PE-RU-N A b!^Klo WO/WEN Says Dr. A\. C. Gcc. of San Francisco. A CONSTANTLY increasing number of j physicians prescribe Peruna in their regular practice. It has proven its merits so thoroughly that even the doctors have overcome their prejudice against so called patent medicines and recommend it to their patients. **I Advise Women to Use Pe-ru-na.” Says Dr. Gee. Dr. M. C. Gee is one of the physicians who endorse Peruna. In a letter written from 513 Jones street, San l'rancisco, Cal., he says: ‘There is a general objection on the part of the practicing jhjcician to advocate patent medicines, but when any one medi cine cures hundreds of people, it demon etrates its own value and does not need the endorsement of the profession. “Peruna has performed sol many wonderful cures In F in tranchco that / am convinced that It Is a valuable remedy. I have frequently advised Its use for women, as / find it Insures regular and painless menstruation, c. res leucorrhnsa and ovarian troubles, and builds tip the entire system. I also consider it one of the finest catarrh remedies Ikno-vof. 1 heartily endorse your medi cine."—M. C. Gee, M. D. Mrs. It. T. Gaddis, Marion, N. C., is one of Dr. Hartman's grateful patients. She consulted him by letter, followed his directions, and is no., able to say the fol lowing : "before I commenced to take Peruna I coule not do any hard work without suffer ing great pain. 1 toil: Peruna, and can day with j leasure that it lias done more for me than any other mediciue I have ever taken. Now I a-n .-well as ever; I do all my own work and it never hurts me at all. I think I’eruua is a great medicine for woman kind."—Mis. E. T. Gaddis. Women are especially liable to pelvic catarrh, female weakness as it is commonly called. Peruna occupies a unique position in medical science. It is the only internal systemic catarrh remedy known to the medical prolession to-day. Catarrh, as everyone will admit, is the cause of one half the diseases which afflict mankind. Catarrh and catarrhal diseases afflict one-lialf of the people of the United States. // you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman. President of the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. MYSTERY OF WILD ANIMALS. What Becomes of Those That Ole Natural Deaths in the Woods? "The forest has many mysteries," said nn old Pennsylvania woodman, "but none deeper than that of wild animals that die natural deaths. "The four-footed dwellers of the woods certainly do not live forever. Age and disease must carry them of? regularly, as human beings ar<» carried ' off. but what becomes of their bodies? “1 never heard of any one’s coming across a wild dead bear or deer or wildcat or fox that had died from natural causes. 1 found the carcass of a big five-pronged buck in the woods once, but a rattlesnake, also dead, bad its fangs buried in one of the deer’a nostrils. There had evi dently been a fight to the death be tween the reptile and the bpast. “Another time 1 followed the trail of a hear from a clearing where it had stolen a half-grown lamb. I came upon the headless lardy of the lamb a mile or so out on the trail, and a half mile further on, near the edge of a swamp, 1 was surprised to And the body of the bear, "Its Jaws were open, and its glassy eyes were pushed far out of its head. 1 .1 held u post-morten examination of , the dead bear and found the lamb’s head lodged In its throat. How or why the hear ever permitted it to get there 1 am unable to explain. "1 have many times found other dead animals In the woods, but never one that did not show unquestionable evidence of having died from violence of some hind. Every woodsman w;il t?!l you the same. What becomes of the dead wild animals that die nat ural deaths. Information Wanted. "I always smile when misfortune overtakes me.” said the clerical look ing passenger. "That’s ;i good idea,’’ rejoined the hardware drummer, "but what jo you do when it overtakes you .a a prohibition town?” YELLOW < 1,0 TI IKS A I! E t7XSIOHTt.1T. Keepthetn white with Red < 'rot-K Ball Blue. AU grocers t ell large A or. package, 5 cents. , Legal Technicality. 1 A Chelsea (England) hospital Is mourning the loss of a bequest of $(5,000 thrcugh a legal informality. The tpstator signed his will in his bed room, and the witness is thoughtlessly tarried it into another room before signing it, thus malting the document invalid. The Post Renults in Starching C'ln t>e obtained only by using Defiance ►tarch. besides getting 4 07. tuero lor sumo money—no cooking required. As Defined. •‘Mamma,” asked small Floramay, "what is a synonym?” “A synonym, my dear, is a wnrj that