ASHTON NEWS DEPARTMENT «IOIIJV jT. SMITH, Ijocal Editor amt *i ft vert is inf/ Solicitor. Devoted to the Interests of Ashton, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1903. Started. April 3, 1903. LOCAL NEWS. —TliOB. Jamrng and daughter are at Omaha this week. Coal for threshing machine use. The best at E. O. laylors. —The St. Izidor Society shipped a car load of hogs to Omaha market Wednesday. —John Rapp took a trip to Loup City last Tuesday to visit his relat ives in that [tart of the county. —Mrs. Ceuek and family of Elba visited frie nds and relatives here the fore part of the week. —Theo. Ojendyke spent a few days last week at Omaha onbusiness lie reports business in all lines as booming. —Frank Lukacz«wski has charge of the Warnyn threshing outUt the past week breaking in a new en gineer. ' —County attorney, r. J. lay lor of St Paul wad at Ashton and vicin ity Monday and Tuesday looking after land interests. —Mrs. L. Its vis went to St. I’aul Wednesday to have an operation performed at the Gotham hospital for a tumor or abacus of the kidneys. —The Cal Sbaupp residence prop erty has been repaired the past week It will be occupied by Mr. Stevo Newman and family. —Jim Bartnnek is now in a new line, buggy top covering is his fort. Jim done a nice job for Will Hawk ins the past week. —All the town youth have been having some fun with the mumps the past two weeks ai d now fell pretty mumpy. — i' (i thirds of the Washinging monu ment Inclosed within them is a steel flume v\oi k weighing about 12,000,00. wiiich is heavier perhaps than the frame of any other building in the count ■'/, The steel columns, beams, and plates » e not made of ordinary stock steel, hut were forged to order, and the steel work is so protected that in case ot heat being generated by any cause its strength will not be affected by warping. The meat modern meth ods of opera* rig the machinery have been provided. Tiere will not be a foot of shafting in the whole building. Eat i of the three hundred presses wi’l have its own motor, propelled by three of the largest dinamos in the com try, each of S00 horsepower. These dinamos will also supply 7,000 ipeadesc nt lights anti a most novel svstem of ventilation fans, which are pk'-ed in tbe l '■*: and will draw the r r< th Ve < tv t! through s uiits and t pel it, ti oi g the roof with such rapidity that there will he an entile change of atmosphere in the building ever seven minutes, and each employe will have ;s,000 cubic feet ol pure, fresh air an hour. o Just as the public began to imagine that the i‘ostoflice investigation was drawing to a close, the Was! bigton grand jury returned an Inportant batch o ulictments. These covered four c; es of swindling for all of wlrch A W. Macheu. former general superin tendent of free delivery was responsible and envolved besides himself seven of his confederates. The evidence present ed to the grand jury showed that Laehen by neans of fraudulent contracts let for carriers, bags, registered letter cases, painting mail boxes ect., had swindled the goverment out of not less than $75,000 probably more. Among those indicated as confedrates of Machen were William Gordon Crawford, man ager of the Costal Device it Lock Com pany of New York, himself a prom inent club man of Washington, Win. 0. Long, better known as “Cliff” Long formerly of Ohio. John T. Cupper, mayor of Lockhaven, i’u., and several others. The evidence of fraud thus far discovered have demonstrates that the y ivernment lias lost at least $1 Washington. D. C., Ann'. 10, IfiOn. Jest a.- •’ araident Roosevelt has de clared Ills “open door" policy for labor, union and non-union, the doors of the biggest printing oilier* in the world have swung open to receive the par ticular laborei- to whom the president announced this policy The magnifi cent $11,'>00,000 government printing office, which has been under construct-! ion for the past four years in Washing ton, is now practically completed, and is being occupied as rapidly as the plant, a great deal of which is a so new. can he put in place. The old building which the printing office force is now leaving is both delapitated and dang erous, as was the policy of the suprem acy of the union. which the president condemned -o The record of the free delivery serv ice tor the month of July completely belies the claim that it will be < rip pi I by Bristow, the facts being that d. ing that month there were 2,445 rural routes established as against a total of 5,0U4 for the entire fiscal year ending with June, in this conection it is ini -resting to notethai the condit ion of the appropriation makes it pos iiileto esta h ■ no >4no < routes dur .ng the c • ' .i.t . ye; • What the Strong Man Is Not. The strong man is not the soldier on horseback with saber drawn. The strong man is the man with folded arms who utters the truth regardless of consequences. No one can injure a man who refuses to be hurt; you may kill him, but you cannot touch the man in him. He wields a power that he would have to give up if he stooped to physical force. Beggar's Succesful Plea. The best known of the penny beg gars is loose in Broadway again after a long absence. He is a gray-bearded old man who glides up to you In, the street and says in a wheezy voice: "Boss, will you give me a penny? I want to get a cup of coffee. I have i four.” As an evidence of truthful- i ness he holds out lour pennies In his dirty palm. Hi3 modest request is usually complied with unless he Is j known. He has been doing the pen- j ny-bcgging stunt for several years j now and seems to be satisfied with ! the results.— New York Sun. Dclieves Sea Serpent Exicts The naturalist of the Belgica expo dition lately told the Zoological So ciety of France that he believes the sea serpent to exist, and that it is not at all an imaginary creature of song and story. He says it is not a reptile, hut a mammal of the order of the pinnipeds, to which family the seals belong. In form It resembles somewhat the extinct plesiosaurus, atiaining a length of 200 feet, the head and neck being one-fourth of the length, the trunk one-fourth and the tail one-half. It never approaches the coast except In pursuit of the fish on which it lives. Art Forgeries. The Anglo-Saxon is the natural prey of the art forgery-monger, and tho modern antiques which are manufac tured for him constitute the livelihood of the whole countrysides on the Arno, and the Tiber, on the Nile, and on the Jordan. Innocent peasant looking people dig up these antiques before the eyes of the unsuspecting tripper! And when the fool goes off with his folly, the simple, guileless peasant quietly buries another ex ample of (he same object in the same hole for the benefit of the next tour ist who may come along.—Magazine of Art. Plenty In It. The discussion of bribery has serv ed to recall the reply which George T. Anthony once made to a politician who was disposed to “graft.” Mr. An thony was about to relinquish an office and was approached by the man who was to succeed him, who wanted to know how much the office was worth, Mr. Anthony replied that it paid |3,000 a year. “I know that is the sal ary,” insisted the inquirer, “but what else is there in it?” “Well,” said An thony, looking his Interrogator direct ly in the eye, “there’s $3,000 a year and the penitentiary in it for any man who want6 to work it for all It is worth.”—Kansas City Star. Dont Be Fooled! The market Is being llooded witli worthless Imitations of ROCKY MOUNTAIN . ..TEA . .. To protect the public we cad especial attention to our trade mark, printed on every pack* age. Demand the genuine. For Sale by nil UrugniM I Have Ton Heard of The Idon’e Mouth? The old idea is adapted by a pro gressive American newspapper to meet modern requirements Collier’s Weekly is conducting a very novel and interesting competition for Its readers each month. To enter the con test all one has to do is to review the issue of Colliers for the current month and answer the two or three questions which are printed in each issue giving such opinions and such suggestions as will aid in improving the paper. Collier's aims In this way to secure the assistance of every one of its readers in making the paper more to their liking. Every reader in fact becomes one of the editors and has his voice in building the greatest illustrated journal of the age. The tirst prize each month awarded for the most helpful suggestion is #50 in cash with a second prize of #25 and eighteen other prizes of sets of book ranging in value from S3- down to #5, n all #32!) of value given iu prizes each month. There are, in addition cumo'a ative cash prizes tor those who win prize in successive month, and a big cash piizo of #1,000 for the most valu able suggestion during 1903. For the convenience of intending con testants who can not be promptly sup plied by newsdealers, all the coppies of Collier’s for the current month will he sent postpaid togathei with a batnsome proof of a drawing by Charles Dana Gibson upon receipt of 30 cents iu stamps addressed to the lions mouth, Coolier’s Weekly, -138 West 13th Street New York. ROAD NOTICE To all whorn it may concern: The commissioner appointed to view and report upon the vacation of a road commencing at a point where the Loup City anti St. Paul road strikes the North East qui "ter ot section Ten (10), Town ship 14, K nge 13, and which is now ang ling through the sri 1 dccribed quarter, iie vaeat d as it is no longer needed, has reported in favor of (he vacation thereof and ail objections thereto or claims for damage must be tiled in the County Clerk’sothoe on or before noon of the 25 day of Spetember, 1903 or such road will be vaeat 1 without re ference thereto. Dated this 20 day of July. 1903, Geo. II. Gibson, County Clerk NOTICE. I have ;i car of Mi U *-id. Pea coal of excellent quality • Good for steam threshers. Call and examine it. E. G. Taylou. A Surgical Operation lc> always di lgerous—do not always submit to tlio surgeons knife until you Lave tried DeWitt’s Wictli Hazel Salve It will cure when everything else fails —it has done this in thousands of easeg. Here Is one of them: 1 suffered from bleeding protruding pills for twenty years. Was treated by d li t re.:,t special ists and used many remedies, bat obtain ed no relief nntil I used DeWitt,s Witch Hazel Salve. Two boxes cured me eighteen months ago and I have not had a touch of the pills since II. A Tis dale, Summerton, S. C. For Illtnd Bleeding, Itching ami Protruding Pills no remedy eijutls DeWitt,s Wich Iltzel Salve. Sold by Odend&hl Bros THOS. JAMROG, -DEALER IN— Hardware. Stoves and Tinwan ami a complete stork ot Come to my store to buy. I can please you both in quality and price of goods. ASHTON, - - - NEBRASKA. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE -PAID FOR Live Stock. Bring your Stock to the ASHTON MARKET. I will p;iy ALL the market affords. J. Y, TAYLOR, Live Stock Dealer, ASHTON, .... NEBRASKA. BOUGHT AT THE B & M. ELEVATORS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING ASHTON AND FAR WELL. M for Sale al lip City and AsMoi. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND HARWELL Call and sec our coal and get prices on grain. R. G- TAYLOR. IRA T. PAINE & CO. MONUMENT S. MARBLE GRANITE AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK. BEST OF MATERIAL. LOWEST PRICES FOR GOOD work. See us or write to us f .fore giving an order. GRAND ISLAND, . NEIL You Should Road The NOhTS^ESTERN and get Your Neighbor TO SUBSCRIBE EOR IT. THE PAPER THAT 1 JXT^ir Mllg/ jPJp’ffni}, THE PAPER OF THE LAPGESTej^eus-AT-iON published in the county. The paper that publishes all the SUPERVISOR'S PROCEEDINGS AND IS READ BY fdearly 5,000 PEOPLE. Alrtfi in 1 liwsa THE BEST i m PMM w itep'-klS; in tt]<3 Gouqtry. Riqsst: display of SDVERT1S1NG TYPE FECES. 4*“' ■ *3"* WG HAVE ALSO OVER SO JOR ?YP6 P/1G6S AM For Tins Season You S&OQlfl Al o Come To THE NORTHWESTERN Offise Foe Fife Job Work, Ws Do Jnfc> Work Qeffer, [deafer and Qdnel^er Than you can get it done at most country print ing offices. We also have an elegant display of FINE WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER WORK. Sale bills, hand bills and poster work a specialty