The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 14, 1903, Image 5

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    The Northwestern
Kill lor and I’utdluher
TEBMF —§1 00 p*k team, ir paid is aiivanci
F.ntered at the I.ouo City Postcffice for trims
mission throuten the mails fts s. ,ond
class maUer.
jutUUi Coi*7entlOB for Twelfth District
The republican electors of I he Twelf
th Judie 1 District of the Stnte of
N • -Vna '.a ur k'.-reby roqueted to send j
delegates mm the several counties
comprising said district lo meet in
convention In the city of (hand Island.
Nehru.'’ a. on Tuesday. August —-'Oi
100;;, at two o'clock P. V . for the pm
pese of jtluciog in nomination :i can
didate idr judge ol said district tobej
voted lot at the next genual election;
and for tin-transaction of such other;
business as may come before- tin* hoard
The le-tsis of representation is the
same a. that fixed hy the 'Stale Central
Committee for the state convention
giving the several counties oi said
district the following number of del
liultalo. IS
Dawson. Ill
Sherman,.. . li
Total, <iw
Iv D.Owkvs. F M. HalloWELt,
Seeretary. * Chairman.
It is decided that, Sherman County
will have «!• exhablt at the Nebraska
State Fair to lu- held at Lincoln, Sept,
4th to 11 ‘ti 1903 and fanners of Sherman
County are urgently requested to aid
in making this exhibit a credit to the
county, by furnishing for said exhibit
tlioimoiec- : sample* < f tin* following:
Corn, Wheat, Oats, Barley. Rye, other of Grain. Native Grasse* and
Forage plant.-, tame grasses, including,
Mllkt, Potatoes. Onions, Cabbage
line s, Squashes, Mellons, Pumpkins.
<:• ait in Shin! Miseellanous embracing
varieties of soil and other farm products
rmr. 11 itinerated in this schedule.
AH above to b» delivered by the last
of August.
Report as to what you can furnish,
end lor any information enquire at arty
r v*.' estate olllce in Loup City
Vow that there if- a good show for
winning out, many of the best rnen
of our party have signified a willing
ness to take a place on the ticket.
Here to fore it has been hard to get
good men to stand for the nornina
tion and it they did it was with no
hop-- of success. But the tide is
turning. People are beginning to
see the fruits of prosperity and are
comiDg back to the republican
column. We expect this fall to carry
the county for tue whole republican
ticket. When the farmer can get
such prices a- Has prevailed for the
last four or five years for his eggs, j
butter, cream, beef and pork, end j
knows, as has been proven by pract-1
ical experience, that it is the result
of “openiug the mills to the labor of i
America” aud not the •■mints to the'
silver of the world," they will not
hesitate to support the party that
made it s< Life long democrats are
now voting the republican ticket
and the whole tide is turning towards
pros perity and better paites which
means the G. 0. P. in big letters.
And still the populist and Dem
ocrat papers of the country contend
that there is no prosperity. What
do you think about it my farmer
frieuds? The laboring men are all
at woik, and are consuming wbat
you produce. They arc earning
money and you are feeding them
with the products of your farm, and
that is why prices are good and'
what give you a ready market for
ail your surplus productions. It is
just this that keeps up the price of
of your butter and eggs, your hogs
and cattle and whatever you may
have to put on the market. The
words of William McKinley wtien
he addressed the old soldiers at
arms in 1S96 arc today herald over
til.: broad land, lie said: “I do
not know what you think about it
but ' believe that it is a good deal
better to open up the mills of the
United States to the labor of
America than to epen up the mints
of the iJailed Slates to the'silver of
the world.”
If practicing counts for anything
our Woodmen hovs will stand a good
show to carry of the prize at the
Arcadia Woodmen contest this
week. They are taking considerable
interest in the work.
Teacher’s Iustitute.
Tin* Sherman County Teacher's
Institute was held at Loup City with
a "0o<l attendance and excellent in
terest throughout the entire session.
The instructors were as follows:
Supt. 11. 1). Hendrickson, Conduc
tor, Prof. W. H Jackson, of Lin
coln; Miss. Cora E. Clary of Neb
braska City, and Mr. J. F. Nicoson
of Loup City.
Lectures were delivered by Dep
ot) State Superintendent McHrian
Prof. Jackson and llev. Dr. Sander
son of Fremont. Plans have been
i'tlVcted tor a county teaeber's meet
tto be held the latter part of Oc'.
Sup’. Hendiioksoii had his plans
well in hand and the work com
mencod promptly Monday morning
and good interest was sustained
throughout the session.
The following resolutions weread
dopted by the teachers:
The teachers of our county who have
attended the sessions of the institute of
l!H)3 desire to express their appreciation
of the benefits ot them, therefore
Lie it resolved: That we tender an ex
pression of our gratitude to our sup
erintendent, to our able corps of in
structors, to the Hoard of Edaeation at
Loup City, to iiev. Madeiy, to the ladies
who have contributed flowers, to Misses
Work and Outhouse for their services as
organists at the general session and to
Mbs Hickman for arranging, and to
Misses Zimmerman, I.eininger, ilagelin
Nightingale, Henry, Gibson, Outhouse
ami Mrs. Leininger lor executing spec
ial music at the lectures, to all the cit
izens of Loup City for many courtesies
and especially do we wish to express our
thanks to Mr Jackson for his masterly
We realize that not ail who gathered
with us last year have been spared to
meet us in our present Institute. Our
esteemed fellow worker, Mrs. May lie
pew ha- oeen called by the great teach
er to a higher stage of action. We miss
tier pres ence among ns and extend our
sympathy to tier family and friends
i Am irk Whitman,
Coin. Minnie Gimiert,
( Mahhie Miller.
Township Caucus.
Pu rsuant to call of Township Com
mUtPein.ui, G. W. Hunter, the Repub
lie .in electors for Loup City townshi.i
met if the village hope house, in this
city la.-t Monday and nominated the
following township ticket and elected
the following 21 delegates to the Ri -
publican county convention:
For Supervisor, 1) C. Grow.
For Twp. ,7. of the 1’., G. W. Hunter.
For Vil. J. of the P., A. J. Converse.
For Clerk, C. Truelsen.
For Treasurer, L. Hansen,
For Constable, 8. F. Reynolds.
For Hoad overseers.
Hist No. 18, Frank Otlewski.
“ 15, Jacob Kitz.
*' “ 20. Win. Cowten.
“ “ 14, Herbert Bly.
K. J. Nightingale was chosen for
township committeeman.
Delegates to countv convention.—L
N. smith, R. J. Nightingale, Geo. K.
Bensehoter, G. II. French, L. Bechthold
N. B. Thompson, W. 11. Morgan, C.
Truelsen, H. Johari«en, II J. Cole, P. T.
Rowe, TO Zagkrowski. B. J. Swanson,
F. Robbins, W. J. Fisher, M II. Mead,
A. S. Main, T. L Pilger, W. I). French,
Jacob Ritz and Geo Chapman.
The reunited populists ot America
have r ; affirmed the Fourth of July
platform of bs!)2 and have formally de
clared themselves from allegiance to
and alliance to the republican and dem
ocrat parties. Among the represent
ative populists joined in thedecleration
oi independence were ex-Scnator
William V. Allen-ex-Governor Poynter
and C. Q DeFrance, former candidate
for state auditor on the fusion ticket of
10U2 and editor of the oflical organ of
Nebraska populists,
standing way up in the councils of
their party, these eminent Nebras
kans clounbtless voice the sentiment
of the rank and file of simon pure
and unadulterated populism in
this state. That men of such high
standing and character would launch
an appeal to the people of the United
States who aro in sympathy with the
cardinal principles of populism, with a
mental reservation, or intentional even
is scarcely credible. That these lead
ers would declare for independent act
ion in the presidential cambaign and
would advocate, or countenance^ fus
ion with any other party on candidates
nominated for state oflicers would also
j to he decidedly out of harmony with
the Denver pronunciamento.
The question that naturally presents
itself then is whether the populist con
vention called for Grand Island to
nominate a supreme judge and regents
of the university will be another roar
ing faice, or wheather it will necessi
tate a permanent separation between
the so-called reform forces that have
be.“ii trotting in double harness in Ne
braska since lstib
Obviously, the debate in the pop
ulist ranks as to seperation or fusion
has become the burning question of
the hour. That the populist alone can
not hope to elect a state ticket this
year is absolutly certain. That the
populists and democrats could elect the
next supreme judge in combination is
extrmneiy doubtful even if the new
declaration were ignored and the Ne
braska contingent that participated in
the Denver conference could be per
suaded to fall in line just once more.
Nebraska populists will have an op
portunity to show at Grand Island
wheat her they approve the Denver
program or whether by repudiating it
at once they will discredit it throughout
the country,—Omaha Bee.
Miner to Tile: ithi.H'
Loup Guy. .Inly 7th, 1908 j
Tic- people of Loup Guy him) vicinity j
will take notice that the undersigned, j
, incrch-mt* and business men of lamp
j Gity, have agreed that ou and after ,lulv !
I 12th 1908, their places of busim-ts «tllj
| he closed at So'clock, 1’ M every evi it
j ing anti that they will also closed > n
Sunday' except meat market, open until
10 o'clock, Sunday morning.
Gbas, Gast.eyer,
O. F. l’etcrson
K. Ei.evoidsen,
Johnson L. & Go.,
E S llayhurst,
15. J. Swanson,
Swanson A Dahl,
0. W Gonbiscr,
A. E. Chase,
T. M. Reed
John Solms,
S. F. Reynolds,
lie moot AMiller,
Get your umberella of .Johnson Lor
entz it Co.
Fly nets, fly net.*, Ily nets at Owens*
harness shop.
“Use Liquid Koal for chicken chol
era, mites, lice, etc. For sale by J.
D. C. Leach & Co. have nothing to
do but to sell land. List your farm
with them.
The time to sell is when some one
wants to buy. List your land with I).
C. Leach it Co.
Go to O vens' harness shop for fly nets
where there is a large assortment, the
best on the market.. Prices right.
If yon have hotter and eggs to sill
take them to Swanson it Dahl. High
est prices for produce. Lowest prices
for grocer! es.
A woman should be as young as possi
ble. The fewer years she caries in the
eyes of others the greater her power to
charm and wiu the battles of life, ltocky
Monntian Tea keeps one young and
beautiful. Odendahl Bros.
Unique Decision.
A Maryland justice of the peace in
deciding an action against a railroad
company for killing a cow near a road
crossing, decided the case in favor
of the plaintiff for the reason that
"the defendant had no sign up at the
Wrought Into Gold.
I saw n smile—to a poor man 'twas given,
And he was old.
The sun broke forth; I saw that smile In
AVrought Into gold.
Gold of such luster never was vouchsafed
to us;
It made the very light of day moro
I saw a tolling woman, sinking down
Footsore and cold,
A soft hand covered her—the humble
Wrought Into gold.
Grew straight imperishable and will be
To smiling angels gathered round the
judgment throne.
Wrought, into gold! We that pass down
life’s hours
So carelessly.
Might make tho dusty way a path of
If we would try.
Then every gentle deed we've done or
kind word given,
Wrought Into gold, would mnko us won
drous rich in heaven.
I have a cur load of Maitland Pea
c<*al of excellent quality. Good f«i
steam threshers. Call and examine it.
E. G. Tayor,
Loup City park is now open for
picnics and private parties. Apply
to. II. .Tenner.
A, S. Main,
Physicians & Surgeons,
Rnhert P. Starr,
Marg A. K. HEndricksun,
at A. L. /Immerimin'ft
City Dray
Transfer Line.
J. W. &A. T. Conger, Props
All kinds of hauling will 1»« given prompt
attention iiinl will make h specialty of
moving household good. We solicit your
Lour CITY. .
IsTe'w Buggies and. Carrie %s:
i f l LiY A KK At. INK
a lot as has kv j r
Loup city.
Ttalf Italy Biff,
111 m
er, fill Bta
or anything you inav need in th> harvester lint'. I have also a nunplcle
1118 m maiDMii m
We also do a geni al line of well work and solicit your o tier.
Respectfully, I\ M REED*
* Take Laxative Brora > Quinine “aNets. ^ ' ('tlJ/
Cut or-. Qrip
Ivy Days. }
r———i—inw ill ir i *..< * *
To Cm 3 a Cold in 0 it l>ay £
OR cv-;rv
i Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 me hs
This signature,
«#•- s-' A- j!
iassrsts < - •.*
View* on Ambition and Dys
"Dyspepsia,” wrote Eugene Field,
"often incapacitates a man for endeavor
and sometimes extinguishes the fire of
ambition.” Though great despite hts
complaint Field suffered from indiges
tion all his life. A weak, tired stomaoh
can’t digest your food. It needs
rest. You can only rest it by the use
of a preparation like Kodol, which re
lieves It of work by digesting your food.
Rest soon restores It to Its normal tone.
i Prepared only by K. C. DeWirr* Co., Ohlcaico.
The $L bottle contains a 14 times the 60a. r*—
Kor sale by OUKNDAUL. DBOS.
State of Nebraska, /
Sherman County. )
Ida Claussen, non-resident, defendant,
will take notice that on th« Otb day of
July, 1903, Henning Claussen, plaintiff'
herein, tiled Ins petition in the I»lstri•• t
Court of Sherman County, Nebraska,
against said Ida Claussen, the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce
from said defendant on the ground that
said defendant did, on May 20th, 1901,
wilfully desert said plaintiff', and for
more than two years last past lias been
wilfully absent from him without, a
reasonable or just cause.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before tbe 17tli day of August,
Dated this 7th day of July, 1908
Henning Cgausskn, Plaintiff,
by R. J. Nigiitinoai.k, his attorney.
To all Whom it May Concern : The com
missioner apppoint.ed to locate a road eum
encingata point so rods south ol the North
West corner of Section 27, Township ll, liailire
U, intersecting with road No 30, running them e
South on Section line, three and three-fourths
miles, to tile South West ooflior of Seel Ion in.
Township 13, Umige 11, lias reported in favor of
the establishment thereof, and all objection
thereto, or claims for damages must be tiled
in the County Clerk's Office on or before noon
of the 1st day of Sept, I90:i, or such road will
he etsnblished without reference I hereto.
Dated this 1st day of July, 1003. 9
(seal) UKOUfiK. H. GlItSON,
County Clerk.
Tlie Foundation of Health.
Nourishment is the foundation of
health-lifc-strengtb. Koilol I>yspepHa
< ure is the one great medicine that en
ables the stomach and digestive organs
to digest, assimilate and transform all
food into the kind of blood that nourish
es the neives and feeds the tis-ues.
Kodol lays the foundation for health
Nature does the rest. Indigestion
1 >espepsin, snd all discords of the
s.omaeh and digestive organs are cured
bv the use of Kodol. Sold by Odendahl
\ttorney at Law and Notary Public,
WU1 Defend in Foreclosure Caaea
also do ▲
General Real Estate Business.
IV Great- -
tsagorin diseased the into tines Th cholert bacierla anils it'? way into
flu* Hiilinul through ihedrtnktng vat* or filth, passing into the stomach
anil Onally clown along the Intestines It sets up forme gallon and from
there tlirougt the blood, liver anti other r, ,.i
Hot? cholera cannot lie treated successfully unless treatment Is commenced
before the germ line reached Ihe period of raidil multiplication. If taken in
time it can be cored and In all cases prev-ntod by Up use of Liquid Konl
because it is the only germicide that will pass thiough the stomach into
tlio Intestines and fn in llierc Into the blond, permeating the whole system,
and still retain Its germ a illlni: properties .Ml other . ailed cholera cures
loose thlei | oteucy by the add react ion of the gusim juoles of the stomach,
hence have no value.
1,1 pul cl Koat is aluo the best remedy for chicken cholera.
Head what ot hers Ijace to say
Hut tington, Neb Dee, in, i!S)
Naiiotilnl Medicine (Jo., Vork, Sob
Deal Sirs:—I am a uset ol 1 .tijn! ! Koa and am well pleased w itli it I would
not try lo do without It. as 1 find it useful in a great many ways, 1 have had
no sick hogs Since 1 commenced tisliiK It a year ago In my opinoln It ts the
best and cheapest hoy cholera pmnutation on the market to day. You can
use this as you wish. Any one wishing to know more about this please write to
me. Knoch Kr,v.
Onuynnrt Oa»
One tialloi)
Klvn t.tvIloiiH pm tJHiion
$1 .Oil
3 u:
Ten Hatton K<*ir. per gallon
2 • Hatton*. half hiil |wr «al,
Vi lialloiw, 1 Ubl per vali
2 Ob
\ -'-tv jitter. in* k •>>» r, j - *UMt‘ i uhtinaiH oent free on application.
Nationol Medicial Co.
For sale b\ .1. tsOI.MS, l.'UipOlty Nub
'.■wapaiMit mar iwtrr j'.wacr
222 South Peoria St.,
Chicaoo, III.i Oct. 7, 1902.
Eight months ago I was bo ill
that I was comtx toiioorsit
down nearly all the time. My
stomach was so weak ami upset
that I could keep nothing on it
and I vomited frequently. I
could not urinate without great
pa in and I coughed so much that
my throat and lungs were raw '
and soro. Tho doctors pro- ,
nounced it Bright’s disease and
others said it was consumption.
It mattered little to me what
they called it and I bad no de
sire to live. A sister visited me
from St. Louis and asked mo if
I had ever tried Wine of CarduL
I told her .1 had not and she
bought a bottle. I believe that
it saved iny 1 ifo. I believe many
wo,;.on could save much suffer- j
ing if they but knew of its value.
Don’t you want freedom from
pain? Take Wine of Cardui
and make one supremo effort to
bo well. You do not need to be
a weak, helpless sufferer. You j
can have a woman’s health and
do a woman’s work in life. Why '
not secure a bottle of Wine of
Cardui from your druggist to
w anti: D-8 EVER A L IN DU S T R! OUS
I ( ison.t iii each state to travel for house
established eleven years and with a large
capital, to call upon merchants and hkhip
tor successful and profitable line. Perma
nent engagement. Weekly cash salary ot
its and all traveling expenses and all hotel
Dills advanced in east! each week Kxper.
! leuce not. essential. Mention reference
and enclose sell address envelope. THE
N VTHiNAI., :«4 Dearborn 9t., Chicago.
aeier and good reputation In each stale
loncin this county required) to represent
and advertise old established wealthy
business house of solid financial standing
Salary fill.Ub weekly with expenses addi
tions,, all payable in cash each Wednesday
diroi i from head offices Horse and ear
rage lurnlshed when necessary Defer
ences Enclose self-addressed envelope.
ColouiRl Oo , ItU Dearborn St., 0 hi cay o
For Salo by
Lon* CIT\ ,