The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 24, 1903, Image 7

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Tired, Nervous, Aching,
Trembling, Sleepless, Blood
less— Pe-ru-na Renovates,
Regulates, Restores Many
Prominent Women Endorse
MERICA is the land of ner
vous women.
The great majority of ner
vous women are so because they
are suffering from some form of female
Mrs. Emma Mitchell, 520 Louisiana
Street, Indianapolis, Ind., writes:
“Peruna has certainly been a blessing
in disguise to me, for when I first began
taking it for troubles peculiar to the sex
and a generally worn out system, I had
little faith.
••For the past five years I have
rarely beer, without pain, but Pe
runa has changed all this, and in
a very short time. 1 think 1 had
only taken two bottles before 1
began to recuperate very quickly,
and seven bottles made me well.
I do not have headache or back
ache any more, and have some In
terest in life. 1 give all credit
where It is due, and that is to Pe
runa.—Emma Mitchell.
By far the greatest number of female
troubles are caused directly by catarrh.
They are catarrh of the organ which is
affected. These women despair of re
covery. Female trouble is so common, so
prevalent, that they accept it as almost in
evitable. The greatest obstacle in the way
of recovery is that they do not understand
that it is catarrh which is thesourceof their
illness. In female complaint, ninety-nine
cases out of one hundred are nothing but
catarrh, l’eruna cures catarrh wherever
located. -
Chronic invalids wjo have languished for
years on sick beds with some form of female
disease begin to improve at once after be
ginning Dr. Hartman’s treatment.
Among the many prominent women who
recommend Perunaare:—Helva Lockwood,
of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Col. Hamilton,
of Columbus, Ohio; Mrs. F. E. Warren, wife
of U. S. Senator Warren, of Wyoming.
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use of I’eruna, write
at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state
ment of your case, and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
I cartridges and shot shells
are made in the largest and
best equipped ammunition
i factory in the world.
of U- M. C. make is now
accepted by shooters a3
“the worlds standard” for fe
it shoots well in any gun.
Tour dealer sells it.
The Union Metallic
Cartridge Co.
Bridgeport, - - Conn.
IT anyone offered you • good
dollar for an imperfect one
would you take it?
If anyone offered you one good
dollar for 75 centi of bad money
would you take it?
,We offer you 10 ounces of the
very best starch made for lOc.*
Nb other brand Is so good, yet
all others cost 10c. for 12 ounces.
Cfars is a business proposition.
and cheapest.
Wfc guarantee I satisfactory.
Ask your grocer;
Omaha. NtW
l Thompsons Eyo Water
When Answermg Advertisement*
Kindly Mention This Paper.
W. N. U., Omaha. No. 29—1903
What doth it profit a man to have
brains if he lacketh the ability to use
I do not believe P'.so’s Cure for Consumption
a as an equal for coughs and colds.—Jtta.v F
Dutliu Trinity Springs, Ido., Fob. It. 190tt
Look at a picture in the best pos
sible light, and be as courteous to your (
fellow man as you are to a picture.
Every time a man tries to get some
thing for nothing he acquires a little
more experience.
Do Your Feet Ache and Burnt
Shake into your shoes. Allen’s Foot*
Ease, a powder for the feet It makes
tight or N’ew Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Swollen, Hot, Sweating Feet, Corns
and Bunions. At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores. 26c. Sample sent FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
Will Entertain a King.
Thomas F. Walsh, who expects to
receive a visit next fall from King
Leopold, of Belgium, and to entertahn
the royal personage at his splendid
home on Massachusetts avenue, in
Washington, is a millionaire who made
his wealth out of Colorado mines. He
was born in Ireland in 1851 and came
to America at the age of 18. He went
to Colorado soon afterward, took up
mining and by industry and good luck
accumulateo a vast fortune.
Mrs. Wlmlmtu Morning Syrup,
For children teething, softens the gums, reduces fxw
flamuiaUon, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle.
It’s only a matter of time till the
undertaker lets you in on the ground
This country can struggle along
without kings and queens as long as
It has a few political bosses.
When Your Grocer Says
he does not have Defiance Htarch, yon may
be core bo is afraid to keep it until his
I stock of 12 ox. packages are sold. Defiance
Starch is not only better than anv other
Cold Water Starch, but contains 10 oz. to
the package and sells for same money as 12
ox. brands.
Professors of physical culture lack
the nerve needed to recommend the
wood-saw and wash-board.
Any act by which a man makes one
enemy is in the end a losing game.
Many who formerly smoked 10c cigars,
now smoke I/ewis’ “Single Binder" straight
5c cigar. The best combination of the test
tobaccos. Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, 111.
A woman who gushes over a man
when he Is tired and hungry Is due
for a term in a padded cell.
Should be in every home. Ask your grocer
tor it. Large 2 uz package only 5 cents.
The awrage man cant realize how
easy it is to pass the contribution plate
and forget to chip in until he tries it.
Those Who Have Tried It
will use no other. Defiance Cold Water
Starch has no equal In Quantity or Qual
ity—16 ez. for 10 cents. Other brands can
tain only 12 oz.
The wise missionary secureth an ap
pointment among the vegetarian type
of heathen.
To Cure a Cold in one day.
Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. All
druggists ref und money if it fails to cure. 25c.
Morning prayer seta a picket for
the day.
There are more than half a hundred
women In the United State* who earn
a living, and a good one at that, by
acting as •drummers,” or commercial
travelers, for business houses. One of
the most successful of these saleswom
en is not of the opinion that all mem
bers of her sex could do as well as she
has done. “The women who have
made a success on the road,” she said
recently, “are the women who would
have made a success in any line of
work they took up. There is the rank
and file in every business, but I think
that fewer women go on the road now
than did a few years ago.
"Men do not regard the woman com
mercial traveler with favor, and many
houses employ them simply as an ad
vertisement to attract attention to
their goods and make them talked
about in the small towns. Other houses
refuse to have a woman represent
them on tho road, and there are still
others who And that the per cent of
sales by their feminine representa
tives is as large, if not larger, than by
the men who made the same territory.
“The work is hard, but less hard
than that of a clerk who stands still
all day behind a counter, anti the pay
is better. Most traveling saleswomen
can make at least $1,000 a year, and
few clerks receive more than $15 a
week. Some routes are pleasanter
than others, and it is not always agree
able to make towns of less than 8,000
inhabitants, as the hotels are likely to
be poor, and there Is nothing to do for
amusement after the day’s work Is
There ere a number of Minneapolis
women w ho have made a success as
traveling saleswomen, but they were
endowed with the ability to make a
success of anything they undertook.
They have shrewd, capable, business
brains, they aro not afraid of work,
and they deserve the large check*
they receive in payment for tho equa>
ly large orders they send in to their
houses. Miss Pettibone, who formerly
made Minneapolis ner home, and who
now represents a corset house, with
headquarters in Chicago, receives a
salary of about $7,000 a year. Miss
McCue formerly traveled for Wash
burn, Crosby & Co. and was one of the
few wofnen selling flour. She has re
cently abandoned breadstuffa for soap.
Among the traveling saleswomen
who are well known to buyers are Mrs.
Campbell and Mrs. Allen, who sell
baking powder; Miss ljouise Ames,
who has a dry goods line; Miss Au
gusta Asher, infants' wear; Mlsa
Helntzman ar.d Miss Annis Uurr Por
ter, mousetraps.
Most of the (raveling saleswomen
represent come branch of women's
wear. The women who sell soap and
flour and salt are not bothered with
large trunks or samples, and they can
make their sales at once if the buyer
is in the humor. A man can some
times coax him into a purchasing dis
position with a cigar or a drink, but a
woman has to depend on her wit,
which does not always answer the
same purpose.
Two practical brewers as they con
versed the other day had an argu
ment over the invention of lager beer.
A third brewer joined them and said:
“Imager beer was not Invented. It was
discovered — accidentally discovered.
Here is the story as my grandfather
handed it down to my father:
“A saddler of the German town of
Bamberg sent his apprentice one
morning in the Middle Ages for a bot
tle of the beer tney used in those days
—a vile beer that was drunk as soon
as it was brewed. The apprentice
bought the bottle, and on the way
home with it met a practical joker.
The joker said to him:
“ ‘Your boss is looking for you. He
says you have spoiled three days’ work
' going to baste you with a
"At this news the apprentice was so
scared that he buried* the beer under
a tree and ran off and enlisted in the
army. He prospered in the army. In
time he became an officer and got the
cross of honor. Then he thought he
would return to his native town.
“When, with a long furlough, he
drew near the town, he recalled the
bottle of beer lie hart burled and he
dismounted from’his charger on reach
ing the well-remembered tree and dug
up the kottlc and carried it to his
former master.
“ ‘Old man.' he said, ‘you sent me af
ter a bottle of beer five years ago.
Here is the beer now.’
"The master embraced him, con
gratulated him on his success in life
and opened the bottle to share with
him its contents. Such excellent beer
neither had ever tasted before. It was
like old wine. Tho master, as soon as
he learned that it was burial that had
so much benefited it. bought 1,000 bot
tles of beer, buried them, and five
years later sold them at a great profit,
for everybody that tasted the new
drink loved it.
"In time the secret leaked out. Brew
eries everywhere came *to know that
beer, by lying, improved. So they all
adopted tho lying process, and they
called the new drink 'lying' or 'lager'
beer, for ‘lager’ means ‘lying,’ as you
"In the past centuries they let beer
lie longer than we do now. This is a
fast ace. you know.”
Henry Wollman has a story of how
he once came near to being a million
“About a yctar ago,” said he, “my
office boy brought me a card reading.
“Mr. Joseph Montague,” one hundred
and something Broadway. When this
Mr. Montague entered, I recognized
a man I had seen in the west. He told
me he was about to get up a corpora
tion to utilize the water power of the
Missouri and Kansas rivers at Kansas
City. He had already agreed upon
contracts with all the pork packers
and other utilizers of power in Kansas
City, according to his story. A large
quantity of blue prints and other for
midable looking things he carried
under his arm. There was going to
be three million dollars clear profit in
the transaction, he asserted, when he
told me he had decided to make me
counsel of the company, and would
give me a million dollars for my ser
vices. I could not quite see why he
should have two million and I only
one, but he finally persuaded me that
I ought to be satisfied witn the devis
ion. and I agreed to take the million
“His fare lighted up with satisfac
tion. Suddenly it changed, and he
said: ‘Something awful happened to
me last night; a burglar broke into
my room and stole my trousers with
all my ready cash, and although it is
nearly noon, 1 haven't had breakfast
j et.’
“Naturally 1 said, ‘Mr. Montague, it
is necessary for the success of our
great enterprise that you should keep
in good physical condition; here’s a
half dollar; get your breakfast.’
“Montague departed, and that is the
last 1 ever saw of my half dollar or
my million-dollar fee. This is no joke.
It actually happened, and something
like it is happening every hour in New
York.”—New York Times.
A brief note in a Russell paper
states that Judge “Jim” Reeder, of Iho
District court, has informed the mem
bers of the local bar that they will no
longer be allowed to appear In court
In their shirt sleeves, according to the
Kansas City Journal. Probably Judge
Reeder is not to blame for this. Ho
seems to be simply the helpless instru
ment of that effete civilization of the
Cast which is overwhelming the primi
tive democracy of the boundless prai
ries. But nevertheless this order will
sorely try the souls of a few remain
ing members of the ancient Western
bar wrho did not consider themselves
jquipped for business until coat was
iff, suspenders down and shirt thrown
I open at the neckband. Coats, indeed!
Time enough has not yet elapsed to
make ns forget the picturesque G. Polk
Cline, who used to come to this self
same court in overalls, army shirt and
| bare feet, often giving slight annoy
ance to his brother attorneys by
working the mud from between his
toes while his extremeties were ele
vated above the common table. And
neither can we reconcile this pert
order with the fashions of not so long
ago, when bluff old Sheriff Lanahan
used to convene court in this short
but emphatic formula:
“Take off yer guns and hats, ye
bums and sports! The honorable
coort is now in session!”
Illinois Ranks First.
Illinois ranks first among the states
n the manufacture of agricultural im
plements, bicycles, cars, glucose and
llstilled liquors, and in slaughtering
tnd meat-packing.
Open Court Martials.
Austrian soldiers wilt, under the new
penal code, be able to avail themselves
of counsel, and instead of the secret
trial in camera court martiala will be
open to the public.
T> o a ri'» Kidney rills
nakr freedom from Uld
sey trout’o potiiblr.
They carry a kind of
medication to the kld
»ry« thdt brings a bright
'ay of hope to desperate
Aching backs are eased,
dip, back, and loin pains
overcome. Swelling of the
limbs and dropsy signs
vanish j,
l.oc* rUvxx, Pa.— Mrs.
t«. TV. Ammumcn writes:
’ A few* reeks ago I sent for
s trial box of IHinn's Kidney
Pills for myself, and they did
til they are said to ilo. My
Husband was kicked Ust fall
byahorse on ! badlyhtirt —
bMQiip *r,( fractured — and
after he recovered he was U»
durh misery that ho could
hardly walk, and to stoop
cauied him mi eh distress that
he thought hi would havo to
quit work — Uso, It affected
big bladder and ho was un
able to make his water with
out so much distress. I In
sisted on his getting a box
of your pilis and trying them,
so I went to Mason's Drug
Store and got a box. The
first box helped him so much
that I got tbe second and also
the third, and now he is en
tirely wed"—Mrs. L. W,
Asut'ucx, Lock Haven, Pa.
Take-Down Repeating Shotguns
Don’t spend from $50 to $200 for a gun, when for so I
much less money you can buy a Winchester Take- I
Down Repeating Shotgun, which will outshoot and A
outlast the highest-priced double-barreled gun,
besides being as safe, reliable and handy. Your
dealer can show you one. They are sold everywhere.
FREEt Our 160-Page Illustrated Catalogue*
Ybursfora Clear Head’
Owls acquire their reputation for
wisdom by saying one thing and stick
ing to It.
Use Had Cross Ball Blue. It makes clothes
cleau and sweet as when new. All grocers.
Some women's Idea of being stren
uous Is to belong to seventeen differ
ent societies for the suppression of
Why It Is the Best
Is bsennse made by an entirely different
process. Defiance Starch ts unlike any
other, better and one third mors for 10
The love of some women is like the
ague; it begins with a chill and ends
in a fever.
The fool showB his folly and knows
it not, but the wise guy knowa his
folly and shows it not.
Hall't Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally. Price, 75c.
Two court injunctions are equiva
lent to a pair of suspenders.
To many people mistake a polite
acknowledgement for an encore.
Inalat on Getting It.
Some growers suy they don't keep De
fiance Starch because they have n atock
In hand of 12 or. brands, which they
know cannot he sold to a customer who
has once used the 16 os. pkg. Defiance
Starch for the samo money.
It Converted the Moonshiner.
The fate of those Arkansas farmer
boys who poisoned themselves with
"whisky” made from wood alcohol
made such an Ir-ipresslon on John H.
Brumley, moonshiner, that he loaded
his still Into a wagon, drove to Hot
Springs and surrendered it and him
self to the United States commission
er. His whisky had always been pure
stuff, he said, but he wanted to get out
of the business. *
Russell Sage’a Brick.
Russell Sage boarded a Sixth avenue
elevated train at Rector street one day
last week. He carried under one arm
a sample brick wraped in a news
paper. It was one that the builder of
the Emma Willard seminary had
taken to the financier’s office. Re
pairs to Mr. Sage’s hall are to be made
and Mr. Sage wanted to see the brick
that is to be used. It was worth per
haps 2 cents. At Twenty-eighth street
a sporty looking youth, who evidently
knew the great man, reached down,
seized the brick, dashed to the door,
was down stairs and away before Mr.
Sage, much annoyed, could get to
the door and breathlessly explain to
the guard what had happened. "I felt
sorry for him," said the latter, when
he told of the experience. “He looked
real sad at losing that brlca, but I’d
have given a dollar to have seen the
face of the other fellow when he cut
the string. ’
A Good 8tory.
Frederika, la., July 13th.—Mr. A. 8.
Grover of this place tells an Interest
ing story showing how sick people
may regain their health if they will
only be guided by the experience of
others. He says:
"I had a very bad case of Kidney
Trouble, which affected my urinary
organs so that I bad to get up every
hour of the night. I could not retain |
my urine and my feet and limbs began
to bloat up. My weight was quickly
running down.
"After I had tried many things in
vain, I began to use Dodd’B Kidney
Pills, a medicine which had cured
some other very bad cases.
"This remedy has done wonders for
me. I have gained eight pounds In ;
two months. The bloat has all gone
from my feet and legs, and I don’t \
have to get up at night. I took in all '
about ten boxes before I was all
Those who stifTer as did Mr. Gro
ver can make no mistake in taking
Dodd’s Kidney Pills, for they are a
sure, safe and permanent cure for all
Kidney urinary disorders
Money makes the mare go, but its
peasua8ive powers are often wasted
on the automobile.
The tighter a man becomes the
looser his tongue gets.
Seek a generous man if you would
find a truly grateful one.
More Flexible and Lasting,
won’t shake out or blow out; by using
Defiance Starch you obtain better result*
than possible with any other brand and
t>u*-tblrd more for same money.
Occasionally a woman thinks her
figure is one of nature’s miscalcula
When two women talk the subject
of their conversation is conspicuously
Promoted by Shampoos
of Cuticura Soap
And Dressings of Cuticura the
Great Skin Cure
Purest, Sweetest, Most Effective Remedies
. for Skin, Scalp and Hair.
This treatment at once stops falling
balr, removes crusts, scales and dan
druff, destroys hair parasites, soothes
Irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulates
the hair follicles, loosens the scalp skin,
supplies the root# with energy and
nourishment, and makes the hair grow
upon u sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp
when all else falls.
Millions of women now rely on Cuti
cura Soap assisted by Cuticura Olut
ment, the great skin cure, for preserving,
purifying and beautifyiug the skin, for
cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and
dandruff, and the stopping of falling
balr, for softening, whitening and
soothing red, rough and sore hands, for
baby rashes, ltchings afid chafing#, for
annoying Irritations, or too free or
offensive perspiration, for ulcerative
weaknesses, and many sanative, anti
septic purposes which readily Buggest
themselves, as well as for all tho pur
poses oi (he toilet and nursery.
Cuticura remedies are the standard
skin cures and humour remedies of the
world. Bathe the affected parts with hot
water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the
surface of crusts and scales and soften
the thickened cuticle. Pry, wltltout
hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Oint
ment freely, to allay Itching, Irritation
and inflammation, and soothe and heal,,
and, lastly, in the severer forms, take*
Cuticura ttesolvcnt, to cool and cleanse
the blood. A single set is often suffi
cient to enro the most torturing, dis
figuring skin, scalp and blood humours,
from pimples to scrofula, from infaucy
to age, when all else fails.
Bold throuifiout the world. Cutfeoni SUtolreut. KOe <!•
form of Chocolate Coated Pill*. 26o. per rial af#D). Olnt
fwent, Mr . Horn. 2V. Depot* t London. 27 CharUrhooto
B-i Pert*. fi Hue d# la Pei* : Rocton. 137 Columbvu ATI*
otter Drug a Them. Corn , Bolt “rope
9T Brua tor •• How to Cura Every Humour.**
prove the Peeling and
Cleansing power of Paxtine
Toilet Antiseptic we will
mall a large trial package
with book of Instructions
absolutely free. This Is not
a tiny sample, but a large
package, enough to con
vince anyone of its value.
Women all over the country
are praising Paxtine for what
it has done In local treat
ment of female Ilia, ouring
all Inflammation and discharges, wonderful as ts
cleansing vaginal douche, for sorq throat, nasal
catarrh, as a mouth waRh and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth, Send today; a postal card
will do.
bold bv druggists or sent postpaid by os. BO
Ceuta, large box. Satisfaction guarantee^.
THE K. PAXTON CO., Hoston, Mass.
Sit Columbus Are
Cor. 19th tod
Leawinorth St*.
The only poettive cure for Drunkenncaa*
Drag-Fling and the Tobareo Habit- Oor
retpuBdence strictly confidential.
wm a burns. Manager,
Ash four Physician'* Advice. BOOKLET FREE.
Philadelphia Truss Oc.. €10 Lsawt St., Phila., Pb