The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 31, 1903, Image 5

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    1 Hb Northwestern
Editor it in! PuMliher
TERMS:—11.00 per teak, ir paid in advanci
Entered at the Loup City Postofflre for
mission through the mails us second
class matter.
Cali For Repnoiican CoanlF Conyention.
The Republican electors ofShernmn
County, Nebraska; are hereby re
quested In send delegates from theii
respective townships to meet in con
volition at Loup City, Nebraska; Fri
day, August 14. UH)fJf at 11 o’clock a. m.
for tlie purpose of electing six delegates
to the State Convention to lie held at
Lincoln Nebraska, on the istli day of
August UKW and six delegates to the
Judicial Convention in atm for the u
Jmlici 1 District of the State of Neb.
and for the purpose of nominating a
county ticket, as follows;
County Clerk.
J udge.
and to elect a chairman oi uie coimi)
central committee, smtl to transact
-such other business as it ay properly
come before said convention.
The several townships are entitled to
representation as follows; the apport
ionment being based upon the vote oi
the list general election (1902) for
lion. John II. Mickey, for Governor,
giving each township one delegate for
every seven votes or major fraction
thereof, and one delegate at large for
every township, which gives the .re
spective townships the following rep
Oak creek. 8 Rockville.5
Loqj jL'ity.121
day. 6
Harrison,. 9
Scott. 4
Hazard,. 7
Bristol. 1
Total. 85
It is recoincnded that the primaries
be held at the usual voting places in
in the respective townships on Monday
August 10 1003. I5y order of Repub
lican committee.
W. H. Melloie, i haiimun
W. s. Waite, Secretary.
to the republican electors of Loup
city township, Sherman county Neb
You are hereby notified that there
will be a republican caucus held at
Loup city on Monday, August 10th,
1003 at 2 o’clock, p in., for the pur
p ose of electing 21 delegates to the re
publican county i on vention, to be held
at Loup city. Friday August lfth 1003
at 11 o'clock a. in ; and also to place in
nomination township officers, a town
ship committeeman and to transact
such other business as may properly
come before it.
Geo. W. IIuntei!
Townshit) committeeman.
judicial convention for Twelfth District.
The republican electors of the Twelf
th Judicial District of the State of
Nebraska are hereby requeted to send
delegates from the several counties
comprising said district to meet in
convention in the city of Grand Island,
Nebraska,on Tuesday, August 25th
1903, at two o’clock P. M., for the pur
pese of placing in nomination a can
didate for judge ot said district to be
voted for at the next general election
and for the transaction of such other
business as may come before the board
The basis of representation is the
same as that fixed by the State Central
Committee for the State convention
giving the several counties of said
district tiic following number of del
; egates
Bull'ulo,. IS
Custer. 19
Dawson. 12
Sherman,..... (>
Total, 55
|i: I), Owens, F M. IIalloweli. .
Secretary. Chairman
The Ucpublicans of Custer coun
ty held their county convention last
Week and placed a good county lick
«t in the field. They are confident ol
a sweeping victory again this fall.
Two years ago the republicans ol
that county wiped the populist plat
ter clean and this year they have re
nominated several of the officers foi
a second term. Custer county wat
. among the first to pick up the pop
| ulist craze and she was about tin
\ first to redeem herself. The. con
j vention instructed her delegates tc
| the judicial convention, (19 in num
I ber) for Judge Sulliyan.
If Coxey’s army was only in Neb
si raska to help harvest the goldei
f jgraiu. But ihey are all at work it
! the taetories and work shops and
the farmers are working almost
night and day raising a surplus of
hogs, grain and cattle to feed them,
and they are buying this surplus
with the money they are earning.
Change of administration did it.
There will be a ball game between
Loup City and Ravenna nest Friday
which promises to be an interesting
one and those who enjoy a good ball
game will miss a treat by not eon
i >g to Loup City to witness it.
The new law regarding the sell ng
{of tobacco, cigarettes or cigar* tte
papers to tumors went into affect the
first day of this month and those
who have been in the habit of selling
should be on the lookout from now
j on. The fine i.s $50 or thirty day in
jail. It means those under 21 not
those who look like inen. The law al
so provides a penalty for furnishing
these things in an« manner. Leaving
cigarette papers around where the
boys can swipe them is punishable
the same as the selling. The best
wTay will bo fore those who have
these papers on hand is to burn
them and tlien they will be out of
the way. — Ilerborn Register.
The National Medicine Company
of York, Nebraska aud Sheldon, j
Iowa seems to be on a very solid
financial basis as they are declaring
quarterly divisions, although their
buisuess is but of few rears standing.
Several of the best buisness men'
of York are stock holders. One of
their specialties is the Liquid K<>al
which is becoming a very popular
remedy tor many stock diseases,
and is proving itself to be the farm
era friend. It is used in water tanks
to purify the water and is also a
great blood purifyer. Liquid Koalis
on sale in this city at J. Soltns har l
ware store. We presume that the
success of the company is chiefly
due to the merits of their manufact
ured good. At all events it will not
cost much for the farmers to give it
a thorugb trial.
The morning sun was just com
mencing to gilde the prairies with a
shimmer of gold when a buneh of
men, beards and chaff being mingled
with their whiskers, come down the
road riding large robust plow horses
and mules. “Three of them were put
off the freight near hear last night”
said the leader of the agriculturists
and nearer came the men on horse
back, he kicked the flank of his
steed and urged it ouward, “They
can't be far away. Get your lariats
ready, men, so that we can gather
'em in as soon as they are flushed.”
Just then three weary Williams who
had sought repose in a last year's
straw stack which stood near the
highway, awakened by the noise,
raised tbeir heads to look. “Duck
fellers, duck,” said “Limberger
Sam” iu horse whisper to tlie other
hoboes. “If them farmers see us
there is nothin' left but the harvest
field for us.” The warning came
too late. The quick eye of the farm
er who rode the muckle-dun mule
had already spied the hoboes and
with a shout of encouragement to
his companions, he swung his lariat
and dashed on. Tlie tramps made a
wild dash for liberty and for a few
minutes the race was even. Then
the horseman began to gain slowly
the fleeing meu on foot. Nearer
aud Dearer came the men on horse
back and then the lariats hurled
through the air and settled down
over the heads of the Weary Wil
liams -We have them." shouted
the man on the muckle dun mule in
triumph. “We will go now and
start the reapers in the lieid.” “This
8 what, comes uv exercisin' no good
judgement in selectin, a place fur a
summer ontin’.” remarked “Ked
Nosed Pete.’’ bitterly to “Limburg
Sam” as they were dragged on
toward the harvest field ■,! told
yerthat Nebraska wan’t no place fur
a man uv leisure to come to.”—Tec
unj8eh Chieftain.
Oh where, oh where is Coxey and
Kero' Carl Brown, Ed Brown and
ihe lest of them. Jim Jink, we
should think, should not be forgot
in stirring the inixturo for the po
litical pot. And Emery aud Math
*w and half a score more, whose
last fall defeat was simply a bore
Wlu, more silent fel!ow.s can never
bj found. VVe should leave them
in peace to heal up the wound.
The following lectures Lave bd t
planed for the Sherman county in
atitute. Monday evening, Atgusl
3, deputy State Superintendent, J.
L. MeBrieu will deliver a lecluic
entitled 1 The Optimiat U. S. The
Tessimist. ” Wednesday evenit g
August 5, Kx State Superintendent,
W. H. .Jackson will deliver a lect
ure entitled “Practical Kducation"
Thursday evening August li'.b, Rev.
F. II. Sauuderson, of Fremont Net',
will deliver a lecture entitled “Men
wanted." All leerures will he iriv*
en at Filler’s opera house. Ad
mission free.
R 1>. II KMUtlCK* ON.
Co. "Ml pi
Very ItnnurkaUle Cure <>f Diarrhoea.
•‘About six rears ago for the first
time in m> life 1 had a sudden and se
vere attact of dirrnoea,” says Mrs. Alice
Miller of Morgan, Texas. ‘1 got tem
porary relief, hut it eamo back again
and again and for six long years I have
suffered more misery and agony than 1
can tell, It was worse than death. My
husband spent hundred’ of dollars tor
physicians, prescriptions and treatment
without avail. Finaly we moved to
Bosque county, our present home, and
one day I happened to see an advertis
ment of Chamberlain’ Colic, Cholera and
diarrhoea Remedy w ith a testiinonh 1
of a man who had b“en < uml by it.
The care w as so similar to my o vn
that 1 concluded to trv the remedy.
The result wus wot derful. I could
hardly realize that I was well again, or
believe it could be so uftcr having suf
fered so long, but that one bottle of
medicine costing but a few cents, cured
me.” For sal • by Odendahl Bros.
Hava Tou Heard of Tha Lion'* Month?
The old idea In adapted by a pro
gressive American newspapper to meet
modern requirements
Collier's Weekly Is conducting a vert
novel and interesting competition for its
readers each mMith. Toentertbe eon
teat all one has to do is to review the
issue of Colliers for the current month
and answer the two or three questions
which are printed in each issue giving
such opinions and such suggestions as
will aid in improving the paper.
Collier's aims in this way to secure the
assistance of every one of its readers in
making the paper more to their liking.
Every reader in fact becomes one of t lie
editors and has his voice in building ihe
greatest illustrated journal of the ag*
The first piize each month awarded
for the most helpful suggestion is #50
in cash with a second prize of #26
and eighteen other prizesof sets of hook
ranging in value l>om #52 down to #5
in all #329 of value given in prizes each
month. There are, in addition cumula
ative cash prizes for those who win
prize in Successive mouth, and a big
Cash prize of #1.000 for the most valu
able suggestion during 1903.
For the convenience of intending con
testants who can not be promptly sup
plied by newsdealers, all the copples of
Collier’s for the current month will be
sent postpaid togather with a hamsome
proof of a drawing by Charles Dana
Gibson upon receipt of 40 oents in
stamps addressed to the lions mouth,
Coolier's Weekly, 438 West )3(h Street
New Yoik.
State of Nebraska, ) s
Sherman County, j
Ida Claussen, non-resident defendant,
will take notice that on the 6th day of
July. 1903, Henning Claussen, plaintiff
herein, filed his petition in the District
Court of Sherman County, Nebraska,
against said Ida Claussen, the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce
from said defendant on thb ground tiiat
said defendant did, on May 20ib, 1901,
wilfully desert said plaintiff, and for
more than two years last past lias been
wilfully absent from him without a
reasonable or jus . cause.
You are required to answer s: id peti
tion oil or before the 171li day of August.
Dated this 7th day of July. 1903
Henning Claussen, Plaintiff,
by It. J. Nightingale, hi* attorney.
A, S. Main,
Attorney at Law ’nd notary Public.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Case*
General Real Estate Business,
t.our cut, - • kkuuaika
Robert P. Starr,
Margfl. K.Hendricksun,
KeitldADPfi at A. Ij. /.limnsriimn'ii
carload of IBiageie, euacl Cai riages:
or anything you may need in the hare a r lme I have itso a complete
1 have two hydraulic well machines and can make } >u a first elass well on short no
tice. It will pay you to call md see me if in need of an thing in my line.
Respectfully, f. M REED.
Curt s Gwp
Li Two T. tya
To Cu re a Cold in C n 3 Day
1 Tote Laxative Brono Quinine Taokt*. ? • a
Seven MMon boxes sold in post 12 months. Thb lignstiire, * * |
Views on Ambition and Dys
"Dyspepsia,” wrote Eugene Field,
"often incepaoitates a man for endeavor
and sometimes extinguishes the Are of
ambition." Though great despite his
complaint Field suffered from indiges- ,
tlon all his Ufa. A weak, tired stomaob
can’t digest your food. It needs
rest. You can only rest it by the use
of a preparation like Kodol, which re
lieves it of work by digesting your food.
Rest soon restores It to its normal ton*.
Prepared only by E. C. DsWitt & Oo., Chicago.
The $L bottle contains SIS times kite600. aiaa.
For sale by ODKNDAHL DUOS.
United States Land Office, I
Lincoln, Nebr, Juno i'l, I9.W, i
Notice is hereby given that the following
mimed settler lias filed notice of her in
tention to make final proof In support of
her claim, and that said proof w ill be made
before J. A. Angler, county judge, at Loup
City, Nebr.. on August 4, 1903., viz. Ellen
Lewis, Guardian of Barney Flanders,
minor heir of Leora H. Flanders for the
South H of the South-east ‘4 of Sec 4, Town
ship 13. Itange 1(1 West, Homestead Entry
17UJ0. She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land viz:
August Musback, of Litchfield, Nub.
T. P. Clancy
Thomas Else; "
JacobEnglemau **
W. A. Grkkn, Ktglster
To all Whom it May Concern The com
missioner apppntnted to locate a road corn
el icing at a point so rods south of the North
West corner of Section 27, Township 14, Uangc
14, Intersecting with road No :«>, running (lienee
South on Section line, three and ..fourths
miles, to the South West; corner of Section lo,
Township 13. Itange 14. has reported in tavor of
ihe establishment thereof, and all odjeetiou
thereto, or claims for damages must be filed
in the County Clerk’s OjHee on or before noon
if the 1st day of Sept, lOO.'s, or such road w ill
ne eUab’islied without reference thereto.
Dated this 1st day of July, l»03.
(seal) Georuk 11. OtrisoN,
County C.erk.
The Faunilatlan of lleullli.
Nourishment is the . foundai u. i f
lealth-llfc-grrenglb. Kodol I >ys|>'p.-ia
'Jure is the one great medicine that en
ibles the stomach and digestive organa
o digest, assimilate and transform ail
food in. o the kind of blood that nourish
'd I lie netves and feeds the tissue*.
Aodol lays the fou idati ■» for healih.
Vittore does the rest. Ji.iTgoj t km .
Oeapepsia, and all discords of the
■ omaoh and digestive organs re i n 1 d
ty the use of Kodol. Sold by Odendati:
Transfer Line.
f. W. &A. T. Conger, Props
All kinds of hauling wilt be given prompt
mention anil will make n specialty ol
novtnK household goon. We nolicii ><mr
The Great
is h germ disease of the intestines The cholera bacteria finds its wav Into
the niitinal t lirougU the drinking water or filth, passing Into the stomach
and finally down along the intestine* it sets up fermentation and from
i hero thro it ;{t the blood, liver and other organ*.
llog cholera cannot bo treated anee- ssfully unless treatment is commenced
before the germ ha- reached the period of rapid multiplication. If taken in
time it can be cured and ill all cases prev nted by the use of Liquid Koal
because it is the only germicide that will pass tluough the stomach into
the intestines anti fi m there into tlie blo. d, permeating tile whole system,
and still retain its germ Killing properties All oilier so called cholera cures
loose, tbier potency by the acid reaction of the gcstilc jucles of t lie stomach,
hence have no value.
Id paid Koal is also the best remedy for chicken cholera.
Head what others have to say.
Hartlngton, Neb. I>ec, in, 1902.
Natlonial Medicine Oo., York, Nob.
Dear Sirs:—I am a user of Liquid Koal and Kin well pleased with it. I would
not 11 y to do without it as I find it useful in a great many ways. I have hail
no sick hogs since I commenced using It a year ago In iny oplnoin it in the
best and cheapest ho*; cholera preventatiou on the market to-day. You can
use this as you wish. Any one wishing to know more about this please write to
me. Enoch Ei.y
One Quart Can. .
One Gallon.
Kivn Gallons per gallon
A 25c 1- page hook on dlscase.s of animals sent free on application.
Nationol Medicial Co. "'SSSS."
For sale by.) SOI.MS. Loup City Neb
fd .Mi
:t on
Ten Gallon Keg, per gallon.*2.
35 Gallons, halt hbl per gal, 2
5ti Gallons, I hbl nor gall
'Aft.; ■ Mi
• w f
. ^ * Ml II I'1 *
HOG ’(
“IflndThedford’s Black-Draught
• good medicine for liver disease.
Itcured my ton offer ho had spent
>100 with doctors. It is all the med
icine 1 take.”—MRS. CAROLINE
MARTIN, Parkersburg, W. Va.
If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druggist and
secure a package of Thedford's
Black-Draught and take a dose
tonight. This great family
medicine frees the constipated
bowels, stirs up the torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thedford’s Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid
neys. A torpid liver invites
colds, biliousness, chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. Weak kid
neys result in Bright’s disease
which claims as many victims
as consumption. A 25-cent
package of Thedford’s Black
Draught should always be kept
in the house.
*‘I Ufod Thedford’a Black
Draught for liver and kidney com
{ilaints and found nothing to excel
blehead, 111.
persons in each state to travel for hoiiHe
established eleven years and with a large
capital, to t all upon merchants and agents
lor successful and profitable Hue Perraa
iieut engagement. Weekly cash salary of
ilH anil ail traveling expenses and all hotel
hills advanced In easn each week Expcr
lence not essential. Mention reference
and enclose sell* Redress envelope. THE
NATION A L, 334 Deai'boi n St., Chicago.
neier and good reputation In each state
tone in this county required) to represent
mol advertise old established wealthy
bus.cess house of solid financial standing
'Siuiy $.'100 weekly with expenses addi
i tonal, all payable in cash each Wednesday
direct from head offices. Horse and car*
rage furnished when necessary. Refer
ences. Enclose self addressed envelope,
i oloninl ( o., 3;j-j Dearborn St., Chicago