, on Oak
W. It. Waite, of Hayes creek was
in the city Saturday and say that
everything was well with him,
Mrs. J. Couper, of Dead wood is
| here visiting her parents, Mr and
Mrs. It. T. Snyder.
Lightening struck the granery of
Lawerence llaush in Clay township
last Sunday. No damage to
speak of.
Carl tie la Motte, of Hazard town
ship, is going to build an addition
to his farm residence and has the
brick ready for the foundation.
John A. Thompson is a new sub
scriber to the Northwestern this
week. John saw a sample copy
and knows a good thing when he
sees it.
Rev. Madely is suffering very
much with hay fever. He contem
plates taking a trip soon and
hopes to get relief by a change of
.lens Christensen, of Washington
towuskip and the newly nominated
candidate on the populist ticket for
sheriff, is a new subscriber to this
The Methodist church have ar
ranged for a lecture courcc this fall
and winter; a serious of fine enter
tainments. We will give further
particulars next week.
Mrs. Ueo. E. Benscboter and
children, Willie, Bernice and Alice,
left last Monday morning for a ten
days visit to her parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Haillie, at Fremont, Neb
Troy Hale says he wants those
who borrow his pitch forks, bridles
poll straps, neck yokes, collars, lines
and scoops to please return them
and recieve a quarter tor their trou
ble. He thinks it cheaper to pay a
quarter than it is to run after them.
0. Ji. Bowman goes to Boelus
this week with his race nag, Sun
dance, to participate in the races at
that place Thursday and Friday.
He will go from there to Hastings to
take in the races there. Mr. Bow
man has his nag in good trim and
will doubtless win some of the prizes.
K. J. Nightingale has been invit
ed to address the people of Ord on
the 25th inst. when it is expected
that the state board, who have the
locating bt the State Normal school
will be present, and a reception will
be given them. Ord has many
good reason why she should
have the Normal and we wish her
success iu the contest. Mr. Night
ingale will speak favorable to the
locating of the Normal at Ord,
Iu nominating L. A. Williams
for sheriff the republicans of Sher
man county selected a good man.
He is a man of good ability and is
very popular with the people. Sev
eral years ago he was nominated
for this same position anil although
the odds were against him, came
withiu about 14 votes of carrying off
the plumb. This is the second time
that his • party has conferred this
honor upon him, which shows the
high esteem in which he is held.
Mr. Williams will doubtless make
a splendid campaign and if elected
can be relied upon to make an honest
ani trusted officer.
Miss. Ella Taylor ami Her sister
came up from Gram! Island
last Saturday and spent Sunday
with their parents Mr. and Mrs. T
A. Taylor. Mr. Taylor has been
quite sick the past week and it was
a great comfort to have his daugh
ers with him. Miss Ella returned
to Grand Island Monday but her
sister remaind a few days.
The populists of this county held
their convention at Society hall in
this city last Tuesday and placed
the following ticket in the field:
For judge, J. A. Angier; Sheriff,
Jens Christensen; coroner, F. E.
Brewer; treasurer, S. N. Sweetland;
clerk, C. F. Beushausen; surveyor
E. B. Corning; superintendent, R
D. Hendrickson; assessor, Lawerence
This cilice acknowledges a very
pleasant call Monday trom MIbh.
Nellie Hawk, in company with Miss.
Neva McNabb, of Craig Mo. who haw
been visiting here for & couple of
weeks. Miss, Neva departed for
her home Monday over the B.&M.
| She has a position in a printing
office at her home and will resume
work on her return. She reports
a very pleasant visit with relatives
and friends here.
Two young men by the name of
j John Beudler and Fred Mickish, of
Hazard township, while out near
the B& M. milic td trio k with ritle
in hand last Sunday, shot through
I the w indow of a passanger coach
and severely wounded a passanger in
the arm. They were arrested and
held for a preliminary hearing. It
is thought to have been an accident
but the facts have not been fully
W. E. Smith met with quite a
.severe accident last Saturday morn
ing which came near laying him off
for a while. He was at work with
Bob Voting on the Zimmerman
house. They were setting a petition
when Bob’s hammer missed the
mark, and flying out of his hand
came down on Smith’s head, in
flicting a severe scalp wound and
takiug the skin off his nose. Smith
has a very sore head but is thank
ful that it is no worse.
Jacob Albers informs us that he
received from K. J. Delaney of
Brooklyn, N. Y. a draft for ten dol
lars to be given to J. H. Parshall to
help re-build the mill that was blown
to pieces in the recent heavy wind
storm. Mr. Delaney is a whole
souled fellow and has, since he left
here, in many ways, manifested his
deep interest in the wellfare of Sher
man county and her people. We
extend thanks on behalf of Mr.
Parshall and our citizens for this
ffiost generous gift.
Last Friday Morning during the
heavy electric storm, lighting struck
the W. T. Offen residence which
wrs occupied by II. L. Bell and
family, and done considerable dam
age to the building. Mrs. Bell stood
near the stove with a plate in her
hand. It was broken into pieces
and she was knocked down. Her
daughter was also badly shaken up,
but fortunately they were not serious
ly injured. The lightening played
all around the room, the chitniney
was tore dowu and the siding badly
ripped up.
It seems good to see N. L. Talbot,
one of our old republican wheel
horses, again representing his, Clay
township, at the convention last’Fri.
day. Mr. Talbot has been out of
the county,a resident of Boclus, for
the past seven years, but having
built a new house and moved back
on his homestead in Clay township
is again a citizen among us. During
his absence the republican party
has suffered defeat several times.
If we succeed this tail the pops can
blame Mr Talbot. He will no doubt
help to mow a big swath as in days
of yore.
Big Sale of Cattle
The undersigned will sell at pub
lie auction in Loup City, at the
the Round Front barn, on Saturday
September 51b, 1003, at l o’clock
p. m. 17 milk cows, 18 steers from
one to two years old and 15 heifers,
mostly yearlings. One years time
will be given by purchaser giving
bankable note drawing 8 per cent
interest. 5 per cent discount for
cash. Further information can be
obtained by consulting Jacob Albers,
Gustave Kascii, Owner.
A. 0. U. W. Attention!
Loup City Lodge No. 33,
A. 0. U. W. will give a pic
nic at Jenner’s Park, in this
city, August 28th, 1003. All
members of the order with
their families are invited to
participate. The Degree of
Honor has a special invitation.
Plenty of sport will be provid
ed for a days amusement.
Come early and bring your
basket.—Bv order ef Lodge
Boone takes the best baby
Go to Boone for first class
You should see Boone for
Boone take a line group
Boone, Boone, Boone, Photos
Photos, Photos.
Quarterly Meeting.
The quarterly meeting of thin
Conference year at the M. K. church
will begin Saturday, August 22nd.
Quarterly conferance Saturday, at
8 p. m Old Fashioned Methodist
Love Feast with closed doors from
0:30 to 10:20 a. in., Sunday, Preach
ing service at 10:30 a, m., fol
lowed by communion service. Sun
day School as usual. Kpwortb
League at 1 p. m. and preaching
service at 8 p. m.. liev. Crane,
Presiding Wider of Kearney district
will be with us. A cordial invitation
is extended to ail. Come and have
a Spiritual feast and a great uplift.
John Madely, Pastor.
We are pleased to announce the
marriage of Jacob Albers jr. to Miss
Ida Haller, two of Sherman county’s
popular young people. The cere
mony took place in this city, Tues
day August 18, 1903, Judge J. A.
Angier officiating. Mr. Albers is
well known to our people as a
young man of enterprise. The bride
it the daughter of Mr. Charles
Haller of Clay township and has
many admiring friends who wish
them a happy and prosperous future.
Wanted.—A good blacksmith,
one llmt can shoe horses, do plow
work and wood work. Applicant
must be of good habits.
C. IIauck.
For Sale Cheap. A second hand
threshing machine, complete.—
T. M Heed._
It is decided that Sherman County
will have an exhabit at the Nebraska
State Fair to be held at Lincoln, Sept,
4th to 11th 190:1 and farmers of Sherman
County are urgently requested to aid
in making this exhibit a credit to the
county, by furnishing for said exhibit
the choicest samples of the following:
Corn, Wheat, Oats, Barley. Rye, other
varieties of Grain, Native Grasse* and
Forage plants, tame grasses, including,
Millet. Potatoes. Onions, Cabbage
Beets, S(jHashes, Mellons, Pumpkins,
Grain in Shief. Miscellanous embracing
varieties of soil and other farm products
not enumerated in this schedule.
All above to bo delivered by the last
of August.
Report as to what you can furnish,
and for any information enquire at any
real estate cilice in Loup City.
—rr.orrJETORs of—
We carry in stock all kinds of FRESH § SALT
MEATS, and can fill all orders promptly and satisfactorily.
We solicit a fair share of the public’s patronage, and
will give you your money’s worth at all times. W* *•
Highest Market Price PaiH for Hide*.
A. P. GULLEY, President.
W. F. MASON, Cashier.
General Banking
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard National Bank. New York City. N. Y.
Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska
Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker,
O '
My shod is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte ltiver
‘I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ina
chluery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and
turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch.
Soliciting your patronage I am
Yours respectfully,
J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb.
“Tlie Yellostone Park is something abso
lutely unique in this world, as far as 1
know. Nowhere else in any civilized
to be found
vertibale won
aceessable to
country is there
such a tract of
derland, made
all visitors,
same time not
^ where at the
* PlCl 0*'*''
only the scenery of the
wilderness, but the wild creatures of the
park, are scrupulously preserved
The popular route to Yellowstone National Pask
is via the UNION PACIFIC to, Mont,
thence, daily, splendid Concord Coaches take the
visitor to all points in the Park.
During June, July and August1
For full information call on or address C, L. IIakvkY, Agt.
thereby helping out the busy housewives and deminishing our stock. This sale
will begin Saturday, August 22nd and end Monday, August 31st. These waists
are all this year’s styles and as we offer them at the rate of two waists for the
price of one we are sure you can hardly afford to miss the opportunity.
Come early while there is still an assortment. They will all be arranged
so that you can thoroughly examine every one.
Loup City, Netor.